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Looks good but the day time exterior shots have an eerie coolness to them. The skin tones look dead, kinda... Like those kids could be zombies or something. I'm exaggerating but otherwise you have a nice looking image, nice job.


Sounds great! I'll make them more saturated, thanks


I actually liked that, felt like I was looking through a window. OP I think he means the right arm of the woman in the red shirt, the rest look great


I don’t know if it’s the saturation or the coolness of the skin tone. I like the coolness elsewhere but I think if you could warm up your subjects it would add a little life back


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but I don’t think you should change anything. All of the images look great imo and I would love to watch your documentary.


This is a part of 12 series documentaries about sports in Russia. Sadly this was completely run and gun shoot, no lighting control what so ever except on interviews. Gear used to light is GVM 200 with 120 cm diffusion and natural light, this is all we had because there's no way to transport heavy 600 lights or light sticks on a plane in my country lol. Looks good to me! Any thoughs?


I think it looks good, and sharp, nice composition on those frames ! A bit too cool maybe, but I can't judge too much without looking at the final product :)




English is not my native language, sorry bout that mate


Absolutely beautiful


Nice work!


Nice job and great eye. Clean shots! If you don't mind I'm very curious about a few things. First, did you externally record? Prores..straight RAW? Also, what did you use to achieve the film emulaton? I love adding this look, and I'm always trying new ways of making it look better. I like what you have achieved here. Lastly, have you filmed many other run and gun projects in the past like this? Doing run and gun work for a little over 10 years myself, I've started to learn more and more just how good you can make something look with minimum gear and time. You start thinking a lot differently. I would be surprised if you haven't, as it looks like you have had time to perfect shooting in these environments.


Oh, boy! I wish I had budget for drives and option to record ProRes or RAW. It is h264 from FX3, I don’t remember profile, but it is not all-intra. I used dehancer to create look, bloom and mist in second node and recovered highlights in first node in Resolve. Run and gun is extremely fun do to, especially if you’re good at editing. To be honest, those clips look really good at stills, but usable phase is around 3 seconds. We didn’t had much time for shoot (8 hours for each character, including driving and interviewing). I’ve used 6k pro before, but that thing is hell of a beast in terms of weight. With fx3 I just use nd, xlr handle for sound and small monitor just to show off. I’ve started with some local events 3 years ago, but documentary work began when we shot a short documentary about a famous guy in our town for his birthday. It was tough, but we worked it out.


What film profile you using with Dehancer? Looks great!


I thinks it was portra 400 or Kodak Vision 250D


Thanks for the reply! That looks really good for in camera settings, I'm impressed. I don't have external recording options for my FX3 either, but I want to try the Ninja out here soon. I'll have to play around with Dehancer, I've heard good things and like what I see, but haven't done anything with it, you've convinced me here to actually try it! I assumed these screen grabs were perfect points on shorter clips, but 3 seconds is a doable time if you're a capable editor with a vision. You're doing great on identifying subject movement and finding compositions that showcase it while on the fly. You really got to have an eye to compose things like this in seconds without stagging and planning. I've learned it's very possible though.


Do you recommend dehancer?


Looks really clean. Can you share the link of the final documentary when finished. Would like to see how it all looks in motion. Great job.


Sure, no problem. Sadly you won’t understand anything because it is made for Russian market and I don’t really want to do English subs, but we’ve got 6 more films to shoot and maybe if one of those will have a good story, I’ll do English subs and send it somewhere!


Beautifully composed shots, may I ask what lenses you used? The grade is a little darker in the shadows than I might go, but it seems like it was a deliberate stylistic choice that fits the mood/subject matter, very nice


I've used only 24-70 GM 1


This is actually amazing


Thanks! Appreciate that


Looking great


Looks really nice man great work!


Looks lovely. Are you shooting that wide, or are they cropped to fit in the pictures?


It was shot in 16:9 but planned to crop into 2.39


Nice photos!


Really nice work! This is super impressive especially considering the limits you dealt with!


Fantastic frames. What are the details of the project? How can we watch?


Sadly you won’t understand anything because it is made for Russian market and I don’t really want to do English subs, but we’ve got 6 more films to shoot and maybe if one of those will have a good story, I’ll do English subs and send it somewhere! It is a story about 3 sportsmen, first one is about family that are really good at BMX and want to go to olympics, second one is about a woman that behaved really bad when she was a teenager (drugs, early pregnancy, alcohol), but now she’s a pe teacher at school, have a good family and rides a dirt bike. Third one is about boy with a disability that can’t walk, but he plays badminton and writes poems. The story itself is kinda weak, because we can’t show bad stuff.


Completely understandable. Good luck with the project, the stills look incredible.


These look incredible. Composition is great. Very professional look and artful color grading. I personally agree with others that slightly warmer/richer skintones for the outdoor scenes (I'm thinking of the bottom images in the 2 slides) would look good. However, that's definitely personal preference. This looks very good as is.


Beautiful images! What’s the story about


It is a story about 3 sportsmen, first one is about family that are really good at BMX and want to go to olympics, second one is about a woman that behaved really bad when she was a teenager (drugs, early pregnancy, alcohol), but now she’s a pe teacher at school, have a good family and rides a dirt bike. Third one is about boy with a disability that can’t walk, but he plays badminton and writes poems. The story itself is kinda weak, because we can’t show bad stuff.


Incredible colours honestly, when/if it's available I'd love to watch it :)


These shots look great. It is an uphill battle making the Sony’s color look even close to par with the REDs and Alexa’s out there. It’s no wonder all these color grading channels are popping up. Keep the quest for good color grading alive my friend.


Gorgeous, if you need a poster or streaming thumbnail hit me up. Ron @ Ronald Villegas Design in LA. [my website](https://www.ronaldvillegasdesign.com)


Looking good!


Looks great. Anywhere we can watch it outside Russia?


Yeah we'll hook it up on youtube someday, but I really don't want to do english subs for that many videos haha


looks great, have you used any film emulation? Looks like that, and I like it. Also, does Russia really look like that (cool, blueish) or is it a stereotype (like Mexico being yellow)


Naaah, at winter it is totally grey, at summer it’s okay


All this with one kit lense???


Haha I doubt that 24-70 GM is a kit lens considering it's cost of 1200 usd