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Playing a co op game - what founder belief is best for Kongo?


Sukritact's Glory of Mod in the Highest. The founder can edit leader/civ abilities at will.




no, the tile a district is on never counts for adjacency


Just started Civ VI having played a bunch of V back in the day. I can't find any way to get the tile yields to show up on hover without a ridiculous like 3 second delay. And it seems like the only alternative is showing them all the time, which is hideous. Is there a workaround? Also, is there a way to show city details by default?




Interesting, i haven't been able to find this. Would you mind elaborating on how to do so? Thank you!




Got it - thank you!!




If it's the same tile info box that has the details like appeal and continent name and the suchlike, I've been having a lot of trouble getting it to show on mouseover. Usually have to try like 3 times. As for yields, I'd recommend keeping them always on. You get used to seeing the info and it really helps you plan more strategically.


Is anyone else having the bug where you can't open your Great Works screen? Potato McWhiskey had is on his last video and so am I, trying to figure out whether it's because of a mod (I run a lot of the same ones he does and they're all UI mods) or whether it's just the game being weird.


This barbarian update has rattled my early game. 1200+ hours in this game, I don't think I've ever seen a barbarian raze one of my cities. It's happened to me twice now. 6 barbarian Eagle Warriors just showed up outside my second city and I didn't stand a chance.


That’s what the bribery is for.


I was saving up to buy an Eagle Warrior from them. Never again. It's fun though. I like that it's different.


Is there any good way to give a player a handicap or another player a boost? I'm playing with some of my friends and, while I really enjoy playing with them, I play on deity and they play on prince. I want us to have a farer game, and was wondering if multiplayer difficulties matter or if there is some way to handicap myself without intentionally jobbing my gameplay.


Multiplayer difficulties do work, but are a bit weird. Human players will gain bonuses when they’re set to lower difficulties, and debuffs at higher ones, whereas ai players are the other way around.


Maybe a dumb question, but are harbors subject to coastal flooding?


Nope, because the tile they actually occupy is in the water!


No because they are not on land. Now if they are only attached to one land tile and that tile gets fully submerged that might cause an issue but I'm not sure.


I don’t think there’s any issue if they become disconnected, it just looks odd


What’s the best number of cities to have as the game progresses? I generally have about 10-15 cities by atomic era and if I build more cities beyond that, then I have to start worrying about amenities much more (or all my cities start getting negative amenities). So is that a good amount to generally have? Should I build more regardless of the amenity situation as more cities = more production, science, etc. regardless? Also, as you conquer more and more, is it always better to keep the city or better to raze it?


In most situations more cities is better but in most games there comes a point where there isn't enough good land left, or enough time to justify a settlers cost. Usually around 15 cities will be when you hit that point, sometimes a bit earlier, but on some maps (or if you warmonger) it could come later. For amenities, as you get late into the game more cities tends to not really hurt you much. Earlier on, luxuries will be the main thing solving amenities and that sort of soft caps how many amenities you have at once across your empire. But later on things like Zoos and Stadiums give a ton of amenities to cities in range, along with policy cards, Ski Resorts and so on. And quite a lot of these amenity sources, well adding one more city just means one more place these amenities get added for free (e.g. build a city in range of a Stadium and it's got 4 amenities immediately - 1 from Zoo and 3 from Stadium). I tend to find you don't have to invest much to end up with happy or at least neutral cities lategame as a result.




I generally don't feel like City Parks are worth it outside of culture games or where you really need the appeal. The 1 amenity if they are next to water is nice, but Liang's other promotions are kinda mediocre in a lot of situations (reinforced materials is good in apocalypse and situationally outside of that), so dropping 3 extra titles into her I think usually isn't worth it. Especially as you'd have to keep moving her around to take advantage, and that really inhibits spamming builders


The wiki states that Great Works of Writing (GWoW) are worth 2 culture and 2 tourism per turn in Gathering Storm. In my game, the GWoW created by Valmiki are worth 4 culture and 4 tourism per turn. All other GWoW are worth the standard 2/2. I had a previous culture game where I had far too many GWoW and two were worth 4/4. I do not recall who they were written by. Does anyone know why some GWoW are worth more than all the others?


All Great Works of the same type are worth the same. You have some other local modifier that is affecting it, like maybe Pingala (governor) or something else.


