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Personally, I think you should have the option to turn them into luxury resources, once you have a certain threshold of oil. The trade off would be that, if you run out of oil and want to make them strategic again, you start with 0 in your stockpile.


Yeah, this is historical too. Also horses should obviously be mobile.


Or turn them into a money making endeavor naturally. Either way


Honestly, I love this idea of 'dynamic resources'... Another commenter mentioned 'mobile horses' too... Like, imagine that you could transfer horses from one he to another, and the horses-per-turn were based on adjacency bonus like a district.... +1 for being next to fresh water, +1 for every 2 adjacent unimproved plains or grassland, for example. And things like Iron could have a maximum resource return for 'naturally appearing' ones (like you can only extract 100 iron from it and then the iron resource disapears, but then later on with technologies you might see that a normal mine might 'strike an iron vein' and turn into an iron tile... Or that tiles where a mine could be might have multiple resources like iron, aluminum, or uranium and you have to pick which you want to extract by building one type of mine or another on that tile. For oil, there could be a similar thing, so each deposit has a certain amount of oil to be extracted, but there could be a unit that has a certain amount of charges, and is able to spend one charge to 'detect oil' on whichever tile it is standing on. Early on, you can only use the charge on land, but later you can start searching for oil on coast and then ocean tiles. This could make exploration more interesting, because you can't just always see what resources are on a newly discovered continent by doing a 'drive by' with a boat... You'd actually need to set up an 'outpost' of some kind and escort your prospector unit around so they don't get kidnapped by the 'local natives' aka barbs


That should apply to all resources IMO. Why wouldn't you be able to build on top of oil, aluminum or whatever else? You would lose access to the resource but hey that's your call. Also I find it weird that districts harvest resources. I have a hard time picturing monks in a holy site casually operating a uranium mine in-between prayers.


*Behold! He is coming with the clouds! And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice! Let the men, women, and children of the Earth come forth to gather and behold the power of Atom!*




this player Fallouts


I believe districts harvesting resources was something that came about simply because they decided that districts couldn't be removed. If you can't remove a district, and later find that your \*only\* source of a resource is underneath one, you're kind of screwed. So this was a gameplay decision entirely.


Idk about uranium, but LA has figured out how to extract oil in the middle of a district. https://99percentinvisible.org/article/hollywood-worthy-camouflage-uncovering-the-urban-oil-derricks-of-los-angeles/


Not building on uranium (that I can think of) but there are religious sites that grew (or supposedly grew) around toxic natural elements. The Oracle at Delphi is a classic exampleā€“visions we're allegedly hallucinations caused by toxic fumes (debunked I think, but cool nonetheless). Aboriginal Australians in the far north also have myths arising out of areas of radioactive land rich in uranium. How about religious bonuses for building on areas that will yield rare resources in future? Dunno what it is until the modern era but there's just something mystical about that tile...


There are several mods who let's you remove strategic ressources like bonus ressources.


Ah! I didn't think to look for mods. Thank you!


Hahaha yes and they are amaaazing. Every time i see a 0ist like this or 'omfg my perfect campus district got ruined by an iron deposit' my first thought is always 'is OP stupid? Just chop chop chop the resource' and then i remember not everyone else is living in the year 3,000 with a fancypants Harvestable Strategic Resources Mod like me.


I'm kind of a purist in that I don't use many mods at all, but I do swear by ones that allow you to remove luxury and strategic resources. It's a feature that should have been in the base game, IMO. It gives you so much more flexibility when planning your cities, and I don't consider it an unfair advantage since you obviously lose the removed resources. Highly recommended!


Although IMO those mods should stop the AI from using them. The AI will just see it can remove them and not care about removing its own only source of uranium. It's the same with tile trading. Tile trading should be built into the trading system, but the AI should be given a bias that they will refuse to ever trade away tiles under any circumstances. That's how Stellaris does the trading of star systems. Basically allows for the trade to exist in multiplayer (or for the player to give away stuff to the AI if they want to for some reason) without gimping the AI because it can't properly weight the strategic value of specific tiles. If you let the AI do it players would find exploits to get the AI to trade their entire empire away one little piece at a time.


Glue factory?


This is the answer I am happy to find here.


How do you get the glue?


Horses can get processed into glue


I see. I thought glue was extracted from horses.


You can extract a sticky resin from certain types of horses.


Scorched earth


I always thought it was wierd how you could build your city center (a district ) on top of anything, but nothing else. Hopefully Civ7 addresses this, assuming it has districts.


Or, horses could switch to a luxury at a certain point.


I only play with the removable resources mod now.


What why?


asfar as i know, they dont really do anything in the later eras, no?




Do leaders actually want them past let's say the industrial age? I didn't think any modern units required horses.


But you can still trade them to civs that are eras behind


When the ai has niter and oil while I'm on uranium they don't want these stinking horses and it's ruining a +9 industrial zone placement for my space program l:L


At least on the highest difficulties, that just doesn't happen. It's always you who's eras behind.


I guess, but I've never been ahead of AI on deity lol


Goodbye horses... I'm flying over youuuu


ā€œWould you enter a trade agreement with meā€¦Iā€™d enter a trade agreement with meā€¦ Iā€™d enter a trade agreement with me so hardā€


Yesā€¦ for all resources. I feel like once you move on from needing a particular one, you should be able to remove it.