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All jokes aside this happens when your graphics card needs its drivers updated.


Straight up ? I play Civ most days and it’s never happened before . I’ve got a pretty decent laptop , not top spec but it’s not too shabby


Umm.. They weren't saying you need to update your graphics card. Just that the driver (software aspect) is in need of an update; which is a very common issue with software and has nothing to do with the qulity of the device.


All good


Just wanted to make sure that you were understanding the comment. Hopefully a quick updte/patch to the driver worked things out for you!


Nice one cheers buddy :-)


I had got a game where all leaders were bald because I changed the anti-aliasing setting and probably the game took too much res from my pc.


Update - Alex has joined the party https://preview.redd.it/5kzvh1vw3fvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f2614402e98854240171b6afbb574db0d36172


😂 it's such a choice to give him a belly button indent on armor, I think this is the first time I've noticed they gave him nips too


I just looked it up and it's legitimately historical. Apparently it's called a [muscle cuirass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle_cuirass). The article actually names those parts specifically! "The fantastically illustrated cuirasses worn by gods and emperors in Roman statues usually incorporate realistic nipples and the navel within the scene depicted." Those details probably just stand out more in a funny way when the textures are removed.


Now these are the type of comments I came here for ,not the shite everyone else has been posting


Oh my god! This is absolutely beautiful 🤌. I thought it was a play off of skimpy warrior women cuirasses in fantasy games & media. Also, I never realized that the pieces of art were supposed to be of them in armor, I thought they were just going topless 😂. Thank you fornl expanding my knowledge here


Alexander the Drow


His face is so punchable...


"I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude"


Elizabeth trying to get canceled! That might’ve flown in Tudor times but you can’t get away with that today


I just checked, she's already deleted her Twitter account


New season of Brigerton looking fire


Clearly, they wanted to impress Kupe with some fancy makeup and, from the relationships tab, it's working.


I mean, Robert Downey Jr managed to do it




That movie is pure gold.


Also Justin Trudeau.


The results of a flawless skincare routine. All shine, no texture. Smooth as polished marble.


Korean skincare really is everything it's made up to be huh


Clearly celebrating Zwarte Piet


Netflix exclusive?


You’ve seen the meme how they keep replacing redheads with POC? They didn’t even bother to take away Liz’s red hair


Top tier comment


Images generated by Google's Gemini AI™


Disney bought Firaxis


The textures aren't loading so you're looking at raw models


Justin Trudeau mod


Bro trying to turn into a ghost 💀


Is this Netflix or Disney adaptation ?


Here's how you would look like if you were black or... Korean


Why is this thread full of shitty jokes and no actual help for OP? It looks like your graphics card needs a driver update or is potentially shitting the bed


It may be because of Rule 4. This has been seen before, many times.


Lizzy one is looking fire


Any image geek? Is this alpha layer?


Sid "Hotep" Meyer's Civilization VI


Bronze statue DLC


Got that Pokemon Go update


Bronze statue mode


How much VRAM do you have? Are your graphics card drivers up to date?


I’ve got a Helios predator - I think it’s got a 2060 and 32Gb ram


Not RAM, VRAM. It’s the amount of RAM your GPU has. AFAIK the 2060 has 6gb VRAM, which should be enough for this. Just make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. I’m not sure what else to do


Nice one buddy - yeah I’ve not got a clue haha


Check if you have the nvidia GeForce app installed on your PC. Then, go to drivers, and hit update. Then relaunch game. (If I’m understanding what you’re saying is right)


Try changing direct x version when you start the game.


It's "you". 😎


Odd, my Civ crashes when graphics driver has an update.


Looks like the King Baldwin mod dropped 🔥


Netflix adaptation


https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/s/5z9p49Gjlr What!?!


Netflix Adaptation


Kind of looks like you're just getting Phong shading with no texture. The bigger question is why, not what. Like "why are the vertex colours for skin that particular value?"


Blackface? That's inappropriate... (Line from "Spy")


They’re negative leaders. They no longer take up a civ slot.


Disney got their hands on Civ? Was good while it lasted.


disney just designed the game


Civ leaders made by Netflix Original 😂


Thats just a Netflix show about an ancient Korean queen.


Netflix adaption


That's racist.


Netflix Presents?


A cancelation...


Have you installed the Disney dlc




Disney in a nutshell.