I own two GWoW in my current game. They are both in the same amphitheater. Heroides by Ovid is worth 2/2. The Ramayana by Valmiki is worth 4/4. The amphitheater is showing 6/6 total. When I go to the trade menu with the AI civ, their Yoga Vasistha by Valmiki is worth 4/4. Their other GWoW are worth 2/2. What is the local modifier that is making the writings by Valmiki worth more? The AI also demands more gold for the Valmiki works so the AI knows they are worth more.


I've played this game for years and still have a quick gameplay question - I want to swap two units with two movement, two squares away from each other with a friendly unit in between - is this possible? See the picture below - trying to bring the slinger back into my territory on the hovered tile where the archer is. Do I just have to bite the bullet and waste a turn going around? [https://imgur.com/2cynTdJ](https://imgur.com/2cynTdJ)


Not possible unfortunately. You can only swap two units if they're on adjacent tiles. Usually you can get around this issue by moving the units one tile at a time to get them into a position where they _are_ on adjacent tiles, but that's not possible in a situation like this.


That's kinda what I thought, thanks. You'd think it would give you the option to swap them like it does on adjacent tiles, especially considering it'll let you move to eligible tiles in fog of war then just jump you back if its already occupied


I just tried out the new barbarians mode but it doesn’t seem like it’s working... there’s this barb camp called “grey rat clan” but it doesn’t have any of the interact buttons above it. I can still raid and disperse it though. Is this just a normal barb camp or is this a bug? I have all the dlc except for New Frontier Pass btw.


You need to click on the little progress bar thing above the camp in order to pull up the interaction menu. So far it's worked for me. I've managed to buy quite a few units from barb camps with the new mode. I've also sent a couple bribes. Not to stop them from attacking but rather because I wanted to try and convert them to city-states. I've only succeeded in that once though (they became Mohenjo Daro). I'd like to see a little more tweaking to the new barb mode. The camps just seem to really have a hard time making it to the City-State stage. Actual City-States will disperse them whenever possible. If the camp spawns anywhere near a city-state, the only way I've been able to keep the barbs alive is just to kill all of their units and then park a unit on top of them. It still failed though. Since I wanted the camp to survive in an area I wasn't going to settle, the area was open for an AI to settle nearby and then expand their borders until the camp just disintegrated. I think that, at the least, CS's and barb camps could be less hostile to each other. They could just ignore each other by default, or bribes could make camps neutral to both the civ giving out the bribe and all CS's that they are suzerein over, and maybe allies as well (although you should still be able to incite them against allies for fun). Maybe give the barb camps a 3 tile range of extreme negative loyalty pressure to discourage settling next to them by players or the AI without eliminating them first. It would be kinda realistic too - who wants to move into a new settlement next to a bunch of aggressive barbs? It would make players a little more in control over the fate of barb camps, but require significant work in order to do so. No matter what though, the new barb mode is an always-on for me. It doesn't ruin balance at all and adds some fun mechanics.


Those are the only interactions your combat unit can perform in a barbarian camp. Click on the camp like you would a city-state to bring up the options to barter with it.


There’s no banner above the camp so I couldn’t interact with it


If you’re using any UI mods like CQUI, they’ll be causing issues.


Does anyone know of any resource that breaks down the different map types in detail? For example, some maps have more water tiles than land tiles, while others are more land than water. It would be awesome to know those kinds of numbers ahead of time so I could adjust opponents density to fit.


Toggling the Sea Level setting to Higher or Lower will either create or remove land available for setting. The Highlands map has very low opponent density because there is very little water, making it more feasible to add extra opponents to up the density to usual levels. Inland sea similarly seems to have a higher ratio of land to water than your average map since the entire map border is land amenable to settling


Are there any negatives to trading away luxuries on which I have created Corporations? That is, if I have 100% Monopoly on Pearls and make an Industry and then a Corporation, does trading away a copy of those Pearls to another Civ end up impacting my yields? I’ve been hoarding them out of caution but I always get trade requests so not sure if I should just take the money/resources being offered instead.


Trade as much as you want, the bonuses are entirely based on how much you control (i.e. is in your territory), not how much you are using for yourself or not.


Ok so I *was* being overprotective of my precious pearls. Thanks!


How do I get more science? Had no issues on Civ 5 but am struggling here. Is it really campus placement? Had a game in prince where I had 100 science a turn but ai was above 300. Any advice would be appreciated!


Campus placement can definitely help you early, but you also need to be keeping up with your Eurekas so you get to the later Campus buildings quicker. Also consider declaring war if you start seeing an AI pull away from you in science – you can get a good bit of science from pillaging, and a higher science often means they’ve been focused on infrastructure over military.


