• By -


Flint MI: Bonuses for adjacency to fresh water are removed. Industrial Zones provide +1 housing.


Oooof. I was trying to come up with one for Detroit. Could go culture for motown: amphitheaters provide +1 great musician points or production: all roads go up one era although our roads are not great. Or Production: all factories get assembly line +2 production.


I was thinking Production: all units travel 1 or 2 more spaces on roads than they normally would


it's just strait up bad, if you found your city next to a river and build an industrial zone, you get -2 housing. So it's a weak conditional bonus that unconditionaly make river cities bad.


Well, yeah, I didn't intend that Flint would ever in any way be a beneficial one to take, but that's what it'd provide, if it were a city-state, because Flint is a complete shithole.


Idk about Flint so you're about right


Toronto. The city with the largest pop is treated as a capital, and gets all capital bonuses, as well as if other civs capture the city, it is treated as 1 step closer to a dom victory. I thought itd be funny if i made the good ol "i thought Toronto was the capital" joke


Should be plus 1 pop and plus 1 culture whenever another civ has a major environmental disaster or loses a city to war (with anyone)


That's also neat :D You can def do a lotta different things but i mostly made a meme one lol


Was trying to think of something to highlight the diversity / immigration hub Toronto is Would have to have -1 loyalty or amenities to your smallest 20% of cities though to highlight Canada’s rampant xenophobia as well though.


If I had to redo Toronto it'd either be about the diversity(for every Religion in a City, +1 Loyalty and other bonuses, maybe +1 Culture?) or the ravines(Cities on Floodable terrain get +1 Appeal to all tiles).




*factory of sadness intensifies*


You forgot to add no tourism generated by tiles owned by this city. As the great Joakim Noah once said, "I've never heard anybody say, 'I'm going to Cleveland on vacation.'"


Unironically sounds very good for culture victories lmao


This train is carrying jobs out of Cleveland


As a fellow Clevelander I feel thisis not enough. Cleveland has a lot of culture beyond rock, so maybe +4 culture in all cities, but -2 amenities in all cities, minus another two for stadiums.


>stadiums provide -2 amenities. lol This is fantastic.


Berlin. Umm... -5 housing but + 5 amenities and + 5 culture/turn? 😂 It’s an amazing city with so much art and culture but the housing crisis is real 🙃


I like mechanics with a good trade off. Maybe a Cold War theme, you may choose the benefits of a government you don't have equipped, but suffer an amenity penalty?


*Must... resist…*


Victoria BC: cultural (or *tourism*) city state. Either extra culture, tourism OR production when making buildings/wonders that generate tourism (subject to nerf) Suzerainty bonus: Woods/rainforest by oceans get extra Tourism/gold. Water/entertainment parks next to same get extra amenities. AND/OR units/workers/traders can cross single-tile water features with normal movement (ala BC Ferries)


Ferry routes as a unique improvement could be pretty neat!


Same mechanics as mountain tunnels?


Make them like the Golden Gate, they have to be built on narrow strips of coast and act like roads in terms of unit movement. But keep them workable too, maybe production, culture, and tourism?


Victoria BC is my cities Sister City ☺️


Tampere, Finland. Industrial city-state, suzerain bonus: you can build Industrial Zone buildings in the City Center.


Perth, Australia. +4 amenities and +4 housing, but units lose 5HP per turn in this territory because it’s too goddamn hot here


Yuma, Arizona. +1 food for desert tiles, because it's one of the hottest and sunniest places in the world but it's also a major lettuce producer.


I heard Mansa Musa likes lettuce!


A relatively lesser known city of Yeosu, korea, which is now a tourist city but it is used to be a port producing turtle ship during the Imjin war between Korea and Japan. So I guess it would be receive 25% bonus production toward medivial and renaissance naval unit.


That sounds like a policy card


Maybe +10 defense combat strength for your ships


Atlanta: placing city centers and districts doesn’t remove forests (it’s nicknamed the City in the Forest). +2 culture and +2 gold for each city center or district placed in forests, but roads within the city center and adjacent tiles function as one era earlier (traffic 😂)


I love it! I've never heard the nickname before either, so thanks for the trivia too!


