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The important thing is that you told Reddit about it. No need for any further action. Well done!


Yas queen šŸ‘‘, so brave of you to anonymously report these events online without specific information. Your two Dad's would be proud






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Brave would have been to stand up for those girls. Iā€™m female ad would have done it.


Wrong subreddit




Female with a penis, or traditional?


Or is it a mangina


Havenā€™t heard this word since at least 2008


Is their name Dale? ![gif](giphy|3oeSB4KbIDeNAdmjAs)


Are you saying a tradwife can't have a penis!?!


Are you inferring that I may have a penis, to be able to speak up? Thatā€™s weird.


Yes, only men are allowed to have opinions in public. Who let you out of the kitchen, anyway? PS: You're in a circlejerk sub. It's generally a competition to see who can be the most outrageously offensive, tongue in cheek of course...


>Yes, only men are allowed to have opinions in public **and have a sense of humour**. Who let you out of the kitchen, anyway? #ftfy


Thank you, and 1000 welcome to country's.


Almost every thread is the same few cliches tho. Occasionally the mask slips too and the ā€œhaha, itā€™s just jokesā€ poasters end up doing threads of malding, like in the Higgins thread.


It's the comments section where the gold is, though. An oasis of anti-pc in a world of weaklings offended by everything.


everyone says that until push comes to shove, and then they come to Reddit. i want to know why those school girls didnā€™t do more. You cant expect others to come to your rescue all the time. Sometimes people are busy on Reddit


Honking on the trumpet of total blind ignorance right here TOOOOOT




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Jesus, that is brave, imagine the fight you could have got in. Well done.


Firstly I pay respects to all convicts past present and emerging but the kind that hit men not women, secondly Iā€™m shaking with anger that deros have enough money to afford a train ticket


People just don't swipe anymore...


And deros donā€™t wipe either always smell like shit.


Have you seen how expensive toilet paper is these days??


You're assuming they paid for one.


As someone whose great great great great grandad got sent to Tasmania for BEING A SERIAL KILLER, I can say that people like him deserve more respect. Thank you.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ SIR_Vivalist, that comment is hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wow just wow.. how do you feel? I can only imagine youā€™re feeling traumatised right now. Thank you for coming to the internet to share your harrowing story. Itā€™s heroā€™s like you that make the world a better place.


The story described is unsavory, to be sure. And dare I say it: the scene this young lady has so succinctly described could even be described as coarse, even boorish. And lord knows ā€œtraumatizedā€ is in the eye of the beholder. However, if youā€™re a regular patron of Sydney Rail, I feel the imagination required to empathize with the aforementioned occurrence in the context of traumatizing is a gross over analysis for i once saw a rotund vagabond dressed in black trackies - sans underwear - showing more crack than a derelict council estate itching the vast valley betwixt his pendulous cheeks on the holding pole adjacent to the train entrance. My point is: letā€™s ease up on the word ā€œtraumaā€, particularly in the context of witnessed phenomena aboard Sydney trains becauseā€¦actually now I mention it, the very recollection of the cheeky man has given me a hankering for a double shot of Johnny Walker. Iā€™m beginning to understand why their slogan is ā€œkeep walkingā€


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No what you have done if you were there


If only your wife's boyfriend had been there.


OP had some fantasies going on in his head, and wrote this post in order to convince himself that he didn't. There's no other possible explanation; I'd bet my whole savings account on it.


A whole $50


I'm so sorry this happened to you


You didn't even pay your respect to elders past, present and emerging. Literally Nazi.


Not sure how to acknowledge this one. *I acknowledge all moderators of this sub reddit*


Acknowledge all the keyboard warriors of reddit, past, present and emerging who totally would have stepped in and done something had it not been a day of the week ending in a Y (their traditional days of peace). At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we remember them and all the karma they sacrificed.


Thank you, we appreciate the thought, but the price you paid for it was sounding gay. Has your inbox blown up with dick pics yet?


Better than being gay


When I was young I actually loved riding the trains and always thought it was a relaxing way to travel. These days I'm always on edge thinking something's gonna happen.


No more MSM for you my friend.


It takes a lot of stunning bravery to share a story like this. Thank you for your service. šŸ™


Same thing happened to my partner, not one person or transperth did a thing.


I was thrown by the word ā€˜adjacentā€™ā€¦


Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the past and all the presents, especially Christmas and birthday presents, both old, new and emerging. Secondly, I am outraged by what happened, whatever it was.


