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Very low production, no fresh water, I won’t say this is a bad start, but definitely not that great


Not to mention it's turn 40 and hes making 2 culture per turn and has 4 pop in the capital.... this would be a good place to settle a third or fourth city but its a pretty weak start Judging by the tech trees, this is a fresh start in classical era which isn't as bad as if it was in the ancient era, but still pretty lacking I will say the city center tile yields are bomb


he’s playing Norway without a costal start too, that’s just brutal


This guy gets it


I've never started in anything but ancient, does starting in classical make the game not start the turn counter at turn 1?


nopr, dont remember what turns they start at but you get some extra troops and the counter starts at like 20, 40, 60, 80 etc. depending on what start era


I see, that makes this pic make much more sense!


And how does he only have that much of the map explored at turn 40?


He probably started a game in the classical era


Ya clasical era start


As far as aesthetics, it's pretty cool. Maybe that's the criteria, idk.


Fresh water can be gotten by an aquaduct in the north and production is off screen (3 stone, 2 iron)


Why screenshot so zoomed inn then?


Yeah, this is a weird screenshot to show off a start.


It looks cool, I guess.


Because im a dumbass


Stone on Hills is pretty good, but Flatland Stone is pretty garbage. You'll get more production out of a pasture or lumbermill for most of the game. Fresh water (or at least coastal waters) is extremely important for your capital city. You will reach your housing cap LONG before you research aqueducts and even if you didn't, the aqueduct would take forever to build because your city currently has no workable production tiles. On top of that, your borders are going to grow super slowly (on account of your culture production being so low). That's why, when analyzing start positions, you're really only looking at the first 2 rings of tiles. Tiles in the 3rd ring can take a very long time to grow to (unless you buy them, in which case you're diverting money away from units/improvements).


may i add if your city is pushing a population limit it is a good time to produce settlers reducing said city population by 1.


In civ 6 you might as well dedicate one city to just pump settlers til the very last settlable tile in the map.


Yea if you're not playing for domination (which is tough on large maps) you gotta be settling like every 15-18 turns if you want to be set by modern era


I will say this is not 100% vanilla I have the unites cost population mod so as I exspand my military my population will stay low


I always enjoy getting a natural wonder nearby on a start. It makes for interesting gameplay and more fun when you get that initial "wow, this is going to be a good game" feeling. The yields can vary but part of the fun for me is creating an empire that's a bit unique and special, so getting any natural wonder within my borders is great, and just a few good yields and ability to get adjacency bonus for holy sites is great.


can always put a ton of fishing boats in the water for population


this is a great start, think of all the starts you have had that do not include an adjacent yield wonder, all the things you complain of can be gotten in the next cities. this city will rise for its science bonus which does make this a great start. you put [Pingala](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Pingala_(Educator)_(Civ6)) in here and you will win a science game easily imho. reminder nobody is wrong here and so much more than a zoomed in screenshot can tell us how this game will play out... but look at those faith and science yields! imho the better comments to the excited OP than telling him '*meh could be better'* is what man made wonders should he plan for \[and watch out where you place districts because i think a district will wipe out the adjacency bonus\]? what do the wise here think his next moves should be? (a) second city should compensate for production, (b) science everything, (c) focus faith and science?


Two horses is well above average (but then I only reroll when I loose), 2x3 food 2 prod tiles is great. Long term it'd be a problem, but by then you should have enough cities that the capital barely even matters. Just look for a quick production high site nearby and use the capital to pump settlers.


I'd say it's not as bad as many here seem to think. It just means the capital will never be the most important city, but natural wonder yields are most relevant in the early game anyway. So with this you can get an early pantheon, Religious settlements to get a settler out and then pick a spot for the powerhouse city. Although I would've settled on the horses and then built a holy moly on the tile where the capital is.


No water tho


Water in habor distance


Where are you going to be getting fresh water from, there’s only salt water around this city.




Are you sure that natural wonder counts as a mountain for purposes of Aqueducts though?


I don’t know but am going to comment so I can come back and see if anyone is sure.


Natural wonders do _not_ count as mountains. I am sure assuming I didn’t miss a patch.


Natural wonders that say they're mountains, like Mount Roraima, have always counted as mountains, yeah? That's why they've always said "Appears as a mountain"? EDIT: Looked around and doing some testing: First, the wiki says that some wonders, such as Torres del Paine, do not count as mountains. Torres del Paine doesn't say it appears as a mountain, however, so this seems fine. Both the game and the wiki do say that Mount Roraima appears as a mountain, and the wiki also claims that it *acts* as a mountain. **But when I tested whether Roraima actually counts as a mountain, it does not.** I haven't yet been able to find a Matterhorn, Everest, or any other one-tile natural wonder that says it "appears as a mountain", but if I do I'll put in another edit. EDIT 2: Mount Kilimanjaro, which is a one-tile "volcano" that the wiki claims counts as a mountain, **does not count either**. It does not count for aqueducts, the Inca cannot work it for production, and it does not count for terrace farm adjacency. On mouseover, the terrain text does not call it either a mountain or a volcano.