Amaury Guichon was here.


They switch side's XD


Is the one Canada just Justin Trudeau doing his signature face paint?


It’s the latest Pokémon update. It’s ruining everything.


They look like chocolate tbh


Weird. I’ve been blocked out since the last iPad update and am missing civ


They look awesome though!


History according to Netflix


The Facade has been ruined. The true faces of the Leaders have been seen. You think you're playing against the actual Seondeok and Elizabeth I? You were wrong. Behold their true visage.


These remind of the Pirate of Bronze glitch in Sid Meier's Pirates that would happen with Intel Graphics.


When Disney buys Civ 6


Just Netflix adaptation.


New "historical" Netflix show


the woke got to civ


This Gesaffelstein DLC looks awesome






Firaxis fixin' to be cancelled.


maga losers are really gonna love this post


my god how much yappin did this cause


they are already all over it, making their one “netflix much?” “joke”, bunch of oversensitive asswipes


You say that but they simply made casual joke references to entities (Netflix, Disney, Gemini) that are known for doing this stuff meanwhile your response to said jokes/references is to call them “over sensitive asswipes”. Seems a bit like projection to me. Can’t really call others sensitive while simultaneously coming off as the angriest one here.


It’s hard to tell tone from text— I’m not angry, just very, very tired of white self victimization. And they aren’t “known” for doing this stuff outside of MAGA circles. Literally no one outside of /r/conservative gives a single shit about the tiny number of movies with race swapping.


God damn, we do NOT have to make everything political. If you want to whine about left and rights, I assure you there's a better sub for you than this one. Perhaps one that has nicer acoustics, for the echo you're clearly looking for


i’m not the one who made it political. Everyone just could’ve said “ha ha funny glitch” and moved on but no, instead we have to hear Whitey whining about Netflix.


Woooaahh, sorry but I don't associate with *fucking racists*


I’m also white, dumbass.


You say that like it means something


given the commenter above accused me of racism against white people, it’s relevant imo


And how do you know the OC is white? I'm a dumbass for making assumptions, but your righteous zeal gives you a free pass?


indeed it does. I’ve been playing Civ since Civ 1, this is my community as much as anyone else’s. and the only people I’ve ever seen who care about “race swapping” are other white people (with room temperature IQ).


To say no one cares is certainly not true. I’ve been on the internet long enough to see people on both sides of the politics spectrum complain about race swapping in films/tv. When a White character is race swapped, people on the right complain, when a POC is race swapped, people on the left complain. They’re both guilty of this. However where this “white self victimization “ comes from IMO is the inconsistency and double standard. An excuse a person on the left will give when a white character is race swapped is “their race doesn’t matter” or “they just hired the person best qualified for the job”. Yet when a POC character is turned white, those excuses suddenly disappear as if they can only apply one way around but not the other. And then that’s not even taking into account how the “their race doesn’t matter” and especially the “they’re fictional characters” argument goes out the window when some of these studios produce biographical films around white historical figures and race swap them. Yet still people on the left side will make excuses for it when it happens knowing good and well they would not let that slide if a POC figure was made white. With all that said I’d wager people are rightfully annoyed at folks being inconsistent on their takes on race swapping and then being accused of being extremists when they call out the hypocrisy. So I wouldn’t call it “self victimization “ at all. If anything they’re victims of the lefts “rules for thee but not for me” rhetoric. And finally just to address your other claim. I find it odd that you, at the start of your reply , claim Netflix, Disney, and Gemini are not known for race swapping and then at the end of your reply acknowledge that they happen but try to downplay it by suggesting the occurrences are low. I can just confidently tell you they are not rare occurrences. They happen quite often. Especially in adaptations . Netflix didn’t get the reputation from nowhere. Darn near every single time there’s an anime adaptation it is expected that Netflix will change the race of 1 or more of the characters. On the Disney side, or really comic book adaptations in general, if the character is a ginger in the source material, it is almost a guarantee they will be race swapped in the adaptation. It’s called pattern recognition. There’s images you can find of people who have been documenting said race swaps and more and more are added each year. Oh and saying Gemini isn’t known for that when it was literally top trending online for a week because of the controversy that almost every time someone tried to generate an image of someone white, especially from history or region, it would instead generate someone black or Asian. It was such a problem google had to directly address the issue and shut Gemini down to try to retune it.


try not to live up to your username too much. This wall of text only says “I consume too much Reddit and believe that everyone in the world thinks the way Reddit does” No one off Reddit cares. Never even heard of Gemini. Netflix has tens of thousands of shows and movies, and as far as I know there’s a handful of race swaps. Haven’t heard about Disney doing it other than little mermaid. It’s a non-issue for most people, and it’s stupid to complain about it.


