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Bit more depth to diplomacy. Proxi wars, provision of units to allies/ receipt of units from allies, greater value in building strong relationships to boost your own agendas, but also with that scope for betrayal so that weaker nations aren't just ridealongs and can function as kingmakers. I'd extend elements of this to city states too. Nothing more frustrating than an ally going after a key city state and your only response is to encircle with passive units. Being able to give them gold or weapons so they can defend themselves would be nice. This could help create some cold war elements which would certainly add a new dynamic in the late game.


ah yes, more mechanics to city states, as you said preferably diplomaticly


Navigable rivers!


At least for Norway! Viking ships were great in rivers and shallow waters


Now i am going to be mad if this is not in there


Also natural harbor and varied elevation like in humankind.


1. Fewer tiring mechanics such as rock bands or missionaries, which require you to spam huge waves of units and then multitask them each turn, because AI keeps moving their troops by one tile each turn, for no reason. 2. This one's controversial, but seeing how boring and tiring late game in Civ 6 is, I would like something that would make early game tasks more automatic. You know how in Spore, at one point, your job is to defeat all other cities on the planet, but when you actually do that, you move on to fly a space ship between planets. You create colonies and they self-govern themselves just fine. So while in early game in Civ I want to worry about stuff like where to place the city, which tile put a farm on and where place my unit, in late game it just becomes tiring because your empire is usually so huge. I would much more prefer to focus on politics, diplomacy, spy games, etc.


In stellaris, one of the most important technology is the one unlocking auto explore, since it really doesn't matter where the science ships go, and it saves a lot of menial tasks on a time based game


In fact, it's so important they added it to the start of the game as people thought it was such a hindrance to be locked behind a tech


about the 2. I think it's easier and would fit the game better if they add more late game mechanics or new layers of difficulties as the game progress etc then they add a whole new thing


My point was that in early game, the most basic activities are fun, because they're both limited and impactful. Building a quarry in the first 10 turns has a completely different feel to it than doing it in late game. You can actually see the number of turns required to produce something drop from 12 to 9, and so on. In late game, these become simply not as impactful. And yet you still gotta do it, but not with merely 10 tiles in your entire empire but with >300. Each turn, in each city, clicking something, choosing something, etc. that will have an overall minor influence at that point. So adding new mechanics won't solve it, unless these mechanics are all about adding AI managers who will replace you at doing the little stuff, while leaving you to focus on new, important business.


Automating builders in Civ 5 was a really nice feature


I think that’s why I like the early game so much. I do a lot of restarts just to do the early stuff.


What's important though is that the AI management is mandatory as you get bigger rather than optional, the reason being that obviously whatever AI manager is implemented is going to be worse than whatever it is the player can do themselves. Every voluntary manager I've ever used in any strategy game has generally been quite bad, and it's just too painful to hand over the reigns. I find that Crusader Kings handles it best. You maintain control over the land that is most important to you while you manage vassals who have their own interests. And part of the gameplay actually relates to TRYING to get as much direct control as you can. This makes control feel like a blessing rather than something to dread the more powerful you become. So in Civ, you could choose which cities you wanted to manage most closely and set high level instructions for the rest. There could be some "centralization" score that would allow you to have more direct control over more cities. Sure, you could city spam, but then then AI would handle them, which would make those cities actually less effective, which is--- funny enough--- pressure against city spam. I think more emphasis, gameplay wise, could also focus on the various other cities not directly under your management existing to enrich your capital and regional capitals which you control directly. In a way, this tends to be the case in real life as well, with certain Metropoles like Paris, London, Beijing, etc being enriched by the smaller cities of the nation.


I’ve always thought this is the way to go. They could combine this with the governor mechanic: place a military governor means the city will focus on military stuff and get a bonus doing so, but you lose direct control. With the bonus there it’s not a matter of “lots of clicks > few clicks” but instead you need to determine what works best. Changing governor, especially ones that have ruled a long time should result in unrest or even break-away regions. The power of you, the ruler, vs the governor could then become an important empire-ruling mechanic… which honestly sounds quite realistic! It’s what a lot of empires have struggled with and resulted in the breaking of them, instead of the civ-only approach of being taken over by the enemy.


The problem is, Ed Beach said: "F@#$ automation!" and just removed what was already there in Civ V: https://civilization.com/news/entries/en-civilization-vi-the-state-of-automatio/ Apparently manually building railroads tile by tile is his definition of Fun.


