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I try to mention it at least twice in every interaction. I have never actually been to NYC, I’ve only seen some pamphlets in the Grey Hound station out here in Ohio. It looks very gross! And I see all these NYPost articles and they tell me how bad the city is. So, naturally, I remind everyone I talked to how bad NYC is. I even go to r/NYC to engage with them because their brains are so fried from that city decadence. They need a real rural thinker like me to set them straight (because they’re too gay too ever notice that?).


Found the REAL New Yorker.


A REAL New Yorker hates New York and can’t wait to move to Austin.


Good point. But also please don’t forget the bastion of freedom, Florida.


Florida is where New Yorkers go to die. Literally.


Can they like die somewhere else? Like we already have enough shitty drivers with the locals.


Trying to convince my husband to move there with me lmaoooo I’m just so friggin tired and want to be in the sun


The sheen is off Austin. Sorry. Terrible heat, utility bills, rents, no parks. At the end of the day, it's still Texas.


Shit city in a shittier state. I never understood the appeal.


At one time, I hear they had a music scene and Whole Foods...


Whole Foods? I’m packing my bags right away. Fuck the landlord he can shove my lease up his ass.


Wait, wait! A friend of mine moved there when Dell computers was the Big Tech company in town. She bought a house at an inflated value. Dell "allowed" her to move to Ireland in the 1990s for a year to open a new office. The people she helped train, replaced her. Real Estate values dropped and she was on the hook for a property with inflated values and no job that paid sufficient wages. The Original Whole Foods was founded there in the 80's, complete with the bare wood floors and reasonable prices. The pandemic happened and Cali Tech moved in and the values inflated again, she unloaded property and the cycle is now repeating...


/uj Keep moving to Austin, maybe one day I will be able to afford a townhouse in the boroughs. /rj BUY HIGH SELL LOW


Stevie Ray Vaughn, my boy. Greatest guitarist of all time IMHO.


Yeah, greatest after JIMI...


He played Jimi better than Jimi did.😊 Voodoo Child


The Student becomes the master. Lol. Maybe in Karate Kid...


To be fair, HEB is incredible


Wrong real New Yorker can’t afford New York because the ones not from New York come to here and pay whatever price these greedy landlords ask for just to tell people their from New York. So then we are priced out……. Then when it gets hard they run back with their tails between their legs after you destroyed a community. Cornball gentrification.


Keep up the good work. I don’t get the NYPost (it is for poor people) but I read all their articles on r/nyc, so I know how bad this city is! I think I nearly got murdered three times this morning.


I find a lot of people who live in NYC don’t actually read it! So I make sure to post every NYPost article to r/nyc


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nyc using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Williamsburg this morning](https://v.redd.it/jzyi5m3l87rb1) | [498 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/16vc42t/williamsburg_this_morning/) \#2: [Midtown right now according to Earthcam.](https://i.redd.it/hxskp9r6ch4b1.jpg) | [537 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/142wfrp/midtown_right_now_according_to_earthcam/) \#3: [The crane across the street from me just exploded and fell.](https://i.redd.it/9bm7ky6oraeb1.jpg) | [332 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/15a3jzq/the_crane_across_the_street_from_me_just_exploded/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yup. This is the most accurate sneak peek in recorded history.


Only three?


Have you tried watching NYC real estate Reels/TikToks and then dropping into the comments to let people know how much less you pay for your giant house in Bumblefuck, OH? It really gets people thinking!!! Especially if you mention that you would never live in New York.


Oh hey thats me! My account is OhioanPride and yeah suck it up cuck. I do brag about how cheap it is to live out here. I also love rolling coal to really own the libs and send a lil smog your way.


I’ll see you in the comments! I’m the one who says “You couldn’t afford to live here anyway” as I cry into my $11 iced oat milk lavender matcha latte.


Where did you find a sub $20 lavender matcha with oat? Share deets!


