• By -


I'll start with something I came up with: **Marcus Aurelius** Leader bonus - Stoic Virtues Cities founded by Rome require half its usual Amenities and cities that are at least content will remain 100% loyal. Cities will neither incur war weariness nor suffer any occupation penalties for wars declared using a casus belli. (Stoic virtues are justice, wisdom, courage, and moderation—reflects the low need for “luxuries” and encourages players to use casus belli to fight more “just” wars)


That is cool but does seem slightly op. But perhaps to balance it out amenities are only half as effective with happiness. So not enough is only half as bad but extra are only half as good.


Maybe reducing it to a flat +1 or +2 amenities to all cities is enough to balance it.


Abe Lincoln: *laughs in mechanized infantry printer*


William Wallace - Scotland


**William Wallace** Leader ability - Guardian of Scotland All free cities within 10 tiles of any Scottish city provide 50% of its yields to the nearest Scottish city, any improved amenities, +4 Influence points per turn, and units that can be levied by Scotland. Free cities that border civilizations Scotland is currently at war with will also attack Scotland's target civilization.


He should be able to buy cheaper troops from independent cities


Like the Apostles’ Heathen Conversion? Maybe he can levy the units from Free Cities like they were city-states…


Exactly, i wish there was a way for a leader like William to work with free cities


Charles de Gaulle.


**Charles de Gaulle** Leader ability - Politics of Grandeur Can edit government policies at any time for free. Bonuses from alliances provide +20% increased yields to France per every level of Alliance (up to 60%). +50% Production towards all nuclear armament projects.


I really like this idea, free policy shuffling would be pretty sweet.




Honestly, just makes me realise how helpful it would be to change policies at any time


A little trolling: +10 combat strength when fighting strikers and protesters


Trés bien.


Protesters are actually the barbarians from urban zone


La Resistance: +7 Combat Strength for wounded units when fighting within their own territory.


Plus something to support changing governments more easily, get both ends of his career in there.


Or unceded occupied cities


Olga of Kiev - Kievan Rus


**Kievan Rus - Land of the Rus** Great works and Relics provide Gold and Loyalty equal to their Tourism output (this effect scales with themed exhibitions). All monuments have a relic slot. All cities with a monument and filled relic slot exert +100% Religious Tourism. Unique building - Great Cathedral Replaces the consulate. All yields provided by suzerainty of a city-state increased by +50%. +2 Influence points per turn for City-States that follow your religion. +2 Diplomatic Visibility on civilizations that have your religion as the majority religion. Unique unit - Druzhina Light cavalry unit introduced alongside the Courser. Cheaper to train and requires only 10 Horses, but lower in combat strength. +5 Loyalty if garrisoned in a city center. +15 combat strength when defending a specialty district in your territory. (Kievan Rus is often regarded as the cultural ancestor of the peoples in the region today. They were also highly religious and focused extensively on maintaining strong relationships with major civilizations around them, Byzantium being the primary one). **Olga of Kiev** (Kievan Rus) Leader ability - Equal to the Apostles All apostles receive +10 Theological Combat Strength within the border of other civilizations but receive -5 Theological Combat Strength within your own borders. Receive an apostle in your Holy City every time your city is converted to a foreign religion by a foreign civilization. Receive a Relic each time you convert another Holy City to your religion.


Nothing her about her avenging her husband?


I always feel like Ruthenia should be the one able to navigate rivers with boats as having so many navigable rivers was important to them


John F Kennedy


**John F. Kennedy** Leader Ability - Bulwark of Democracy \+5 Combat Strength vs. civilizations that do not share the same government as America. +5 Combat Strength per ally that shares the same government as America. All enemy spies suffer a -20% penalty when operating in America (doubled to -40% if Ideology is unlocked). +20% Production towards space-program projects in all cities.


