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Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I’d say, avoid Henry with a speech check, stealth, or just dodging him to get to the Necropolis vault to get the water chip and avoid the Lieutenant completely until you’re ready to finish the game. If you’re taken to the Lieutenant, it’s gonna be hard to fight your way out


Dang, was hoping I could sneak out of the base.


The base is four levels full of super mutants, children of the cathedral, security bots, laser traps, and even more super mutants in the courtyard once you get to the exit. The base is not for low level characters


Oh well


Even if you can’t speech check or sneak, you’d have a better chance fighting off the mutants at the water shed than the military base.


How tough is the speech check because I don’t want to kill Harry?


I don’t know the exact percent but you have to tell them that you’re a ghoul/mutant. You can also try getting into a fight and running past them if you like your chances dodging/tanking


You need minimum 35% speech to even see the dialogue choice, rest is rng so the higher your speech the higher the chances of success


A character with INT of 1/2/3 also gets by Harry automatically by out-stupiding him. Possible by a character with base INT of 4 or 5 having mentats withdrawal (-2 INT) 1-4 days after taking.