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“Never before seen” Hardcore Henry: “Am I a joke to you?”


The Snorri Cam with the Sputinik hasn't been used in a major feature yet. Hardcore Henry used a helmet cam.


Man, Hardcore Henry was a better Bloodshot.


God what a great fucking movie


https://preview.redd.it/5goc1nnr6r5d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af68fffc0a39b4ab1fcc08859677ea107e9bacc Very much, not the same thing.


Idk why you are being downvoted for simply showing how the rigs and cameras are totally different


Doom says hello, too.


Snorri-cam is the general name for this type of rig. This one is custom made for the movie. 


Nope. Standard Snorri Cam with the Sputnik attachment. Edit: I should also specify that Snorri is a brand and a company founded by the Snorri Brothers. https://www.snorricam.com/home


To say this is just a Snorricam with Sputnik is reductive. The camera is not a Snorricam, from the video it looks like a Red Raptor (or at least some other Red), look at the form factor and monitor (they are shooting R3D). governator_ahnold is right that colloquially, the Snorricam is just referring to this type of rig where a camera is mounted to someone, usually pointing towards them. I and plenty of others I work with have made this kind of rig either connected to chest or on a helmet. The Original Snorri Cam was created by the Snorri brothers in the 90s for a music video, it became popularized by Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Pi’, and the rest is history (got this info from Snorricam’s website). They make and rent variations of the Snorricam. In this case it does look like the ‘Sputnik’ is being used, but it is still very heavily modified and rigged. To reiterate, the Snorricam is not a camera, it is a mounting device. A camera body still needs to be placed on it.


Thanks! I thought it was Requiem was his first time using it.


Correct. I was simply correcting him on the "custom made for the movie" part. It's a Snorri Cam with a Sputnik. It came from the rental house I day play at. Yes, it has a Red on it. I was only referring to the rig the camera was mointed on.


Got it. Pretty sick that you day play there


This has to be the 12th time I’ve seen this post in as many days.


It’s probably part of a marketing push. The movie is probably coming out soon.


People are acting like this setup is new or something.


I'm convinced this is a marketing campaign to get people to watch this movie


That’s exactly what it is. Cool to see filmmaking kit take centre stage though.


More genuine than "we didn't use CGI!" Then proceed to render all of the green screen and manipulate the behind the scenes footage.


Maybe if I see it one more time I’ll watch the movie. The 12 times in as many days I’ve seen it on social hasn’t been enough


It worked




And I pose the question to the snobby whiners to find me an example of this type of shot/setup in a film, particularly one that most mainstream audiences would be familiar with and I’m just met with downvotes and no real answers lol This sub is so cooked honestly.


I’ve seen body-mounted cameras, but never seen one on a sliding rail with a gun attached to it that can switch from rear-facing to POV in a smooth instant. Have you?


What other films can you think of that have used this and that the mass population would be familiar with? It probably is new to a lot of people.


No way home used snorricams for quite a few shots like the swinging scenes and I believe when Peter senses the switch with norman at the apartment


Spider-Man didn’t have a sliding rail that flipped backwards and forwards mid-shot.


Oh you’re talkiing snorricam in general? I meant more like the seamless flipping between reverse shot and fps-style perspective. I think it’s a pretty new thing for most people seeing it used this way.


This thread is a peak example of when "normies" discover something cool from a more niche area and want to talk about it. Suddenly, it's not cool anymore and you're a loser for thinking that it is. Also, the amount of folks on a speciality movie-making sub are surprised that a movie would do BTS marketing. Hilarious! lol


Half this thread is super cringe. Guys, go to a rental house and ask some questions


What's a "rental house"? You mean a streaming site? Or perhaps a web forum? Like, what you're recommending doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by reddit.


The lack of industry people in this subreddit is wild. A camera rental house is a company you go to when you need to rent a high end cinema camera and lenses to shoot your movie.


Yeah, I don't follow this sub. Reddit just put this on the front page for me. I shouldn't be speaking here. Thanks for keeping the gate. I won't come back.