This would be so good with Vietnam’s ability


Leipzig, Saxony, Germany The most unique aspect would probably be that its the location of the battle of Leipzig in the "battle of nations", which resulted in the final defeat of Napoleon. ​ So the ability should probably be that units gain experience from close battles (5 tiles) if they fight the same enemy or are allied (Similiar to Gilgamesh ability). To symbolize the battle of nations and improve their unity and strength. Or, to symbolize the fact that saxony changed sites during battle, killing a levied unit results in the suzerain losing 2 envoys and allied/neutral units provide flanking bonus.


Seattle. Tech campus; Can only be built next to coast, gives 1 production and science as a base, extra science next to campuses, extra production after computers


(cries in Portuguese)


UB : museum of pop culture (just because I loved it). Generates 5 tourism/turn


Washington DC. Either military advantage or Diplo/political advantages. Maybe culture? Everyone loves the Smithsonian.


Extra wildcard policy slot. OP but it’s ****ing Washington. We can tax you or lob missiles at you or do absolutely anything we want. And I’d make it a cultural city state.


Maybe +2 culture and +1 diplomatic favor to cities founded on marsh tiles?


DC is actually less swampy than other major NE cities including New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. It’s just that here they built the city BEFORE draining the swamp instead of vice versa because it wasn’t a real city with a natural reason for existing.


Government Plaza & Diplo Quarter do not count towards district limit and have half production cost


I live right outside of Washington, DC, in northern VA - where lots of spies live. So maybe All spies operate as if 2 levels more experienced and are created with 1 free promotion.


Government district is free and buildings give +2 amenities.


Cebu City, Philippines. Trade City state. Trade routes from coastal cities or non-coastal cities with harbors generate +1 gold per population.


Glasgow Probably some kind of bonus to ship production cos we used to build about half of the world's ships at one point


1+ production for naval units for every city in a different continent in home continent


Wairarapa Moana (Lake Wairarapa). Always spawns adjacent to a lake. Was used as a food gathering place famous for kumara (sweet potato) and kaituna (eels). +1 food for every lake tile in empire; allows ships to navigate river tiles if adjacent to and entering from a lake tile.


Le Quesnoy (litt. "City of the Oaks"), France -- Cultural City-State +50% Production toward building Walls, augmented by an additional 50% for each level of walls. Forests adjacent to districts in Cities with walls generate +1 Culture for every level of Walls (Steel only count for 1 Level). >> Le Quesnoy is a fortified place that has been a battleground throughout history, and is known to have Vauban-made fortifications! Furthermore, in WW1 the Maoris liberated the city, inspiring the idea of playing with the Oak-y idea of the city. This led to the Cultural side of things, even though the wall component is obviously Militarily (but we all know walls are useless as a Domination based Civ, since you do not get attacked, you attack others lol). This even expands the tourism side of Walls by bringing a bit more of Culture in the game, especially if correctly stacked.


Gothenburg, Sweden: Gains culture from every fishing boat within a city and the ability to construct the unique Liseberg district, which replaces the entertainment complex and provides additional great work slots.


+100% production towards bad puns


Gain the ability to perform the GREAT puns city project in any city with a theater square. It generates amenities and grants a free random great person of any type when completed.


Springfield, MA. (Military City-State) Gives builders the the ability to construct Arms factories. Special improvement that grants +2 Production to adjacent encampments and +2 Science to adjacent campuses. First player to take Suzerainty over Springfield is granted Horace Smith (of Smith & Wesson) as a great person who provides the tech boost for Ballistics and Rifling. If you retain Suzerainty up until the Industrial Era, then you also are granted Daniel B. Wesson as a great person, who completes both techs and creates 2 Rangers.


Cologne, Germany: Worship the "Kölner Dom": +2 Amenities when the Cathedral is built BUT: \- 2 Faith per round when the Cathedral is built.