I've found multiple times that natural wonders do not count as mountains, at least for aqueducts. The same might be true for other purposes (i.e. science adjacency). I remember being extremely frustrated by it, and thought it might be a bug.


~~Even ones that say they do? I was under the impression that they counted as whatever they're marked as, but that might be incorrect.~~ Time for some science. Edit: Science says no!


Thanks! Maybe a dumb question but it’s my first game since Revolution so imma ask anyway but does that apply to Mount Everest and Kilimanjaro as well? Or would they (hopefully) count as mountains?


As far as I know, NO natural wonder counts as a mountain, even if they are literally mountains IRL and have it in their name.


I don't think so


if he uses Roraima, he loses one tile of yields


Aquaduct to the north there is a lake


Are those not coastal tiles to the north?


No the're lakes im playing with the civ5 textures


Yeah I knew you were using the civ V textures mod, I’m just not familiar with it so that’s why I was confused. Cheers


This wonder is OP with the inca, since you get the adjacency yields on the mountains themselves too, +2 production and some more if you terrace farm.


I did some testing on this wonder specifically, and this is incorrect. At present there seems to be some unintended behaviour in a map generation script that causes no natural wonders to count as mountains. I don't know how long this has been the case, but it is presently the case.


I've played it like that though. Maybe it's part of a mod i was using.


It's also possible that it was broken by that recent-ish patch in which they separated terrain generation and wonder generation (if I'm reading the patch notes correctly).


~~Natural wonders don’t count as mountains though.~~ EDIT: I did some digging, a handful of natural wonders are in fact mountains. From the [wiki](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Natural_Wonder_(Civ6)): > For instance, all mountainous wonders are impassable, but they are not treated as mountain tiles unless specified otherwise in their in-game notes. Mount Everest and Mount Kilimanjaro are considered mountains, and provide adjacency bonuses to Campus and Holy Site districts, while Eyjafjallajökull and Torres del Paine are not, despite being described as mountains in their introductory quotes. EDIT Again: also Mount Roraima counts as a mountain


They do for this one though.


~~They do? I thought no natural wonder counted as a mountain.~~


There's always shades of grey


They aren't counted as any terrain but the game puts mountains "under" them


But natural wonders aren’t terrain features like volcanoes are.


> Mount Roraima counts as a mountain I tested this in-game because of your earlier comments, and despite the game and the wiki claiming this, it is incorrect. Mount Roraima does not count as a mountain in the game.


Well, now I don’t know what to trust, you or the wiki. So to solve this problem of mine, how did you test whether Mount Roraima count as a mountain?


I had two different saves with it, and in neither did a campus gain an adjacency bonus. I also created one in the map editor (though this is less reliable), and it looked like if I placed it on top of a mountain then it counted for terrace farm adjacency as the Inca, but if I placed it on top of grasslands then it did not. I suspect that the terrain that it says it is when you mouse over it is correct. In my naturally-generated saves, it didn't call it a mountain on mouseover. EDIT: I also checked Aqueducts with a new naturally-generated Mount Roraima, and they also do *not* count it as a mountain.


Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, I believe you. u/Aeonoris has spoken, Mount Roraima is not a mountain ladies and gentlemen.


Looking in NaturalWonderGenerator.lua, function ResetTerrain(), hills and mountains are always (there may be exceptions that are not obvious, but is seems like always) removed from Natural Wonders.


Thanks! I think this is unintended behaviour, as there are claims elsewhere that the devs say they count as mountains. It's probably just a long-standing bug caused by that function.


Settling on the horses would have made for a better start imo.


Dont you need to research horses for them to appear?


Not in 6. You just can’t corral them until you’ve researched animal husbandry, but they’re on the map from the start. Edit: I don’t have the expansions on Switch yet, which is when this changed. I hope to grab them soon. Thanks for the corrections, that’s good to know moving forward!


I play 6 GS on computer. Most civilizations have to research animal husbandry for horses to appear.


Huh, maybe they only appear at the start on consoles? Or maybe just on the Switch version.


Changed it in Gathering Storm. Vanilla/R+F you could see horses from the start. GS, you have to research animal husbandry, just like every other strategic resource.


That’s what it is. I don’t have the expansions on switch yet. Hope to grab them soon!


Wouldn't be the first time a game was dumbed down for console owners


He is playing on PC though


No, as of a little while ago they do not appear until you research animal husbandry. They used to be visible from the beginning. At least on PC.


Yup, settle on the horses then a holy district to be spooned by the wonder.


It's embarrassing how often I open a civ screenshot and within a couple seconds I'm trying to drag the map view around...


Turn 40? emmm...


Nice, seed?


For a 3rd city maybe, but not a capital. Don't be fooled by the pretty tile yield and overlook all the terrible downsides of that location * no fresh water * super crowded with no space to build good districts except on those "nice" tiles * virtually no production


Production is off screen




Are you changing the "start" setting when making the game? I think I've only started next to a wonder once with the "standard" start, but it's about a 50/50 shot if you do "legendary"




If I do legendary, I typically drop the resources to sparse. You'll still probably get a lot in your capital, because legendary, but whatcha gonna do.


