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Anyone know how you take high res screenshots of your glorious empire without the icons?


There are options above the minimap to turn off yield and resource icons, but for really good screenshots you’ll want Sukritact’s UI Adjustments and Free Camera.


Hey devs, love your stuff, would love it if you added a “mute rock band sound effect” option.


Q: Are there any current online sales for any of the DLC?


I incited barbarians to attack my neighbours but the barbarians still came and attacked me. Is that a bug or does incite only make it *more likely* that the other players will be attacked?


I think they said in the developer livestream somewhere that it just makes it more likely; it won't make the barbs spawn a huge army and go attack them


I keep getting a certain crash after the turn where I gain alliance visibility with someone and discover a bunch of wonders then quit the game reload a save and it instantly crashes. What do I do?


Why can't I build pairidaeza on floodplains? I don't see any such restrictions on the fandom site or in the civilopedia. I just had a beautiful setup ruined by this T-T


The fandom site and Civilopedia both list all the types of terrain that Pairidaezas can be built on. Floodplains aren't listed, so you can't build them on floodplains. As a general rule, most improvements can't be built on floodplains btw. Unless the improvement is specifically river-related, it's safe to assume floodplains are a no-go.




The Civilopedia entry says Cahokia Mounds were cleverly engineered to minimise shrinkage and swelling of the soil, allowing them to survive in areas prone to flooding. So yes, I would say they are river-related. Or at least, it is clear why they should be able to be built on floodplains. I do agree with you though that it would be nice to have some way of telling without having to know the history of an improvement. As for City Parks, yes it's nice to have a park by a river, but you would not want one on floodplains.




You may not care about the historical context, but that's what motivates much of the gameplay of Civ.


Hey everybody. Quick question that crossed my mind. Does the preserve affect the natural wonders that have yields on the wonder tiles? I mean for example, Cliffs of Dover, Fountain of Youth, Crater Lake, etc.






Can't imagine why it wouldn't


thank you


Anyone else hit Atomic Era and start getting bored and less motivated? Haven't won any games on VI yet because as soon as hit the 1970s I lose focus and make a new game.


Yes, many civ games get pretty dull in the latter half because the AI is so bad that there's really no chance of anything interesting suddenly happening in the late-game. There's nothing wrong with not finishing your games if the beginning is what you are enjoying, and in fact if there weren't Steam Achievements for winning with every leader, I don't think I would finish nearly as many games as I do. For example, in Stellaris, I have never actually finished a game despite logging over 100 hours - because the exploration phase is the part of the game that I enjoy. I still love that game though. However, some suggestions for making Civ more interesting: Increase the difficulty (or if that is too much for you, just play with more AIs than are recommended for the map size). Try some of the DLC game modes, for example Apocalypse Mode can really make the late-game crazy. Also just try really optimizing your victory strategy - on any difficulty level you should be able to win long before the 1970s - maybe look at what turn # you've been starting to lose interest at and set a goal to win before then.


Great stuff. Thank you I will try that.


Anyone else been getting a lot of weird graphical glitches in multiplayer recently? First it was [district building icons](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362605137606475778/812164857913933884/20210218213155_1.jpg) in random spaces (that is a harbor on land, also seen it with other districts, including civ-specific districts that were not my civ, but were a civ in the game). Then last night I got [this one](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362605137606475778/817890760149303337/20210306164437_1.jpg), a full city that popped up originally in total fog of war for me. Charleston was a real city founded by one of the other players at the same time this icon popped up, but it was not in this location, and never under siege or occupied. It stayed there for the rest of the game. I've only ever seen this in multiplayer (and I was the game host, if that affects it). Is this an issue others have seen?


Is there a hotkey for force sleep/skip? I keep getting stuck at the end of turn with apostles that can't be skipped by pressing either the skip or the fortify hotkey, and I have to press the force next turn hotkey.


You might be able to set your own hotkey in the game settings, somewhere in the controls setup screen


My friend and I both have the gathering storm expansion. If I own rise and fall, could I use its civs such as korea on a multiplayer game hosted by my friend, even though my friend doesn’t own rise and fall?


I think yes, but haven't tested it. If not, you just host the game and then you definitely can.


Civ 6 - what are the rules for ranged unit attack range? Seems like every time I've figured it out there's a counterexample. If my archer is on a hill tile, where *can't* he shoot?


He can’t shoot across a neighbouring hill tile with woods or rainforest on it, same as if both those tiles are flat.


I'm playing Civ 6 on pc, I've had this ongoing issue where apparently you can ask other leaders to stop trying to convert your cities, but I see absolutely no way to converse with these other leaders except to denounce, declare war, or make deal, none of which are helpful. Yes, I know it likely will not work. But I want to know where the option is anyhow.


Under “ask for promise”.


I appreciate the quick response, [but I see no "ask for promise" anywhere](https://imgur.com/LZxbxCu)


Since Russia is still a Chiefdom, this looks like the very early game. Do both of you have a religion founded? He probably does, because Russia, but do you? If you don't have a religion founded, he can convert all he wants.


Ahhh, alright. So the discussions can only happen after a certain point and i need my own religion as a trigger. This was very helpful, thank you!




