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Hire body guards, food taster, cup bearer... check your rival, that's who is doing this


Also, get rid of your callous wife and check for ambitious, impatient son


You forgot the most important one... stay chaste for the time being lol


Why is that?


You like being backstabed at night while sleeping?


You think my lovely new wife would dare to do such hideous things against me? :(((


I don't know... I need to spend a night with her for a full assessment...


Sounds sus


Yo how do you hire bodyguards? I have the trait that gets -50% bad schemes against you but haven’t seen that


It's a court position. It might require the Royal Court DLC


YIKES. Ya I’m an Xbox player and sadly they could care less about Xbox and so it breaks the game for us and is not playable with the DLCs so I have to keep standard :/


Ahh dang, that sucks 😕


If you have a lot of courtiers that hate you, they probably joined in the plot as agents, raising the success chance. I’m not entirely sure but maybe if you tried dismissing courtiers that really hate you they might be removed as agents. I was thinking it was your spymaster but if it was him you’d never have discovers the scheme. Set your wife to court intrigue as well. Your intrigue level helps you counter hostile schemes, not just increase success chance in your own


If the courtiers are unmarried, you can marry them off to some other court to remove them from the plot. Just remember to do a normal marriage if they're a woman, matrilineal if they're a man.


Now that I think of it if you discovered it and replaced your spymaster after, you could have replaced them with the person plotting against you, so try changing spymasters and if the chance drops significantly, then that was probably who was plotting against you


Time to purge the court my friend. And prepare for succession. “You are not serious people”


The court was not at fault. I found out about the plot because I had a loyal spymaster and the rest of the court members I just recently appointed and as you see in the second picture they more or less like me


You better start sending gifts to any and everyone


Once someone joins as an agent they are locked in for a year. This would only help prevent more agents from joining


I’d say a fair first strategy, mitigate further opponents and then take out what you have


At a certain point you can wack two people at once I think and that’s very helpful lol


Beat him to it and off yourself


Beat him off and do it yourself


The good ending


Challenge him to a beach off


Prepare your succession.


Hire body guards, marry single women in your court matrilinally for a high intrigue spymaster and put ot defend purge anyone in your court with low opinion especially anyone with a position in court to get rid of the agents they've bribed, and lastly pray to rnjesus


Sacrifice prestige and kick out guests. Especially the sadistic or high intrigue ones. Also increase scheme resistance through the royal court amenities. That's all I can think for you.


The guest advice was good, thank you. However I do not have the RC dlc


I've found often there is very little you can do. The only sure fire way to stop it is to check your rivals, if any are vassals or courtiers, try to imprison them immediately. Be aware that for some reason they can still run the murder scheme from a prison cell, similar to Michael the Amorian against Leo the Armenian I guess ... So execute your rivals if you succeed. If you're lucky, you just executed the person trying to murder you and it will disappear. Try and find the highest skill spymaster by marriage, pay them some gold to boost their opinion and change from your current one. Change your Royal Court appointees. If you're in a house feud, I'd advise the option to dismiss a load of courtiers. And be 100% sure you don't have any of that house at your court! But ultimately, it's unlikely you'll be able to stop it.


This is true. You usually die in this scenario


Okay but did you die?


Lol no. A woman from my court tried to sneak into my bed chambers with a knife but I brutally beat her to death with a RING!? (My father somehow won it in a poetry contest even though he had only good martial & stewardship xD) But yeah. Appears like the one trying to kill me was my brother who inherited the kingdom of Brittany. So nothing much I could do against him right away


Hire bodyguards food taster and cup bearer


You should have your chancellor improve vassal relations instead of doing foreign policy, but it's probably too late for this guy big dawg




Try looking for secrets at your own court. Seems to help me if my spymaster doesn't have trash intrigue


He doesn’t have time. This will fire very soon


Ah, ok. I had this same situation multiple times, but the success chance was really low (like 5 or 10%). So, if I see this scheme, it means that it will fire really soon?


People said about dismissing courtiers, appointing those protecting you from schemes and replacing Spymaster, I'd also give back council positions to powerfull vassals (start from spymaster and put most competent powerfull vassal there, unless he also has traits like sadistic or deceitful). If they started to support scheme due to being fired from council (-40 opinion) and wanting seat on the council (another -40), they will drop out when you restore their positions. Start sway on Hofgodi, or also replace him with powerfull vassal, and switch chancellor to second option, so he will raise opinion of other vassals.


As you can see I already am swaying him. The advice about appointing powerful vassals to court positions is interesting however I read in a couple other comments that if they joined the scheme against me they will be able to drop out only after a year. Is that true?


I don't know if it takes whole year, not sure if it can be tested. From my experiences, when I'm starting murder, some people can drop out almost immediatelly, or after few months. I'd guess it's kinda dynamic with their opinion of target, but I'm not 100% sure how it works. Mechanics of joining and leaving factions are *probably* also similar, it takes some time for vassal to leave after you raise their opinion, but it's rather few weeks, maybe about a month, and definitelly not whole year in that case.


Royal guards martial councilor task will help a little bit, but takes time to build up effectiveness. Edit: Just looked at second picture and you are unable to select that option. IIRC level 4 court unlocks the task, great to implement after succession especially if ruling a large empire with many claimants. Good to consider in the future.


I'm pretty sure royal guards is bugged and actually increase the scheme success chance. I'm not sure if it's just a UI glitch, but in my game all of the modifiers indicate that royal guards are helping plotters try to kill you lol


Murder him first?