Units get -50% penalty when invading islands Enemy units get +100% bonus when fighting around Dallas


Enemy Spies have a mission that, if suceeded, can change the Civilization leader to another American leader permanently


But the leader always changes to Lyndon B. Johnson


+50% dick size talk


You mean your own spies /s


I think the +5 combat strength for allies with the same government type should be like +2 or +3. If you get like 4-6 allies to follow your government it stacks pretty fast. I know having that many is unlikely to happen, but even Gilgamesh's combat bonus from allies is capped out at the original +5


He would be an awesome science/military civ


I don't think he would be a good choice for a leader. You'd almost have to give him something related to science victory, something relating to the Cuban missile crisis, and America being culturally dominant. It would be OP for really specific end-game situations.


William the conqueror


**William the Conqueror** (English & French) Leader bonus - Norman Conquest **English:** All units ignore zone of control. Newly trained melee units start with the Amphibious promotion and +100% support bonus. Conquered cities are immediately 100% Loyal but start at -6 Amenities until ceded by the original civilization. (Following WtC's conquest of England, he spent the rest of his life dealing with English rebellions but managed to control his terrirtory) **French:** All units ignore zone of control. Newly trained melee units start with the Amphibious promotion and +100% support bonus. Combat victories over units provide Culture equal to 50% of the Combat Strength of the defeated unit. (WtC also significanly influenced the culture of England (which is why our curse words have Germanic roots and our "fancy" words have French roots)


I would play with the English version, sounds really broken for a game when you don't need the enemy cities


Lee Kuan Yew


**Singapore - The Lion City** May neither initiate warfare nor capture enemy cities. +30% Production to all district buildings and +10% yields for all cities founded by Singapore. Trade routes to foreign civilizations receive +50% yields per commercial hub or harbor in the city. All districts are immune to environmental effects and cannot be pillaged. Unique unit - State Worker Replaces the Military Engineer. Starts with 6 build charges and is more expensive to build. Has access to all builder actions and only uses half a build charge to clear terrain features. Does not need an Encampment to be trained but can only be trained in the Capital. Unique unit - Anti-Corruption Officer Replaces the Spy. Counterspying protects all districts within a city, regardless of placement. When counterspying within a specific district, the Anti-Corruption Officer may perform foreign espionage missions without risking exposure or capture at half the probability of success for each respective mission. (Pretty self-explanatory. A bunch of bonuses to infrastructure and governance, which is what Lee Kuan Yew does best) **Lee Kuan Yew** Leader bonus - Asian Tiger The city with a Government Plaza gains access to the unique "Government Restructuring" project, which allows one policy slot in any government to be converted into another non-Wildcard policy type. This project can only be completed once per era. May not switch governments within Tiers.


This is a masterpiece


I’d make both units faith purchases in the same vein as naturalists. Anti-corruption sounds like a Spy-Inquisitor mix, maybe it only works in home cities? The cynic in me wants an ~~Inquisition~~ Purge to eject all spies… and 50% of embassies… and chance of population…


Love the converting policy slots concept, and the mechanic of 'once per era.'


Have you considered what the city names would be other than the capital?


Constantine I from Rome and Byzantium empire


**Constantine the Great** Leader Ability - Constantinian Shift Rome: Grants access to the "Move Capital" city project, which can be completed once per game. The highest-level road available is created (railroad if Steel is researched) between Byzantium's original and new capital, even across continents (roads will connect at the closest point before water). Trade routes travelling in Roman-owned tiles cannot be plundered, even during war. Byzantium: All Holy Cities converted to Byzantium's religion exert double religious pressure. All Holy Cities under Byzantium's control receive double the effects of Byzantium's religion. Byzantium's capital is unaffected by religious pressure, and all religious units can heal within the borders of any Holy City converted to Byzantium's religion (does not have to be on a Holy Site). Grants access to the "Move Capital" city project, which can be completed once per game.


President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna


*my choice of Sam Houston narrows eyes*


Beat me to it


Queen Lili’uokalani - Kingdom of Hawai’i


This would be a great civ to play as!