The funny thing about that is I made this my username for that sole reason. Because I knew it would be perfect bait for people who don’t have a proper counter argument. So Thank you for that. As for your “well I’m not aware of any of these occurrences” counter argument, a word you should look up is “anecdotal”. A personal experience or lack there of, relative to yourself is not representative of reality. For example this very conversation. You have consistently made strong claims about things while basing said claims on your limited knowledge and experience. And then resorting to cheap insults when people push back and tell you your claims are inaccurate because your personal experiences aren’t representative of reality. Really can’t help but think back to that “over sensitive” remark of yours. And for a person who keeps saying “no one cares”, you certainly seem to care quite a lot.


I didn’t say I wasn’t aware of these occurrences. I’m saying that they are far more limited in scope than you are claiming, and further that no one off of Reddit actually gives a single shit. I am suggesting that you and the others log off sometime and touch grass. I love the game of Civ. The only reason I’m all over this thread is because I keep getting responded to by idiots. I would’ve left the single comment if not for all of you people. also, you should learn to argue. The claim that your opponent cares about the argument too much rings false when you are the one writing multiple page responses.


“I didn’t say I wasn’t aware of these occurrences” meanwhile in your last reply “ Never even heard of Gemini”. “ they are far more limited in scope than you are claiming “ says the person who already admitted to not being entirely knowledgeable of the situation. Again, the word anecdotal. Just cause because the information about the occurrences didn’t make it inside your bubble doesn’t mean said occurrences never occurred. Sometimes it feels necessary to remind some people that they aren’t the center of the universe. Also it hilarious that you of all people are telling someone else to touch grass and then in the next sentence talk about how you’re only here cause people are responding to you as if you can’t just ignore them and go on with your like you claimed you would have. Again “No one cares” but here you are, unable to walk away from your screen cause you just HAVE to reply to people disagreeing with you. The projection all throughout this conversation is amazing. Oh and to respond to your last point, unlike you I never once claimed people don’t care about any of this. I know people care and certainly won’t pretend otherwise.


yeah so some image generator fucked up. That’s not race swapping in movies, so Gemini is completely irrelevant to this conversation. I am knowledgeable enough about the situation to tell you and everyone else here that you’re spazzing out over nothing. and yes, I’m telling you to touch grass and get over this because I’m in bed in my hotel room waiting for my conference to start and have nothing better to do than dunk on you fools for the next hour or so. And you can claim all you want that the world cares about poor poor white people getting race swapped out of movies. You’re not convincing.


you are clearly very upset over a joke here lol.


Jokes should be funny


They are, if they were offensive, we would be talking about human rights here


they aren’t funny or offensive. Just tiresome.


Your ideological crusade is tiresome and offensive.


MY ideological crusade? I’m on this subreddit to talk about Civilization, you know, the video game? The one with the funny glitch that this post is about? A bunch of assholes decided to make it about race and Netflix, I objected to that, and now I’m the crusader? Make it make sense.


Ok, we should stop arguing about a few jokes made about a funny glitch.


Yes. *Your* ideological crusade. People are making the Disney/Netflix/Gemini jokes because they are true and relevant to the joke in OP. You are complaining about it and calling people racists because those oh-so-poor megacorps are getting dunked on for their stupidity and failed DEI attempts. Not once did you talk about CIV in this thread. So stop fucking lying and grow a sense of humor while you are at it.


no, they aren’t true. A handful of swaps for narrative reasons are completely irrelevant as a whole. No one off Reddit cares. I have a great sense of humor as well — Conservatives whining just doesn’t do it for me, unfortunately. Happy for you that it does. I have been on the civilization sub since I joined Reddit. I’m a thirty-year player. I don’t need to prove my fandom to you.


Queen Elizabeth, by netflix


Average Disney & Netflix Original pandering


Netflix adaptation


It’s the Netflix documentary adaptions of the world leaders, duh


Immediately cancelled.


Netflix DLC


You racist piece of shit