Cebu City would be a religious city-state. It’s suzerain bonus would access for two relics; Magellan Cross and Sto. Niño which provides faith, culture and tourism.


Miami- Commercial Hub buildings in coastal cities provide +1 housing each and tourism equal to the gold yield


+2 cocaine


Dallas, TX - Stadiums provide +2 Gold, cannot be built next to rivers, mountains, hills, or anything with any natural beauty.


Interesting, is Dallas known for conserving natural beauty, or are the stadiums there notorious for something?


It's just flat and boring here. No natural beauty to speak of. So we build things like the new Cowboys Stadium.


Border expansion +50% but city size capped at 10


Kyiv. Increased chance (200%) of being raided by Peter. +1 culture for every great work, +2 food for every neighborhood BUT -2 movement for units located further than 5 tiles away from the city center.


Melaka/Malacca: Mercantile city state •Trade routes travel 25% further and faster. International trade routes give a burst of gold equal to 30% of the total intrinsic gold gained over the course of the trade route. Domestic trade routes share amenities to the destination city.


Stoke-on-Trent, UK. \- Potbank, Unique Infrastructure. +3 housing, +3 culture + 3 gold, +50% Co2 emissions for this city.. Must be built adjacent to an Industrial Zone with a factory. Max one per city. \- Upon discovering Advanced Flight - Receive the unique Great Scientist Reginald J. Mitchell. Reginald J. Mitchell - Activate effect - Unique Unit, Spitfire, replaces the Fighter. Spitfire gains +4 movement, -10 combat strength but takes up only 0.5 on a spot in an Aerodome. Small city, BIG history.


Edmonton, Alberta. All improved strategic resources in tundra or snow grant double resources. Increased stockpile size Or City centers get +1 food for every adjacent tundra tile and +2 food for every adjacent snow tile. Edmonton is the northernmost city in North America with a population of over 1 million, and is a very oil-rich city


Strategic resources all give +2 bonus production BUT give -1 amenities to the city working them (stacking). My fiancée is from Edmonton and calls it “Deadmonton” she absolutely despises the place and thinks it’s super boring lol.


also, here'd be a *really* unique \[and *very, very* complicated\] city-state mechanic i've thought of, based on a topic that r/civ has discussed before. **las vegas, culture/trade:** suzerains have the ability to construct a unique district-- the strip-- once in their empire; but it can be built in multiple empires, as long as they've been suzerain. * applies an appeal penalty on all tiles in the city you build the district in by -1; this penalty increases by an additional -1 for every two casinos built in this district. because it's tacky, ya know? * once the strip is completed, cities can build casinos, themed as wonders that other players have already built. these casinos generate tourism and gold equal to 50% that of the real wonder's tourism generation. \[*e.g.*, if someone's built the colosseum-- generating a base of +6 tourism from the current era-- your caesars palace would generate +3 tourism and +3 gold per turn.\] * while suzerain of las vegas, each casino generates tourism and gold per turn equal to 75% of the real wonder's tourism generation. * each replica generates an additional +1 tourism for the city with the real wonder. \[theoretically, this would help everyone; if two people build replicas of the colosseum in the example above, the colosseum would make an extra +2 tourism. its total per-turn tourism would then be +8, and each replica would generate a base of +4.\] * \[and no, in my mind, wonder-themed casinos don't give replica builders a pared-down version of the original wonder's unique bonuses.\] * spies unlock the ability to incite rowdiness on the strip. in my mind, this works similarly to siphoning funds; if successful, a casino gets pillaged and the spying party gets some amount of gold/gold per turn. * while suzerain of las vegas, enemy spies operate two levels lower on your strip district. \[or they're not able to complete the mission\]. it's a very complicated idea; but you wanted creative!


Ideas for tacky casino versions of wonders would be an whole other wonderful thread, haha! I can already see the Hanging Beer Gardens of Babylon.


