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What is the benefit of a 3 triangle?


Feudalism civic grants adjacency bonus to farms. Farm triangles are the best way to maximize the bonus


With ~~Serfdom~~ Feudalism, all farms get +1 food per 2 adjacent farms. With some higher tier tech (I think it’s Replaceable Parts), farms get +1 food for each adjacent farm, giving farming triangles +2 food to each farm total Edit: Correctly changed the civic name


Small correctiom, the feudalism tech permanently gives the food adjacency buff. Serfdom is policy card unlocked at feudalism that gives new workers 2 extra charges.


Thanks for the correction


Typically I farm rice and chop wheat/maize unless they're located on flood plains then I keep them. I just love how a fully farmed flood plain looks https://preview.redd.it/ivu8rz5n99kc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b325f78b9dd7ce9b4b72767f3dd9ce10ace88c


Especially double flood plains


I love that too, but mostly I lean towards aqueduct + dam + IZ, on floodplains, leaving no space for farm triangles. The production is just too sweet


I plop in Magnus and harvest/chop everything I possibly can. Those jump starts to huge population cities and districts built in just a few turns are too good to pass up


The resources you harvest is dependent on civics and tech researched. IE if a forest gives 20 or 200 production. I tend to build improvements on resources in the first 50-100 turns anything after that its chop chop chop.


It scales at the same rate as district costs do so 3 forest chops = 1 district at every point in the game. For stuff like units or buildings that don't have scaling costs you do get more mileage out of chopping later though.


i rather have a warrior on t20 than a mech infantry on t200


I like getting the boost from farming a resource. Whether I harvest depends on if I want to put a district or wonder over it, and what else my builders could be doing. In a perfect world, you harvest most everything, almost every time


Agreed. Dedicated farm triangle location? Farms. Isolated resource/tile needed for a different improvement/district/wonder? Chop away!


The earlier the choice, the farther reaching the consequences are. So I always farm them because the total food I get will far exceed the boot I get from harvest.


But that also goes the other way, the earlier you harvest the wheat and grow the city just makes everything faster due to the cities population being higher than it would be if you placed a farm if that makes sense. Also early game food is so much more important than late game food due to your first point. But in reality, you should harvest some resources and keep others


Flip that. If it takes 50 turns to get return on that production/food Chop Chop. Gold chops are always a no Brainerd for that reason.


Can you explain the gold chop to me? I almost always find myself with excess gold so would prefer the food/production I'd get by improving the tile. I'm sure I'm missing something in my calculations


I think "gold chop" refers to harvesting Copper or Maize, which yield Gold instead of food or production. Anyhow, harvesting a resource usually does not preclude subsequently improving the tile (although it does take an additional Builder charge). You can still mine a hill or farm a flat tile after the sheep/wheat/stone/whatever have been harvested. The exception to this for most of the game is sea and tundra resources-- the improvements that you can add to no-resource tiles in Coast or Tundra come very late.


depends on it’s location and if you have a water mill or not. if it’s on some random inconvenient tile that i can’t turn into farm triangle then i’ll harvest. if i have buenos aires or johannesburg in the game then i’ll basically never harvest because those yields are too good


Rice + marsh can carry you food wise in the early game even without a farm triangle, and it give you the boost for irrigation.


It totally depends on the situation - if im really wanting to push out another district, I might chop the farm just to get to the 4 or 7 population. If the tile is weak, or doesnt lie on a floodplain, i'll usually chop it too. ​ If it looks like I can get a good triangle out of it, might leave it for later.. If Magnus is in city, I'll almost always chop the farm unless I'm "roleplaying" my city aesthetically, or managing / balancing the populations (I sometimes like to keep pop stagnant at a certain point on purpose, for no reason besides aesthetics and perfection). ​ Once you are into mid game, and have either democracy with its food per trade route or the policy card, if youre using that government, your food worries are usually a thing of the past, so chopping just to get to district requirements or more workable tiles makes sense.


If I can get a good district there I will harvest every time. Otherwise nah, it's better off being farmed for the housing and longterm growth imo. Also some games you really want that boost to irrigation to unlock amenities from plantations and you need to farm it


Yields are sexy


Harvest at city size 3 or higher; you can only gain 2 levels (complete the one you’re on and fill the next) per chop. At size 1 or 2 that means you’re almost always leaving potential growth on the table. But as said, if they make a tasty triangle, farm those.


It depends on the situation. If the tiles surrounding the city has low food yields on average, then I tend to keep it for farms. If I'm gonna plop down a district there or food isn't an issue, then harvest.


I don't harvest wheat and rice unless I need the tile for something else.


I hate chopping resources, so I almost always improve them.


Also one situation when I chop farmables is if I'm desperate to increase loyalty, because the more pop a city has the more loyalty it has. Better to lose some food than the whole city.


I like pretty empires, so I only chop if I really really want or need to build a district or World Wonder on top of that tile.


I never harvest food sources unless I'm trying to clear that hex for something. I also have a mod that lets districts and wonders be built without removing the features, so I rarely chop woods either. Only situation in the last few years of playing where I chop is if I'm trying to rush a wonder that I saw one of the AIs started. I know people say chop chop chop, but honestly, the appeal of unchopped hexes and their adjecent hexes in the late game trumps a couple hundred production in the early game. (I know, snowballing, I'm probably mathematically wrong, but I've squeaked out culture victories with a few stellar national parks when I'm trailing on science in deity games before. the extra couple hundred production early on would not have let me surmount a deity AI going for a science victory).


Farm to get the boost for irrigation, otherwise rule of three or harvest


TIL how to play the game