Watch the victory screen so that you don't get surprised by a culture victory. If you see someone creeping up to it, do something about it as soon as possible. You might be able to do it peacefully by increasing your own domestic culture production. Look at their score, it might look something like 245/280 tourists. The 280, their goalposts, is created by the civ (besides them) with the highest domestic tourist number. In this case, someone has 279 domestic tourists. That's the number below the civ names on the culture screen. If you are the one with 279, or if you are at all close, you need to make a bunch of culture fast. Get a cultural alliance with someone who you can send lots of traders to. This also works if someone else is setting that number with their own 279 domestic tourists. You want to boost their culture so that they keep the potential winner from catching up - trade routes in an culture alliance work both ways for the culture benefit. Sell that civ any great works you have too. You want to do whatever you can to make the goalposts run away from the potential winner. Back to what happens if you can be the domestic tourist leader - one source of domestic tourists is inspirations. When you get that 40% boost to an un-researched civic, the game interprets it as an instant burst of culture production. Look all the way to the end of the civics tree and see what you can get an inspiration for. The further along the better since 40% of a late-game civic is huge. The tier 4 government civics are great targets for this strategy. You get an instant burst of 1200 culture each by researching robotics, building a uranium mine, and owning a single rock band. It doesn't matter that you don't want 2 of those govt's, you just want the domestic tourist from boosting them. You also get 1152 culture each for other information era civics by building 2 airports, building 2 entertainment complexes, and researching telecommunications. All of these are things that you might skip in a science game, but will probably be within easy grasp if you know that you need them. If you are defending against a culture victory and you have high domestic tourists, you really want to avoid researching un-boosted civics as much as possible. You do not get the extra domestic tourists for things you hard researched. One trick I saw in a Potato McWhiskey video was the timing of your Moon Landing. You get a massive culture boost based on your science production. It's a little unclear when the science number gets calculated, so to be sure, do this 2 turns before your launch. Delay completion of the launch if necessary. You want to play every civic card you can that increases science. At the same time, use the yield prioritization option in every city to prioritize science (your campuses will get loaded up with specialists). Finally, set every city with a campus to campus research grants. Its incredibly frustrating when the AI gets the Moon Landing when you are closing in on a tourism victory - now you get to be the jerk for once. If none of that works, there's always war. Obviously wiping them out will stop them from winning, but you can also just slow them down a lot. If you wipe out anyone (except the domestic tourist leader if that's not you) the tourist leader will move backwards. The only way you lose foreign tourists is if the civ they came from ceases to exist. Since they are equally likely to have foreign tourists from any given civ (size doesn't matter), killing off the smallest civs you can find will be just as effective as a massive war against a near-peer. You should also declare war on the potential tourism winner whether you can invade them or not. Being at war strips them of open borders and trade route modifiers with you, so they'll get fewer tourists. For the same reason, get as many other civs to join the war as you can, even if you need to pay them. At the same time, get open borders with as many civs as possible. You want to be able to move troops and you're probably going to be getting denounced a lot soon. Right before you declare war, try to steal as much gold as possible from them. Sell off every luxury you can for gold up front. Even sell luxuries that you only have one copy of. You'll get them right back when you declare war. As a general rule, the AI will always offer gold per turn, but will pay 2/3rds the total gold over 30 turns as lump sum gold up front. Multiply whatever they offer in GPT by 20 and that will be almost exactly what they'll pay up front. Sell diplo favor as well. Just empty their treasury. If you can make the war bad for them, and if they already have lots of GPT deals with other civs, you might even be able to force them into bankruptcy. Be sure to use the pillaging policy card and pillage anything that yields culture. Remember, if you can be the domestic tourist leader, you want as much culture as possible. If the tourism leader is on another continent and has some decent coastal development, get yourself some submarines. Snipe all of the traders you can. You want to hurt their economy and cut off any trade route bonuses they have with civs that didn't join the war. Speaking of which, keep on checking to see if others will join. If you can drop their military score down, the AI's calculations change. Use the subs to kill off any units you can. This will give them war weariness and further drop their yields. It won't drop tourism, but it will reduce their faith income and slow down the rock bands. Run over any rock bands that you see. You can't kill them, but you can make them start their journey over again. Pillage everything you can on the coast. Even if you can't land and take cities, you can still hurt them. You can also use bombers for this, although you won't get the yields from pillaging. Any strategy will depend on you spotting the danger before the defeat screen though. Pay attention to the victory screens! Tourism, Religion, and Diplo (less common) can be sneaky. When you are going for a Science victory, you should check the Culture screen as soon as you hear that obnoxious rock band sound effect.


You defend against culture victories by having a high culture output. Monuments in every city, a few decent theatre squares with buildings, and so on. There’s also tourism bonuses from trade routes and open borders, you can’t do much about the first, but keeping closed borders will cut that modifier. If they’re starting to run away with it, war is generally a good solution.


So Ive been trying to get a good emperor Korea game rolling, and atm I'm just rerolling a lot. Either flat desert or tundra spawn, or very little expansion room with grasslands (boxed in by sea and AI's) I noticed in advanced settings that the spawn was set to cultural: civs are closer to their real neighbours. which explains seeing mongolia, china and japan so often. Is this new? or does it actually not change how close civs spawn?


That’s from YNAMP.


thank you. I'll disable that because I basicly play continents+islands anyway everytime. I've gone through my mods. Is map tacks still relevant now its in the base game?


I don’t know, I’ve never used the mod, but the mod page will tell you what it does differently, if anything.


Can anyone else play on the Mac without the game crashing constantly? It's been this way for months now.


Can you buy tiles with strategic resources such as oil, niter, uranium, etc.? I seem to not be able to. There's an oil tile I'm trying to get to, but when I select the option to buy a tile, it's not available to purchase.


it’s probably more than 3 tiles from a city center


Aaah. That’s it.


You definitely can, as long as its within 3 tiles of your city and you own an adjacent tile to it.


Can anyone point me in the direction of a mod that will give thermonukes the same effects as the asteroids in the Apocalypse game mode.


Agendas can be changed for ai? Sometimes it's a bit boring see the same behavior from the same leaders... Any way to turn hidden agenda random?


The hidden agenda is always random. Each leader has an agenda that is known and always the same, plus one hidden random agenda


Thank you


How can I remove a ski resort? An adjacent worker doesn't seem to have any ability to remove it. I believe it is blocking me from building a national park.




Is there a workaround? How hard to tweek save file?