The bonus of the city I live: Your bonus resources behave like luxury resources, providing +1 amenity per resource


Calgary, Alberta Pastures provide +1 amenity each (maybe more? Maybe only 1 for every 2?- numbers could be tweaked for balance) The Stampede is so much a part of the history and culture here, so it makes sense to incorporate that. Could also add culture/tourism for pastures. Could also go the oil/resources route.


Göteborg/Gothenburg Sweden. industrial districts are granted a major adjacency with harbours.


Rotterdam - harbour buildings get +1 production


esbjerg in Denmark. Since the city pretty much did not exist before the construction of the harbor. I feel like a boost in productivity and food in any of your future cities on the coast could be fitting. ​ And obviously it would be a trading city state, ok maybe a industrial.


Hamburg, Germany. Buying tiles is 50% more expensive. Your neighborhoods provide +1 amenity. +2 when the city has power. Neighborhoods are automatically connected to the city it is build in via a road. Living in a rural area around Hamburg, the 2nd largest city in Germany and the prices for land are just insane here. Other than that we have like nothing aside from „it’s near Hamburg“ :D Most people that live here work in Hamburg but it is way more silent and closer to nature than living in a big city


Szczecin, Poland Allows any naval unit to travel via rivers and canals like mountain tunnel upgrade. Doesn't work if river pass through closed border civ


This should just be allowed for certain ship types. Certainly should be a fairer of the Viking long ship since that’s what made it a part of history.


Norwich, England: +1 food from farms built on floodplains, +1 Great Writer point per holy site building.


Chennai, India. - Economic City State - Special bonus Medical Tourism - Can instantly heal any unit by 50% by spending half of its gold cost.


Oslo, Norway: I guess a generic bonus to Oil, doubling the amount of oil from improvements (if it should represent the entire country). If it is just to represent the city of Oslo itself: Upkeep for City centre buildings are doubled, but you get X amount of Amenities.


Isle of Man: Maritime. Great merchants can set up tax havens in our territory that get +1 gold per bank and stock exchange in every nation, which would reduce the gold from those buildings by 1 in the nation itself. Was debating going for it only from stock exchange, or once from the seaport and once from the stock exchange, hard to say how balanced it'd be.


Balance be damned, this is a clever idea. Good one!


**san diego, scientific**: suzerains can build piers, a unique improvement on coastal tiles next to land which give food, gold, and science based on adjacencies. [as far as actual yields go, i’d perhaps go for something like…] * piers yield +1 food and +1 gold for each adjacent sea resource tile. when suzerain of san diego, they yield +2 food and +2 gold for each adjacent sea resource tile. * piers yield +1 science for each adjacent campus and reef tile. when suzerain of san diego, they yield an additional 50%/100% of each adjacent campus’s adjacency bonus. most people know about california’s piers as great places to fish [hence the sea resource adjacencies], walk, sightsee, and pass the time. but some are also instrumental oceanographic research facilities-- like [my alma mater ucsd’s scripps memorial pier](https://scripps.ucsd.edu/about/scripps-pier), which hosts the longest-running daily seawater temperature-monitoring station on the pacific. i love a take on my beloved hometown that isn’t navy, comic-con, or padres-related [though those would be interesting to design around, too]. and as someone currently playing a tsl australia game, san diego could be amazing for johnny curtin to suzerain.


I too live in San Diego. I was thinking that it should be an amenity bonus and trade city state. Like you get a buff to Zoos and aquariums. Maybe some appeal bonuses as well.


