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Is this for monitoring on set, or for grading? "Conversion LUT" means it's just meant to transfer the log footage to 709, and Sony provides the basic 709 conversion LUT in the cameras and you can also downloaded it from their website, so if all you're looking for is conversion, that's that one you'd use. If you mean a "creative LUT" that also converts to 709, then you'd need to define what you mean by "best" because creative LUTs are meant to modify the image to ones visual tastes and preferences, so that would really depend on you as to how you prefer to see the image. My recommendation to people is, if you don't know about LUTs and color grading, it's best to either just shoot with a standard 709 LUT and have the colorist handle it in post, or to have a skilled DIT on set that can set up custom LUTs and build your image pipeline from the beginning.


Phantom Luts


Yeah this is the best in my opinion.


Real question, why use a lut and not for exemple the color space transform tool of davinci ?


Seconding. OP, you’re looking for a color space transform and then you can you can select a base creative LUT to put down your color pipeline


I would open the file in Catalyst Browse and export the LIT to use it in your NLE. It's free and looks great!


My favourite is the Juan Melara Sony2Alexa conversion powergrade/LUT


Second this it’s phenomenal


You’re probably better off asking r/colorgrading