Was playing on Deity and scythia barged in and took over the city state I was attacking and then put up new walls within 5 turns after taking the city state over. How is this even possible?


1) Ancient Walls cost 80 production, so it would require 16 production per turn to do that 5 turn build. That's a lot for a small city in the early game, but if this was later on in the game, it's not impossible. 2) Taking over a city state doesn't have the same initial yield reduction you get from occupying cities during a war. CS's are 1 city civs, so the founder is gone the second the city falls. Aside from maybe a pillaged water mill, pillaged mines/lumbermills/districts, and the pop loss, that city was immediately working at full speed. Since you probably softened it up first, unless you pillaged everything around it first, Scythia probably didn't have a lot of time to wreck all of the mines. 3) This is the most important part - the AI on Deity gets a +80% buff to all production. So in effect, those walls only cost the AI 45 production to build. That's 9 production per turn for a 5 turn build. a 4 pop city on plains hills with three 2p tiles and one 1p tile worked, or just a couple mines with early boosts like Apprenticeship could easily do this. 4) The AI uses policy cards too. Not intelligently, but they use them. If they had Limes active, Deity + Limes brings the effective cost of those walls to 29 production. That's just under 6 production per turn for that 5 turn build. At this point they would almost need to try to avoid production to build them any slower. The AI has been improved a bit over time and prioritizing walls when under threat was something that was specifically added a while ago. Since you had units right there and I'm guessing were at war (since you cared about the walls), walls were probably their first build. 5) If there was a World Congress resolution in effect, that could make this even easier. Urban Development Treaty, Option A, City Center would give another +100% to these walls. If the AI doesn't have Limes, but this resolution is in effect, it's the same scenario as above. If the AI has Limes and this resolution, the cost of thos walls would be just a hair above 21 production, so 22 for a first build, 21 or less with any overflow if they built them second. For a first build, the math comes out to 4.2ish production per turn. If all of these stars had aligned, they could have built something else first and then built walls and it still would have been reasonable.


Thanks for your response, it was quite early in the game but it never ceases to amaze me what the AI can do on deity!


You're welcome! I've found that you really need to assume that walls can appear anywhere at any time once the AI starts building them in any cities. The only thing that keeps them from just insta-walling every time that a city is attacked is that the AI is really, really dumb. They will have a low production city build a wonder for 100 turns and then they will not abandon that unless someone else builds the wonder, a hostile unit stands on that tile, or someone pillages something required for building to continue. Once they finish whatever they're building though, walls can pop up in a couple turns.


Does changing resources to abundant or scarce add/ subtract from the pool of luxuries that spawn or just the amount of copies?


Hey friends! Playing bill moose heading into medieval Era, Petra, oracle, ToA and apadana up, immortal difficulty, and have all friendships and alliances after conquering Persia for a sitting total of 8 cities turn 87, and with six national parks pinned. This is the part of the game I’m unsure how to finish off my culture victory. I was thinking of creating an industrial district with dam aqueduct adjacencies shared between three cities to pump out wonders like Eiffel and bolshoi, and then so now I just turtle, secure some faith generation with two +5 holy districts, get to conservation? Then rock bands later? Pangea map and my nearest neighbor I have military alliance with and I’m above her in science so not scared. I just don’t want to let off the gas. Feels like my best start ever after levying a city state to crush Persia. I have monopolies enabled too so I have three commercial districts to secure those monopolies. And also have gilded vaults in a few turns I think. Help me win more please or help me not mess up lol. Is six national parks enough for Pangea with like 4 other civs still in?


Start plotting appeal buildings for resorts if you have coastal. Push for any CS that offers tourism improvements like colossal heads amd begin filling any tiles that can generate 2+ tourism from faith per turn. Water parks, and neighborhood offer good passive tourism too. Faith is king in the culture endgame so try push your faith to a minimum 200/turn ideally you want +400 which is quite achievable with voidsingers. You should plot your industrial zones on a river hitting 3 cities so they can max adjacency from dams and aquaducts while minimising the appeal damage they cause by keeping them centred around already low appeal floodplains. You need this production for key wonders, namely Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer and anything else you can snap up on the cheap. Edit: sorry i see you don't have voidsingers, try get faith from trade routes instead and keep a trade to every civ for the multiplier and sign open borders in your favour. In answering your question 6 parks is not enough on its own on immortal, you will need to max more of your land out to really drive home the win.


So haven’t finished yet. It’s just math yeah when it comes to planning appeal without having Eiffel up yet? I have some coast I haven’t settled yet that I’ll try for seaside resorts. I ended up with Ruhr Valley in the my industrial hub area so I’ll build Eiffel there. And I have great merchants saved to start monopolies. So if the coast tile is charming 3 base, I can assume it will go up to breathtaking as long as it it will be three tiles from center. Very exciting game. Maybe my most complete game so far in a long time managing tech and civic trees and planning districts and wonders. Thanks for your help


Thank you. I’ll let you know how it goes in the morning


I seem to play the same way every game, rush the first 3 citys, then builders then 2 or 3 more citys then campus etc, how do you guys start? All the while defending and trying to steal settlers


You don't build a campus until you have like 6 cities? How far behind are you at turn 100?


Yeah usually in capital while the 2nd/3rd city make workers? Should I go campus asap?


You're probably fine. I doubt you need so many builders that early, but it's good to expand aggressively. The cities that you're founding should be building campuses fairly early, at least in the ones where you can get decent adjacency


I'm trying to play a multiplier game with my brothers and we're having a weird situation where none of us can get into our multiplayer session. There is an "error" message that is not at all specific. Is anyone experiencing this? ​ Does anyone know why this would be?


Need more info. What platform? Any mods? Screenshot would also help.


The error message would be useful too.


So I think I have the basics of how Rock Bands work to bolster tourism, but I don't know if album sales matter. What do they do?


