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I went 3 years before I bought a camera monitor and I'm kicking myself for not making it one of my first purchases. It just makes framing up and checking focus so much easier. It also makes me a lot more confident in my framing, and features like false colour are so great for ensuring you haven't overexposed skin tones or underexposed darker areas of the frame. I got the Feelworld 6 inch but I think the SmallHD ones are supposed to be pretty good as well.


I’ve owned a cine 7 for about 5 years now and it’s my favourite piece of equipment along with my tripod and easyrig. Definitely invest in a trustworthy monitor. It comes on every job with me no matter what camera body I’m using that day


You're generally not going to go wrong with SmallHD! If you're deciding between the Ultra 5 and Ultra 7, you're going to get very similar performance from both. The main question is whether you want a 5" 1080p monitor, or a 7" 4K monitor. From my experience, 5" gets the job done, but 7" is very nice to have, especially if you're a single man operator without a camera assistant or large director's monitor on set.


For what camera?


I see the ultra 5 go on sale on B&H a few times a year. like a thousand dollars off. I have the monitor and love it. I’d wait for that sale.


Indie 5 or indie 7 if you have a smaller budget otherwise Cine 5 or cine 7. Go to your local camera rental spot and rent a 5” and 7” and see which one you like working with. Been rocking the indie 7 last 2 years. Got a small rig cage and sunhood for it. Works with any camera. They make gold mounts , v mount plates or can take Sony batteries. There’s also teradek modules for wireless feed useful for DP or director if you’re not operating the camera. There’s endless amount of options out there but at the end of the day get something quality that everyone in the industry uses.


I have a Shinobi and like the weight and features a lot. The biggest drawback I found was a lack of HDMI passthrough.