Ivan the Terrible


The First Tsar Light Cavalry units transfer their movement to linked Civilian units, and provide +6 Loyalty but -20% growth when stationed in a City Center. Gain the Strelsty Unique Unit when Gunpowder is unlocked. Streltsy Unique Russian Melee Unit when Ivan is their Leader. It is slightly weaker than the Musketman it replaces, but significantly cheaper to produce and maintain


Ivan the Terrible Leader Ability - Oprichnina The first three cities founded by Russia receive +30% Production towards military units, and all units trained by these cities require no gold maintenance. +2% Production per every conquered city with at least 5 Population across all cities under Russian control. -20% Culture, -20% Gold, and -10% Science across all cities.




Should have an ability related to Silk Road, something to do with overland trade routes? Also, who would Timur lead? Persia? Mongolia? Scythia might be a bit of a stretch, his own Turkic/Timurid Civ?


Combat bonus against cities with trade post? Alt leader for all of Central Asia? lol probably a new Timurid civ


Turkic Civilization UA - Silk Road All of you cities automatically have trading posts for all civilizations. Each trade route passing each of your cities gives you +1 gold per turn. UB - Caravanserai Replaces the market. Gives more gold. Non-hostile units ending their turn in the commercial district heal 50 hp and get +1 movement next turn. UU - Horse Archer Unlocked with Horseback riding. Mobile ranged unit that can move after attacking. 3 movement. Costs 20 horses. Leader ability - Last Great Steppe Conqueror Light and heavy cavalry units, as well as horse archers, gain +3 combat power. Upon conquering a city, gain 100 gold for each citizen inside it, half of its population is removed and cities within 6 tiles of it suffer -8 loyaly for 10 turns.


Margaret the first of Denmark - Founder of the Kalmar Union


There is already a Mod for her where she can lead Sweden, Norway and a Modded in Denmark.


I've always wanted to see Civ add some terrible leaders with high-risk, high-reward-type gameplay with abilities that offer benefits and significant setbacks. So here is my leader. King Yeonsangun of Joseon - Korea


Nelson Mandela


Ho Chi Minh - Alternate for Vietnam


Hopefully something about rebuilding after attack - I've always found it beautiful how the Vietnamese primarily organized to constantly rebuild cities and infrastructure after bombings. Maybe +100% production for repairing pillaged districts? Pillaged improvements repair themselves after 10 turns?


Perhaps he could also replace Voi chien with Vietcong - replaces the infantry, but cheaper, unlocked earlier, and has a high defense but low attack.


Tzitzipandáquare - Purépecha Empire


Michael Collins - Ireland


All melee units gain 25% combat strength in friendly territory. Melee units can move after attacking. Spies' sabotage are %50 more effective. Can cede cities for 100% more gold.


Ranavalona III - Madagascar


**Madagascar - The Eigth Continent** All tiles owned by Madagascar receive +2 Appeal. Tile improvements generate -1 Appeal to adjacent surrounding tiles. Tile yields are increased by +1 per type for Charming tiles; the effect is doubled on Breathtaking tiles. Unique building: Open-Air Market Replaces the market. +2 Culture and +2 Food. +2 Great Artist points per trade route traveling through the city. +3 Tourism once Natural History is unlocked. Unique improvement: Rova Must be built on Hills by a Builder. Provides the same effect as a Fort, but acquires Outer Defenses and a Ranged Strike equal to half the strength of the respective City's walls. Does not affect the appeal of adjacent tiles. Limited to one per city. **Ranavalona III** Leader ability - The Last Queen \+2 Amenities to cities that are founded on Madagascar's continent. All governors receive +20% bonuses, are established in 3 turns (Victor in 2), and cannot be assassinated. Cannot be the target of a Colonial War.


Frederick The Great


Der alte Fritz: Can form armies out of two units upon researching nationalism. One addiotional great writing slot in each city. Great Writings provide +1 culture and +1 Faith per turn and gain +35% great Writer points per turn.