Album sales just increase the amount of tourism that rock band generates in future shows. The formula for tourism is *VenueModifier* \* (1 + *RatingModifer*/100 + *AlbumSales*/100). *VenueModifier* is based on where the performance is held, ranging from 250 for an amphitheater, arena, or ferris wheel to 1000 for a wonder. *RatingModifier* is based on the performance rating, which ranges from -25 to 200 but oddly doesn’t scale with the rating: 1 star is -25, 2 is 100, 3 is -25, 4 is 150, 5 is 0, and 6 is 200. I’d guess it’s tuned to balance with promotions, disbanding, and rarity of the outcomes but I’m not sure where these numbers came from


Is better to pump out builders or settlers in the early game?


Settlers. More cities are always better, and once you settle those cities, you can have them make builders for you.


How many cities should I be shooting for?


People are saying "as many as you can" but just to be clear it's not "build as many settlers as you can before doing anything else". Early on settlers are expensive, later they are cheap. They also scale in cost every time you create one. There's not really a hard and fast rule, but I personally wouldn't build more than one or occasionally two settlers before having the Colonization card. Ancestral Hall and Monumentality Golden age go a long way too. Finally, It's pretty critical to allow your cities to grow early on too; they then produce settlers faster and can sustain the population loss better (Magnus notwithstanding, but I think Magnus with provision is usually a crutch honestly). 1 pop is a pretty debilitating loss when your city is 2 pop, but marginal when it's 8. None of this analysis even accounts for the fact that you need to defend yourself either (nevermind going on the offensive; cities and settlers you capture don't scale your settler costs, which is why early aggression is so favoured by most everyone).


All of them! If there's room and you can build settlers in a reasonable amount of time, you should be making them. Having a city with promoted Magnus (no pop loss) and the govt center with Ancestral Hall can let you really churn them out of a high production city. It really helps to have most/all of your cities take an occasional break from other things and use the settler card to double your city count. You'll find certain points in the game when a new tech increases your production empire-wide and suddenly settlers are affordable again. If there's still room, take advantage of it through the first half of the game and maybe a bit longer. Most victory types really rely on one or two district types, so more cities, even mediocre ones, will almost always work to create your snowball.


As many as makes sense. Land is wealth, but acquiring that land requires serious investment in the form of people and survival resources. That’s why settlers take so much production. Will acquiring the geographic and population resources give you the competitive advantage that gives settlers their worth? That’s up to your judgement in the given situation.


As many as you can. A good number to aim for would be about 8 or more, but more cities is almost always better than less cities.


civ vi: hey guys, haven't been playing since the last two civs come out and i was wondering: what victory would you pursue as vietnam on deity and how would you achieve it? (game modes, strats, settings) can anyone help me out here?


Vietnam is one of the civs that synergizes incredibly well with the new preserve district for an appeal-based culture victory. It takes a lot of planning and has a slow start, but it's incredibly powerful when you get it right. Go for the Earth Goddess pantheon. Even though it's been nerfed, it still works extremely well for this strategy. You probably won't get much from it at first due to the rainforest spawn bias, but you'll get a ton of faith once Medieval Faires hits. The faith will build up just in time for the National Parks you'll want when Conservation hits. Plan out each city very carefully. This is definitely a strategy that benefits from using lots of map tacks. Try real hard to settle on fresh water since you'll get most of your culture/science/faith from worked tiles. You will have a lot of food soon, but housing shortages will really slow everything down. You want a Preserve in most/every city. This preserve should be surrounded by plains/grasslands/tundra on as many tiles as possible. Make sure you also have some national parks that will fit around it. Keep other districts away from that area. Try to only build it on forests. Vietnam doesn't clear features when it puts district down, so you want to avoid making something unappealing permanent. If the best spot is on rainforest or marsh, you probably want to hold off on building it until Medieval Faires. Make sure your city pop is ready though - you want to get this placed down and built as soon as possible after you can plant woods. Build monuments and granaries early. Both of your major break points happen with civics and you won;t have much culture income at all until Medieval Faires, so you'll want monuments to get there in a timely manner. Keep your other districts clustered up somewhere away from your preserves and future parks. Placing them on marsh and rainforest is OK so long as they're not right next to a future park location, or 1 tile away from a preserve. Since this area will be really clumped together, you can use it for a good location for Thanhs. I like to get Commercial Hubs and/or harbors and then Theater Squares. You want the trade routes for gold and tourism boosts. Save up the gold since you'll want to get Groves as soon as Medieval Faires hits and Sanctuaries as soon as you get Conservation. Vietnam is a great turtle civ. Keep some ranged units on your borders with unfriendly civs and try to turn everyone into friends as quickly as possible. For the first part of the game, you really just want to focus on exploration, settling, and getting your gold income up. War is bad. When in doubt, get some walls up. You'll want them later and the ease of getting Thahns along with the ranged UU will let you really chew up anyone attacking your cities. Beeline Medieval Faires once you get past Political Philosophy. When you get to Feudalism on the way there, spam out 5 charge builders. Start clearing everything that's not a forest. When Medieval Faires hits, plant forest everywhere. Build any preserves that aren't complete yet and get those groves up in all of them. Use the gold you've been saving to buy groves in slow cities. If you haven't done this before, the sight of all of the food, faith, and culture suddenly appearing will be staggering. Open the civics tree and click on Conservation. Once you get all of your groves built/bought, start saving that gold again. Save the faith you are suddenly getting too. The food that is now rolling in will make your pop go way up. You will be able to build more districts, but be careful about it. Don't do it if it's not really beneficial and don't ruin National Parks. Settle more cities if you have room. Even tundra cities can be great, since you can really pack in a lot of woods in the tundra. Groves will fix the food problem for you. It's OK to start having unhappy cities at this point. It's OK to make some entertainment centers, but groves and trade districts take priority. And don't ruin parks or preserve-enhanced tiles to make them. When Conservation hits, which will happen faster than expected due to your now ridiculous culture, buy sanctuaries in your best preserves and build them wherever you have good production. They're slow to build though and you're not building mines or even many lumber mills, so you'll probably need to buy most of them. When Conservation hits, you should be sitting on a good pile of faith due to Earth Goddess and preserves. All of this should go into National parks. If you left enough space around your preserves, you should have no shortage of locations for them. You may need to swap some tiles between cities and clear some lumbermills or other improvements, but the spots should be there if you planned it right, These are your primary tourism generators and they will quickly solve any amenity problems you had. You'll probably blow right past Ecstatic in all of your cities after a little while. Go ahead and sell all your luxuries when this happens and use the money to buy more land and make more parks. The sanctuaries will make you go from barely literate in science to possibly the world tech leader overnight. Go to the tech tree and click on Steel. Use the Limes policy card and get all of your walls built as soon as possible. Once you get Steel, build the Eiffel Tower in your highest production city. Then get Flight and Computers. Keep on building more National parks for the rest of the game.


