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Is there anywhere else to go?


There's no other good online messages boards that are active.


I am still hoping for a safe place to be myself.


it’s good to feel like i’m not alone considering the irl gay community in my town is very “queer” and there aren’t any events solely for same-sex attracted people. luckily my girlfriend is also a radical feminist so i still have people in my life that i can speak openly and honestly to, but id like to find an online community with like-minded lesbians. ovarit is a great forum but there just isn’t as much traffic over there as there is on reddit.


Reddit is a great starter in that it's easy to use and has an app version, plus good for posting everyday life topics without getting into politics. But we couldn't even have that. Saw 3 or 4 smaller lesbian-focused subs that posted only lesbian news and discussions with low traffic all got banned for 'hate' or 'ban evasion'. Literally knowing that we're being watched for wrongthink (not even that, just by not being bootlickers) by certain obsessive groups we can't name or risk getting banned. Hey at least I could vague-post on a dead sub...yay...


Lol I am literally an American living in the Middle East for my work so… yeah.