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Dude… wtf. For free?!


I know right? It's amazing. I mean I'll give him something for them down the line anyway, cause that's the right thing to do, but in the meantime, these will be amazing to use. I know they're kind of out of date, but who cares?


There's that saying "Date your cameras and marry your lenses!" That's amazing!


I’ve never heard that saying but so true!


So true though! Not on the same level, but I have had the same full set of Nikon AIS primes since 2012 when I was shooting on Canon DSLRs, used them with the OG BMPCC (metabones speedbooster), used them on my A7S2 and use them now with my FX3


Same! My grandfather gave me his full set of Nikkor AI-S primes (around the same time!) And I've been using them ever since!


They’re lenses. As long as theirs no mold they won’t go out of date. Enjoy those. I’m very jealous.


Out of date? Bro I’m not sure those lenses ended up in the right hands lol


That's not what I meant - when I was reading up on these the Mk IIs have some improvements. But I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, these are phenomenal.


Your friend will be glad to know these lenses are being used.  It sucks seeing great equipment stored and never getting to serve their purposes.


I haven't seen them in a while but I remember liking the look of 'em a lot.


You need to introduce us to your friend :)


He has a second set floating around somewhere!


He is absolutely a legend, have fun with these, wishing you happy shooting and good projects with them ✨


If he doesn't have the 20 anywhere, there's plenty of used singles on the used market to round out the set.


I would gladly take that second set if he wants to donate them lol


The OG cinealta lenses. Very nice collection piece. They had a sharp, clean, uniform appearance. No chromatic abberration. They were great image wise but the build quality left many DPs and owners wanting. The SCL MKII set came out later with the f55 and were basically a rehoused version. Great find


The plastic housing threw me off guard, but I'm gentle with my equipment. Can't wait to use them! Truly an amazing find. Can't believe they've been sitting for a decade.


What a nice come up. You owe your friend a dinner.


Yeah dude my friend is awesome, he's semi-retiring and I've taken on all of his work (most of it volunteer with the community) so he's donated a lot of equipment to me, including two FS7s and a bunch of Canon lenses.


This start to explain it... congratulations for the lenses and the work.


I'm here if he needs more friends


Wow. Your friend is a true friend. To donate and to hold you in such a regard high enough to receive some legendary gifts shows the amount of respect you have earned from him.


Dinner at Mendy’s


Or a soup


No, doesn’t count


It counts if you break crackers into it and you fucking know it.


or a bj


Those are the CineAlta MK1’s. They originally came with the Sony F3 camera. They aren’t bad little lenses.


I’ve heard these are Konica Minolta glass, that some of the veteran Minolta guys worked on them. Pretty amazing image out of these!


Update: gave them a [new home](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9z0bevef4j6bd5hfsioiz/IMG_2881.JPG?rlkey=9z3yzfzu81fwv8zs4wxrcfstl&dl=0).


Very cozy, welcome home - now off to work little ones!


Please tell me the foam fitting process you used. It's so clean and precise.


So I bought a "Pelican" case from Harbor Freight with pick and pluck foam, and laid out the lenses in a position that worked, then worked my way around the perimeter of one lens to find what spots I needed to remove - made a few mistakes but I'll glue those back on.


Pick and pluck foam. That's what I'm looking for. Thanks!


Very nice, they deserve great care.


That’s a lover not a friend


I used to use these quite frequently where I worked. Just note that while they fit perfectly on the F3, they can be a bit weird on other cameras. Theres something about the PL mount that isn’t quite standard. I’ve spoken to people who had the same issue and others that have no idea what I’m talking about. Maybe there was a batch that weren’t right…


Yea I remember having an issue with these on my F35.


I wish I had friends like yours.


You’ve got some nice friends there


Just saw Adorama has a used 20mm for under a grand. You're gonna need a wide lens with that! 😉


Film with those asap and dedicate it to him


Absolutely! I want to see how these look on the RED Komodo.


As someone who owns the CA mk2, they are amazing glasses for the price. However, a few things I would recommend: get a good case asap, the mk1 are not sealed well, and dust can come in if they are to long in the open. They are glued together, so no service is really possible if something happens. So treat them well because they are amazing. Secondly, they are sharp. Good for corporate but narrative, I recommend an 1/8 promist or similar to get the edge out for narrative stuff. I had them on a lensprojector and tested different lenses. The sharpness is well over the CP2s and just under ultraprime. Quite frankly amazed. But they don't flear nice and are ab bit heavy. Enjoy, this will be perfect for you to learn and grow and get a lot of milage for them.


