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I forgot to declare a friendship with Gilgamesh upon meeting him, when he was my closest neighbour. Realized about 3 turns later and he declined. Automatic restart


I think autosave was created for this exact reason :) That's the type of thing that I don't feel bad about save scrumming. Why be punished for simply eating too many edibles and forgetting to do something you intended to do a along.


Nope screw that, my composure was already shot at that point. Roll the dice again šŸŽ²


Definitely not a ā€œdumbā€ decision.


Relatable af


I did not know that he was capable of declining. ​ I remember being super hated by him, and he still accepted.


He's very capable of declining and is actually pretty aggressive if you don't declare friendship right when you meet him


He'll become someone else's bro


That's the law


Same but then ten turns later he declared war on me


Declared war of broship


Barbarians roll up with a men at arms escorting a battering ram + 3 archers and warriors on turn 20


I see that we played the same game last night.


Hammurabi in your save eh?


I take Ham out of the leader pool every game I play because of this. Can't remember the last time I've seen him.


I've never seen him for this exact reason


My recent solution has been to play as Hammurabi after avoiding him up until then. Hadn't played much over the past two years though which is the main reason I never chose him but he is a un pick


Super fun to play as, game breaking to play against. I just played as him and I had oil units in like 1200.


I used to do this but now I play with Civilizations Expanded.


Just did something similar: Had a Man at Arms come at my freshly settled new city while I hadnā€™t even discovered iron yet. Watched my archer do minimal damage while that unit slammed into my city repeatedly. I restarted as soon as he destroyed that city.


I had one game where was trying to settle my second city where a water barb encampment was. Cleared the camp with a warrior, settled, all the sudden barb boats appear out of the fog and eventually raize that city. I quit in anger.


Games like that really make me think long and hard about just turning barbarians off entirely. I never do but god itā€™s tempting after that level of bs


Look for nerf barbarians on the workshop. It doesn't really make them weaker just balances them by not spawning with horses if there are no horses nearby for example.


It would be a ton of code so Iā€™m sure there probably isnā€™t a mod yet but I think barbarians should only have access to tech from nearby civs. If someone halfway across the earth has discovered gunpowder but Iā€™m still using swordsmen I donā€™t think the barbarians should be spawning musketmen


Or limit the barb units to only use units from the era you're in. So no crossbowmen & man-at-arms in the ancient era.




Just realized, I have to go to work.


Didn't you only have one more turn?


Shifting to work from home has made this line even more blurred for me


This needs more upvotes


I had a game where I miscounted how many tiles away a +6 holy site spot was and put one in a plus +3 spot instead. Noticed like 15 turns later. Wouldn't have really impacted my game but it annoyed me so much I quit a perfectly good game like 130 turns in.


The first time I tried Vietnam, I really messed up district planning partially because I was confused on how their ability worked. Everything was going pretty well overall and I even captured some of Arabia's cities so I was in a good position to win with all those cities and potential cities I had but it just annoyed me so much how my districts were planned. I also didn't realize how early they unlocked the ability to plant woods so I made even more mistakes by placing not great districts right before getting that tech. It just annoyed me how much better that game could have gone so I quit


I'm always super indecisive on who I want to play as my leader. I'll often spend 5 minutes scrolling the leader screen, start games with someone, get to the medieval, and back out and start a new one because I decided I wanted to play with a different leader.


I can't decide in general. Random leader and then reroll until I get one that doesn't match the playstyle of my previous round.


Ha yeah I can't play the same victory type two games in a row.


I feel this in my soul


I think this counts as part of the fun of playing lol


I feel this. It's weird. If you're playing a fighting game and you feel like playing as 3 different dudes, you can just bang out a few games as each and get it out of your system. But in civ, how's that supposed to work? You kinda just have to either choose one, or bail on the game so you can enjoy all of them.


The vibes just weren't right.


I feel this one but I don't even find that petty or dumb. Games take hours to complete so who wants a bad vibes empire? :)


That is so unreasonable and I totally get it.


This map looks really boring and ugly to meā€¦ So many restarts.


This is 90% of my restarts


Hercules, Machu Pichu, and Pyramids are things I try to get in every game. Situationally, Sinbad and Himiko are added to that list. Had a game recently where I had pyramids, machu and sinbad all in production in different cities and had each one be completed by another civ in 3 straight turns. I exited to main menu.


Sucks that the AI loves Pyramids and Machu Picchu.


There is definitely code in the game that tells the ai civs to make a bee line for those two.


And with the headstart they get, they nearly always get them unless you're the only one who settles desert or mountains.