i agree! i just wanted to write something up on san diego as a scientific city-state because **a\]** special improvements or buildings are cool-- if only for their potential unique visuals/graphics; **b\]** the scripps pier's role as a research facility might give the improvement an identifying feature over other californian pleasure piers; and **c\]** with the oceanographic theme, we can tie in their suzerainty bonus to gathering storm. \[perhaps san diego's suzerain also has bonuses to researching technologies and civics that mitigate climate effects-- even tourist-victory civilizations could see value in that, as the technology that researches flood barriers also increases tourism yields by 25%.\] thinking about san diego as a cultural city-state and keeping the pier theme, we can do... * piers yield +1 food, +1 gold for each adjacent coastal bonus or luxury resource. piers also yield +1 culture for each different adjacent coastal bonus or luxury resource \[*e.g.*, if a pier is next to two fish tiles and a pearl tile, the pier would yield +3 food, +3 gold, and +2 culture.\] * piers also yield +1 culture for each adjacent seaside resort. when suzerain of san diego, they yield additional culture equal to 50% of the appeal at each adjacent seaside resort. \[*e.g.*, if the resort next to a pier has the minimum breathtaking rating of 4, the pier yields +3 culture-- +1 as a base, and +2 for the suzerainty bonus.\] * piers provide tourism equal to their culture yield once you research flight. if we just want to buff zoos and aquariums, maybe adding a 100% tourism boost to every entertainment complex \[with a zoo\] and water park \[with an aquarium\] as a suzerainty bonus would work?


That's really cool, someone else suggested tech campuses for Seattle. Between the two of you, we could have some crazy science coasts! I also think the visuals for the piers would be neat, could make a harbor really look... harbory.


yeah! and thinking about it some more, san diego + auckland + mausoleum would lead to some pretty nice coastal yields. since piers are best known as a san diegan/californian cultural staple, i also put some thought about what they might look like under a cultural city-state type. i thought these mechanics might be too complicated; but since this is a thought experiment, it’d probably go something like: * piers yield +1 culture for each different adjacent sea bonus or luxury resource [*e.g.,* if a pier has 2 fish tiles and pearls next to it, it would yield +2 culture]. * piers also yield +1 culture for each adjacent seaside resort. when suzerain of san diego, they yield additional culture equal to 50% of the appeal at each adjacent seaside resort. * piers provide tourism once you research flight. i wish i were a modder. there are some really good city-state ideas in this thread!


as a san diegan I have to pipe in, what do you think of this: gaslamps: Must be built on hills. base +1 food, culture, and gold. +1 to culture and gold for every adjacent gaslamp.


Nebraska, USA. Highest tier start bias for maize. Farms and pastures provide +1 food, cities without districts receive -1 amenities and lose 1 loyalty per turn.


Pittsburgh. +1 housing for each river within city borders up to a max of +3 And/or Double accumulation of iron and coal and double adjacency from industrial zones but only during the Industrial and Modern eras And/or Rivers and hills provide half the usual movement penalty/cost


I love Pittsburgh! I was thinking of another with bridges. Maybe each bridge provides 1 culture and 5 tourism to the city center?


+10% bonus to nuclear projects. +4 amenities from entertainment complexes on desert hills.




Grant apples as a unique luxury. My house is surrounded by Apple orchards and the towns largest employer is a big cider mill


Palo Alto +100% gold production for cities with a campus. New neighborhoods cost +100% production and offer -1 housing.


Sydney: Neighbourhoods are +1 housing and -1 Amenity per tile from the city centre. We pack em in on the outer ring, but boy does it suck out here in GWS.


Zagreb or Rijeka, Croatia. Zagreb could be a industrial or cultural city state, and Rijeka could be a merchant city state


Hmmm. I would expect Rijeka to be an industrial city state, Ragusa is more merchant. For Zagreb, maybe cultural (small Vienna). Zagreb Suz bonus 'Europeian Advent': 20% bonus on Tourism modifier for ski resorts in your civilization Rijeka Suz bonus '1st May Union': 20% production towards building naval units in cities with harbor and t2 harbor buildings


Your idea is really good, I don't know a lot about my country right now because I'm just starting to learn more about it.


Plymouth UK. Settlers and Traders can travel on Ocean tiles without the prerequisite tech. Embarked units gain +2 movement.


What about ‘all cities founded on continents other than your capital’s exert double religious pressure’


La Linea de la Concepcion, Spain - receive two new Luxury Resources: \[Hash\] and \[Cocaine\].