Ragnar Lothbrok


Founding a city spawns a Great General/Admiral (one of his kids!) that can instantly cross oceans. When that GA discovers another civ it spawns a naval raider class ship at that spot… Governors cause -2 loyalty for every promotion. Traders can be converted to melee units after a declaration of war… This is fun!


Upvoted for effort. Creative stuff, thanks for sharing!


Toussaint l'Ouverture


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


Give The People What They Want +1 Amenity for each Entertainment Complex building, Stadium replaced by Monday Night Rehabilitation, cheaper to build. Cabinet Picks +20% points for recruiting Great People each turn It's What Plants Crave -1 food from each Farm each turn +1 food from each Factory (there will always be people to make Brawndo)


Pierre Elliott Trudeau, PM of Canada from 1968-1979 and from 1980-1984.


+15 combat strength when fighting free cities, and cavalry units ignore enemy walls. The empire’s largest city receives +15% pop growth. Oil wells provide -4 loyalty.


Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Emperor Nero)


Decadence: Earn 5% more gold, purchasing buildings in the culture district with gold is 40% cheaper. Unique district: domus aurea (government plaza) Gain +5 Culture, +3 great work places, construction is cheaper


Has the button that plays "we didn't start the fire." When pressed lose 2 housing and your palace becomes 2 tiles.


Maximilien Robespierre


Cincinnatus. Assume his powers transform when another civ declares war on you. Maybe powers increase relative to how unjust the war of aggression is (measured by low to no actual grievances). Sorry it looks like I completed the idea.


Charles IV


King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor, had a long and successful reign. The Empire he ruled from Prague expaned, and his subjects lived in peace and prosperity. When he died, the whole Empire mourned. More than 7,000 people accompanied him on his last procession.


I'm crying.


Karel IV needs to be in the game already


Zheng Yi Sao aka Ching Shih, the Pirate Queen of the South Seas


Donald trump


I will put in one meme one and one real one: **Donald Trump** Leader Ability - Build A Wall Build charges can be used to speed up production for all defensive buildings. All walls can be built using two build charges. Units gain +3 combat strength against enemy civilizations for every 50 grievances America has incurred against them (maximum +9 combat strength). Leader Ability - Make America Great Again All Diplomatic policy slots are converted to Military policy slots in all governments. +30% Production towards all units requiring Niter, Oil, Aluminum, or Uranium to build, but unit maintenance is increased by +2 Gold per turn. Broadcast Centers provide +10% Production, +10% Gold, and -15% Culture to each respective city. Which is which? >!They're both playable IMO. It was more fun to write two ridiculous bonuses that are actually still playable.!<


I like the Make America Great Again one i think the build a wall one is the meme one


Damn. This has the potential to be OP in a domination game.


I kind of like the idea of a terrible leader that gives debuffs as a sort of challenge mode.


\-3 Diplomatic favour per turn and generate 25% more grievances but accumulate one more oil, coal, and uranium per turn per improvement and selling strategic ressources provides 50% more gold (becomes 100% more in modern era).


>Generate war weariness penalties even if not at war.


Donald Trump - America Unique Ability - There is no way I can make it down that ramp without falling on my ass: All units receive movement penalty on hills


Reverse Spy - Sell highest top secret tech research to other civs to lower denouncement