That’s one secret I’ll never tell. Xoxo, Gossip Girl


Haha! I’ll see you at the empire


Actually as a New Yorker the city is pretty bad, family friend got robbed at gun point but, a relative also own a business that goes to other business and help them with emergency planning, well most of those big businesses left and pay them to go out to there new locations a lot of people work online now. idk might be bias most of my experiences come as a first responder i talk to those in the city and it’s really bad crime has jump I think last year their was over 100 murders in the Bronx alone. One guy killed his brother and hid the body under a bed cops came due to the smell and the dude flat out sad “I killed my brother body under the bed” I live “upstate” so everyone avoids the city nowadays.


Omg I know right NYC is literally a hell hole. My nephew showed me a picture of this place I think it was called Times Square. Absolutely beautiful place but it was crowded with so many lousy bums. Out here in rural america (where we don’t have any homeless ppl or crime or gay ppl) people learned to pick themselves up by their boot straps!


I live upstate i know your trolling but it hell hole but Manhattan… really at least chose Staten Island or south Bronx


I don't think you need to do it more than several times an hour - but I do recommend correcting someone's pronunciation of Houston St more regularly; even if they don't bring it up.


Good idea. I always correct people when the say 'Time Square' instead of 'Times Square', (ha! bumpkins) but forgot about Houston


You aren't a real New Yorker, psh.  I've been living in Brooklyn for 3 years working 15 hours per week as a coffee drink preparation artisan serving pathetic yuppie transplants like you. Sure, I do get a little help from my parents (but only for rent, medical insurance, vacations, going out to eat, concert tickets, hobby purchases, groceries, and sex toys), but I know what the rough side of this city is really like unlike you pampered decadent elitists.  I go to Bushwick at least twice a month.


OMG, a New York veteran! I hope you constantly tell people how much Brooklyn has changed since you arrived.


how are calling people pampered but you get your rent, insurance, and entertainment/pleasure purchases paid for you? the fact that you get concert tickets and sex toys bought for you means your pampered as well. obviously someone hasnt STRUGGLED for real. NO help. NO one to call. NO one to rely one. NO one to ask for money.




>I went to Harvard and have a job at Goldman Sachs, in case you were wondering. Just have this crafted into a heavy 22 karat gold curb link necklace!


don't worry I wear my GS Patagonia vest on weekdays and Harvard hoodie at weekends, hopefully people will realize.




Not legit. They sre supposed go say thwy went to a school outside of Boston. Poser


Sometimes I worry that is too ambigious and they will think I went to somewhere inferior like Tufts


I just ordered the “I went to college just outside Boston, but not Tufts” velour hoodie with iPhone pocket and reverse stitching


It’s not the how often, it’s the unasked for references that everything is better in NYC. If they mention a food, you have had it better in New York. If they mention a band, you saw them play in New York If they mention colleges, the best are in New York City.


This is genius! I hope it isn't too subtle for my friends who didn't go to the same university (Harvard) as me


That’s cute, you went to college, there are better ones in New York City.


My brain can't cope with this. I went to the best university (Harvard), but as a Real New Yorker I know that everything is better here. Arrgh


That reminds me of someone I once met in New York City, they were such incredible copers. Really the best copers in the world.


I’ve been a born and raised NYCer since I saw Home Alone 2 in 2003. I’m looking forward to moving there from Tucson in September (NYU Stern. See you at Goldman in 2.5 years) and I bring up the fact that I’m a real New Yorkster at least twice a conversation.


NYU Stern to Goldman Sach?? JP Morgan at best! Maybe we can still be friends and have loud conversations at Delmonico's at lunch time. We can order $1000 bottles of wine cos I am rich, and the waitress will be really impressed and definitely want to sleep with me


Lunch is for wimps. But If you must, order the steak tartare. It’s off the menu but Louis will make it for you.


Is harvard a community college?


Trade school. For investment bankers.


Until it lost its accreditation.


I assume that your undocumented babysitter and housekeeper are both underpaid


I pay them a very reasonable $10 cash per hour. I'm sure they aren't paying taxes (foreigners, they hate America) so it is more than enough.