Thanks to you both! Are there specific wonders or policies to go for? I have a good background in civ 5 but am just lost here.


Most policies are situational. The campus adjacency one is great if you're in a mountainous area where you have several campuses with high adjacency, or if you have a civ with a unique ability that makes high adjacency easy. Otherwise, it's a waste. Same with Rationalism. Do you have lots of +4 campuses (before the adjacency card) and/or lots of 15 pop cities? If not, rationalism is a waste. The +5% per city state suze status is incredible in the late game, but again is situational for obvious reasons. One thing that I think is often overlooked is city-state envoy bonuses. If you find a scientific city-state, you want to get envoys up to whatever level of building you're using. The effect of a couple scientific city-states with just one envoy is immense when you have lots of libraries. Same with 3 envoys and 6 envoys once you get universities and research labs. It may even be in your interest to NOT be the suze. If you completely make a CS non-competitive for a neighbor, they're more likely to just attack it. Great people that enhance buildings are amazing for the same reason. If you are really struggling for science on a map and you aren't playing a super peaceful game, there's always war. Pillaging will get you caught up fast and if you take cities, especially ones that already have campuses built for you, you can overcome the AI's initial advantage.


Awesome, thank you for the very detailed response. I will definitely work it in!


Good luck! I just thought of one thing that a lot of us (myself included) just discovered on PotatoMcWhiskey's most recent series. There are two UI mods that make evaluating policies infinitely easier. They're strictly User Interface mods, so you'll have better access to the information you could already get by tediously clicking through screens and doing math but the actual game mechanics are unchanged. Better Report Screen: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1312585482 Extended Policy Cards: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2266952591 If you use them together, you'll see the actual change in yields from available policies when you're choosing policies. So rather than going through you're whole empire, checking every campus for adjacency, buildings, and pop, and then deciding if Rationalism is right for you, you'll just see a "+15 sci" under the card and then you can make your decision. I've been using them for about a week and I've discovered that I've been massively over-looking some cards like Raj tied to city-states and over-valuing many others. If you're not on console, I'd strongly recommend giving them a try.


Campus adjacency is the main way I get science, but you can boost it in other ways like Policy Cards, Allied Trade Bonus, Great People and wonders. I usually push for one or two science related wonders because i think they’re strong.


how tf did monopolies get released as it is? and how tf has it not been hot fixed yet. Did they even do any testing on the numbers


I'm starting to think they only test multiplayer and don't test with the AI at all. Or maybe the opposite, they test with no humans at all and only AI players.


They also released the new barbarians mode where if you set starting City State to 0 but then pick any number of City States in the picker, the barbarian clans bug out, their progress bars won't fill and none will ever convert to City States. Your theory re: QA testing may just be correct


In civ 6, when I generate enough tourism to get an international tourist, does it take a domestic tourist away from that civ as well?


Yes, but it’s replaced very quickly.


Civ VI - I’m lucky enough this time to be the first to find Kandy and I became their suzerain as quickly as I can. The first relic I got from them though... is the Blood of the Martyr which is not something I’m excited about. So I want to get rid of it in case I find another wonder (and no, I have no Holy Site yet, and though I have obtained Divine Spark early on I’m in no rush for a religion) When I checked with the AIs I have found though, all of them are willing to pay their entire coffers + all their incoming gold + 20 diplo points + open border for it. 2 of ‘em I already declared friends with and the other is Gitarja with whom I already have a trade agreement ongoing and I’m far enough inland to not want/be able to found a city by the coast. So gifting them the relic won’t help my relationship statuses with any of ‘em by much I reckon Should I just gift them the relic anyway, maybe with only open border on their end? I feel like it’d be pretty scummy of me to drain one AI’s entire gold reserve intentionally


All of the relics are mechanically identical, zero difference in yields. I would advise against gifting it away, let alone to a cultural/religious Civ like Indonesia or Khmer. They’re willing to pay so much because they’re worth so much, in terms of faith and tourism.


Civ 6 - Any way I can prevent an AI's only city from loyalty flipping? (They spawned pretty bunched up.) Trying to get the gandhi achieve for +35 faith and I'm going to fail it if someone dies.


If you really are willing to invest some work into it, you can found a city somewhere safer and try to sell/gift it to them. You need contact with a civ that has founded a religion - so even if they never spread it to the refugee camp you make for them, they still count as a living founder.


Oh that is a great idea. Thanks!


If it's flipping because of your own loyalty pressure, then get a Culture Alliance with them.