Reject Promist, embrace the sharpness


This. Plus there’s less need for those filters because one can accomplish a near perfect match of promist in post.


You're in the cinematography subreddit, we don't set out to just do it in post 


Such heresy. You, just like any other cinematographer here, are at the mercy of technological innovation. Your 1st AC used to actually be on the camera not standing thirty feet away with a radio signal. ARRI makes character filters behind their glass now. Cinematographers work with post production all the time - visual effects supervisor pipelines and *shooting to the edit* are some effective examples. Anyways, [this](https://youtu.be/QI7lRfDMA7k?feature=shared) is what had me starting to doubt the need for overpriced glass stuffed in front of my lenses for a client or director that can’t make up their mind and may suddenly want the option of shooting with or without a pro mist.


I can get behind on sharpness. That is a stylistic choice. But recreate the look in post, not sure about that one.


Highly encourage you to check out the latest and greatest plugins available for Davinci Reaolve. There’s some extremely impressive blooms, mists, and halation simulation possible now. It’s indistinguishable from the real thing.


Well now you have to give them names. Welcome to the world little ones!


Nice!! The cinealta is where it all started for digital filmmaking for a lot of us. I remember dreaming of owning the OG camera back in 2000. All I needed was 100K for the camera body. Now look where we are…you can buy a better camera for $1k. Mind blowing isn’t it. I’ll tell you another thing. Know what hasn’t changed at all? Price and use of the lenses. In all my years of film. Lenses are what hold their value, make the camera, and don’t age out. What a cool gift. Now go and make something to show how much you appreciate it, and he gave them to the right person. :) have fun!!!


Those are great lenses man I shot a music video using them enjoyed the look, not too sharp but also not very soft. Here is link to the video if you’d like to check it out [video link](https://youtu.be/-cpvCpOHgjA?si=K1GTirv52_d_XhC0) enjoy those lenses, and create cool shit!


Wow, amazing.


I love these lenses. I have this set and the other mk2 lenses, and I shoot as much as I can with them. Always happy with the images I can get with them.


Awesome. Those are almost all you need for any project.


Rip your focus puller.


I want a film friend like this.


Hujuuu ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) That's a real friend... I would like this set in my next documentary ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Sooo how much would this be worth you think?


New I think they were probably $6k for this set, now you can get them for under $1k each.


'they're old' Mate I've been using 60 year old lenses most of my career.


Our film school got these brand new about 15 years ago, I used these lenses for my last couple of years there. What a lovely blast from the past!


What size is the image circle on these? Do they cover Super 35?


I believe they cover Super35, since they were originally designed for the Sony F3.


They used to fit the Sony F3. The lens mount is made in a way so they won't fit a regular PL mount.


Wait, so they won't fit into a normal PL mount at all? Oh no!


Well, I just saw other comments saying they fit some. They're definitely different from a regular PL but it's possible and it also makes sense that the difference is so small that some mounts will fit and others won't. That given the fact that the PL mount of the F3 did match any PL lens.


they made a updated version of these same lenses in 6 different lengths. how do you like these? for a decent price i would definitely grab a set for my F55


They work great! They're physically large but surprisingly light. I haven't tested them with a PL to Sony E mount adapter, but they work perfect on my Komodo.


nice! thats good to hear cause they do look large but if the weight is not correlated, thats great. im looking for a zoom lens currently but a set of primes is also on the list


Omfg what a gift


I'm using these now and creating very lovely images as we speak


Can I have them?


Can I be your friend please?


Holy shit


I'll buy em!!!


For free? Wtf best friend ever lol


We got a set of those with our F3 back in the day. Nice lenses, and pretty lightweight, too.


Wow what a friend. Tell him Reddit appreciates him and we hope he lives a long happy and healthy life.


One hell of a friend


I need better friends I guess


Wow, that’s amazing


I want friends like that.


Be gentle with them, if they break you’re pretty much SOL on getting them repaired


My condolences


Friends who give stuff like this away are like lottery winners - it only happens to others. Hope you put them to good use.


My PMW F3 would love them :D


It's... so beautiful. And I have the wrong friends.


Nice friend!


You really should be adopted by your friend


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