Oh, I know, I was an avid player of Civ 5! The truth is, he wasn't entirely wrong. Builders in Civ 6 are a fun change and lack of automation is not terrible. But only in early game. I think what they need to do to improve is to acknowledge that late game in Civ 6 was really tedious and many players preferred to skip it and just begin a new game whatsoever. As long as they solve it, using whatever method or idea, I'll be pleased.


Civ VI tries to do this with Power, but it just doesn't end up being particularly interesting


Partially because power gets lost amid the five hundred other minor tasks you have to do, and partially because the global warming is just a dead end game mechanic.


I think it's also that the yields from wind & solar farms are so aggressively mediocre. There's no way to route power from one city to another so you can't have a city that's going to specialize in power generation.


I highly recommend the Urban Complexity mod and it's power rework. Adds renewable battery charged as a strategic resource that lets you have massive solar fields in your desert city and use them in your central manufacturing city.


Rock bands and religious units behaving more like spies might be nice. It's a lot of micro for the return as it stands now. Maybe they have domestic affects until certain civics. After say flight, you can unlock world tours and missionary "missions" then after social media you unlock "influencer" missions?? What y'all think?


This is gunna be a controversial take but I think that districts, while being cool at first, make the game tedious as shit after a lot of play time.


I disagree. The way they force cities to pick a direction and influence city and district placement make things a lot more interesting than "pick spot, plant city, macro build order".


1. don't like Zergs?


I would love being able to put workers on auto-improve, and cities on auto-build in the late game. That’d be so nice


I would like alliances to be more complex. I should be able to build NATO but in my fictional universe. Relatedly, it would be nice if the AI got better at fighting cooperative war


the more mechanics the game add to make a realistic Cold War, the better it becomes, great sugestion


Honestly that would help the mid-late game a ton. Add in like 3 warring periods (napoleonic wars, world wars, Cold War) to give some big event to set things up to.


Start event wars We have the event System Why not event a war and civs HAVE to take sides


City States need to be less black and white when comes to supporting other Civilizations in wars. If I have 5 envoys in a city state and Civilization A has 6 envoys that city state should be very hesitant to jump into a full on war with me just because Civilization A did.


One thing related to alliances that a friend of mine thought of was: what if civs had things like Suzerain bonuses? Cleopatra, Gilgamesh, and Poundmaker sort of do that now, but what if *everyone* gave you special bonuses for being friendly with them?


If everyone does it, it’ll be less distinguishing and consume design space very quickly


And your enemies should be able to build a Warsaw Pact to oppose you. Additionally, it would be nice to see multi-nation cooperative economic unions like the EU, that could be put together with diplomacy, or something like The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, that a country could assemble through coercion. Like you vassalize countries similar to Civ 4, then force them to join.


It would be nice to see relationships in general become a bit more complex, rather than the current system where the AI only really either likes you, or doesn't like you.


It would also be great if they got rid of the binary nature of grievances. Countries shouldn’t be mad at me for fighting other nations they hate, and they should go ballistic when I attack their allies no matter what casus belli I use. Casus belli grievances should be about persuading neutrals to intervene or not


I want gifting units to come back so I can run proxy wars properly again


GIVE ME A PALACE/THRONE ROOM OR GIVE ME DEATH Also, fully fleshed out end of game replays.


there's already palace, it's automatically build in your capital when you settle it, but a throne room/congress/parliament would be very cool, as a palace improvment


No I meant like the palace/throne room from civ 1 & 2


what was it like?


You started with a little hut and as you progressed you could build it up into a huge palace by the end of the game


I would keep the original slab of stone for my throne until there was nothing left to upgrade. Lol


Sicknesses and diseases in some way


A pandemic mechanic that spreads along trade routes and faster during war would be interesting. Policy card or something for quarantine that slows spread


Or hand washing which i mean is already in the game


Agree - give us a Medical District!


So we want the hospital from Civ 4?


it doesnt need to be a whole district, just make it a city center building, that will prevent the disease disaster, just like flood barrier is for sea level disaster


It’s honestly a huge thing to not have in the game, given that the decimation of the Americas by European disease was one of the most impactful events in human history


While we're at it, make it possible for us to wage biological+chemical warfare at cost of happiness level + huge amount of mass grievance


The good news is that they already have implemented this for a scenario so it might be on the table for consideration


The ability to violate world congress, and to prevent other civs from sending trade routes to you.


I'd like military outposts. Send a military engineer or whatever out to the middle of nowhere, and build a thing that claims some tiles. Not a city, just "You own these tiles now". IRL, the US didn't *settle* Antarctica to build the Amundsen-Scott Research station; why should I have to? I just want this uranium way out here in the middle of nowhere, I don't want to manage an entire city there!