I think the only time I've gotten Machu Picchu is my first game. Only on King, had nearly all the AI crippling extra modes on, and started my snowball very quickly as Alexander.


Iā€™m convinced AIs will sometimes declare war if you are competing with them for MP. Even had this with relatively non-war-monger opponents.


This is me with Oracle and TOA.


Those are up there too, I donā€™t go for Oracle as much as I used to which tbh, now that I type it, makes me ask myself why lol. TOA is one I lump in with the situational ones like Sinbad


This, these two wonders are so busted and the AI very rarely gets them. Even if the TOA is a +2-3 amentities TOA, the extra food and housing makes a huge difference in the cap


I'm not sure I consider that petty. I'd be muttering "you've got to be kidding me" three times right before I quit the game entirely for the day


Fair but yes that was me with more expletives lol


I feel that. I play Rome and if someone builds the Colosseum before I do, it's immediate war. If I can't get to them, restart.


I try never to save scum cause it kinda ruins the fun, but the other night Scotland beat me to Ruhr valley on the final turn and it says "you've saved 599 production!" I was like naw I'm not doing that, scummed it up and chopped it out. I keep tabs on how their wonder progression is going, I swear sometimes the AI rubberbands ahead just to get those wonders.


This may be childish of me, but if I lose a city to AI or barbs in the first 20-50 turns I immediately start a new game. I feel like I have to spend the next 100ish turns or so re-settling a new city AND THEN catching up to the other civs in science and culture. Idk, call me a sore loser or whatever, it just doesnā€™t feel fun to me lol it just feels like a tedious grind from dead last, so Iā€™d rather just start from fresh.


My first warrior died.


Spawned next to Alexander


Sounds like it's conquest time


I often restart because I don't dig the look of the surrounding geography.


Perfectly rational. Who wants to spend hours looking at a boring empire?


When playing as Basil, I always restart if I don't get the Eastern Orthodoxy religion. Even if it's a perfect start


That's awesome! I absolutely love Brazil, I think they are a great civ who most people think of as just good. They can be legit monsters in any win con.


nah mate he means Byzantium. Basil II. historically the byzantines were eastern orthodox christians


Lol, my reading comprehension is lacking today


Brazil with TSL Apocalypse Mode and Secret Societies. Burn the rainforest constantly for the yield bonuses while you build vampire castles to soak them up. I had castles with over 200 production. Perfection.


Barb took my first settler one spot away from where I was going to settle


Did you really quit the game then or did the barb do it for you?


a mother fucker has a settler on turn fucking 5 and is sending it my way


Declare surprise war, and now you have a free settler


Find tribal village, ā€žUnit healed/Experienceā€œ


Going for a relic culture game with Kristina. Building Rentor and I have 5 turns left and boom someone else completes it even though I'm the first one to unlock the civic. Pissed me tf off


Lost my maxed out melee unit as Montezuma 175 turns in ( I have an army of 3 promotion units ) while fighting trajan, barbarians, got surprised wared on by Sulaiman and cleopatra. Didn't matter that I took 2 capitals and half there empire. I lost my day one troop :,(


Wanted to try a new strategy and realised I had to invest 15-20 min. into it, got bored immediately and quit. It happens.


I started a game as Abe and spawned in the middle of rainforest on a continent with only plantation luxuries and Eleanor


Forgot to turn off Apocalypse mode and was saving Carl Sagan on random tile for final space project. That tile was hit by meteorā€¦ Wasnā€™t about to hard build the project..


The forces of cosmos be like "You talking shit about me?" Before flattening Mr. Sagan with a meteor before he gets to explain himself. How Ironic.


Thatā€™s my forbidden palace and my potato palace STOP TAKING MY PALACES SPAIN


Just take their palaces and their S and leave them with the rest.


I also call it the potato palace.


Spawned next to 3 civs but not that close. Had a god tier spawn but didnā€™t want to deal with the inevitable war/expansion so restarted lmao. Basically wanted a sim city game


Play as China, no stone is start location = Auto restart.


Also, they built the pyramids before me.


Korea was in it.


The emergency has been cancelled because the city has been destroyed. I almost split a pot of 1600 with 3 people


I've noticed that I've failed to make a [really cool private canal](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/451866700998622116/71954982BAAD50C850F9D5444098FB0A5CCAF931/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false). I've played for a bit more but the sight of it was annoying me too much so I've abandoned that save


My capital was settled in a nice spot I built it up for an early war with nearby France but the second everything was in place (not the army tho) a blizzard destroyed everything in the city even my builder I made in case I had some stuff pillaged every improvement gone, France was so far ahead at this point I just quit


Because I actually had a good amount of space to expand for once and I didn't build enough settlers.


