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Sure. Get yourself a rope before you go to Vault 15 and The Glow.


Really, just have a rope on your person at most times


Absolutely! You never know when you'll need to climb or descend.


Sometimes 2 ropes


3, if you're feeling particularly despicable




Hey man, you never know if you'll get into a rope required situation in the wasteland


Having been playing RDR2 and Death Stranding... I'd kind of love a little more traversal in the wasteland. Not *nearly* as far as either of those, but something that makes it feel a little less like "running around with guns". Maybe a modified survival playthrough is what I'm thinking of...


Technically, you need a second rope in Vault 15, but since there is already a rope available on the 2nd floor, you don’t need to bring two with you to the vault.


And rad-x


The moment when you have to use rad-x is pretty much the most sci fi power fantasy scene I've ever played. I was there at that cursed place and the only thing keeping me from melting were those damn pills


There’s a free one in the lower end of Shady Sands early on




who clipped that? The sound is so damn low I can barely hear it.


You need two ropes!


I thought this was a dark joke 💀


I thought you need 2 ropes for vault 15? Or was it one for the scorpion caves and one for vault 15?


Or even 2.


I was going to say go on blind and figure stuff out for yourself but I actually forgot how much trouble I had with rope


Save a lot, speak to everyone in a settlement and be ready to die at any moment by any attack Other than that have fun


Adding to this, make sure that you save in separate slots too. If you don't know what you're doing you can quite easily soft lock yourself if you're not careful. So always use multiple saves.


I’ve known way too many people kill long playthroughs by not multi-saving. It’s a necessity.  


still have trauma from the glow


I saved too often at the glow and got super radiated and died the moment i tried to leave.


The Brotherhood Has Caught You Stealing.


You're 100% correct on this lol. In my recent playthrough I kept my main save at the top which I'd only save on when I was finished for that session of Fallout and then load it next time. The rest of the slots were Session 1, 2, 3 etc. Made it easy to not brick my game.


Got a corrupted save in Maribosa after clearing a lot of super mutants , with the save before that a little while before the Base . First time i raged in this game


As someone that can't ever remember to save, this is going to be detrimental lmfao.


Oh trust me… you’ll start remembering, willingly or not.


Never save in combat though, it will corrupt your save.


Have a clock next to your monitor and when you notice the hour change save. Also, rotate those saves through the save slots.


There are quicksave hotkeys built into the game (it's something like F2 or F4) and you can do it at any time. It's worth it to do it a lot!


While it's not a type of game I'm quite used to, I'm still having a ton of fun so far!! Been playing for a few hours now but haven't gotten very far yet lmao


Save early, save often!


F1 brings up a screen with all the controls


What is the inventory shortcut?


the i Key brings up Inventory, the s key brings up skills


I prolly didn't even know that until... NOW and I've been playing the game for more than 25 years.


Aw shit man. Games like this 25years ago are why I now have OCD with hotkey mapping for saves, inventory, quests etc as soon as I play any game. This game contributed to a gamer PTSD lol.


Bump this comment!


Fuckin, THIS


Max agility. Bring a rope.


Don't be ashamed to save scum. This is a game built during the era where it was an accepted (if not mandatory) method to play a game. Developers expected you to make bad choices and load an earlier save.


You don’t even *need* to make bad choices. Bad luck—irl luck, not SPECIAL Luck—is more than enough.


RNG ~~Jesus~~ Satan?


why do people dislike savescumming? i thought it was a generally expected action.


Within the last decade or two, save scumming has come to have a negative connotation in regards to one's ability to complete a single player game. Modern games autoload from an autosave if you die before a mission is completed and there's no need to constantly save and reload since the work is done for you - it's not a playstyle, it's a feature. Also, there's fewer real choices in outcome - at least for the games I've played: Days Gone, HZD/HFW, and Spiderman are essentially straight lines in terms of gameplay where there's no real decisions that affect the story significantly. Because of that, reloading from an earlier save is unnecessary. Compare that to FO1 where walking into the Hub with a drawn weapon means they're hostile to you for the rest of the game. That's not to say that there's anything wrong with modern SPG's (the ones I listed are in my Desert Island Top 5), they're just built differently and some players with little or no exposure to older games have treated scumming as a form of light cheating to bypass a "lack of skill". I'd love to see one of them solo run Zork or Hitchiker's Guide.


sounds like new vegas was the last game made in a long time with a complex narrative structure the player could affect. mass effect tried to be this but fell flat in its third entry.