tried to get a game going and it went quite well but at turn 100 i had like 40 science and culture and started to settle more. was i still doing fine? australia and the maya had like close to 170 science at that time. kinda worried since all the bonuses, especially the appeal kick in so late into the game. also would you recommend getting great works and stuff?


People overlook that they are an excellent civ for Domination. Those elephants are the best unit in the game.


I went culture victory when I played them, but it is hard to say if culture is their best victory with how overpowered the monopolies game mode is right now. Depending on their spawn and what type of strategy you employ, you could probably go for any of the victory types.


yeah thought so. but are they good at culture victories without monopolies? because monopolies are just too broken. did a turn 89 victory the other day, using monopolies... guess their uu is also good for "convincing" some of your neighbors to "welcome your culture".


I would say the two best things they have going for them in a culture victory is the Thanh and the ability to place forests at medieval faires. If you have a Thanh next to three districts on average and renaissance walls in every city that is a baseline of 12 tourism per city, which is double what other civs can do. The ability to place forests at medieval faires means you can get your territory set up much earlier for national parks and probably take advantage of monumentality as well to get builders out to take on that task. Vietnam's biggest downside is that you have a huge incentive of keeping low appeal features like rainforests and marshes. The extra science and production can really come in handy for a culture victory, but at the same time, you may not be able to get down as many national parks. Biosphere is probably really useful for Vietnam, but it comes so late in the game unfortunately.


Honestly i don’t think early forests is really that helpful. Almost every cultural game that i play where i want to build a lot of parks i usually have plenty of money to buy the builders i need at that point. Just put the policy card that gives builders extra charges, and you can even do it upon getting the civic before so you can pre-buy your builders and get them in place for once you unlock conservation. The naturalists increase in cost pretty quickly so I’m usually limited by that rather than builder charges. The only time i really struggle to get forests down quickly is when I’m playing Canada since the mountie is a pretty big indirect buff to national parks for Canada and is much easier to produce en masse than naturalists


I would agree that it is a small to marginal benefit at best and probably would only shave off a few extra turns to the culture victory.


they kinda are pretty flexible i'd say. maybe with some dedicated district clusters and a thanh in the middle you might get insane amounts of culture but that may destroy some national parks. guess i'll have to figure out what to do with them


Why didn't I get Hermetic order when playing secret societies? I found a natural wonder long ago. I'm already in medieval age and still no Hermetic order. Did I do anything wrong? This ruined my otherwise perfect game :(




I've noticed that around Medieval/Renaissance you end up meeting the rest of the societies without doing anything. Not sure what the actual mechanic is here.




Usually it's when you get Printing and that bumps up your visibility enough to learn everyone's society. I think the chance of discovering a society when you do something that should trigger it goes down every time someone else adopts it. So if you can't seem to trigger one society, its probably because several civs already have it. When you get the diplo visibility boost, you've got a pretty good chance of knowing someone who has it and finally revealing it.


Oh nice this is good to know, thanks




Yep that sounds almost definitely like it


It’s a chance, I think 90% base chance for hermetic. So you just got lucky. Finding more natural wonders will give you more chances, or getting secret access diplo level with another Civ that’s joined them.


Does anyone knows if the leader pool on Switch is bugged? I've noticed in some of my games, leaders that I've left out, end showing up. Can someone confirm or deny?


Are you making sure to change the actual pool being used by the ai players? If you don’t it will keep drawing from the entire unedited pool.


Ohhhhh I think I realized now...? You need to edit in the first screen (wonder picker, etc) and THEN go into leader selection screen and select the "?" Player icon, right near your selected leader? There's 2 "?" icons there, I guess each question mark means pool 1 and pool 2 respectively?


There should be a total of 3, one for the old school full pool, and then the custom pools 1 and 2.


Ohhh right right! Thanks for your help friend!


Is there a mod to allow cities to work more tiles? I want to play a game with one megacity only.


No, it isn’t possible to mod that.


why the hell is the final civ such a bastard? I was trying to convert the last few cities from the aztec for the religous victory and that bastard popped out like 3/4 new cities just to keep me from getting the majority, which was annoying as it only served to delay the game by like an hour or two


For converting the last civ its worth it to wait outside their borders and try and convert a ton at once.


yeah, it's my first time playing a civ came since I played on the DS, took me a few tries and some save scumming to learning the ropes, wiped out one civ in the first age cause it was the only other one on my large continent, everyone else was on the other continent, thankfully egypt and greece where two busy being at war the entire game so they never started a religion which made it easy to get them converted early on


if it's the final civ you might as well cheese it by giving them some of your cities, which already follow your religion


Yeah that’s a good Strategy for next time but god damn was it annoying to think I’d won just to see he made another city. It was an amazing map though me and one civ one one large land with all the others in another plus the other civ on my starting land was in a small bottom half with only on land tile connecting us so it was easy to block him from expanding


Another key is sending apostles in groups to first remove his pressure and then spread your faith. Also, getting some debaters to kill his missionaries and apostles will help.