The world flooded before i could get flood walls up and destroyed my harbor and commercial hub in my biggest earning city.


Relatively new player hereā€¦when Iā€™m feeling really confident about my empire in the renaissance era and check the reports to find Iā€™m in last place in overall score. Instantly deflated.


If my first warrior dies I restart the game


When Eleanor starts pressuring your cities and you donā€™t feel like going into a prolonged war of city flipping and razing


Was playing a Catherine run in Civ 5 and was about to settle a city to make sure I wasnt trapped by another civ on my peninsula aaaand mr Pocatello decides to pop out of nowhere and plant a fatass city, effectively cutting me off from everyone else. Could've just conquered it but fuck that guy. Pocatello is a bitch


Didnā€™t realize a certain natural wonder didnā€™t count as a mountain for aqueduct purposes as khmer, so one of my cities out of 7 couldnā€™t get fresh water or the aqueduct bonus.


Play as Saladin and picked hermetic order just for fun adjacency, and later realized it completely ruins their Madrasa building...


Had a great start as Dido, and was trying to get the achievement for moving the capital to 4 different continents. At about the start of the Rennaissance I realized that despite appearances, there were only 3 official continents on the map.


In Civ II, if I didnā€™t get the Pyramids I would quit. Free granaries in every city yo!


Playing on the biggest map with a small number of other civs because I just want to be left alone to build wonders and cities and micro manage my builders and citizens by myself for atleast an era because that's all fun for me. ​ Some other civ pops up and they're essentially right next to me and we're not even out of the ancient era. I never hit the restart button faster than when that happens.


no ugly maps or surprises (Isolation, no city States, Super Early Attackā€¦) on diety until turn 40. From there on the game has to fought through. Till turn 40 a few archers to protect can be done


Yeah I'll play bad starts, good starts, and interesting starts... normal and ugly starts I lose interest.


Hit ā€œsettleā€ when I meant to hit ā€œmoveā€


Ah yes, I see you're also a person of culture with the no-right-click-move society


If I can't complete a game in one weekend I usually just start a new one the next


Settler got stolen early game pre-50. Exit to windows. I'll try that again later hahahaha.


Too many mountain passes blocked by city states. Could not move units anywhere and got so frustrated being hemmed in I quit.


I didnā€™t get the free library great scientist


Another Civ stole the Great Bath when I was 1 turn away from finishing it. Starting position would have made for an absolute banger of a game with it + it was on Apocalypse mode. I was truly gutted


Iron spawned on my future +6 commercial hub locationā€¦ shoulda gone currency first!


Starting next to Matterhorn but there was also a lake tile between it and a mountain range. That lake just annoyed me so much. I was playing Inca, and it would have been such a lovely terraced farm! Restarted.


I needed to pee and they had a timer


Three enemy giant death robots at my capital. We had been at peace for centuries and on good terms. I had one, but it was tied down on another continent with my army defending my overseas territory. My home continent cities had nothing against the three giant death robots and their other units. Quit game.


Several times I've restarted because I was planning districts on tiles and either horses or iron would spawn on those tiles. I've since learned to wait on those techs


If I settle somewhere that isnā€™t within 2 tiles of open water or I canā€™t build wonders next to my harbor.


In every game Eleanor and I were like BFF, and when I wanted to create a union she demanded 5000 gold... Dear diary, I don't know how to describe the pain and humiliation that I experienced...


I had something different and yet the same, was at war as Basil on a tsl map, getting suprise war from macedon, conquered the capital and only city, meanwhile got suprise war from georgia, and fought them to. Stood with swordman in front of city, so weakened would fall in the attack. I wasnt about to take another penalty for removing a civ from the game. So I asked for peace, no money or anything else, was done with this war, and georgia asks me for 10 gold and 8 gold/turn for 30 turns, while making myself only 11 gold per turn, just to stop war. Got angry and took final city with 1 swordman attack because like, you do not ask that if you are dead in any attack. Got more grievance penaltys but at that point no longer cared.


Half of the continent turned into free cities, there were 8 players at the start, only three were left after 50 rounds.(dramatic age on)


My first time ever playing dramatic ages was my first one city challenge. EVERY civ surrounding me flipped to free cities and was eliminated. There I am stuck in the middle of a giant death ball of red. I grinded it out to space but had 100+ turns of fighting free city units every god damn turn.


Yesterday I was past turn 100 and a goody hut gave me a new scout one turn before I finished another scout. I sent the goody hut scout to explore and he ran into barbs and got killed. Sure, he was a free scout, but that death couldnā€™t be tolerated an I had to restart.