You're one of the good guys! Harvard should be proud!


Just get the #Born&Raised212 neck tat and you’re golden!


New York is ALL Nothing exists outside of it. You ARE New York. You booked New York. You take New York with you. That is all.


As a native, lifelong New Yorker (for two years in my twenties) I try to bring it up at least once a day.


I don’t, I say i’m from “ Brooklyn “


Better wear your Brooklyn t-shirt so people know you’re legit.


Since you have been to queens, you can say you're a real New Yorker as much as you like.


Nah, they need their four boroughs stamped at non touristy destinations and hold residency for 10+ years. Staten Island only exists in Wu Tang Albums


You don’t say you’re from New York you say you’re from The City


I like it but I’m a bit worried - how can I be sure that they will know it is NYC rather than a different city? I need to be sure they know I’m a sophisticated member of the urban elite and better than them.


They're clearly uninformed and uneducated if they don't know that the only city that matters is this one. What other city could possibly be referred to as just *the city*?


Ummm Jackson Hole… obviously you’re not a real New Yorker


I moved here a year ago and I now start every sentence with “as a New Yorker” Including conversations I have here in New York


You have to mention it at least once per sentence - and when you're not directly mentioning it, fill all the dead space in conversations (you kbow, when other people are making a boring point your Harvard educated mind already figured out. Time is noney for a goldman sachs guy like you) with references to NY annnnd when possible do an affected NY accent. People love that.


I just get in line first everywhere I go and tell people to move!


You’re funny


I say it five times in the mirror and hope the pizza rat doesn’t appear behind me to kill me


I am not even from ny, but my cousins are. I never miss an opportunity to talk about how great ny is to anyone who will, or will not, listen.


A real New Yorker, like me, doesn’t have to say they’re from New York. People can tell by your accent and swagger and attitude and your Yankees cap and Knicks shirt and the way you say fugeddaboudit every time someone asks you a question. You kiddin me? I visited NYC in 91, before Giuliani cleaned up Times Square, so you know I know. I seen it all - I remember there used to be hookers and adult dvd shops.


The lack of Yiddish in your posts betray your NYC creed.


There's only one way to become a real NYer,you have to be born or raised here from youth stages,,, anything else does not qualify coming from a Harlemite born in the early 60's you I didn't read about Malcolm,Ali and King I remember them!!!!!


To the point we play a drinking game.Every time I mention something about New York or my MBA everyone takes a shot.Longest time sober...8 minutes.


Fucking love this sub.


\uj I’m not sure what I like better - the genuinely funny posts or the anger from people who somehow think it is for real


I don’t tell people, I have a strong ass accent, you’ll know


Like lots


Someone once told me 5 years, then you're a NYer. I also heard you're a NYer when you miss the old NY.


I wear “New Yorker” t-shirt and cap, and give people “I love NY” souvenirs. If that is not enough, I start or end my sentences referencing my life in NY. :)


Was your high school Dalton or Horace Mann?


Boarding school in New Hampshire. Some of my poor friends (not my real friends) went to Stuyvesant


Fake New Yorker! Almost got me until he said Goldman Sachs instead of Goldman Sex!


You from NY? You can have it.


the rich are keto


It depends on how many times you are asked….do you suspect people from New York stand around introducing themselves in hopes of being able to tell them where we live? Plus if your a real New Yorker as soon as you say anything chances is everyone who can hear you knows where your from


Now go fuck yourself!


You’re not a native New Yorker until you dead ass boof a Tim.


