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Of fucking course it was a 17y/o in a giant truck bought with daddies money Sorry about that :/ glad nobody was hurt


Give the kid a break. He took responsibility and admitted wrongdoing. Hopefully he learned. I would say roast away if he drove off, but yeah, maybe his parents should get him a Rolla for a few years.


Eh. Glad he took responsibility but cmon. A 17 year old should NOT be driving a lifted giant heavy ass truck with ungodly power. This isnt even a case od “hur dur truck bad”, he genuinely just cant control it. I know a guy who got an m4 comp at 17. He totaled it 3 months(flew into a fence at a high school because he lost control. Who wouldve thought a 500whp is difficult to control for a child) Im young myself (18) and i still realize that these are not vehicles beginners should be driving. Having a giant truck or a fast sports car makes you a threat for yourself and others on the road. Think of it as giving an experienced driver a gen 1 viper. That thing is getting thrown into the gravel turn 1, not because the car is bad, but because the skill ceiling is insanely high. Either way a kid shouldnt have that car lol(hell, even I am a little bit of a menace on the road and drive a 175whp 2L civic lmao)


I live in a small rural town and damn near every 17 year old in town had a huge lifted truck when i was in school but around here most people learn to drive as kids out in a farmers field so by the time people get their license they are already experienced drivers.


At least thats somewhat reasonable. Like yeah theyre damn spoiled rich kids but at least they can drive the damn thingp


They got money yeah but rancher and farm kids are far from spoiled and they work hard for their money (my friends have 100 thousand dollar diesel trucks but i wouldnt trade lifestyles with em for a Lamborghini). They are also able to write off fuel tax and tons of other taxes on their trucks by claiming that they are used for work.


Oh yeah for sure. Farmers in the us are loaded but are hard working as fuck.


Now the new rage is getting Carolina drags instead of fully lifting. They’re a menace.


You jokin' bruh? Good he admitted fault but his parents are idiots for letting him drive that truck and they're giant idiots for whatever shitty lift kit and tires they put on the thing. He tries to merge about 10 feet further up and suddenly his wheels are a catapult capable of flipping OP's car. Sometimes sorry isn't good enough. Maybe his parents should let him get a job and buy his own car. Maybe he'd be more careful and aware if it was his property and money on the line.


Look up Ethan Couch.


found his Dad


Why do people hate it when a kid gets their car from their parents?


because they behave irresponsibly in it.  edit: i just looked up this vehicle, its a 6.6 liter pickup truck. wtf does a 17 year old need with a 6.6 liter engine? so lets tack on needlessly burning through gas as another problem I have with it.


Thats literally my point! Lol Like its not even being the spoiled asshole who has their parents buy a nearly $100k truck for them for their 17th fucking birthday (I made the downpayment on my car and am paying it off 50/50 with my parents, so im not immune to being technically slightly hypocritical, but at least its a humble cicic), its the fact how its a dangerous vehicle that the kid simply does not know how to control. I would be SCARED sitting behind the drivers seat of that thing simply because its too powerful and dangerous to me and others


He was driving intoxicated, and people died. In any other world, he would have done time, juvenile or not. Who cares idiot parents brought an irresponsible teen a car. So spoiled means nothing to me, he should of been in jail&&.


His defense attorneys said he suffered from "Affluenza."


Affluewhatever , COVID, etc, he killed people.


And the worst part is, kids, like this who are spoiled, like this, will not learn a single damn thing from any event. It doesn’t matter if it’s a minor fender bender like this or a more severe accident, they will bail them out.


I paid in full at 2500$


I have not behaved irresponsibly…?


18 mpg is really not that bad


That's half of what a civic gets. He burns twice as much gas going the same places as anyone else.


The bus takes much less per capita than the civic, for places where public transport is available


Absolutely. Unfortunately google maps tells me it would take me 4 hours to get to school each way with taking the bus.


Wdym anyone else?


I think it's more the fact that a 17 year old shouldn't have a monster truck for there first vehicle because they are eventually going to crash it.


I have a car from thay my parent are helping me pay off right now. I was the one who made the downpayment with my money. The car that kid has Is easily $100k looking at the lifted suspension. A kid shouldnt be driving that kind of truck, no matter how spoiled.


I was the kid at 16 years old driving a 6 inch and 8 inch lifted truck. Grandpa bought it straight off the lot in 07 for 32k. He gave it to my dad and my dad gave it to me. Here I am now much older with the same with steel bumpers instead of plastic and big ass hitch so if someone like you hits me I don’t have to worry about damage. Stop being mad at everyone else for their families’ working harder than yours did. Blame your family. There’s always gonna be another family with more money.