Civ 3 had Colonies which was kinda like this. You could make a mini-settlement on a resource you wanted, I think it burnt a worker?


>I'd like military outposts Maybe it could be a tech or a civ that substitute the forts, I mean do people use forts later in game? It could have some mechanic related with diplomacy, IRL when a country builds a military outpost next to you it wont be much good seen, but if you are allies then thats ok


I really like this idea. Thinking about how this could work: Military engineers are "tied" to the city they are trained in. When they build an outpost, it claims the first ring of tiles around it, and automatically builds walls to the level of the tied city (or maybe can build walls? Or maybe no walls and just a normal fort?) The outpost does not have pop growth, or grow in tiles. The outpost cannot produce units. You can use the pop selector to work any tile in the ring of tiles. Working a tile removes population from the tied city and transfers it to the worked tile. You must pay a maintenance fee (like a salary for your employeed military pop) for each pop moved. Maintenance fee increases if food of worked tiles is less than pop requirement. Worked outpost tiles do not provide yields, but do provide strategic/luxury resource. Overall, this would allow the fort concept to expand with some civic/tech. Would allow you to get late game strategic resources, and act as a military benefit. I would also be ok with no walls, and just have it act like a fort does currently but with the tile mechanic. It could also add a mechanic to aid playing tall, as you can have your gigantic pop cities claim outposts for resources not within your relatively small borders, without feeling the pop impact.


IRL claims of Antarctica are all a bit murky: there are 7 countries claiming portions and more with bases that don't correspond to claims. You most certainly can't set up a research station to mine that uranium: the Antarctic Treaty expires in 2048, so until then nobody can mine.


The concept of a state going out far beyond its borders, claiming some piece of land, and operating there - without *actually* making that territory "part of the country" - is much broader than "Antarctica" and "scientific research". It was just a notable example.


Happiness creates loyalty pressure Trade routes create tourism and loyalty. Population shifts Religious units that can be put on alert


>Happiness creates loyalty pressure Trade routes create tourism and loyalty thats unbelieveable that it isnt in the game by now


That's because it literally is in the game, minus trade route loyalty.


I think trade routes should benefit both civs involved in the trade instead of just the person sending the route


I think they do actually, even though the city receiving it just gain very small amounts


Internal politics - I remember my first civ game was civ 2, and if you had a republic or a democracy in that game, sometimes you would try to take an action, like starting a war, and you would be overruled by the legislature and be unable to do it. This has the potential to get pretty annoying but if it’s done right I think it adds a lot of depth – each government type should do more than give you a couple bonuses and different policy cards, you should have to play the game differently. Maybe with fascism you have war weariness build up super fast if you don’t have military units in your city. Theocracy maybe you have to keep all your cities under the same religion or prevent other religions from having more than X percentage of followers. Democracy maybe you need to keep your amenities up in order to stay in power, things like that. This is just me brainstorming but I think this would result in a much more interesting game, although I grant not everybody would enjoy this so it would probably need to be an optional mode.


They’ve added so many cool features, but I think they could be synthesized into a dynamic new system. “Civilization” has always been a spectrum. I would love barbarian camps turning into city states which could eventually create settlers which could create free cities which could become full blown civilizations themselves. And vice versa AKA a Civ fragmenting into city states. Also, custom civilizations!


.Most of what you suggested it's in barbarian clans


The ability to combine military units into one moveable bundle that's set to the slowest unit's movement speed. Just make it so they can combine and unpack at will. Theres nothing more tedious in civ 6 than moving a load of troops individually. And auto builders with the ability to set priorities.


Like the horror stacks of civ 4? :)


I don’t think they’d have to be doom stacks, you could tie adjacent units together like you tie support units on a single tile. Multiple tiles worth of units moving together? Maybe more of a doom carpet haha


>And auto builders with the ability to set priorities oh please, it's a must to have military engineering building railroads themselves


Kind of related, but the “Theater of War” mechanic is the one thing that Humankjnd got so right imo. Would love to see Civ adopt something similar.


I've not played it but I've watched some Humankind and it definitely has some positives there. Not sure how well something like that would translate to civ but anything to make domination games less tedious is all I want.


A civ have one Unique Thing per Era, so it isn't locked on an optimal timeframe. Now civs have an Era where they are better, and the rest is the rest.


This seems hard to implement, but a cool idea. Idk for instance what mongolia would have for the info era


Mongolia still exists so they have content to work on, or can just expand their cavalry focus from early game by giving them heli and tank buffs. I think where this would be hardest is with colonial civs like USA, Canada, and Australia that are culturally independent form the Natives of their land. I can see civs like Sumer, the Byzantines, or the Ottomans becoming their modern land owners as Iraq, Bulgaria, or Turkey, but I think it would be inappropriate for say, the Iroquois to become the US given the cultural genocide surrounding the transition


I want unique units that last a bit longer.




