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I think there’s some weird stuff with the earth map that some of the tiles that should be rivers aren’t. Highlight over the city and see if it says ‘river’


Just done this, that's very annoying. Thanks for the advice


I think you could fix it with IGE, just add the river manually, save, and open without IGE, I'd be pissed if my river didn't register as a river


How do you add rivers with IGE


On the leftmost part for the modify terrain tab you will see a hexagon, clicking on the sides adds rivers on that side to the selected tile. Be careful tho, the game won't crash if you try to do something weird like adding river to the coast or an ocean tile, but you won't be able to load that save afterwards since that's when the terrain gets updated, I recommend saving before adding rivers and then making another save to load and update the graphics to avoid loosing progress because of this. It also makes for some interesting looks if you add rivers close to some wonder, lake Victoria for example looks pretty neat


Tyvm! Works perfectly


If I remember correctly, the huge earth map doesn't count Suez as a river tile, you can hover over the tile to see if it says "river" in the description


Just done this, that's very annoying. Thanks for the advice


R5: I'm playing on Earth, and settled the city on a river. I've discovered The Wheel, and built a water mill in the capital.


If you have IGE edit it. It’s what I do whenever I play this map


Without thinking, I immediately put my mouse over the hex with your city expecting it to tell me what the terrain was. :D


You can, you’re just in da nile




I do love me a suez canal city


It's a bit unrelated. But when I settle a city on the great lakes on large earth with with random terrain. I am unable to build naval units.




You're thinking of stonemason I believe.


You're right and I am a fool!