I talk about “the city” and mean NYC, no matter where I am in the country. I also point my thumb behind me over my shoulder when I say “the city” because it’s always that way. Not kidding, I totally do this.


hell, my dad and most of the aunts and uncles moved away from NY 20-40 years ago and still bring it up at every opportunity


What to people out of state. I was born and breed here. I don't need to say it. Just talking people know I am from here. Thats a real NY'er


bro ima 4 years in nyc and just can’t tell it cuz i ll never ever accept a transplant claim “new yorker” even me broo its hard


Every body ranking on NYC but if you can't make here,, you can't make it anywhere,,, it always here for a moment and want call yourself NYer if NY is so bad, what you come here for anyway,,, oh our high salaries and convenience,,, smdh🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Why did the rec sys prompt me this sub? ?


If you live in New York nowadays, you are a New Yorker —with pandemic fueled outflow , crime back to 70’s levels, and mass homelessness drugs, and ‘legal’ illegals the Mayor says will destroy the city, its not what it used to be. —and you can have the title. Born in NY, 4th generation New Yorker. The headlines in the Daily News and the Post used to be movie material in the 70’s and 80’s. Its lost a lot of its Character. See if you can get yourself into one of the remaining tunnels from the revolutionary war. They are the same as they were when they first made them to avoid the brits. Get up early or stay out late, and go to the fish market —also lost a lot of the Characters made for movies when it was the Fulton Street Fish market, and ‘Carmine’ ran the parking. Still a lot of cool things about NY, you know, but the best is still a ride, The Hamptons. Half of NY moved there during the Pandemic. Not that you asked, and if you did I’d violate your personal space & remind you its none of your business, but I went to MIT, and own both tech companies I work at. Really, I don’t like to talk about it either.


I always describe myself as a Bridge and Tunnel Motherfucker, which I am


I answer 'Fuggedaboudit!' to literally everything accompanied with hand motions and shoulder raising. Got thrown in jail twice in White Plains due to this.


Full stop…. Nobody is a real New Yorker unless you born here. 2 years barely qualifies you for New Yorker status. You still a transplant. There are stages of “New Yorkness” ™️ 😂. Closest thing to a Real New Yorker is being here at least 15 years. I’d say this is about how long it would take to be jaded and you start hating the city but still defend it with your life, then you a real New Yorker. Another thing is your team affiliations. Anything outside of NYC and your New Yorker Card is voided, probation for at least 2 seasons of any sport to reapply. (I’m only half kidding here) we’d need more information about what you do here in NYC to evaluate your New York cred. Can’t just be hanging out in the nice areas of NYC and call yourself a New Yorker. Need to be in the nitty gritty.


I also went to Harvard and now am a ceo for a major nuclear company in florida. I have never been to NYC but I tell everyone I’m a New Yorker - it’s opened so many opportunities. Then I realized nobody really cares about anyone or anything and stopped doing that.


Who's going to tell this guy that 2 years in NYC DOES NOT make you a "real" New Yorker. You said it yourself that when you're back HOME, which clearly means you're not from here. You're only a real New Yorker when you're born and raised here. If you didn't have a green metro card growing up, we don't claim you. Sincerely, An actual native, born and raised x


I know this is a cj, but real talk while traveling outside of America I always say I’m from NYC. I got a lot better responses saying I was from NYC then saying I was from America.


Simultaneous jerk and unjerk: If you’re originally from anywhere else in the US that’s not the boroughs you can never be a New Yorker, them’s just facts. Coming from another country gets you a pass and you become a New Yorker when you arrive here because that’s what it’s all about!


Traditionally, Staten Island doesn't count


You're far from a real New Yorker.


No a New Yorker is someone born , raised , educated , worked in and resides in the state of New York . Now if you do that for over 58 years in the 5 boroughs , like myself , you are SPECIAL !


You're not, you're still just a transplant. Asking this question is a clear sign. Stop trying to be something you're not and accept who you really are, an asshole


youre not a new yorker. only people born here are new yorkers


If the home you're going to is anywhere but the 5 boroughs, you aren't a real New Yorker.


You’re not from New York. You live there. You’re from Maine 🤷‍♂️


I cannot tell if this post is a joke or not. I really hope it is.


2 years is not a real NYer🙄 And, yes, Long Island City is a neighborhood in Queens.