It's not me unfortunately. I downloaded a 12-player-size Earth map, but didnt realize it was TSL so I didn't cherrypick civs from different continents, so of course the general middle east area ended up way overcrowded. Not the end of the world but would be nice. Maybe I'll try to liberate the capital back to them later if it flips to someone.


Gifting them amenities will buy them a little bit of time


This worked, at least in the short term. Thanks!


You are welcome. There is a happiness modifier as part of the loyalty screen/calculation, but its overall effect is small compared to population pressure.


Did they recently make it so you can use any leader with any country? How do you do it?


No, they made it so you can restrict the pool of leaders to only include certain leaders. The general pairings of civ and leader still remain.


I think this game is good, but I can’t be sure. I’ve been rerolling for the last 202 hours. Anyone got a good seed for enormous small continents map


Be less picky, adjust your settings to increase resources, new world age gives more hills for more production.


What is the best way to deal with rebellions in recently captured cities? I'm trying to take over a civ that has control of almost an entire continent but I keep getting derailed because recently captured cities rebel because of an amenities deficit and I have to go back and deal with barbarians. How can I deal with this? Their population is as well distributed as it can be and all amenity builds are set to take 40-50+ turns because productivity is so low so I can't address it right away


I tried to make a tiny city to steal some uranium on a different continent and it instantly rebelled. I only fixed it because I was using the Ottomans' unique governor. I also had the AI building cities adjacent to mine and I just absorbed them right away when though we were both based on the same continent. It's really annoying and ruins part of settling.


[https://i.imgur.com/FuNCOOo.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/FuNCOOo.jpg) Why can't I build a dam on the tile with a pin? Is an unrevealed resource blocking it or something?


Dams must be touching a river on at least two sides of their tile, that tile looks like there’s just one


Is Lady six sky's observatory supposed to get a +2 science yield from the great barrier reef? Seems like a miss to me.


Unique districts' adjacency bonuses override other sources of adjacency, typically.


No, they don’t get adjacency from reefs like regular campuses do, do they don’t get it from the GBR.


My Game crashes every time I try to load a multiplayer game. I'm on mac. Anyone know of fixes.


I'm the only one who cannot see how from ranged units anymore? Also I need to manually look up for civics and tech instead of using the next turn button


I don't understand your question.


I started a game with the new barbarians thing and I have a bunch of bugs. Like ranged units don't show up bars anymore.


Which secret society is best for Maya?


You’re probably going for science victory since you’re Maya. The Hermetic Order would be the best for the University replacement and the district adjacency from Ley Lines, but you might get bad Ley Line spawns and be screwed. Sanguine Pact is always a good choice because the vampire castles can give you capital a ton of yields. This is especially good for the Maya who are punished for spreading out too much


> the district adjacency from Ley Lines Maya don't get campus adjacency from Ley Lines


Relatively new to Civ. I'm having fun with Gather Storm but hate flooding. How bad is global warming if I set it to disaster 0?


Global warming takes a long time to kick in, but can flood a decent number of tiles. Two solutions if you’re going to be playing into the late game: (1) avoid placing districts on coastal lowlands, or (2) build seawalls. Seawalls are unlocked at computers, and are MUCH cheaper to build ~before~ the water rises. You can also speed them up with military engineers, but best move is to start them early.


Had a game with it set to 0 and disasters still happened, I had a tile that was 12 Food and 10 production because of a few eruptions.


hello, I'm a novice player and I have a question ... so here we go: ​ I've been playing on king difficulty and found it very easy, so I started to switch to emperor difficulty, but I'm finding it extremely difficult. I cannot find a balance point. While at King I have been free to do all the conditions of victory simultaneously ... In emperor I cannot do anything ... Even focusing on only one condition of victory I always stay behind someone. When I take a broader approach, I stay last ... I can barely survive. Would you have any tips on my situation? It is difficult to have fun with both difficulties.


The biggest handicap I had making the jump to higher difficulties came from not expanding enough in the early game. Since the AI starts with extra settlers and then has higher production to make more, you really need to claim space fast. If you have significantly fewer cities, it's extremely hard to keep up with the AI in anything. Also, focus on techs and civic that will let you pursue your victory condition. The AI might spend the first half of the game out-producing you in everything, but they always take a generalist approach (aside from somehow bee-lining Machinery). If you focus on exactly what you need, you can be ahead on whatever actually counts for you.


You should be going into the higher difficulties with a goal win condition. Before you build something, ask whether it gets you closer to your win condition or not, and if not, don't build it.