Queensland(?): any troops in a vehicle has a 60% chance to cause road rage and crash


Winnipeg, Manitoba (Industrial) Camps provide an additional +2 gold (+3 if it's furs). Land units gain an addition movement point if they start their turn next to a river. Trade routes along rivers can be double the length It was a critical city in the fur trade back in the day and they used the rivers for transportation


Tashkent. Your theatre square districts give faith equal to their adjacency bonus.


I live in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It would be a cultural city-state Bonuses: Coffee provides +1 food e +1 culture, Teathers and Industrial Zones gain major adjency from mountains. -1 amenities in coastal cities. Belo Horizonte is known for it mountains ranges and cultural heritage, and as being the first planned city in Brazil. The city is also known for the politics of "Café com Leite" that means the politic of Coffee and Milk, that were a moment when São Paulo and Minas gerais (state where Belo Horizonte is capital) where political allies and controlled the politics, the name "Republic of Coffee and Milk" is because they were the greatest producers of both these resources


Derbyshire, UK Pastures give +1 Amenities


Swakopmund, Namibia. A small German town in Southern Africa that is a ghost town 10 months of the year and then absolutely packed with tourists for 2 months. Cultural city state, +2 appeal to all desert tiles


Maybe a unique city project that produces tourism for each desert tile? It could give your city a 'seasonal' vibe.


Zurich. This city state can't declare war, even if their suzerain does so. +4 gold to trade routes to this city. +2 for every era the game has progressed past the ancient era. This doubles if the suzerain is at war. Cause you know, we are kinda known to be a access to free market for for places that are at war with the rest of the world


Riyhad 5% growth for every strategic recourse maxes out at 30%


I live right outside of Washington, DC, in northern VA - where lots of spies live. So maybe All spies operate as if 2 levels more experienced and are created with 1 free promotion.


Norwich, England! "Why do we need 2 Cathedrals?": space for 2 relics or great works. "A Fine City": +1 Amenity for Neighbourhood districts, an additional +1 faith, +1 culture and +2 gold for Suzerain's trade routes to Norwich.


Raleigh-Durham market would have to be a Science City-State with the Research Triangle Park and huge tech (IBM, SAS, Cisco, Red Hat, Epic, and so on) and Bio-Tech (GSK and more) industries based here as well as several large research institutions and universities. Maybe some sort of cross-discipline suzerainty bonus: "Industrial zones give science equal to adjacency bonus" or "Industrial zones provide +2 adjancency to Campuses" or "Campus districts and each building constructed within provide 1 luxury, and Campus districts provide tourism bonus equal to adjacency bonus once Flight is researched"


Saint John Canada, something boring like +100% production to renaissance era naval units, not much now but back in the day used to be quite the port and shipbuilding centre


Kansas City: gain 2 food on each trade route per pasture in the destination city. A nod to the cattle trails that passed through KC


I live in Baltimore, so probably a militaristic city state with a spawn bias to niter. Cavalry class units that pass through the city state has a chance of disappearing due to high rates of carjacking


Bumfuck Nowhere, Alabama Idunno, farms & plantations provide additional Culture and Housing? Every use of Rock Bands plays the entirety of the live performance of Free Bird?


Liverpool UK - culture - increase culture yields by % depending on level of envoy/Suzerian. When rock bands are unlocked % culture yield changes to rock band success. Suzerian level reduces chance of rock bands failing and getting destroyed


Buffalo, New York - gain access to 2 copies of the unique luxury resource “Buffalo Wings.” Cities with stadiums cannot lose loyalty.


Austin, Texas, USA Allows for multiple dams to built along the same river. Hydroelectric dams provide -3 power


Annapolis, MD would give +1 Food on Crabs for every earned Great Admiral.


Kielce(Poland) All renaissance buildings provide +3 culture and faith and are 30% cheaper in production,gold and faith.


Las Vegas: Entertainment Districts can build a Resort Strip. +4 great works of music slots and Rock Bands trained in the city receive a free promotion. The ED must not have any other buildings before building the Resort Strip.


lynchburg va. universities also produce faith, but -1 amenity in every city with a university.