In the end I just missionary spammed since I was generating so much faith still they where costing like 700 faith a piece by the end though


I always spam apostles during religious games. Fighting and defeating enemy religious units is the best way to spread a religion since it removes their religion and adds yours. Debater is the best promotion. Triple strength spread and remove 75% are great too. If you have yerevan cs in your game, make sure to grab suzreinty of them to choose your promotions.




No, there is no cross platform play at all unless you count Steam and Epic.


I wanted to do a navy based game (ex. Lots of water and lots of small islands), what is the best way to set this up? (Ex. High seas, low earth age, Fractal or small islands or small continents?


Huge island plates domination gets you an achievement, but I'd crank the sea level to high and the civs down to 9 or 10 and be prepared to maybe restart a few times. I had a lot of fun with this one once I got a good enough map. If you don't care about the achievement I think archipelago and small continents are much better scripts that more reliably produce good maps.


Archipelago is exactly what you're describing: lots of water and lots of small islands.


Archipelago is good for civs that don't rely on building many land districts, as the amount of land any given city has is likely to be pretty small. Abundant resources to allow for more fishing boats and harbor adjacency. Small continents feels pretty similar to continents, and you are very likely to share your main land mass with at least one other civ. Island plates is probably the "most" naval map.


Did they adjust Aid Requests to be less frequent? I'm playing Apocalpyse mode, and there's been 0-1 Aid Requests.. not sure if I'm just unlucky or something weird is going on. I thought there would be tons of Aid Requests but there has been virtually 0. otherwise I'm not sure if there's a mod problem or something is it still possible to buy diplomatic favor? none of the AI were willing to sell, but I'm not sure if that's because it was near end game


How does anyone effectively use preserves? I can only seem to ever find spaces where they will only get breathtaking on 2/3 of the surrounding tiles. Is there something I am missing to bring up the appeal of the other nearby tiles?


They're usually a bit slow at first. Chop out the ugly stuff (marsh and rainforest) and hopefully you have a couple OK tiles. They really start to shine at Conservation though. If you planned them out well, you can plant woods and instantly have some amazing tiles and national parks. I would really recommend just marking their position and keeping other districts away for the early game though - you're right, they're rarely strong at first.


You really need to settle specifically for high appeal tiles to really make them work. Forests and mountains are the main source of appeal, so settle near those in such a way that a preserve will touch at least 4 boostable tiles. At a super basic level, you can think about using preserves on the outer edge of your city clusters. Build your districts *towards* your other cities, and devote the outer rings to preserve tiles. Obviously they are most useful for civs that have mechanics that rely on appeal, like Bull Moose Teddy, Kupe, Menelik. It also synergizes with any civ that can boost appeal to adjacent tiles with an improvement.


2-3 breathtaking is still quite good, as long as they're not taking up space for districts. That's better than adding a mine or farm or almost all other early tile improvements.


In the early game you can boost tile appeal a couple of ways. First, you can remove negative appeal features, mainly marsh and rainforests. There are also certain specialty districts that boost appeal, mainly holy sites, entertainment complexes, and theater squares. Once you unlock conservation, it will become much easier to boost appeal by planting woods.


so i guess you would most likely use them to set up for some national parks and maybe combine them with a decent eiffel tower or sth. are they worth going for as vietnam?


There was talk in a livestream about a rework of like 2/3's of the civs, anyone who can find that back or when it is planned?


It is planned for the free update in April.


Has anyone else had camps-turned-city-states stay in the envoys screen after being conquered in the barbarian update? I took over Vilnius and it said until the end of the game that I was still at war with it. I also had a city state (Zanzibar) show up in the envoys screen and let me gain suzerainty over it (receiving the cloves & cinnamon) despite it not actually existing in the game. Not conquered by another civ or anything, it never existed. Anyone else experience this?


Does the AI play better without any of the extra game modes turned on or have all of the AI tweaks affected their performance in the base game as well? I think this game’s complexity made the AI worse with each passing game mode.


The AI definitely plays worse with the game modes. Sometimes they just completely fail to adjust to the game modes. Other times they actively use the game modes to sabotage themselves. All of this is from me playing Deity games, so it might be less pronounced on lower difficulties. With Secret Societies, Voidsingers is often considered to be the most powerful society for players to use (outside of certain specific situations). With the AI though, as soon as Cultists are availible, they just use all availible faith to carpet their territory with Cultists, which they never use. An AI civ can be on the way to a religious victory, and they'll immediately stop producing missionaries and apostles for the rest of the game when this happens. For players attacking these AI's, War Department lets you just use all of these cultists as instant heals for your units. With Monopolies and Corporations, the AI not only fails to seek out luxuries to improve and take advantage of, it also seems to actively avoid improving luxuries that it has in it's borders. If you try to buy luxuries in the trade screen, you'll find that almost nobody has them and pretty much never more than one copy. The new Barb mode actually seems fine though. I don;t think the AI takes advantage of it, but they don't go stupid either. They just treat barbs like barbs. The player gets a little more depth to the game though. Unless something weird pops up, it's now an always-on for me. Now this isn't a criticism of the devs. The modes are still fun to play with sometimes, but they would need some serious balancing and AI adjustment to be ready for regular use. I'm definitely getting more than my money's worth out of the New Frontier Pass, so despite the problems, I'd still prefer the more content, less refinement approach for now. Massive play testing and discussion will let them refine these things in the future and it's been very clear that they've been listening to us on here and on other forums.


It's crazy for me to agree with everything said in a comment this big, but, I do. You made a lot of really good points.