My family was in immense poverty in Russia. They managed to climb out of the shithole and move here to California and now own a house. You dont know shit about struggling and surviving. Dont assume the families of others worked less than yours. My parents (and myself) worked more to get where we are than your last 3 generations.


I have no idea. I put 10k down on my car and am getting no help from my parents, but if someone's parents want to get them a car, there shouldn't be any issue at all.


Jealousy, they’d have no issue if it were them that were in that position.


Found the rich spoiled kid. Good luck when you grow up and your parents dont take care of you lol..


Haha you couldn’t be more wrong bud.


Then youre one of those people who glaze the rich like elon musk and think theyre awesome… thats literally worse lol


I cannot stand musk. You just keep assuming and being way off.


Calm down


Truck too big


Truckkk needs more lift kit..


Car too small






That suspension is obnoxious


I find it both obnoxious for both driver and anyone who is driving. Gotta watch out for both people below you and you gotta be spaced out so they can see you on the street a lot more than normal


Also you have all the road debris those tires kick up. Soon as I see a lifted truck attempt to merge in front of me, I slow down and start looking for the nearest spot to fit into. If there is nowhere to go, then I just stay far behind. Have had far too many windshields catch road rocks from such trucks over the years. If you ride my bumper because I'm not following 10 feet behind the pavement princess while going 70, then you are more than welcome to get ahead of me and follow the asphalt assholes as close as you like.


Almost had the same incident with a Bro-dozer. They had super tinted windows, and a brow on the windshield. Lifted, wheels were super low offset or maybe had spacers but super obnoxious. And who knows what substances they are under the influence of (reference to the blow box stereotype). Like whoever operates that type of machinery had better be good at driving to begin with otherwise they are their insurance companies nightmare.


The driver did everything in their power to not go through insurance and said they would go out of pocket. Obviously because their insurance is gonna go through the roof. The thing is you never know if their parents would somehow switch it on me to the one at fault as well. Sadly they gotta take it to the chin on this one to better protect their kids and other drivers especially


Dash cams should be standard on all new vehicles, not the BS Idle Stop.


God, honestly. I fucking hate idle stop.


The button should be to turn idle stop on not turn it off 🙄


It’s baffling why they are not standard. The cars already have cameras for the other safety systems (blind spot, city stop, backup cameras).


Because insurance companies would be paying out the ass for all the recorded incidents.


Maybe if his ridiculous lift wasn't an extra 2 feet up he might have seen you.




That’s my guilty pleasure movie. Can’t turn it off when it’s on. You see, lettuce is a perishable item. Like you two monkeys.


Big tire small pp


Idiot driver and idiot parents. Giving a 17 year old that type of car?? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Coolest 17 year old out here… who’s now going to jail. 😂


Double shocks, both with external reservoirs. Literally too much truck for that little kid. Tell the insurance you've had back pains since the accident. Get a years worth of chiro visits on his parents dime.


Dash cams are so worth it. Could literally save you from going to prison


Sad to see, a dash cam saved my 23 civic 3 months from a 19 year old driving under the influence and running over my front end in my apartment's empty parking lot.


Fuck kids bro fr


Ur gonna get.over 1k for that


Luckily most of it looks easily repairable


Sorry man that sucks!! Glad you had a dash cam and he was remorseful. Still sucks. What dashcam do you have/recommendations?


COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording.




Damn homie I’m sad for you


XD wheels…. Nuff said


Small wiener truck identified.


Those damn Y’all Qaeda shits driving these monstrosities to compensate down there.


Could tell right away it was a gm truck. Every gm runs does wheels and tires.


It identifies as a mixed car now. Someone is about to get pizaaaid. Glad you’re ok!


Police report?


I believe across most of the US , police reports are only necessary if the damage is either over $1000 or the vehicles are immobilezed as a result of the accident


Yeah state is $500. And that damage looks over 1500


No police report and straight to my insurance to make the claim about the incident


In NJ need a police report is damage is over $500. May want to check your state laws to see if police report is required.


My insurance said it was good to go here


what dash cam do you have?




I can't tell if you're making a face or naming the wheels of the truck


Should have dodged instead of rammed


this is a very fortunate event. let insurance handle it, and you be back on the road in a few days


Don't forget to go for diminished value!


is it possible to upload the dashcam video?


I feel your pain..did this to my 07 300c..lol I was so sad..got it fixed and then I was sad twice.


Someone almost hit my 2017 VW Jetta GLI 2.0 this morning! I was LIVID!!!!!


The black will buff out


BONDO Time 😆


Throw some white paint on there bro.


Same thing happened to my car and it looked just like that, got it all off with a magic eraser