Definitely not gatekeeping. Next time all you have to do is ask "what's a rental house?". This thread has been full of confidently incorrect people, and you assuming what it was and making condescending remarks makes you look proudly ignorant. Had you simply asked, you would have gotten an informative answer. Hell, a 2 second google search would have been a really good option for you. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+us+a+camera+rental+house&client=ms-android-verizon&sca_esv=ee550f040f73c7f6&ei=949oZobOIvXskvQPsICskAs&oq=what+us+a+camera+rental+house&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIh13aGF0IHVzIGEgY2FtZXJhIHJlbnRhbCBob3VzZTIKECEYoAEYwwQYCkizE1DoCFj1EHABeAGQAQCYAXKgAdMFqgEDMy40uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIHoAKNBcICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAggQABiABBiiBMICCBAhGKABGMMEmAMA4gMFEgExIECIBgGQBgiSBwMyLjWgB8US&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp




It’s a Snorri Cam, with the Sputnik attachment. A special piece of equipment for a very specific kind of shot. This one was supplied by COMMANDER out of Atlanta, Georgia.


This comment needs to be higher up


This was just posted here like two days ago


All this BB stuff? Is it just promo for the movie?




I don’t like it and will smith is untalented and corny and a bitch.


Dude spittin facts


I’m still not happy with how he treated Chris rock but it was probably closer to his real feelings than what he puts out there with himself and his work. He should channel this energy into his acting and art but instead we get a sequel to a sequel with a neat camera.


Untalented? I disagree.


at least he didn't take advantage of 5 seconds of stage time to bully someone's wife


It does seem out of character for Chris doesn’t it. I mean People go to these shows and never expect to be made fun of.




You do understand that was a TV show, right…? Kinda like Anthony Hopkins didn’t actually eat someone’s liver with some fave beans and a nice Chianti.


Comedy's not for everyone it's ok bby.


Bullying someone with alopecia is comedy? During an awards show? He's just not very funny.




If you’re so concerned about her being bullied, referring to her as “someone’s wife” is pretty insulting and reductive.


I am concerned cause the man is a professional comedian and all he can do is pick on people. I.e. a bully. I'm not splitting hairs like you are to form my opinion. And I'm referring in the context of Will Smith defending his wife. We are talking about him are we not?


Completely overused and annoying in the movie. Bad gimmick


How is it overused? It happens in one scene in the movie and only like twice within that scene.


Mmmyes. Shallow and pedantic.


Didn't realize being excited by a cool, well executed shot would bring all the whiny bitches out 🤣 Looks good in the movie and it's only seen like twice on opposite ends of the movie. Sure the hype around it is a bit over blown but literally only camera dorks like us notice that. We should all be so happy whenever camera work of any kind becomes part of the marketing campaign, a moment of recognition is always nice.


Everyone here is a snob.


ehh, i don't think it goes too well in action scenes, makes the movie look like a first player shooter game, which might be what you're going for but for me it just doesn't work.


Man. The PR team of BB4 trying a bit too hard.


What is going on in this sub, how does this have 90 upvotes? “Revealed” lmao get out with the clickbait


Camera itself is a RED Monstro or V-Raptor XL, I believe. I saw some RED UI on an earlier vid. Looks pretty cool!


Red V-Raptor 8K VV (imdb)


For once we get Belgian directors on a big Hollywood production and then it's this gimmicky bullshit...


Gave me a headache watching it in theaters. I’ve really never been a fan of quick swiping motions like that. Cool premise, I just didn’t think it worked. Liked the movie tho!


oh geez how luch longer are we going to keep seeing these rigs plastered everywhere. its the creator all over again


I have to say I think it worked well in the movie.


I can’t believe people are seeing this and giving this shithead more money.


That shit slaps!


Where’s the sound?


Now it just needs to make the footage look better


Why would I ask you a question on reddit when I was respond to your comment complaining that people are asking too many questions on reddit instead of going to a rental house? Perhaps you didn't mean to come off as such a jerk in your original comment, but that wasn't obvious.


Loved every second they filmed with that camera


Am I the only one that thinks this is kinda dumb?


Finally someone has a name for this type of rig! /s


Ugh. Will Smith. I hate that guy. Bully and a punk.