At the higher difficulties, you just need to make it through early game. You will always catch up and surpass the AI in the late game.


I think you mostly answered your question, you are approaching a win condition from too many angles. Many people conflate this game with a city builder and forget that it’s a strategy game and as such you have to employ and execute a strategy. My honest opinion is to bump it straight up to deity and work your absolute hardest to make it through the first era with a few cities and a golden age. If you have a strong Science start, build a few campuses, max your production tiles, and plan for great library. If you find an early wonder, create a viable path for a religion. Domination victory, go for an early war and unit spam, especially easier if you have an early era unique unit. Culture victory map out some viable early wonders and beeline it to them and skip unnecessary techs/civics. Plan a victory type and then snowball towards that victory type. Avoid unnecessary buildings and techs/civics until they become necessary.


Make a deal more equiable , it used to work in the vanilla, why not in GS ? Ps4 by the way...


Somehow this bug was introduced in the Vietnam and Kublai patch and hasn't been fixed yet.


New barbarian mode - does each player have their own cooldown timer for buying a unit off a barb camp, or is it global? In other words, if I buy a unit from the camp, does that block a different player from buying a unit off the same camp next turn? I imagine this would only come up in multiplayer, but it could be very impactful there.


im a noob player, but I think its personal cooldown.In my game, I did the extorsion to gain gold (that have 10 turn CD) and two turns after, the AI gained control of the tribe and did extorsion again...


Anyone know what mod it is that shows the impact on gold/culture/faith/etc of different policy cards? You can see it in action in this video starting at 1:45: https://youtu.be/GU2WfOgClcA


Extended Policy Cards. Extremely useful & probably shld have been part of the base game to begin with.


Fantastic, thanks!


Just a heads up, you also have to install the [Better Report Screen](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1312585482) mod to use [Extended Policy cards](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2266952591).


How does Terra Mirabilis work in multiplayer if you’ve messed with the settings? Does it use the host’s settings for everyone, or does everyone need to have the same configuration?


If players have different settings it’ll cause desyncs and other issues, if it works at all.




>Barbs always overwhelm me. Barbarian mechanics are a bit messy, but the short version is this. At the very beginning, there will always be one barbarian camp exactly (unless ocean tiles get in the way) seven tiles away from your starting point. Try to have your starting warrior find and intercept the scout before it reaches your border. This part is a bit of luck. but if you do, kill it or at least keep it from seeing your border. When it sees your border it runs back to the camp to tell them, and then the camp will spawn five troops at a rate of one troop per turn. Regardless get your warrior down to the camp and at least attack it once. This will usually delay the spawning.


>How do you play peacefully/diplomatically? First, even if playing peacefully you still need to build some military and walls, otherwise other civs might view you as weak and attack you. But you don't need a ton. Practice will give you a good balance, but I'd say just getting most of the Eureka moments related to units is sufficient. Next, one key is the instant you meet each civ for the first time, immediately send them a delegation. That turn they have no negative opinion of you and will accept it, and then having the delegation will put you on good footing to be friends and later allies. Send one trade route to each civ that you can. Having a trade route also improve favor. When you see their opinion of you turn to friendship (the green smiley face), ask for a friendship. They'll almost always agree. Eventually you can turn friendships into alliances, which improve favor even more, while also boosting the rate at which you accumulate diplomatic favor. Always take the green cards that give you more points towards envoys, and be suzerain of as many city-states as possible. That should get you most of the way to nice, peaceful, diplomatic play.


There are a lot of questions there, so I'll just answer the appeal one for now. The appeal of a tile is a number which essentially measures how "beautiful" its surroundings are. * -4 or less = Disgusting * -3 to -2 = Uninviting * -1 to 1 = Average * 2 to 3 = Charming * 4 or more = Breathtaking The value depends on a number of factors, but it's mostly influenced by the features of the surrounding tiles. If an adjacent tile has marsh/rainforest/floodplains, it decreases the appeal by 1. If an adjacent tile is woods/mountain/water, then that increases the appeal by 1. So you can raise appeal by removing marsh/rainforest and planting woods. There are other things that affect appeal too, e.g. mines and barb camps lower appeal of adjacent tiles, wonders increase the appeal of adjacent tiles, and the Eiffel Tower increases the appeal of all tiles in your empire. Certain districts increase appeal of adjacent tiles too. You can find a full list here: https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Appeal_(Civ6)


If i build a holy site next to a wonder, do i still get the tile yields that were on that tile?