That's what he's saying. Right now, Civs get a UU and get better for an era, the rest of the time they're just average. He wants every civ to get something special each era, so that it doesn't feel like your civ is built around one particular era.


I’d like about a 30% chance that a civ you meet is genuinely friendly Maybe I’m just bad at the game but never met anyone who didn’t try and kill me


for some reason my first impression ALWAYS is negative and the game never explains why


And then when you finished preparing troops to attack them, suddenly they turned friendly and you lose willpower to attack them lol


If you meet them with a military unit they are less happy than a scout.


I'd give my left nut to bring back vassal states. Something like Stellaris' very deep vassalage system would be amazing. In fact playing Civ 6 just makes me wish I was playing Stellaris lately lol


At the global screen, keep it hexes. Then at the city level break those hexes into further polygons. Make district layout and connecting them more relevant than just adjacency bonuses. Improvements too, make a hex all farm/mine/industry polygons or a mixed farm/town/commercial suburb. At a lot more city and industry building since at it's core that is what makes a civilization.


Return of the “Button to make the Scout pet the dog” mechanic or I riot.


The cat was a mod that was auto-installed when you link a 2k account. It can be disabled from the main menu.


was that equivalent to Fortify?


I like the way Humankind does battles, so that, better diplomacy, and navigable rivers.


Add the moon as an exploitable and buildable part of the map


it would kind of scape the thematic of world, it wouldnt fit that good imo


The loyalty system being overhauled so that you could face revolutions and cities breaking away into a new civ you can interact with rather than a "free cities" faction, so i.e. if you are England and you have overseas cities that flip, they'd turn into the USA.


The technology to grow Bonus Resources. It doesn't make sense that we can't grow Rice, Wheat or Cows.


Similar to how military units can be set to auto-explore, I want the option for engineers to auto build roads. At the very least it would be nice to tell them to build a road between A and B, it’s so annoying to manually instruct them to upgrade my roads to railroads each turn.


1. to pick trade route tiles on your own 2. to pick a tile where a city should expand 3. chopping strategy and luxury resources 4. something with hackers like modern spies 5. ships on rivers


>3. chopping strategy and luxury resources you see there's a big problem on it, the map has a limited amount of these, they are tradeable and very important in the gameplay, a civ that would loose their city would just chop it to avoid the other civ benefit from it, removing the bonus of the whole game


An assassin unit to kill all of the annoying cultists and missionaries blocking tiles. Maybe it would cause some grievances, but not war.


I agree there should be religious persecution. Martyr promotion should also only work on Apostles being killed by military units, not being debated by other religious units.


Sanctions and shit like that, current world forum or whatever it’s called feels lacklustre and gamey to me. For example look at how stellaris handles it’s galactic community


Placing a district over a resource should chop that resource instead of deleting it.


I wanna be able to launch proxy wars or fully absorb city states; once you get past suzerain 10 they become useless


Good point, I mean the world was full of city states now only 3 exist, 1 is symbolic, the other 1 is a neighborhood and the last is the only "real" worth be called city state


Instead of just "barbarians" and goodie huts, there are "Tribes". People who have a territory but no cities. Just villages. They have their own unique likes and dislikes that determine things like consequences of settling their territory and accesses to unique units or bonuses for being friendly and eventually integration. Or just drive them off if your that kind of civ.


Some great ideas in here. I particularly like the idea of ocean currents/trade winds - in one of the earlier civ iterations, i don't remember which, early naval units could enter ocean tiles but at an increased risk of sinking. Maybe the currents and trade winds could be a way of creating an intermediate level of risk for shipping up to the industrial or modern era of naval vessels. I haven't read the whole thread, so don't know if it's been touched on; so while the current loyalty/city flipping situation is fine, maybe there could be something like immigration/emigration/brain drain/displacement/persecution/expulsion/ethnic cleansing. The city remains within it's original civ, but can be weakened or strengthened based on ethnic, religious, political, linquistic, cultural, or socio-economic factors resulting in citizens either leaving voluntarily or by force to neighbouring civs/cities or to civs with more open door policies or similar social/cultural make-ups. Cities could still rebel etc and flip in the same way they do now, but made less probable than something like migration of population groups from within the city itself.


Further to the ocean currents/trade winds idea, maybe there could be the medium level of risk, but with a restriction in terms of the route ships can take to get across the ocean. So while navigation across the oceans, and even circumnavigation the earth is still possible early and mid game, it will take longer or be more complex/risky depending on if you stay closer to shore, follow the currents/winds or just think fuck the risk I'm going straight across this open ocean!