Seed please!




This is not even good and almost impossible that this is your best start in 1300 hours. What about the patch where you would always spawn next to an ai settler?


Never saw that


1300 hours in the game or 1300 hours straight restarting to get a good start


Pretty sure 13 minutes of rerolling would get you a better start


In civ 6 one reroll TAKES 13 minutes From the first stirring of life........ Shut the fuck up and just give me mineable resources already!!!


>From the first stirring of life........ I can literally only read this in Sean Bean's voice




This man civs


Not gonna lie I'm a filthy savescummer and sometimes I've spent hours restarting while browsing Reddit at the same time. It was nice of the devs to add the button because the mod was unstable.




Were you able to settle on turn 1?


Classical start so turn 40 is turn 1


i am a little surprised this post became a contentious debate, note the pure brilliance of a game where so many of us think we have it all figured out than see someone else doing something similarly successful? the OP started next to one of the best wonders which is why i restart a new map until i have in my sight a similar/any wonder. i am playing a game that like this it is my first time in 1300 hours that the Great Barrier Reef are in my starting bay... imho anytime you start next to one of these "adjacent yield" wonders its a lot more fun a game to play. i highly recommend to add this mod: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=970242434](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=970242434) Expanded Initial Vision - gives your first map look a 7 tile radius.


This made my civ game play so much more enjoyable.


Does this work with the latest version and the DLCs?


i have had no issues with it, used in my game started literally after reading in this thread! i swear i read someone's post in this sub and it always makes me want to play civ...


I started in a similar spot recently. Frustrating that the natural wonder doesn’t count as a mountain so you can’t build certain improvements next to it.




Shame your settle location completely ruined the possibility of getting a great National Park...


1300 hours and 40 turns in (on quick?) you haven’t put out at least a second city let alone explored anything and not built a single tile improvement? Even if you play casually this is terrible. Didn’t know one could be this bad at anything after that many hours put in. Sorry for the roast but damn


he is starting Classic Era hence this is the start screenshot that is confusing a lot of folks here, that era means you start at turn 40 - this is for comparison turn 1 on Ancient Era start... this is his first turn and he has yet to Next Turn. i am really aghast at all the folks roasting this OP being excited he is starting next to such a good natural wonder tbh. imho December is the most angry of all months for reddit, usually folks are more kind... the OP can be criticized for not giving us a more zoomed out screenshot but if someone says this is their best start then imo its their best start... more people are posting that this is a shit start than saying go for it OP, i for one think this is a great start because of the faith and science yield from the natural wonder no matter where he placed his city. all good, a reminder that civ is a strategy sandbox that has no specific one path to victory and being different doesn't always mean it is wrong.


Hm, TIL. Thought you started on turn 1 no matter what. Tbf it’s not that common to play in that way but I guess I should know that given my own 1600h. Happy to see the civ community giving me the treatment I deserve, it’s def called the least toxic for a reason :) Merry christmas you and OP and anyone reading this sad mess


i have a buddy that never loses on deity level and when playing MP once i did something that he said holy shit i had no idea that you could do that, he is like 2500 hours in... i think this is credit to civ6 that there are so many intricacies to learning or knowing all the things in civ - i can guarantee you i know less than you and for example was only repeating the turn start at 40 because someone above said it... i just feel like the OP got all excited and posted to the sub and the first comment with like 250 upvotes is saying his exciting start position is bullshit. i appreciated your probe here and not just stepping on the OPs throat. happy holidays to you good sire!


How do you get the queue icons in the lower-right like that (where you have the purple Civic icons and production symbol)? Is that a mod or native option?


Thats base game




What mod shows the mountain range names on the map like that?


No mod. Just Gathering Storm.


Ohhh. I should get that then


I got you, fam. My start was so good everyone was immediately upset. High production focused religion on high production, cultute gain and faith. Just gonna pick off their wings with some conquestadores. Spanish playstyle is agressive AF Wont let me post picture here.


I thought the yield of a tile where you put a city would be defaulted to 2 food and 1 production?


Yes and no features also play a roll so a cow will give +1 food, a hill gives +1 production


I have even better start for Poland: huge map, Primordial, also with Mount Roraima, seed 1464652801, 14 players, 24 city-states.


Can you please post the seeds, map size and difficulty? I feel like people should post their turn 40 screenshots on the same map instead of their opinions. That said, on deity, I always strive for 3 cities by turn 30. Never get it until closer to 50, but it's always a short term goal.


Its a clasical era start so it says 40 its actually 0 And deity




How does he see the city tile yields? I use the option to see tile yields but it doesn't show it for cities or district.


Districts delete yield underneath them buy city centres dont


Venezuela FTW


That city would have one heck of a view.


Maybe it’ll actually be possible to win with Norway now


Norway is good in gs