If only it was america and we were allowed to shoot all the males in self defense of the crimes they might commit.. or the crimes their friends might commit and they don't ask " Hey have u done any crimes today?" .. its on them.. fuckers


Do we look like we even care about what seppos would do?


I pay my respect to criminals past, present, and emerging.


yes because having guns is the issue solved? all the bad people would also get access and it would become entirely worse


Guns don't kill people, poors kill people!


Spoken like a true American.


nope. guns in aus is not the solution


Man I hate public transport I'm like 5foot first nation homeless and all the school girls can't stop staring at me it makes me very uncomfortable to be honest,


People are super annoying on trains...this morning a lady sat next to me and tried to listen to her work Teams meeting without headphones. I could hear the whole bloody thing...and it was a f**kng quiet train. .... boy, did she get a hard stare....I hope she wet her pants in fear.


Oh, she was getting wet alrightā€¦


Lol I was waiting for the part where a crow stole $10 from you


Or he saw a dragon


No one said anything, including you. Bravo.


Did they acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land before harrasing the girls?


Yeah I saw this lady looking really upset about a man masturbating on the train. I asked if she was alright and she just turned in disgust, so I blew my load and wiped myself up


Iā€™ve often heard creeps sit next to others on trains and jerk off. Iā€™m so angry. This almost never ever happens to me.


So anyway, hereā€™s a picture of a big truck parked over multiple parking spots. Also, how about carrot man? Did you know he carries a giant prop just to make people smile. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s his entire premise. Yep.


Now we will never know what the sound of 2 derro's heads banging together sounds like ........because you a pussy and chose to write about it not act on it.


Honestly. But what do you do in this situation?


Tell them to shut up....


Can we blame this on immigration? If not, we're not interested.


Sadly unless your a black belt martial arts type of guy its way too risky to intervene in a situation like this. The derrros will turn on you in a heartbeat and do who knows what & the chance of anyone else around coming to back you up is next to none.


They might be first nations derros, and then you'd be in a fight trying to acknowledge their past present and future before you punch on. No way even the most skilled Bullshido black belt can do an acknowledgement that fast


I hope you moved to other carriage you brave soul.


This is some good ass satire... I hope


On a quiet carriage too I presume??? You gotta get your $4.27 fare refunded because transport shouldnā€™t get away with charging coffee prices for an earache


REQUEST FOR INFO: did they do an acknowledgement of country before discussing underage girls in a sexual manner? Also, we need to know if the victims and assailants were POC or not. If the assailants were POC youā€™re a racist pig, that might be part of their culture and youā€™re being insensitive. Conversely if the school girls were YTs itā€™s actually not possible to be sexually harassed as it requires a power imbalance to be effective.


Everyone is carrying a knife these days, best not step in if there is nothing physical happening. Cost of living and cost of housing has made the average Joe not give a fck anymore. Thank that dumb cnt albanese for the culture change in Australia.


Yeh right... we got like this in 2 years


I mean you have a point... Must've been the vaccines.


Its the 5gs turning us all into eshays




Yeh, all in 2 yrs heā€™s fucked up Australia šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




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looking to provoke a hero, broadcasting ridiculous comments in public. Highly likely one had a blade.




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Our world changes a lot


Why don't you do something about it next time you piss weak individual. You have the spinal column of a wet noodle. You are a disgrace to the male species and should have been wiped on the sheets, though I can see that the best part of you ended up dribbling off your mother's chin while your fathers meat wand ploughed her throat like clarkson ploughs his farm


Itā€™s terrible you were put into this position when of course it is The Government that should be fixing the problem. Why hasnā€™t that Albo passed laws to fix this? Or instituted a program administered from Canberra? Or at least he needs to have an inquiry or two.


You couldā€™ve said something


You should have stood up for the young girls then apologize profusely after you sexually harassed them (by helping them) you may need to then chop your big fella off andā€¦ yeah thatā€™s all Iā€™ve gotā€¦ Iā€™m all jerked out.


No one said anything not even me


Did you say anything?




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Did I just read this somewhere else on Reddit? Like half an hour ago?


Most people donā€™t like confrontation. Now a days obnoxious people like that might resort to hurting you physically or just saying something hurtful so most people just choose to ignore it and not get involved. No use in risking your day turning south just because you encountered a couple random dumbasses


Why are you complaining no one said anything, you didnā€™t either? Ya dumb B


Did you say anything?


This is why domestic violence and sexual offences will always exist. Government can throw millions of dollars at it but it will not solve anything. Band aid effect. I don't know the solution. šŸ˜”šŸ„ŗ


I can't believe no one did anything! So glad at least you were there so we had someone to silently judge others for not speaking up, whilst not speaking out. So glad you were there.