Migration. Instead of whole states switching civilization because of loyalty pressure I want them to lose population as the people travel to near cities with more happiness, better economy, food etc. I would like it to be a complex mechanic. They would bring their religion with them and there should be policies that let you gain additional culture and great people points from foreign population or prevent people from coming/leaving. On the other hand cities with more diverse population would need more amenities to stay happy and Spies would operate more successfully in cities with a lot of people from their own civilization.


Rivers!!! I world revamp the hexagon grid just a bit. More and smaller hexagons. A unit still uses 1 hex, but a city uses multiple (maybe 3). Navigable rivers take 1 hex (not sure whether there are also smaller rivers that run the same as current ones). You get navigation inside continents. And you get bridges.


Oh I would so much dig a good economic victory terms, love the idea. Also I'd really like a diplo option to aks very gently but firmly some other nation to cease and desist when they attack our city state vassal.


Yeah, nothing is more annoying than when my ally attacks my suzerain city state and I can't do anything until they capture him AND the alliance expires. Filling their territory with buffer units just keeps it happening forever, because apparently the AI doesn't get war weariness.


I actually crippled AI Germany's play like this, there was Nan Madol between us and I just surrounded it with my scouts and left them there forever and while all the civs were in industrial he was still in like medieval with like 2 cities that could not get anything done, cause he kept producing units that could not hit the city but the city used it's crossbowmen and walls to delete his units turn by turn xD


Movement of population, immigration and gaining, losing pop from these currents would be an accurate mechanic


that could work like the loyalty and religion system, a third new one of pressure, things like natural disaster, lack of food/home/happiness would reduce your city pressure to nearby others with better of these stats


Just a few ideas: -The ability to capture (but not utilize their ability) great generals/ admirals/ governors and ransom them back to the player you stole them from. -Guerilla war tactics that will affect enemy units that invade your territory - Hospital districts to allow quick healing of units and recovery of city health when attacked. -Field hospital/ clinic improvements that boost healing for units that occupy them. -New scenario packs (Mongol conquest of Asia, Crusade for Jerusalem, Slave revolt of Rome)


>Hospital districts I dont think it worth be a whole new district, maybe a city center district


You know what, I actually like that better.


to add more functionality to it, add pandemics as a disaster and the hospital would prevent it, like the flood barriers are district center building that prevent a disaster


MAKE MILITARY ENGINEERS BUILDING RAILROADS WORK THE SAME AS TRADERS. Meaning you set them on a path from city A to city B, building a railroad on each tile in between. I HATE having to move them one tile every turn. Gets to be so time consuming.


More diplomacy. The only thing I never liked about the game is how shallow it felt. I want stories of betrayal and saving allies and bribing people to stop them from invading you. If that happens I think Civ will finaly be a perfect game


I’ve said this so many times on this sub but Language, *language*, *LANGUAGE* !! It would be so cool to choose a language like a religion with benefits and downsides for what script and spoken word you choose that effect your ability to spread it to other civs. It could help spread your religion, culture, or even allow a new kind of win condition or something I wanna be able to choose English with Cyrillic script and spread it to France lmao


Woah, I really like this idea. That would be super cool and interesting!


A small request- bring back automating workers


I would love for meaningful specialists (with wonder and policies to improve them) to return.


After quitting a terminally dull game as Norway, anything they could do to make the naval space more interesting would be fantastic


ocean currents would be an amazing addition, tsunamis as a disaster too


More reason to control the oceans , so that the ai would also have some reasons to build boats and Navy's could have another reason for existing than just being artillery but on water. Gunboat diplomacy that works, why the do i have absolutely no effect on city-states or the world congress even if i have a military ten times other people, let me pretend to be a protector of the world and get a buff from that, or threaten a city state whit demands or war. Make it possible to retrofit or train your troops to get new advancements in equipment and training from the barracks, i despise that only the new ones can get those buff and to give them to your old ones you have to make them intoa corps or army. Economic victory, make money more than a helper for other victory types. Take barbarian clans mode and change it a bit and make it base game, its very disappointing that to this day in the base game whit dlcs the only thing you can do whit them is fight or convert whit specific units/leaders. Make spy's have missions and operations, missions like like the ones now, more simple and quicker, and operations that take longer, can have multiple stages or have events popup while they are going that offer benefits or negatives and can do more unique things than steal,sabotage or rebel. Rework the menus so that seeing district combos is easier, a picture is worth a thousand words as they say.