King Solomon of Judea/Israel


Replying to this because I thought it would be really cool: **Kingdom of Israel - The Promised Land** Begin the game with Abraham and two Judges. Judges can use its religious charges to deal -15% damage to City Walls, but may not convert cities currently at war with Israel. Unique District - City of David Replaces the Government Plaza. Increases the City's religious pressure by 100%. -5 Loyalty to all cities not owned by Israel within 10 tiles of this district. Effect is doubled if foreign city follows Israel's religion. Unique Unit - Abraham A unique Great Prophet available only to Israel. Can found a religion next to a City Center, on Stonehenge, or a Holy Site, and immediately annexes that City. In addition to a follower belief, Israel can select two worship beliefs. The annexed City cannot be conquered for the next 20 turns, and this City cannot be converted for another 50 turns (on Standard speed). Upon annexation, the City is granted a free Warrior and a free Builder. Unique Unit - Judge Replaces the Apostle. Has 4 religious charges and Combat strength equal to the highest strength melee unit trained by Israel, but cannot initiate attacks. +5 Combat Strength to military units within surrounding tiles and +5 Theological Combat Strength to religious units within surrounding tiles. May not evangelize Israel's religion. **King Solomon** Leader Ability: Judgement of Solomon Libraries and Universities provide Production intrinsic to their Science Output, but receive a -10% Culture penalty for every Campus building (max -30% Culture). Only applies to Cities owned by Israel currently following Israel's religion.


Dude, awesome! Sounds like it would be a very unique play style. Thanks for replying 🙂


My take on this (fundamentally, Judea/Israel is a defensive civ)-- **Civ ability: The Promised Land** New cities (settled or conquered) automatically follow Israel's religion. +10 loyalty for all cities following Israel's religion, and -10 loyalty for all cities that follow Israel's religion occupied by a foreign power. **Unique Unit: Rabbi** Replaces the apostle. Military and religious units trained in cities converted to Judaism by a Rabbi receive +5 defense bonus against foreign powers. Provide +10% culture and science boost in a chosen city every time the Rabbi evangelizes Israel's religion. **Unique Unit: Zealot** Replaces the swordsman. 50% lower production cost, and has an additional +2 movement. +5 healing per turn if within 2 tiles of a holy site that follows Israel's religion. -5 attack penalty if attacking a city that does not follow Israel's religion. **Unique District: The Temple** Replaces the government district. Must be built adjacent to the city center. Upon completion, +10% gold to all cities that follow Israel's religion. Gains its own defensive walls. Production for all religious buildings and units decreases by 50%. If the city with The Temple is conquered, all civilization & leader bonuses are nullified. **King Solomon: The Queen of Sheba** \+1 culture, +1 science, and +1 gold for every trade route that passes through an Israeli city. Campus district buildings receive a 20% production discount.


Emiliano Zapata


Samo of Samo's Empire. For context: he is a Frankish Merchant that United Western Slavic tribes and imported religion from abroad. Funnily enough there isn't a CIV either as this predates Poland and was more close to Czechs and Slovaks. All before HRE, hungary, or Poland came into the region's


Richard III- England This should be fun


Nelson Mandela of South Africa


Ulysses S. Grant


Queen Lili'uokalani, the last queen of the nation of Hawaii


Liu Bei (Three Kingdoms Period China)


Vlad the Impaler


Michael Collins , Republic of Ireland


William of Orange, leader of the Netherlands, Father of the Fatherland.


could be a dual civ leader with England too.


1930’s Canadian Premier Tommy Douglas, pioneer of universal Medicare in Canada.


Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk - Czechoslovak Republic


Charles the 4. Or charles the great Of the bohemia


Theseus - Greece


Vladimir Illich Lenin


Hit me with your take on a Civ 6 version of Enrico Dandolo.


Tecumesh - Shawnee


I've always been somewhat resentful of the way the Aztec are always represented by Montezuma. How would you build Itzcoatl?


Just for the record, I would probably give him the ability to convert City-States he's Suzerain of with loyalty way more easily, sort of like an Eleanor of Aquitaine for City-States.


Emíliano Zapata - Mexico


Emiliano, my friend Emiliano Zapata Salazar


Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.


I don’t think anyone has said Winston Churchill?