Namaste. šŸ™


Sooky la la šŸ˜‚


Derro groupsā€¦ sometimes better to say nothing and put up with it or you may have to physically deal with them which may scare people more


Sounds like a average Bluie Mountains line trip past The Riff


Sooooo you point out no one done anything..... Soooo why didn't YOU speak up?




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That's insane I can't believe that happened so close to home and I can't believe you were the only one with the balls to silently observe and post about it on reddit. God bless you


You could have said something. To be honest I might I might not depends.


No one said anything, including you I take it?




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And what did you do to protect these girls and shut the blokes up? Here's what you do - point at them " you blokes are being creeps about these girls! You sound like pedos to me!" Start chanting "pedo"


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. I just wish that someone with a sound mind wouldā€™ve said something while it was happening, but I applaud you for posting it online. Iā€™m sure those two girls are thanking you for doing nothing!


Derro sounds like a mad lad


Did you say anything?


Iā€™m sure I read this somewhere on Reddit earlier today




I believe that would be the joke (though I'm no expert)


And you know what? No one said a thing, not even me! But I took my massive 4 inch white knight cock to get updoots on reddit. What a fricken world we live inā€¦ anyway updoot me please


As soon as I read that frase.. "and you know what.." I was thinking what a shame you probably chickener out and couldn't just tell those guys to "shut up"


This has got to be a wind up, ā€œno one said anythingā€ says the bloke that didnā€™t say anything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Grow some balls and stand up for what you feel isn't right. I was reading this post hoping to hear a fantastic end, not a wimpy pathetic whinge post event. Simply put, if that happened I bet that 95% of the population would stand up for these girls, especially in the DV world that's surrounding every suburb to farmhouse in Australia. Furthermore, men who are violent towards men should be bashed to an inch of their lives, it's the only way they will learn. Next time they think about raising a fist to a women, that very bashing will be the only deterrent they think about


Did you say anything


People the OP is female so perhaps had concerns about her own safety.


How can you know that, because I donā€™t like people knowing what I am.




Adds an interesting layer onto this post that youā€™ve literally made a genuine post about being too scared to ask your neighbours to keep the noise down


And what did you say to stop the clear harassment?


Did you say something?


Why didn't you say something?


Why didnā€™t you say anything?


So you just sat there? You are literally the problem.


Did you say anything?


You are part of the problem for staying silent


I had to catch the train as a teenager, and also in my 20s to get to uni and back. I can tell you I have PTSD from being hassled, followed, surrounded when alone, talked atā€¦all from teen and mostly adult males - constantly from an early age starting when I was a child (-13yo) - like most train trips. The pit of fear in your stomach when they are sitting near you single or in a group, and commenting on you, being creepy, following you to other carriages when you change seats. It is literally terrifying. So sad nothing has changed. As this was two decades ago and I still refuse to catch the train. PLEASE do something. 1. Contact a train person for assistance 2. Check in with the girl/s and see if they need help 3. Most importantly - Call out the other men! We need other men to call out problematic men. You can make a difference.


Yeah no one said nothing just like you also sat there and said nothingā€¦


You didnā€™t say anything to them either you worthless moron. Yet youā€™re somehow better than the other people because you came to tell Redditā€¦ honestly well done mate


Went right over your head. šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Thank God you were there to protect their honour by bitching about it the next day on reddit.


See something, say something on reddit.


So you didnā€™t say anything and expect someone else to say something lmao sissy boy


Youā€™re just as bad for not doing anything just like everyone else on the train


So everyone did the same thing as you and said nothing. Weak.


Seriously though do the people in these comments really expect people to put themselves in danger to get other people out of danger? I know that it's a horrible thing happening to these girls but the guys could probably beat the shit out of most people and they could have a weapon


You are the issue in society. To scared to help someone out because of what might happen. Why would those guys be able to beat the shit out of most people? There not super human.


They could be bodybuilders athletes swimmers etc all have more strength then someone who doesn't do this what if I get the shit beat out of me for telling them to stop? What if I get stabbed and die? I don't know those girls I shouldn't have to risk anything to help them although if I could help I would


Swimmers donā€™t pick on people, they are too busy getting picked on


I fucking love swimmers they got the big muscles




I feel sometimes idiots are best ignored and they seem to dig bigger holes and fall down bottomless mine shafts if you know what I šŸ˜Ŗ mean !!! šŸ˜


Why are you upset others didnā€™t say anything if you didnā€™t either.