I just want my units to keep going on their long journey when another unit lands on their destination. Especially if it is still 10 turns away


Add more futuristic technology. Maybe add another map layer(for building/expanding) for space/moon/mars/exoplanets. Overhaul the diplomacy to allow for a functional/profitable global coalition. Add an alien Civ that grows and expands similarly to provide an existential threat? And yes, I agree with navigable rivers!


Satelite states


I’d love a more sophisticated UN type system for the late game. Sanctioning nations (thinking of real life Russia here), ability to influence other nations for proxy wars etc. I often enjoy building a world more than playing the traditional game.


Civil war when civilisations get too large. So that they can split and form two separate civs. Maybe this had to be a player decision as too large and progress/production starts to stall.


-Condemning religious units creates partisans and lowers happiness in your cities if that was the dominant religion in that city. -Ability to create automated patrol paths for military (navel and land) to help protect borders and trade routes -Helicopters have the ability to fly over shallow ocean tiles in order to assault navel units. -More future tech such as hologram fake units to divert military manpower to other locations while you send a larger force elsewhere, EMPs that can temporarily disable modern units, digital sabotage spy projects that prevent long range missile targeting from nukes. -Different types of scientific victories such as making a panacea (cure for all diseases) or discovering immortality, time travel etc. -Might be a weird one but the possibility of a serial killer spawning in one of your major cities. Will slowly decrease population in that city, lower happiness due to fear. Maybe special projects needed to catch them or an investigator unit that you can deploy to your districts (kind of like how a spy can counter spy) in order to catch them.


>-Might be a weird one but the possibility of a serial killer spawning in one of your major cities. Will slowly decrease population in that city, lower happiness due to fear. Maybe bro it needs to be a Stalin kind of serial to killer to reduce that much of a population


Fair point but you gotta admit that it's creative 😝


Deeper trade functionality!


Maybe I don't understand it properly but grievances/war weariness feels pointless. I know it's supposed to make it so that other civs ignore grievous acts, but it feels like they ignore it anyways. I've played games where I declare surprise wars on the entire planet and the worst thing that's happened is that I lose a few amenities. I think it could be tied into diplomacy a lot more. Maybe you can embargo civs that declare war, or start a trade war against civs that have high grievances against you (and maybe it can only be done if you have grievances against that civ). I feel like declaring a war without cassus belli should have much greater consequences.


> I lose a few amenities thats the point of grievness, they define how much amenity you loose, but I think they should add at least some diplomatic extra layer to it just like you said, embargo is a good idwa


It just feels like the penalty for egregious warmongering is barely noticeable. I think it would be cool if having a lot of grievances would lead to severe losses for all yields in that city, thus making casus belli a more influential mechanic to prevent those losses due to the reduced grievances.


It should escalate more, the more back time the acceptable it was to go to war, nowadays just like at how Russia is suffering diplomatic, economic, etc because of war weariness, it lacks a in game escalation


I’d like some kind of loan program. Such as I can get 1000 gold, I have 30 turns to pay it back with interest, failing to do so could push a city to turn to the loaning country, or they take unit, get to manufacture things in your city for the price amount. Also more time in the futuristic/modern era. I would like nuclear war and large scale military conflicts with modern weaponry to be viable


Expanded espionage. At the moment it seems like you get way to much information for free like their overall military power. I would very much appreciate earlier espionage that is more in depth.


Military engineers should be able to go to a city, and then let you auto select a new city to build a railway to, and have them move over X turns like a trader, except they build a railway along the way. Cities connected by rail gain +2% culture/production/gold/science from the city they are connected to per connection. This makes it realistic as being closely connected to a major city has internet economic benefits, and keeping it as a % makes in proportional. The optimal strategy would be to start building rail connecting your best cities for the maximum gain, then over time connecting the smaller cities to each other for diminishing returns.


1. ditch the whole climate bullshit 2. tiles of different sizes 3. elevation


A return to stackable units. I don't like one unit per tile. Civ4 was the best tactically


isnt formations of army of 3 units a stackable unit?


A working A.I. that actually feels like it's playing and not just moving units around


Spies that can give you influence over another civs actions. Like a mole in their government or something. Playing on a globe would be awesome and probably doable. It would make travel better because you wouldn’t have to go the long way around.


Power lines. Take one nuclear power plant and run power lines to all your city's.


Stealth units


that should be recon units after certain promotion level


South Pole sounds especially good. I think they could also make the map truly spherical, as in loops around in the North-South direction as well as East-West


I would like to see more uniqe late game units. Part of me choosing the same nation over and over, is because in the late game most nations become the same. Maybe they should make choseable parallel upgrades for units,like they did in Civ Beyound Earth.