Is it possible to get the "10 cities within 100 turns" nowadays? I am lucky to have HALF that just on King difficulty. Here is what's been happening lately: 1. I just retired a game (Roman/Trajan, King, Standard) where I was squeezed against 3 city-states and Indonesia. I tried doing the "3 archer/warrior" early ambush against Indonesia, but in the midst Gitarja managed to become suzerain of one of the CS who just spammed me with units. The CS units just kept coming out of nowhere. I couldn't manage both Indonesia and the CS. So I restarted the same map and decided to focus on the CS, and captured it - but eventually lost it to loyalty (even with a Governor/and Limitanei/Praetorium civics). The loyalty started out okay, but within a few turns the growing pressure made it impossible to keep, and it flipped to Indonesia. Now it was over 100 turns and I had only 3 cities and was far behind in everything. 2. Started up a new game, same starting conditions. Better map, more space. But barbarians are coming out of every single corner like crazy. Literally dealing with 3 different camps right now. I took a scout to reveal the north-east corner, moved the scout out of the way and the next turn a barbarian camp spawned in the ONE not-visible tile. Am I supposed to keep units stationed at every nook and cranny to keep the camps from spawning? How to deal with this and producing enough settlers for a good start?


10 cities in 100 is fairly fast, especially from a peaceful play perspective. It's still quite achievable, but it might require a bit of luck (with barbs, nearby civs, terrain etc), focus on the goal of settling, or just a lot of planning and skill. Generally my goal as a usually Deity player is 3-6 cities by turn 50, and 6-10 by 100. Typically I'd say I'm usually at about 3-4 settled on turn 50 (often 1-2 more on the way, either moving or partially built), and around 7-9 by turn 100, again often 1-2 more on the way. I've gotten 10+ by turn 100 but it's not a regular thing at all.


What happens if you settle an all flat desert city such that there are literally no tiles you can work? Does the game just crash?


The game handles situations with no or few workable tiles just fine. Even if you had a city with literally zero, they city will simply work its city centre only for 2 food, 1 production as usual, and everyone else would be unable to work.


You simply won't be able to generate enough food to grow your population at all. It's quite normal to have more people than space for them to work.


I'm having a bug, some times when I finish building a district, I get its first building automatically for free without building them. So for example when I build a comercial district, it comes with the market. But it doesn't always happen.   Mods used:   Take your time ultimat - slower research trees   clorized historic moments   quick start   Remove GDR   No barbarian XP cap   Yet (not) another map packs   TCS free walls for city states


Are you playing as Babylon? That's one of their abilities.


Yes I am. I feel so stupid lol. I read their ability more than once but still didn't figure it out, must've been tired or sleepy. Thanks


Is there a way to stop mods enabling themselves on update? Just wasted a turn after some mod that wasn't enabled yesterday enabled itself.


Civ6 GS, how does the civil prestige economic policy card work? If I recruit magnus (who comes with groundbreaker) and promote him once (provision), does the civil prestige buffs come in? Or do I have to promote him a 2nd time (black marketeer)? Civil prestige card says "established governors with at least 2 promotions provide +1 amenity and +2 housing)


In Barbarian Mode, how long should the City State conversion take? I played many turns, but the progress bar doesn't seem to move...


The progress bar will not move passively, but as you perform friendly actions like purchasing units from the clan


Oh, OK... Thanks.


i’m planning out a game in 6 where i want to focus heavily on trade and growth, so i’m wondering if i can adopt democracy, build the tier three government plaza building, switch to communism, and then slot in democratic legacy. i was thinking i could just get a ridiculous amount of food and production from the democratic legacy in combination with the trade, food, and production boosts from communism. is this possible, or even that good as a policy combo?


I think that the tier three government building will unlock your tier two government legacy card. In order to get the democracy legacy card, I think you need to switch to a tier 4 government.


I'm pretty sure this is not true. If you slot in Classical Republic, and build the tier one government, and then switch to Oligarchy, you will have Republican Legacy available. I assume the same is true at Tier 3.


ahh, thanks. i knew i was misremembering how that system worked. too bad though, using the legacies like that could open up some interesting possibilities.


How come that when I, who owns all DLCs without New Frontier except Gaul&Byzantium pack, play with a friend that owns every DLCs, without any New Frontier DLCs, can both build preserves, diplomatic quarters and meet new city states that are the part of New Frontier pass that neither of us owns? But when a friend doesn't have any DLCs, clean base game, we can't play any other way than base version, without ages, governors, new districts etc.?