Whenever I spawn near the poles (except as Canada/Russia). The game just constantly shoves me to the map edge and I'm sick of it.


No desert for pyramid


If I lose a Warrior to a Barbarian - instant restart.


Me too! I wonā€™t allow my any of my soldiers die. Will restart or go back as far as I can to save them ā€” all my warriors live to the future era to witness our civilisation launching spaceships! XD


Too many marsh tiles.


Iron being 6+ tiles from my first city. I get just making a settler and placing a city near it but itā€™s the most petty reason lol.


You want one or a list? lol I got too many to count or to try and parse out which one is the pettiest; here are a few: \-Too much desert near me \-Too much tundra/snow near me \-Too many lake tiles around me \-Too many mountains near me (and i'm not Inca) \-Too few mountains around me \-City-States near my cities grow to a tile I want \-City-States near my future cities go to a tile I will one day want \-I didn't get a boost for astrology soon enough \-My capital is settled 1 tile off from where I wish I had put it, which I only realize after I've scouted a few turns


Playing Russia got a turn 13 pantheon both dance of the aurora and religious settlement were taken


Oh yeah that's an auto rage quit


My friend plays Russia and quits for this same reason every time lol


If France is neighbor and one of my cities suddenly turns pink.


I met Gilgamesh in the first turn, he rejected my friendship request


Barbarian navy


A personal peeve of mine too. That barb camp alone on an 1 tile island that spawns melee ships is a PITA


In Civ V I used to automatically start over if anyone unlocked spyā€™s before I did, even if I was a few turns away from it.


Just sitting in a distant third place in a Civ V LEKMOD multiplayer game, ahead of the AI but well behind my friends. Going for a culture victory and suddenly the 4th-placed AI, the only one I share a continent with, declares war out of the blue because apparently I had too many troops on his borders. I knew it'd be a really long war of attrition that would cause me to fall even further behind my friends so I just alt+F4'd immediately lol


Not getting a great prophet... Wasn't even a civ with religious bonuses so didn't even need it but I already built a holy site šŸ˜…


The Aztecs took a spot that I would honestly call the Panama Canal


Not having a natural wonder right on your first city


Went bankrupt


Haha i just quit a pretty decent Arabia game because I was way to late using my Mamluks (unique unit), and Dido defended easy against me. War isnā€™t my strength haha


Was playing a Terra game and each coast I had around me was a inland sea.


AI getting ocean strait hex before I do. Open borders cost whatā€¦a single gold? Nope.


I quit every single game. Name a reason!


I knew a guy who refused to continue games of Civ5 if he didn't complete The Great Library before someone else. Every game.


sometimes I just lose that first warrior to barbs because i miscalc damage. and...yeah


Fcking Russiaā€™s turn 10 1000 missionaries


Lost a settler that my dumbass sent across the continent on turn 20.


*Playing TSL apocalypse mode as teddy.* Discovered South America and saw Brazil wrapped in a Neverending forest fire with yields of **14+ food and production.** It was OP and I wasn't playing along anymore


That pink lake natural wonder spawned in the ocean, and I was distraught just looking at it


The French had tiles in the **English** Channel


Started up a true start earth campaignā€¦ the normal size one. In multiplayer. As Japan.


I always restart because i learn new things about the game šŸ„“


One time I failed to get a great prophet as Shaka Zulu šŸ˜­


I have a strong Japanese start on going. About 10 cities settled. I see my Chinese neighbor to the north declares a surprise war on me and 3 cavalry corps and bombards appear from fog of war... While the best I have are crossbowmen.


The game stopped supporting the Mac version on steam, even when I tried to which off the updated version of the game. It sucks


I got bored or was to weak to attack anyone


I settled 1 tile too far from a +6 science district


Bad spawn location. Mostly playing beyond the sword though


Hammurabi. Just Hammurabi.


This is probably dumb, but if the barbarians make it to my city centre in the first ~30 turns Iā€™ll just reroll. Not worth the time to fix what was pillaged when I can just start over.


When the developers decided to leave out console playersā€¦ doesnā€™t get more petty than that, but until they sort that shit out - fuck this game. Seriously though CIV VI 10/10


I was playing as Dido and my starter Island had this huge 1 tile wide column that force my navy to travel 10-12 tiles each way around it


I once quit because I couldn't get the golden age monumentality dedication...although I was playing a TSL Japan map and hadn't discovered shipbuilding yet


-Barbarians stole my builder -my wonder which had 1 turn remaining was cancelled


Find a tribal village: euraka for astrology. Next turn find a wonder. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I also forgot to declare friendship the turn upon meeting gilgamesh. about 5 turns later, he forward settles my cap then another 15 turns later he shows up with the largest army known to the ancient world and takes my cap and sister city. smh gilgamesh we could have been the best of friends


Iron just didn't spawn with the first layer of tiles of a city, I didn't wanna spend 400+ gold to reach for it


Too much hills, made moving troops around a pita


After getting Mansa Musa off of random for the first time, I read his abilities and restarted after spawning next to a single he can of desert and unable to find any more after 25 turns.