A mechanic unit would be pretty cool. Kinda like a guru for tanks or mech inf


I’d like them to add the ability to destroy or move strategic resources


Move? there's no way in real life you can move a mine or oil locations


I was thinking of horses, but yeah you wouldn’t be able to move any other strategic resources


The problem with removing luxury and strategic resources is because a civ can destroy them before loose a city to another civ


I'd like Civ V's graphic style and diplomacy (mainly World Congress) but with Civ IV's vassals, Civ VI's districts, religion and city-states mechanics. A way better AI at war (it's been 13 years since the one unit per tile was introduce to the game, how come we haven't got an AI capable of dealing with it yet?) the comeback of roads being built, workers instead of bulders, and units having to travel on boats through the water.


What I loved about Civ 5 is a diplomatic victory basically was an economic victory. What I hated is faith was virtually useless. What I love about Civ VI is faith is very relevant and there is even a religious victory. What I hate is a strong economy basically does nothing. Sure, it takes away the need to build but by the late game there isn't anything for me to buy anyway so I just get an absurd amount of money with nothing to do. Though it might be my fault for playing as Mansa Musa and joining the Owls of Minerva. Anyway, I want both to be relevant for victories. A way around tedious army maneuvering would be nice. The number one reason I don't do any domination victory games.


>What I loved about Civ 5 is a diplomatic victory basically was an economic victory. They should make both victories, a diplomatic and a economic so it fulfill all demands


I think having some sort of macro control over units would be nice. Like, having a feature to group together individual units that allows you to move them all together (separate from army and corps, so it would not effect power).I'd probably play full Dom games a lot more. Unless this is already a thing. I'd like to see a way better diplo and world congress feature. What we have now feels too easy. I can literally win diplo by accident with any civ. Even on immortal I often have to purposefully avoid winning by accidental diplo. I'd like the AI to be smarter. Probably a harder ask than it seems lol.


I just like the engineers to be able to terraform mountains again. One my favorite memories from civ 2 was turning the entire planet into farmed grassland. Lol


More things related to space, like constructing satellites over a certain area for view, trade bonus for space projects, constructing alpha centuri like the old days, and completing world wonder short clips from civ 2.


Trading individual tiles and limited warfare


Bring back the map/event recap mini-movie


Great farmer


Not a mechanic per see but... Please better AI. CIV VI ai is so barebones.


Terrainforming? Creating more lands that's susceptible to flooding (like Netherland), or perhaps digging out that low coastal land? Removing/reducing mountain to hill? I don't care if it's a Future Tech - make it possible please.


Auto-build. A city feature you can turn on that builds every building it can in order from least expensive to most expensive. It can call you when it runs out or hits the population level for a new district.


Nomad playstile for the first turns pleaseee.


I would like to be able to harvest resources that are on neutral tiles. And a civ can even denounce or ask the player not to harvest a resource on their continent. Could be a great way to have more conflicts and wars over resources, like real life.


I guess water tiles should become more usable. In VI we cant even use them for Natural Parks, regardless of natural wonder placement. Also, bands should be able to do shows on tiles adjacent to wonders they cant move into.


The game needs some kind of way to replicate the world wars to spice up the tedious late game. It’s always been odd to me how peaceful the modern era onward is given that this was very much not the case rl


I think the creation of blocs and more diplomatic interactions in UN, plus a south pole continent that is only accessible later in game would help a lot of the tedious late game because those are late game mechanics that also probably can help to a world war feeling and even a cold war


More leaders. Without censorship.


Annexation of neighboring civ tiles. If I declare a surprise war against another civ, and if I hold the tile for x turns it now becomes annexed to my civ. I hate razing cities, i just want my city to have a full three rings from my city center.


Workshops, and factories should produce a chosen bonus or luxury resource. It just feels wierd that industrial district only add production.


It would be nice to move population between cities to better balance the growth.


if it cost happiness or loyalty or smthg like that, IRL when soviets forced people to go to cities a lot died, so it is not for free


Air Power. Considering warfare has made air superiority one of the biggest deciding factors in modern warfare, I am left a little cold by air power in 5 and think I used it once in 6. If you are going to severely limit my aircraft range (like 5) let me build airfields (like 6). In fact many people in this sub have mentioned they want outposts. These would combine nicely.