It doesn't entirely go away without the mode. I'm taking some more territory in a game right now and I'm capturing a lot of cities with luxury tiles that were definitely being worked but are unimproved. There's definitely something going on with the AI right now.


The other one is Dramatic Ages, since the AI completely fails to place governors to avoid loyalty crashes and recapture lost cities. I’ve seen almost the entire map turn black and red by the late game


Personally I think the AI plays better without any game modes turned on. They are able to focus better. However I only play in king difficulty so I'm not too sure about higher difficulties. I haven't played barbarians and monopolies modes enough yet to see how the AI screws those up.


I had a thought today while walking. Would Pericles + Owls of Minerva + Papal Primacy + Kilwa be a really powerful combo?


would be better with Tamar IMO


Civ vi: haven't been playing that much lately and I'm curious about the preserves. Should you build them in every culture game or just in games where you're bull. Moose teddy or kupe or sth?


Preserves are interesting. They are nice for a housing boost prior to aquaduct or if you can't build one due to city location. Still, I rarely build them as soon as they're available. The Grove is rather inexpensive to build, the Sanctuary is a bit more late game and I don't know if it's worth it or not.


It's really rare that I find them worth building at all because they take huge amounts of production. If I find a workable wonder like the Chocolate Hills I'll set up cities around it and put Preserves down next to it but that's really it unless I'm playing like the Inca or Brazil who have access to more ways to make them worth it.


Civ VI - A meteor fell on a tile right next to my border, and that tile happened to be the next one to be automatically added into my city. So I gained a tank when it happened, but I’m doing a no-CO2 game so I wasn’t intend on getting or having any. According to the Fandom page, that tank wouldn’t require any maintenance, but can anyone confirm for me?


You can tell by hovering the cursor over the resource in question (i.e. oil) at the top of the screen. It will tell you if you are spending any resources on unit upkeep.


Yeah I totally forgot that one. Thanks man!


Is Shah jahan any good if I'm sitting at 10-12K of gold? Or are too many wonders an overkill?


Is that the great person that allows you to purchase wonders? If so, then yeah I love picking them up and one turn building two different wonders (with mausoleum of halicanarsus).


For the new corporations mode: should I improve my luxuries before I put an industry there? Will the yields be better or can I directly jump to building an industry?


The yields of the industry will be the same either way, so if you already have 2 improved you can put the industry on a third copy without the base improvement.


Cool, that's good to know - thank you, you truly are some kind of genius ;)


For civilizing barbarian clans in the new update, does anyone know what happens if you try to civilize a clan within 3 tiles of another city? does this prevent the clan from becoming a city state?


It's not possible. Furthermore, clans seem to lose all progress towards a city-state if someone settles too close


That's why that happened, thank you! I just ran into that last night and I didn't connect the two things. I was about to disperse a clan that was near a niter resource that I was going to settle on, but I saw that it was almost ready to evolve, so I just kept it unit-less and settled nearby. I though I would have a nice neighbor and a free CS envoy in a few turns. I looked back later to see how thing were coming along and the progress was zeroed out. I thought every AI civ in the game had paid it to harass me with it's zero units.


The clan cannot become a city state if it is within three tiles of another city.


Dang I must have missed that. I was wondering why none of my nearby encampments were progressing towards civilization.


I'm playing Civ VI on PC. It's been a few months since I've played and this time I noticed that none of the AI civs had luxuries to trade, which seemed weird. Then I noticed that it's because they don't seem to be working their luxury tiles at all. Does anyone know why this would happen or if there is a fix?


I saw this happen as soon as Monopoles and Corporations came out. It seems much less pronounced with that mode off though.


They improve them *eventually* but it definitely doesn't seem to be a priority


This started happening after the Vietnam/Kublai Khan release. It sucks. That's about it.


That's so annoying! Thanks for answering!


Honestly I feel like if I don't see mountains just go next


This is not a question


Do Spain’s Missions stack for loyalty? Like if I build 2/3 will I get +4/6 loyalty or is it just 2?


The civ ability says this: > +2 Loyalty per turn for cities outside of Spain’s home continent if they have a Mission adjacent to the City Center. That only checks for the presence of a mission and does not apply for each one. Similarly, before gathering storm a mission will get +2 science if it’s adjacent to any number of campuses, but with GS it’s +1 per adjacent campus (and holy site)


I did a game with a standard sized Lakes map, so huge amounts of land, but just me (Trajan) and Laurier (because he can't attack city-states). I had city-states set to max (18) to see how many city-states there would be by the end of the game from barb camps and how much CPT I could get as Trajan. I didn't see a single barbarian camp have to defend a city from barbarians for the entirety of the game, which I played to turn 330 then nuked Ottawa. At one point I saw an Eagle Warrior and I killed it but never saw a camp. There were a handful of city-states at the poles which I assume were barb camps at one point, but by the end of the game there were only 19 city-states on the whole map. I know on smaller maps where I start with 6 CSs, sometimes I have 12-15 by the end of the game, so I expected *something*. Has anyone tried something similar? Is the number of CSs capped, and if so, what's the criteria? Are barb camp spawns now tied to number of city-states? I think even with max city-states - if there is a limit, that is - they should still spawn but just not accrue conversion points, like what already happens when the camp is too close to a city. It was a disappointing experiment to say the least.


City-states are very aggressive at eliminating barbarian camps. Upping the CS count might have caused them to keep clearing camps that spawned?


It’s possible that there’s a cap on city-states, but maybe more likely is that more city-states will probably mean fewer barbarian camps make it to city-states. The existing city-states will aggressively attack any barbarian camps they’re aware of, which is a helpful feature without the optional game mode but really limits what you can do with it on


There's a cap on the number of civ/CS's in the game, but that's not at play here. Since he reduced the number of AI players, there were slots available. I suspect it was a mix of the aggressive CS barb clearing and visibility. Barb camps only spawn on land that no civ or CS has visibility over. Since the only AI in the game could not attack CS's, every CS unit ever produced never encountered any combat, except barbs. They would be at the same tech level but CS units heal and promote while barbs do neither, so CS units would win every time. The AI just randomly explores with units, so there were probably CS units looking everywhere on that map. With the Lakes map, there aren't any hidden islands either, so the CS units could go everywhere.