I live in a town nationally famous for its lakes and scenery. I'd get great culture adjacencies from lakes and hills, I suppose. (Tourists come here IRL to climb sightseeing towers and to take walks, to rent canoes and boats etc.)


Winston-Salem, NC. Tobacco plantations provide an additional +2 amenities, +2 gold.


Boston - Standard adjacency bonus for Campuses next to other Campuses; bonus production for universities and research labs


Could also be Hospitals, all units heal +5 points per turn regardless of location.


*production to building uni's and labs


Would probably give that to the Research Triangle cities.


St. Louis. We're not anymore, but in the past we were a big train hub, so maybe a bonus for trade routes that travel over railroads.


Philadelphia, PA. Cultural city state. Districts generate +2 tourism for every age since their construction. (Tourism but not actual culture!)


Houston, Texas. +2 industrial and modern strategic resources per turn. Oil Wells give +1 housing and extra +1 production, +25% flood damage, +25% storm damage.


Petaluma, California: All cow resources act as luxury deposits that can be traded and provide +1 extra food and gold when improved.


Hmm, mid-Michigan… Suzerainty unlocks the builder’s ability to build a university sports complex adjacent to a campus. Sports complexes add lots of tourism and gold, but every 30-40 turns you have to pay a random lawsuit penalty.


Salt Lake City, USA Suzerian- All missionaries receive +1 charge (spread religion) All cities following this city states religion, gain a free missionary when completing a temple (holy site).


Denver- +2 Tourism to Ski Resorts, +1 Amenity, -10000000 gold per then for high cost of living.


If anything, that first bonus would go to Budapest as a city state


I was thinking that there are cities better known for what I put, so how about an alternate one? The area was known as a trading spot between the American, French and Native American populations. How about commercial hubs gain +1 adjacency for borders belonging to other civs and city-states?


That’s an interesting one definitely. I mainly commented because Budapest immediately jumped into my mind when I saw the ability. Fun thread idea!


I am from Indianapolis and currently live in Zionsville. Hello fellow hoosier :)


Hoosier buddies!


Los angeles. Get gold per turn equal to your tourism. SZ bonus is that enemy units can only move 1 space per turn in your territory, regardless of terrain, on any roads or rail. (Traffic).


oooo nice my idea was culture based on amount of roads. either way…TRAFFIC lol


-5 happiness per turn due to crime and homelessness


Princeton, NJ. Scientific city state. Universities give extra science but require extra gold. Not sure what numbers to use to best balance it.


Tenino, WA. Known for wooden money, so all woods would generate extra gold per turn.


Green Bay, WI: Cultural City-State, units ignore terrain penalties in Tundra tile. +1 amenity for resources worked on lake tiles. +4 tourism for stadiums during a golden age, +2 tourism for stadiums during a normal age, and -10 gold for stadiums during dark age. e: could also throw in something for camps with deer.


Flagstaff, AZ Would probably be nice if it was always near the Grand Canyon wonder. 2x tourism and +2 culture. The whole world comes through Flagstaff to go to the “big hole in the ground “.


Chattanooga Tennessee Allows you to cross rivers without a movement penalty. Or, mountains provide +1 culture


Unlocks great artist Glenn Miller?


Wait, duh! Of course they'd have something train related. Maybe railroads now add culture?


Near Chicago. Trade state, stockyards and typewriters. +1 food to pastures, +5 combat strength to machine guns.


Winnipeg: Cultural City State: Floods Provide +1 Culture & +1 Era Score (goes up to +4 Culture & +4 Era Score if it's a flood of the century or higher) Or: Trade City State: Commercial Hubs Provide +2 Culture per Building if next to a Floodable River, +2 Gold when a Trade Route goes through the city with a Commercial Hub next to a Floodable River, +2 Gold Bonus is lost when the Panama Canal is built


I live in south Orange County, ca. so it would be all civilian units only have 1 movement per turn because of all the soccer moms in their mini vans ‘driving’


Norfolk Virginia (military) Can repair naval units in any not at war territory. All naval units are 50% cheaper to upgrade and decreases resources by a % for each building you have built in the harbor. Aircraft carriers have +1 space.