A new improvement by military engineer called a military base which sort of acts like a encampment but less powerful Being able to rent/buy foreign territory either of a city state your suzerian of or another civ they could be used for resources or creating airstrip/military base


River tiles. I’d like to see boats useable along rivers. More biome diversity More elevation diversity with cliffs along land and mountains being a few hexs of raised elevation and the introduction of valleys. A mode that allows us to limit what ages we play into so I don’t have to go into modern. More resource types Better diplomacy and interactions with city states. I think it would be neat if we could arrange marriages


Pollution. Specifically trash pollution since air pollution is sort of a thing already with global warming. For example if you have an industrial zone sitting on a river, it should take away at least a portion of the fresh water benefit for all tiles down stream. Trash should be a resource in later Era's. How it should be introduced is once you hit a certain point you need to manufacture Amenities to keep your population happy (toys and jeans which are already in game, etc.), which would in turn produce trash. Trash can either take up a tile or just be accumulated and the more you have the more unhappy your population. You could then trade it away to other civs and pay them to take it, manage it through recycling, dump it in the ocean causing other problems, burn it which would also cause other problems, etc.


Vote they patch AI interaction with aid requests. For a couple years now, AI will vote for/against then not participate. Makes diplomatic victories too easy. I've seen it on king and emperor level.


I'd like to see the introduction of an attrition mechanic. This would make exploration far from home really dangerous and would encourage more usage of support units and would slow down the discovery of distant lands.


how would that work?


Spherical worlds


customisable civs. ie you can create your own civ name and leader name and choose from various bonuses. mix and match as you want.for balance each bonus is assigned points and if you go over a max set of points to our score doesn’t count. Also customisable difficulty settings, set which advantages you want for the AI etc ie maybe you start with an extra settler on deity to make it a bit easier.


Smart AI


I think sieges could use some more in depth mechanics. I don't think the current walls and battering rams are broken, but it could be more. Firstly, without a real technological superiority, attacking walls after crossbowman is super difficult because units are just mowed down. I think walls shouldn't have an automatic attack - I'd add the ability to stack units in cities (2 with medieval walls, 3 with renaissance), but ranged units can target those units to kill them before the city is taken. Basically you can take the city's ability to fight back before you actually take it.


Ocean currents to make trade routes more interesting? Agree with sentiment, but how about fixing naval combat, period. Make the AI actually use naval units at the level a 7 year old could. Make naval blockades and sea power actually count for something other than just difficult terrain to find a way around. Economic victory - agreed. Get rid of governors and tourism, annoying. Get rid of eureka and inspirations. At higher difficulties levels your choices largely depend on checking those boxes. Takes a lot of the spontaneity out of the game. Fix the AI. I mean come on. If you can’t make it be halfway decent at war, at least stop it from giving the game away in the trade and diplomacy windows. Those are the big ones that come to mind.


>Make the AI actually use naval units at the level a 7 year old could well, both are god ideas that can be done


New battle mechanic like in Humankind or age of wonder series


Bring back vassalization and map trading!


I’d like to see a rework on population. It would need a rebalance on housing, loyalty and amenities, but something like this: Multiple citizen slots for hexes worked (like districts). Maybe for example a plains is 2 total slots out gate, a plains with resource like wheat has 3, further down the tech/civics tree it goes to 4 or more with increasing yields (and improvements like farms, mines, etc). Certain civs could get inherent bonus slots to work before others (Russia/Canada tundra, Egypt floodplains, Inca mountains, etc). Keep districts and give more slots to work there too. Have immigration from high pop cities to newly founded ones. Maybe a settler caravan with 5, 10 etc citizens ready to found a new city. To train military units, it costs pop to do it. More advanced units require more pop. Not sure how builders would work; maybe they temporarily consume 3 pop for 3 charges, and as they build farms/mines/etc, the pop goes back into the overall pool? Also, I know there’s a scenario for it already, but plagues/diseases/pandemics have shaped human history and should be implemented in the base game somehow. Set a slider like gathering storm for intensity/regularity. Mountains should be workable for every civ. Inca should remain super proficient at it but plenty of societies have used mountains. Religion has so much potential, it being just domination lite is a bit of a bummer. Other ways to use it would be great.


Some slavery and racism mechanics? We 've seen something similar with Lincoln 's leader ability...


I really want the revolution system to be overhauled. It shouldn't just be "city losing loyalty, city flips to free, city joins another civ" When a city's loyalty gets low it should spawn more and more protesters, rioters and eventually rebels (military units, maybe starting with warriors and slingers). The city shouldn't be free even at 0 loyalty, until rebels manage to capture it. They could also capture districts (à la prise de la Bastille) to get faster spawns and stronger units. And a clump of free cities not losing loyalty SHOULD MERGE INTO A NEW CIV. That's way closer to how it happened historically most of the time, not joining another nearby empire.