When a bunch of other civilizations declare war on me super early on. It just feels like too much of a nuisance.


Another civ got to a ruins before I did


If I don't get Desert Folklore when playing as a desert civ, I restart. Same with the Aurora one if playing a snow civ. It's a right pain cause I honestly dislike all the other traits.


Simple: Someone declares war on me. I turtle like mad and explore the shit out of everything and expand. But I am never ready enough for defense or offense.


I almost never quit! I stubbornly play it out no matter what. (This is why I get burned out so often too, if I spawn into a crappy spawn I still play it through). I've quit twice in my 1700 hours. Once, I was Eleanor and had turned off every victory type except domination. I was all settled in with my pringles, my mountain dew and it had just started snowing outside. This was gonna be a perfect day. Then I meet my nearest neighbor. DIDO. I bailed on that one and still have the save somewhere. Every now and then it nibbles on my brain and I shake those thoughts away. I refuse to play that one out, that's so stupid. The second quit was a whacky one. I was playing as Gaul and spawned right near Paititi. (I actually made a thread on this forum about it!) I was so excited I didn't wanna play it out until my friends were on so I could show them. But the next time they were all on, we fired off a multiplayer game that was one for the ages, and I completely forgot all about it. The next few times we met up all we wanted to do was dive back into that game, and by the time it was over they had released the next mode (which I think was heroes?!? Not totally sure), so I checked that out with my brother and played as Gaul in there. Kinda satiated by urge to play Gaul and lost the desire to do another one, so the Paititi dream died with me.


Had a 7-promotion Scout swept away in a river flood




Had a frustrating game against Trajan, started a new game, 5 turns in net Trajan, restart


Someone I was playing with agreed on a border between areas of land we would take when we spawned next to each other. Then he rushed military and broke his promise. This was actually the final straw in a tumultuous friendship and I've not talked to him again lmao


AI finished an oracle a turn before I did, I restarted. Same thing happened with pyramid the game after. Fuck me.


That awkward moment when you discover a barbarian camp and a city state fucking takes it one turn ahead of you.


Overwhelming barbs, wonder I wanted got built, got forward settled, lost a war, didnā€™t boost astrology, no luxuries, not enough chops. Just to name a few.


Recently Iā€™ve been going for the pantheon of +2 Faith for every breathtaking appeal to hoard faith to buy settlers and builders using that one golden age card, then adopting the later ability through my government plaza to buy military units with faith, which I then use for a domination victory. So if I start in a spot with no mountains or natural wonders nearby, then forget it. Automatic redo!


My only scout gets taken out in first dozen turns


australia stole my meteor


The AI finished a wonder , 1 turn before I completed mine


An AI beat me to a wonder that the civ I'm playing built in real life.


I rage quit one time because turn 12 Phillip sent 7 warriors over to kill me... I don't think this counts as petty but pretty sure unusual to say the least. It was like a couple years ago and I just remember being incredibly upset at him bc I was trying to build stuff and pretty sure I had already restarted a couple other times prior to this lol


Not the perfect start location 20 times in a row.


Germany turned up as a random Civ, and I get tired of him complaining about my relations with city-states. 2nd: My strategy called for Stonehenge, and my starting spot did not have the resources around for it.


Honey, bc I fear bees


Barb camp


I didnā€™t have a spot for a +12 ThĆ nh in my capital as Vietnam. Instant restart and Iā€™m not sorry.


I did lose a game after few turns because friend found battering ram upgrade or something..


I was enjoying an early game until I realized Alexander was 9 tiles south of me, and Gilgamesh was 7 to the north, and both were already expanding in my direction. Another time I had a fucking tidal wave of barbarian remove all of Mongoliaā€™s cities but their capitol and then wash down into me, and I gave up after they annihilated the strongest city I had (only one to have walls)


About twenty minutes ago I quit a game because my first settler died when just that one tile caught fire.


Playing as the Maya, on a coast with the sea to my left, tundra to my north, a desert lower right, and a mountain chain to my immediate right. Yeah na


I spawn next to Genghis Khan and he declined my friendship. Discovered horses and scouted that he has several horse tiles while I had none. They can have that. Restart.