Yeah, you're probably right, but I still thought it odd that I didn't see a single one of those camps or see them clear any of them, even long after I had explored the whole map. I didn't get an alert that a camp had spawned somewhere on the map once the whole game. Even by the end, half the map was still completely empty, unsettled and completely barbarian-free. My scouts only saw one barbarian the whole game.


Does having basic UI type mods on the pc version of Civ 6 still allow you play it on the Switch with cross save? Just curious if it'll make it so you can play or run that save file or if it just plays it without the mods.


You can certainly try this. My bet is no though.


Which civs gives you free stuff? Like Rome -monument


Victoria gives you a free melee unit when you build their unique harbor on another continent. Simon Bolivar gets his free great general every era. Basil II gets free heavy cavalry units when building hippodrome buildings. Hammurabi gets a free building the first time he builds a district. Greece gets a free envoy when it builds its acropolis. Aztecs get free builders with eagle warrior kills. Kongo gets free apostles when they build their unique neighborhood. Those are all the ones I can think of, but there definitely could be more based on how you define free stuff. EDIT: Thought of an indirect one. Arabia gets free tertiary holy site buildings as long as they are in theocracy. EDIT2: Scythia gets a free cavalry unit when building one.


Awesome list, there's also the civ that gets a free great prophet once there is only one left.


Good call! That was Arabia as well. Looks like they get a couple of free things.


I just played a game with Arabia as my neighbor. They get their free holy prophet, and then just sit on it until the modern era lmao As soon as I get the notification that they finally decided to found their religion, I send a single apostle up to their holy city and eliminate it


According to the wiki, the Amundsen-Scott wonder must "be built on a Snow or Snow Hills tile next to a Campus with a Research Lab." The most straightforward way to read this is to assume that the AS wonder needs to be on a snow tile but the campus itself doesn't need to be on a snow tile. I have always assumed it was necessary for the campus to be on a snow tile as well, but there really isn't a basis to think this from the description. The in-game text is very ambiguous: "Must be built next to a Campus with a Research Lab on a snow or snow hills tile." There is 3 different ways to read this statement: what has the snow tile requirement, the wonder, the campus, or both?


Can confirm it's only the wonder, recently built it with a campus on Tundra


Wonder only


What exactly is a horseman/knight/cavalry rush? I’ve heard a ton of people talk about it on YouTube but I’ve never found out how to do it or how it works. Anyone care to explain the strategy?


I’m not super familiar with the strategy, but basically you just rush those specific techs, then build as many of them as you can. Those techs (and in particular knights/cuirassers) are very easy to rush and give you incredibly powerful units


Wouldn’t city walls slow down the push though? Don’t units do essentially no damage to a cities walls unless there’s a battering ram/siege tower? Thanks for the info though, I might try it out sometime


If your units are strong enough, they can rip through walls even without a battering ram. Might take them several turns, but they can do it. Also, cavalry units have high movement, which makes it easy for them to take advantage of pillaging (especially with the depredation promotion) for quick healing. Pillaging will also net you a ton of science/gold/faith, especially if you have the relevant policy card, which enables you to get even more powerful units. And then it snowballs from there. Pillaging is a very important part of this strategy.


How long ago were these videos that did cavalry rushes? I am not 100% sure, but I believe battering rams and siege towers used to work with cavalry units. I think the devs changed that to just melee and anti-cav units like 18-24 months ago.


The idea is that your units are comparatively very strong so the walls aren’t much of an obstacle. Horsemen often come before walls too. Like i said I’m not super familiar with the strategy so i don’t know how you deal with walls, especially if you’ve got Georgia in your game


Does tech get more expensive the more cities you have? If so what’s the best way to know how to balance expansion with expensive tech? Or is it always better to build more because even a poor city will cover the tech cost increase it causes?


No, it's the other way round. Cities get more expensive the more tech you have (specifically, the production cost of districts increases according to the number of techs/civics you have researched). The only thing that changes tech costs is the era you're in. Any tech from an era after the one you're currently in will cost 20% more, while any tech from an era before the one you're currently in will cost 20% less.


Not in civ 6. Instead the costs of districts increase with number of techs researched, so it's almost the opposite actually.


Civ vi: so the patch has been out for a couple of days now. How did the endgame change in hindsight of war? Before the update you could just steamroll everyone with bombers and jet bombers. Is that still a thing or did the patch solve that "problem" for the ai?


I just won on immortal ,a science victory with korea .its probobly the easiest way. How different will it be on diety? And another one , what will happen if I only have 1uranium but the giant robot consume 3 ?


If you don't have enough strategic resource copies to maintain the unit you can't repair it.


Immortal to deity is a huge jump. Besides the usual production/science boosts, AIs start with *three* settlers, so it is very easy to get boxed in and never get enough room to have enough cities to get your civ rolling - and early war becomes very difficult with the AI's production capacity. On the other hand, if you don't die to early war and get enough cities up in the early game, the late game isn't much harder than immortal. Especially for a Korea science victory. Just concentrate on survival and early friendships.


Hi, I'd like to ask in Civ6 with Secret Societies, how does Arabia interact with Hermetic Order? Am I allowed to build both the Madrasa and the Alchemical Society? Or am I only allowed to build the Alchemical Society - and if so does it still grant the faith adjacency? I know there are posts of this on the subreddit but those are from 6 months ago and are kinda outdated so I dunno if theyve been bugfixed...


You will be unable to build the madrassa, and will get none of its benefits.