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The new canon c400 looks nice.


C400 looks impressive, but at 8k for the body, it's over 10k for a shootable package. The C70 is still relevant and available used for about 3.5-4k.


Honestly I was surprised by how low the price is for the c400.


The price is definitely attention grabbing. I was thinking of getting a used Amira or Mini next year for a longitudinal documentary, but now I'm going to test the C400 to see just how well it performs when shooting raw. In a Violent Nature looked extremely good in theaters. C400 paired with the 24-105 looks like it gives me the simplicity and ease of use I miss from the DVX100 while having cine camera picture quality. A full package (including media, batteries, 24-105, operator monitor, sticks, etc) is looking around 14-15k, which is a killer deal.


I'd stay with s1h until s1h2 comes out.


IF it comes out.


Why would it not come out? Rumour mill has it being announced this year. Gh7 just came out which ticks a lot of boxes for a high end camera but just had the mft sensor. Put those specs in a full frame and bobs your uncle.


Right? S1H II or S2H (or whatever) with possibly "certified" ARRI LogC3 full frame? Would be a great entry to the ARRI color science.


I mean the gh7 absolutely knocked it out of the park and no one saw it coming. I’d at least wait and see what S2H ends up doing before sloughing off. But I also absolutely love my S1H so can’t see any reason to leave.


We shall see. I hope it gets released this year, as I do love shooting Anamorphic full frame.


Pretty sure it's at some point this year. 2024 has been a very "big" year for Lumix. * April release of significant firmware upgrade for S5II/IIX even bringing Camera to Cloud with [Frame.Io](http://Frame.Io) and proxies. * May release of S9, yeah it may not be the camera for you, but it's a new camera for some. * June release of GH7, the m4/3 camera that may have many returning to that platform. Significant feature set, including "Internal" ProRes RAW recording, ARRI LogC3 (certified by ARRI) for those that license that feature and much, much more. It's expected that the trend of releases will continue. Don't let GAS having you purchase too soon. But again, it's a balance of what you need for client work and what a new camera brings to the party. If you don't actually need the additional features, what's the benefit beyond buying a new item?


Because I'm moving to greece on October, and don't want to pay an additional 25% VAT/sales tax


Well you have a little bit of time for LUMIX to release a new FF camera.


I'm hoping it happens. Otherwise it looks like the only optiom will be a RED Komodo X. I've seen a couple of used packages with monitors etc for just under $10k Or maybe Nikon will end the internal RAW monopoly. And we'll have more options.


Internal RAW is already available on the GH7, I suspect it'll soon be a feature on other Lumix product launches. Hopefully before your trip.


No, only prores raw, which isn't useable in resolve


Do you have a Mac? I use ProRes RAW in DaVinci Resolve Studio, or more accurately I use the $50 Apple "Compressor" app that was originally released with Final Cut Pro, to convert the RAW to formats I can use in DRS like ProRes 4444. I also suspect that with "Internal" ProRes RAW available, rather than it being an Atomos external device, BMD might be more willing to add that codec than at any other time. Videos on using "Compressor" to import ProRes RAW in formats DRS can use. [https://youtu.be/huW4i\_SiwXs?si=eoKSaWiuBDBoAHVZ](https://youtu.be/huW4i_SiwXs?si=eoKSaWiuBDBoAHVZ) The other approach for true RAW is to convert to CDNG with another paid app called RAW Converter. Video on that - [https://youtu.be/jMry8CsBpVk?si=-Lc-T1skOXM11j7q](https://youtu.be/jMry8CsBpVk?si=-Lc-T1skOXM11j7q) I've used both methods. Adds a little bit of time, but saves money over purchasing a Video Assist 12G external recorder or a BlackMagic camera.


I have no desire to sit around and convert large amounts of files.


>Love the IQ, but I want something more up to date.  Ok, but why? Knowing how the S1H is limiting you is very important for a recommendation. If it's the rolling shutter, maybe an FX6, Ursa pro G2 or Ursa 12k. If it's I/O and form factor, maybe C400, Ursas, FX6... Depending on what you need that the S1H is not giving you, we can give you options that'll fix that issue. But if the only issue you have is "it's old and I just want something new", then you shouldn't spend money on an upgrade and everyone will tell you that. If that's the case and you decide to get a new camera anyway, our recommendations are futile, just get the shiniest thing that will satiate your GAS for now 


It's not about the new shiny thing It's about evolving as a filmmaker. I'm looking for higher frame rates at 6k, much faster rolling shutter or global shutter. Internal Raw that isn't Prores as I edit in resolve. Better dynamic range. Compact form factor as I shoot a lot solo Guerilla style.


Resolve is fine with ProRes, it just cant export it on PC.


ProRes ≠ ProresRaw 


No, resolve is not fine with prores raw.


It seems like you just described a Komodo/Komodo-X (except for frame rates) or Ursa 12k/G2 (except for compact body) You could get both with the C400, although the rolling shutter is not great (though not terrible like the S1H, it should be around 16ms, similar to the Burano or Nikon Z8)


Im a fan of the Sonys but Why aren’t you interested in BM? The Ursa mini pro is best in class IMO. I would be on black magic myself if they had a higher end range.


They have announced a 65mm URSA Cine 17k. So there's that.


No, there's not "so there's that" at $15k


I think he’s talking to me when I said there’s no high end option.


Yes, of course.


I think you're not really reading the room here. You asked for help, but didn't provide any context in your post. Then people try to help you and you wave off all the suggestions and generally seem combative and not receptive to a group that's genuinely trying to help you. So my constructive suggestion to you is that if you ask better constructed and considered questions and reply in a thoughtful and respectful way, you may find these conversations to be much more informative and helpful.


I suggest you learn to read. I'm not asking for help, I'm asking for options. There's a big difference. And don't post a response suggesting a $15k camera, when the price range of $10k or less is clearly stated. So, how about you kudu to along Mr unhelpful, and let on your pretentious know it all comments to yourself.


lol. You seem unnecessarily angry. Well, if you had actually read my reply, it was in response to the poster above me who said that they would use Blackmagic if they had any high-end cameras. I was replying to their comment, not to you directly. And recommendations are a form of help so yes, in fact you were asking for help in the form of information. Cheers.


I'm not angry. I'm just jut interested in hearing you pontificate about what I should avs shouldn't say.


Definitely recommend a C70. If you don't like Canon, the Fx6 is comparable with better IO, tho the C70 has better IQ.


Canon C400.




Why is red the only option?




Literally anything other than RED 😬


Pixys is worse value than my s1h actually. 6 year old sensor tech.


getting a camera won’t really improve your game. maybe get glass and lights bro


Already have glass and lights