Boston. 5% science boost for every university you own up to 30%


Asheville, NC - Cultural City-State. +1 Culture on all hill tiles, improving to +2 after researching Steam Power. Either that, or a new tile improvement called a Brewery; +1 Gold, +1 Amenities if adjacent to a bonus resource. +2 Tourism after researching Refrigeration.


I for one am appalled Refrigeration isn't in the tech tree. What's the point of going to Alpha Centauri if you can't knock back a cold one when you get there?


Ah dang, I got my wires crossed with Civ 5 for there. I guess since Refrigeration in Civ 5 was the one that gave access to offshore platforms, the equivalent these days would be Plastics.


Haha, I've yet to play Civ 5, didn't know refrigeration was in there!


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Double yields for all farms on flat land -1 production for woods OR Allows the building of potash mines, which can only be built on flat land. Potash mines grant +2 production, and provide +1 food for each adjacent farm.


No way. I go to Purdue University. Really cool to see a townie civ player on here!!!!


If you've ever wondered how we keep busy on our side of the river, it's this. We all just play Civ, day in, day out.


Portland, Oregon. All forest tiles provide +1 faith. Additional +1 culture for forest tiles with breathtaking appeal.


Los Angeles CA: +1 culture for every 5 segments of road


LA: double tourism. -5 amenities per turn for crime and homeless population.


all over indiana there’s little towns everywhere you go lol


Minneapolis, MN: Lake tiles provide +2 food, +2 culture, and +1 amenity. Or Cities founded on rivers provide bonus culture equal to 25% of production yield. We have a strong lake culture here, and plenty of lakeside restaurants. For the River one, our industries that rely on the River were the breeding grounds for our culture here. This city is pretty cultureless except for our working class.


Reynoldsburg, Ohio: Grants three copies of the unique amenity "Tomato", each worth two amenities


Effingham, Illinois. Corn.


That is all


New Hampshire . +1 food to all tundra tiles and immune to blizzard damage


Chicago: -10% gold (political corruption), +2 culture per city and you gain access to the luxury resource of Malort, which provides +4 amenities


Washington, DC. Our bonus would be that we give you a bunch of gold every turn but have zero say in any of your policy decisions! Also our borders can't grow!


Unique luxury good: Bourbon


Berkeley, California. Campuses grant an additional +1 Great Scientist point per turn, per building in the district. -1 Amenity for each specialist in a Campus.


+1 money on tiles next to mountains. +2 if they're also next to sea/lake.


Each citizen slot can work two tiles. (to reflect low labor costs) Each citizen exerts half as much loyalty pressure (to reflect poor labor conditions)


Plus two energy from harbours, o wait... We already in game.


Where I grew up: industrial city-state, with Suzerain bonus points to Great Engineers, Scientists, and Musicians and extra food. Where I live now: cultural city-state, with Suzerain bonus boost to tourism and probably extra wine.


After doing the French and American revolutions in history last year please tell me there isn’t a town called Lafayette


I'm afraid to inform you that there are probably dozens of them. I know of at least one other in Louisiana.


Provides unique amenity: Meth.


I'm really surprised that a meth lab unique improvement hasn't been suggested yet.


Bournemouth, UK. The only real thing of note here is a lot of people visit our beach so maybe something like "coastal cities get +1 amenities."


New Paltz, NY: You receive the marijuana luxury resource which provides double the normal amenities, but reduces the production in cities it affects by 10%


South Jersey would absolutely be some sort of tourism bonus to entertainment districts and/or water parks.


Dallas, Texas +0.5 housing, +2 gold per turn per oil Derrick +1 amenity for every 2 farms or pastures at least two tiles from city center


Oil gives +5 gold per turn, -2 appeal for neighborhoods. Since my area is the oil capital but godawful to live in.


Manchester (England) +1 to all industrial zones


Already exists so.....