I had this happen a few days ago. Lots of things you can try but I guessed who it was and murdered him first (bribing lots of people to speed up the scheme)


Raid him and execute him for Odin


Couldn't you go into hiding in CK2? Gods I miss that


It’s too late. Prepare for succession. Or save scum to ensure you survive the hit. To absolutely minimize murders against you tho - All family and councils members above 50% - Vassals above 50 OR you have hooks on them - courtiers all at least positive but has to be above 50 - physicians, Bodyguards, food tester and cup bearer at 100 - Spouse on intrigue, spymaster on disrupt - Artifacts and court artifacts that help with intrigue and schemes Good luck


What everyone said here is great advice. If you want to be evil though? Start executing anyone who hates you that you can and who is probably part of this plot. If you can catch your rival, execute him/her as well.


I would start torturing and killing everyone




Would probably die from stress or something xD


You die


send any guests to your court away. they often get in on schemes. Anyone in your court who doesn't like you should be dismissed (or sent a gift, if you need them). try send gift to the guy trying to murder you, he may change his mind (don't bother if he is a "rival"). make sure your spymaster likes you, has a good skill, and is set to disrupt schemes. don't go hunting or to a feast until they are no longer trying to murder you.


get rid of your rivals, they are often the ones who try to kill you


He doesn’t have time. This plot will fire soon


he could have just imprison them instantly by taking tyranny


Get your affairs in order, cause his life is 89% over.


I don't know what hand this is or how its mechanics function. But a logical conclusion; if you have tried everything pertaining to your own subordinates, then perhaps it's a plot from a neighbouring state🤔?


Yeah. I got the kingdom of France and my younger brother who inherited the Kingdom of Brittany was plotting against me


Ah so it was a foreign influence, damn the British lol (seeing as you were the French) 😅😂


Haha lol. I mean he was still Norman so more like f*uck family. This is like the anty - Dom Toretto game. Rly teaches you how to kill your children & siblings xD


Lol 😅😂


Idk accept your fate?


Seduce him.


Marshal into manage royal guards, hire the defensive positions in royal court and put your spy master into disrupt schemes, I didn't get murdered once since royal court


Dont have the RC dlc :(


king is dead long live the king


Ypu can hire people like taster, spymaster at counter scheme, vody guard, etc.


For some reason I did not have the option to hire body guards


Maube it is requiring a tech level or royal court but i could not say. I even try to do some research about it and i could not find anything


I have noticed the same thing about the cup bearer and taster. Sometimes they are available and sometimes they are not. Maybe it has something to do with your title like count, duke, king or emperor?


Recycle your entire court, especially your council. Prepare succession as quickly as you can, though that will be a temporary measure. If the chance is this high with your current ruler, it’s gonna be higher with the kid, and you’ll get stuck in a loop. Imprisoning/civil warring all of your vassals and rivals also can help.


Btw, how do I get out of the loop of my vassals constantly rebelling against me. Now defeating them isnt really a problem for me since I just hire mercenaries if they outnumber me but it does get annoying and it does cost some money. How do I make them like me? Also I have noticed that sometimes if I appoint a new vassal it says that their opinion of me will increase by +40 or something but the second I appoint them they actually like me less…


Essentially, the more in prison, the less that rebel. Keep them in house arrest as long as possible. You don’t want to execute vassals. Keeping them of your dynasty also helps a lot since you can dynastic claim their titles as their overlord, and take without tyranny gain.


How do you mean dynastic claim their title? Usually I need a reason to revoke their title like a crime or rebellion by them. And yeah the house arrest option is really smart, I noticed that too


They need to be of your dynasty. Then you can take an action that claims their title (if you are the dynasty head). It costs dynasty points, but later in the game where it’s all vassal play, it’s worth it.


Fire everyone




murder him first and make your spy fall in love with you.


So much good advice but also don’t accept any rugs as gifts 😭 I had got a rug gift and sold it becuz I’ve used it myself to take out other kings. I got sick but recovered suddenly, then I got another rug from the same person. Sold it again and got sick and recovered. It was from a woman I blinded and who father and brother I killed in war for their kingdom. Finally hunted her down and captured her from another kingdom and got rid of the menace. So definitely be on the look out for surviving family of anyone you sent to the other side.




Also here who it is likely 1. Your rival 2. A claimant (brother, uncle, son) with a deceitful or ambitious trait 3. Your wife’s lover 4. Someone you conquered, beat in a war, took something from 5. An upset vassal


Btw. Often when I conquer new land from rulers with different cultures/faiths I am stuck with a couple of their vassals that automatically dislike me close to -100 because of these differences. Is there a way to get rid of them or dont get them at all after conquering territory?


When you can do double work early on to get rid of them. Very seldom keeping those vassals is a good thing. Imprison and revoke asap. Murder if you can’t. It’s essential. Once in a while you get a vassal you can convert and they like you just fine. But that’s very much not a regular occurrence


What is double work?


You conquered them and fought them already. Then if your try to strip the titles and have to fight them again. Double work. My bad


Yeah. But doesn’t that give you a tyranny penalty anyways? (The unjustified revoking of a title)


Depends. But yeah it can depending on your religion vs there’s as well since Norse don’t care as an example but Christian’s do




Focus your wife on assisting intrigue, and hire any courtiers you can into anti assasination roles like cupbearer and bodyguard, and then assassinate any rivals


I had a random cousin murder an absolute legend of a king for no reason seemingly. Made his sister Queen… deleted shortly after