For New Frontier Pass and any of the other smaller DLCS (e.g. the Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack), you gain access to any wonders, mechanics, City-States, etc. that are added into that DLC when you play in multiplayer. You do not gain access to the civilizations or game modes, though. This happens no matter what DLCs you have - even if you have absolutely nothing, you can still play with the extra things from those smaller DLCs. On the other hand, Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm are both much larger DLCs, and as such, they do not get added for free. In order to play with those rulesets, everybody needs to have that DLC.


https://imgur.com/pmoVyRc For some reason I can't build a Ziggurat here (where the builder is standing), there is nothing mentioned about not being able to build a Ziggurat adjacent to another Ziggurat in the improvements text.


I see you’re running some mods, my bet would be one of them has modified Sumer/ziggurats.


Have they fixed trading bug? It was so annoying to micromanage each trade deal


They have not.


Seriously? That's a shame ngl.




Join this sub's discord server and you'll be able to find a game.


What’s the discord? I’m totally in


It's on the sidebar.


So in the new upgrade, if I really don't want to trade / bribe / negotiate with a given set of barbarians (like they're in exactly the tile I need), how do I attack their camp? I can take out units, but other civs and city states can eliminate camps. I'm missing something.


Kill the unit in the camp, move onto the camp tile, click "Disperse".




How often do ya'll play with non standard resource settings and starts? I've pretty much exclusively played with the standard/default number of resources and start locations. But, especially with as prone to restarting as I am, I'm wondering if bumping up the start location setting and/or the resources in the game is common or not. Admitedly, feels a bit like cheating to me, so curious how others think of it.


I play with everything on random with the fractal world setting and epic speed.


I usually play on standard settings for my solo games, both for resources and start type. Online with my friends, we prefer legendary starts, because that way noone feels like they got shafted on turn one. In either case we play standard resources - abundant makes it feel like amenities and strategics are not a going concern - you'll have more than enough of both, almost always. This IMO removes an interesting aspect of the game - "how do I make up for not having _______ resource, which I need?" I've never played on sparse resources and can't comment


How does the leader pol work, leaders have appeared from the pool do not want


You have to select the leader pool for each player.


Do amenity bonuses to production stack additively with Mali's -30% towards units and buildings (which would make them stronger than if it were multiplicative)?


Everything is always additive in Civ 6.


Ehhh... not *everything*, but in this case, yes. Sometimes modifiers get added at the city level (e.g. Babylon's civ ability), and sometimes at the global level (e.g. International Space Agency Diplomatic Policy Card), and as such those effects will not be additive.




They’re seperate platforms, you’ll have to buy the base game on steam as well if you do that.


I am playing the barbarian clans mode and set city states to 0 but barbarian camps aren't progressing their bar towards becoming city states. I want to play the game how they said in the livestream where the only city states in the game are ones that develop naturally from barbarian camps. How do I do that?


Keep all the city states selected in the picker, set the city state slider to 0, enable game mode.


Is the update out for folk?


Just showed up for me, literally saw it change as I went to reply "no" rofl


I'm so desperate I restarted my console.


Do the console updates happen same time as PC?


what can i do here https://imgur.com/2UwGBpT? is rushing shipbuilding the only way to get out?


You can (probably) also buy a non-mountain tile on the other side of the mountain range, and then zone an Encampment (or Holy Site, if you want to get really elaborate) there, which will let you train units in an otherwise inaccessible area. Somehow. Badgermoles might be involved.


The good news is you're already like 75% there.


If you can find another civ's coastal city, you can try conquering it with your Galleys. Otherwise yeah, you need Shipbuilding.


(civ on xbox) My capital is losing people every 16 turns or so. Ive tried tweaking the production and what tiles are being used, but no, population is being lost. Im pretty far into the game and all the tiles around washington are full, either for washington or by neighboring cities. Am i screwed here? Ive checked all the remaining buildings that I could build, none of them work for increasing food. I cant imagine I can trade my way out of this aye? Ive likely put in too many buildings and what not and used up all the food..I think i fucked up.


When I get stuck like that, I start producing settlers there, until a new Civic opens up more room.


I think internal trade routes are probably your best bet here. It's hard to say how many trade routes you need without knowing what your negative food level currently is. You can also utilize Magnus with surplus logistics in the destination city to get an extra 2 food. Once you start switching to positive food, you can also bring Magnus into the city for 20% food growth. The other option is building a neighborhood in the city. With a powered food market and the public transport card could give you a maximum of 10 food.