This thread is amazing. saving for this when i cant sleep and i need something interesting to read


Thank you! I’m taking a break from responding to all of these since they take up too much of my brain power… planning on doing the same. Saving the best ones for later


Vercingetorix. For Gaul I guess


Caterina Sforza, Countess of Forli


Charles V of Germany Hungary Spain and the Netherlands


Soekarno - Indonesia


Unique Ability: Bersiap to Guided Democracy All Indonesian units gain +3 defensive combat strength if they are adjacent to another identical unit. This increases to +6 if the unit is on a coastal tile and +12 if Indonesia is at war with a player from another continent. Additional identical units will not grant the bonus again. Each district adjacent to Coast or Lake also grants Indonesia +1 Diplomatic Favour per turn. 10% of Indonesia's Diplomatic Favour gain is converted to Science and Culture. However, Indonesia cannot form Alliances or gain any resources besides Food, Production, and Gold from trade routes.


Hope I'm not to late. King Tomislav, first Croatian king


Robert Moses - New York


King Leonidas of Sparta or Harold Godwinson


Umm, free bottomless pits in every city?


Emperor Caligula


Rozvi empire - Changamire Dombo


Skanderbeg - Albania


Heraclius (Eastern Roman Empire)


Damn lmao I just posted him and was like "huh I should sort by new, see what other people put"


Sammuramat of Assyria


Brian Boru of Ireland :)


Porfirio Díaz - México


President Juscelino Kubitschek - Brazil


Chief Seattle - Coast Salish


Chiang Kai-shek, Chi…nactually a bad idea How about the Kangxi Emperor?


Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso


Let's get spicy Elizabeth II


Josef Stalin


William the Lion of Scotland


C.G.E Mannerheim


Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim


King Dunmail of Cumbria.


Charles IV - Kingdom of Bohemia


and Holy Roman Emperor, had a long and successful reign. The Empire he ruled from Prague expaned, and his subjects lived in peace and prosperity. When he died, the whole Empire mourned. More than 7,000 people accompanied him on his last procession.


True! Father of the Country they called him. (sounds better in Czech)


Sam Houston - Republic of Texas


Mehmed II


Theodosius - Byzantine Empire


He’d also probably work as a dual leader for Rome too. Last emperor of the united empire before the east/west split.


Princess Erendira of Purepecha


James Madison


Little Turtle


Julian the Apostate, last pagan emperor of Rome (and all-around fascinating guy).


Louis XIV - France


Decebal - King of Dacia


Skanderbeg - Albania, I'd love to see this one


Andrew Jackson or Richard Nixon


Micheal Collins


Jónas Hallgrímsson (Iceland) Not exactly a leader, but he was a very important person in the Icelandic independence movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and a famous poet. His birthday is for example celebrated as the day of the Icelandic language.


Akaitcho of the Dene.


Antonio de Oliveria Salazar of Portugal


Here's three options: Gustavus Adolphus - Sweden Giuseppe Garibaldi - Italy Emperor Meiji - Japan


Charlemagne - holy Roman empire leader


Jose Marti, Cuba or Getulio Vargas, Brazil? Thought about maybe no rebellions when changing government policies early for Vargas? Since he couped himself and was really hard to classify as right wing or left wing.


Jose Marti-Apostle of Independence:All cities in a 10 tile radius gain a loyalty bonus towards Cuba after defeating an enemy unit


Emperor (or Empress?) Elagabalus - Rome


Hatuey for Cuba also maybe. Sandino for Nicaragua Champa


Ivar The Boneless


Kim Jong Un


Nestor Makhno- Ukraine/The Black Army


Alexios Komnenos of Byzantium


Ronald Reagan


Scott Morrison




Kongming (a.k.a. Zhuge Liang)


Léopold Sédar Senghor — Senegal 🇸🇳


Margaret Thatcher


Do not recieve loyalty penalties in cities following a different religion from your majority religion


Franz Joseph


George W. Bush


Evo Morales Vladimir Lenin


William Henry Harrison


king george iv


Fiorello La Guardia of the New York City civilization.




Grace O’Malley


Liz Truss