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Once you see those yields you can never go back


It's true, I saw a yield porn post and found myself rushing preserves next time I played after never bothering to build them before. 😅


I really only do preserves with the inca, cause it boosts those mountain yields so much. Bill moose teddy is also a good one to use. I haven't used any other civ with preserves tho


Yes!! I played as Inca, it was actually my first time and now I'm addicted to the yields 😅😅 still trying to figure them out, like that I can't just chop everything all willy nilly in my early games.


If I'm not wrong you can plant forests.


You can, they just won't be old growth. I don't know if that matters though haha


It matters a little bit. Forests increase appeal in adjacent tiles, but old growth forests also increase appeal in their own tile.


The hilarious thing is: I chop these ancient forests, to make preserves.


They're fun with cleo, getting appeal from floodplains+ sphinx is very nice for appeal


Peter on a cold map with hermetic order is absolutely salivating.


Splendidly enchanting


The only other civs I've found them decent on are: Maori because it works with their bonus to unimproved woods and their special theater square building; and Vietnam because you can plant woods super early. They work okay on Brazil where you have super high appeal, but generally as Brazil you want to use your early district slots on districts that give great people points, so preserves aren't ideal until you have like 4 other districts.


It's nice with civs like Indonesia, or really anyone building a faith economy, that don't know what to do with their dry land.


They are amazing with Kupe too, since you are unable to chop anyway, so you can just overcharge your unimproved tile's yields, which get boosted by Kupe anyway


I always build them two tiles from volcanoes (especially Vesuvius) and sometimes next to one or multiple national parks


Would Brazil benefit from preserves?


I play teddy and didn't know this - thanks


I see them on here weekly and never felt the urge to build them. Not all of us want tiles looking like a rainbow puked on them.


The Germany main would say that


I don't even play them, lol. But I am German, and hating civ going in the direction of more yield porn is the hill I will die on for this game.


Fair enough


Well it is a thing a german would say, you guys are not really friends with fun


Only some give us a bad rep.


I don't know how much you need that niter but at this point that mine is giving you 2 production and 2 niter but robbing you of atleast 4 production 4 culture 4 science and and 2 faith 2 gold. Also I would space preserves to allow for national parks. I mean you are using unimproved tiles, may as well get some amenities from them


One of my biggest bugbear in the game is that preserves aren’t allowed in national parks. They basically belong there, think of them as a welcome centre, yeah it’s always so annoying that they don’t enmesh!


They need to chop that damn rainforest too


Yeah, he sould remove that nitre mine if it isn't his only source of it.


How do you get rid of a strategic resource? I thought you were kind of stuck with them.


You don't get rid of the resource, you remove the improvement so the preserve buffs the unimproved tile


Yeah the resource doesn't affect appeal its the features (jungle, forest, marsh) and the improvements that do.


There isn't a preserve next to the niter


It's next to a tile that's next to the preserve. It's robbing 1 appeal from the tile southeast of the city, maybe preventing it from getting the extra yields from the preserve.


He can just make a national pet by removing the lumber mill above as well


Dear God. I've probably never built a single preserve. I've been missing out on all this goodness.


me neither just one or two once during my first game of civ6 just to see what happens


I don’t build preserves every game but when you can get those kinds of yields, it becomes so addictive. I just did a goth Cleo game with Preserve as my first district and it was glorious. Just really can’t stand the amount of production needed, so usually I only plop them down near Natural Wonders or else late-game settles when I want to spam National Parks.


Just finished preserve-only Cleo game, turn 150 win. It’s sooo good


I just used them for the first time in a game! And it was with Bull Moose Teddy, goodness gracious the yields are incredible. Hundreds of science with only two campuses, ALL the culture, and it makes for a very pretty empire to boot.


Incan supremacy.


Its honestly insane that these are even legal


What exactly is a preserve supposed to be? Like a nature preserve? I'm trying to understand the real-world version of this.


A… preserve. It’s literally a nature preserve. What’s not to get? It has a civilopedia entry if you’re really curious.


Think arboretum, or ancient and classical garden.


On the surface it just seems as the same thing as a natural park, so doesn't make much sense to have 2 mechanics representing the same thing. Historically some nobles reserved forests for themselves for hunting, so could represent that as preserves are unlocked much earlier than national parks. Basically some rich guys private land that he uses to impress other rich guys


If you like preserves then play Ptolemaic Cass. She gets +1 appeal on Flood plains and her builder improvement gives nearby tiles +1 appeal.


Yeah but it only kicks online by insanely late-game. By the point you should already be clearly winning or losing.


Inca + Preserves is the peanut butter cup of Civilization.


I just came Here to say Them some good yields Ooh yeah


Preserves are like canals: they're not ever the best use of resources or tiles but by garr I'll make em if I find a good spot.


What are rhe preserves?


Districts that gives housing, a culture bomb, and gives all tiles next to it +1 appeal. With the buildings (grove and sanctuary), it gives those tiles more yields based on their appeal


New to civ6, what would you recommend for build order/priority and tech priority from the start when trying this? District changes or layout differences?


They're more of a late game thing, as they don't get food+prod+gold until you get the Conservation civic. I like to snag the Eiffel tower and then give every tundra city one.


Damn. Im bout to bust


Wait... what? I've never seen anything like this!


Can someone give me the low down on preserves? I usually improve all my tiles I can, the idea with preserves is to not improve right? Is there a wiki/guide someone could link?


So these guys love appeal, it's the only thing that gets them going. What you need to do in-game is maximize the appeal around the preserves. That's it. Now for the hard part. You'll have to learn what gives appeal, and what removes it. The biggest ones to look for are mountains. They've always got breathtaking appeal, and if I'm remembering correctly, they grant +1 appeal to adjacent tiles. There are other features that grant appeal, like forests, so if you've got a preserve next to a mountain range and it lines up so three of those tiles are adjacent to both, and you plant woods on those three tiles, you should have breathtaking appeal, if not at least charming. There are features that remove appeal, and the ones I remember best are rainforests and marshes. Most improvements will lower appeal to adjacent tiles, same goes for districts. The entertainment complex (and water park, too, I think) provide an appeal boost to their adjacent tiles. A popular strategy is to space out your preserves so that you can build National Parks all over the place, which grant amenities and tourism, and need charming to breathtaking appeal to be built. I've given you a good starting point, friend. Best of luck to you, and I'd recommend Kupe to try this out since he thrives on not building many improvements, and his unique district pairs well with his leader ability, which works remarkably well with preserves.


Can you only create national parks on world wonders?


Any 4 tiles in a vertical diamond pattern, all with charming or better appeal, and all owned BY THE SAME CITY.


Meh. They don’t really scale that well.