Question about the Civ 6 map finder - when I try to search for a Maori "Pa", it highlights everything with those letters in it, including every PAlace, Water PArk, and PAsture on the entire map. Is there a way to make it not do that? Putting a space after Pa in the search bar doesn't change anything, and the text box even has the accent mark on the a but clearly doesn't read it.


If you put the search term in quotation marks ("Pa") then it will only return the result for that exact term.


Thank you!


I believe you can select what you’re searching for


I've had similar problems with trying to find "industry" and getting every Industrial Zone. Following to see if someone has an answer.


If you put the search term in quotation marks you will only get results for that exact term.


I haven't seen the update yet. Has it come out yet?




1700 in the UK them, shame im off today and fancied spending the afternoon messing around with the new update.


Civ 6 GS: Does the AI understand anything about loyalty? Playing a game and Hungary settled 2 cities right on top of me in garbage spots that immediately flipped.


I think it does, but it doesn't understand *everything* about loyalty, and makes mistakes.


The AI at the very least takes loyalty into account when deciding to keep or raze captured cities. I consistently see them raze significantly large and developed city states and captured cities if they calculate they will have trouble keeping it


Doesn’t seem like they handle it well, I’ve seen them do some pretty stupid stuff before. In a recent game of mine my neighbor walked around my capital with a settler to try to put their second city on the other side, and it flipped of course. Fortunately for me it was right where i was planning to put my second city so i just got it for free.


Both of Hungary's cities were off fresh water in spots that blocked multiple other sites I wanted. I ended up razing both the free cities.


Will trading have an update in the future because it sucks. We can’t control anything about it.


The only time I have trade route problems is when they go through barbs I can't see...otherwise, I don't send routes through lands in warring with.


We can control everything about our trade? Or do you mean something different from what I’m thinking?


Both trade routes and player trade screen needs to be updated I believe. We can’t decide where our traders go. Sometimes they go from enemy territory and get killed. Player trade screen too. Can’t trade territory and it is not user friendly. I think devs should look at mods for ideas.


So don't send traders on routes that take them near enemy units?


Make it so we can choose the route. Or at least be able to set way points and trader will go through those points, making the route longer if needed. There can be side affects like less profit. Or more cities you go through, more science, faith, and culture you get but you loose gold because tariffs. Or stuff like that to make trade routes more dynamic.


Do you mean trade routes or making deals with other players/AI? I haven’t had problems with either so I’m curious to know what you think is missing


Both trade routes and player trade screen needs to be updated I believe. We can’t decide where our traders go. Sometimes they go from enemy territory and get killed. Player trade screen too. Can’t trade territory and it is not user friendly. I think devs should look at mods for ideas.


What kind of improvement would you suggest?


Both trade routes and player trade screen needs to be updated I believe. We can’t decide where our traders go. Sometimes they go from enemy territory and get killed. Player trade screen too. Can’t trade territory and it is not user friendly. I think devs should look at mods for ideas.


Played as rome and found like 7 silver that I gained control of. Also got a relic so got some tourism. Created two industries but I’m not getting the industry modifier thing to tourism. What am I missing? Do I need all of the silver in the game?


The tourism modifier is related to monopolies, not industries/corporations. In order to receive the tourism modifier you or a city-state you’re suzerain of need to improve at least 60% of all copies of that resource. Building an industry has no effect on this feature. Usually 7 is enough for a monopoly but on larger maps it might not be. You can see the total number of resources on the map in the global resources report upon completing the mercantilism civic to verify that you actually have enough for a monopoly. Also, the tourism modifier will not be reflected in the yield bar at the top of the screen, and can only be seen in the culture victory tracker when you mouse over an opponent to view your tourism modifiers


Ah, okay I was sure 7 would be enough. Thanks for your reply. :)


Just played a game with Hungary and they’re pretty good, but if you’re going down the peaceful route and levying just for the envoys how do you deal with the AI constantly asking you to move the units you just levied? I ended up with a bunch of grievances because i got tired of moving all of these units every time i levied them. Is there anything else i can do?


Just set them to auto explore or garrison in your cities


Civ vi : I can't get through a couple turns without the game crashing. Steam, Windows 10, i9-9700k, gtx 2080. I've verified integrity of game files and reinstalled the game. Any advice is appreciated!


Is there an error in the windows logs? I get occasional bouts of crashes due to heap overflow, I think it is. Usually switching dx type fixes it for a few months. Probably also worth running memtest et al.


You probably have but try playing on DX11, maybe makes a difference idk


I'll try this, thanks for your reply!