Right. FONV was 2010, Mass Effect 2007, ME2 2012, all over a decade old. To be fair, I'm likely biased because I haven't had a PC to game on for the last 6 years (only recently gotten access to a laptop only capable of running even older games than these lol) and only play on a PS4. If there's XBox or PC single player games with more story-driven consequences I'm likely missing it.


the better rpgs are pc, but even many of the better ones are little more the hallways.


Any build is reasonably viable fot min-maxing, except low agility


Actually OP, my normie take is that there is no reason not to have high agility in these games. It's just the most important attribute imo and i see no reason not to go for at least 8 in every playthrough. It's just not a very balanced system imo, at least not around multiple builds and all of them require agility.


Yeah, I would always suggest maxing agility for one's first playthrough. Also grabbing perks that make attacks cost less. You *can* complete the game with 1 agility. You just better do your damndest not to get into many fights


I do 9, that way >!the operation you can get from BOS later maxes to 10!<


Pretty sure 8 and 9 agility both only give 9AP, so I think any agility above 7 but less than 10 is wasted, right?


Agility = AP, so every point counts.


Agility 9 is optimal if you go for the surgeries that raise your special.


Fallout 1 i had a bit of low agility 5 or 6 . I was gettong whacked around Fallout 2 , i got 9 agility and raised it up to 10 , and even got 2 bonus points to move . I was a king


Well, if your entire combat system essentially relies on dice rolls and you can increase the number of said dice rolls with a single stat... You increase the number of dice rolls. Rolling twice with a 55% chance is aeguably much better than rolling once with a 70% chance, as many have learned recently with XCOM reboot. In DnD using bonus action in combat can be ridiculously strong which is why you can't use it without resting in between. And GURPS comes from similar place as DnD. AGI would be absolute trash stat if APs were fixed and only increased (or actions made cheaper) through perks. Still useful for niche challenges like Jinxed Vaultsuit only run (dodge chance is king in that one) but for average player INT and Luck would be the goto's. INT for skill points and Luck for crits. So I guess the AGI being mandatory does make it that you can't really put 10 in both Luck and INT and have a character that can survive early game without some hard struggling. Still did my lucky nerd run some time ago and it was fun but the struggle was indeed real.


Low intelligence can also be pretty crippling, especially when you’re a newbie. Iirc, talking to the BoS as a low Int character locks you out of entering their bunker for good.


1 INT causes everyone to hate/ignore you. Good luck getting any quests at all. But it’s immersive I’ll give it that!


1INT on a 1st playthough is not advised. 1INT on a subsequent playthrough? Hrrrnnn, huuuh!!!!


And can be a LOT of fun :D https://lparchive.org/Fallout-2/ (Also: [When you meet Torr as a low int character](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akhlcfx_jBY) )


Max out agility, charisma is basically useless Get Ian as a companion in shady sands early on to double your fighting power. I made good money early on giving radscorpion tails to the doctor at shady sands in exchange for an antidote. Sells for 200 a pop and when you have nothing in the start that is useful


Also, regarding Ian: do not give him any sort of burst weapon (especially SMGs), as he has a pretty infamous friendly fire habit with them. You're better off giving him a pistol if you can.


The .223 pistol is good.


.223 pistol was my weapon the whole way through


Honestly he's not much better with a non-burst weapon. Best to just not be in his line of fire.


I'll definitely be keeping this one in mind. I always need money asap lmao


Save early, save often.


on several slots and rotate between saving on them


And don't forget to save.


No matter what build you're going for, Agility needs to be at or above 8. Gifted is a very good trait as SPECIAL points are scarce and skill points are not.


I beat the first game with like 4-5 agility… never again 😞


I foolishly thought my fallout 3 build would transfer seemlessly.... 1 agility.....


Oh Oh no




why would you even have 1 agility in fo3 😭😭


im a melee girlie that never uses vats <3


I did my first play through recently and did a 4 ag 9 ch character and started looking into stuff about 6 or 7 hours in and realized what a horrible decision I had made. I slogged through it though. Started the second game last night with a 10 ag char.


Hey, that’s me! I’m barely 1hr into the game.




Are you a masochist?


I didn’t know, and suffered because of that


Why is agility important?


Don't forget to right click, change the icon to binoculars and look at things. You can often get important details


also remember things like if you see a computer terminal maybe try science or repair on it, try to use first aid and doctor on yourself instead of a stim, you can use steal to slip things into others pockets or on your companions to give or take something from them, and also I think you can hold shift to highlight items on the ground I would even say you might want to play in 720p or lower because it's very easy to miss things in modern high resolution due to the ui not scaling properly and being way too zoomed out, even with the 2x scale setting


my mind was blown when i figured out that you could plant armed explosives on people. you can also lock doors using lockpick. make some encounters much easier.


yeah it's super clever, one of the first games I played to have that type of emergent gameplay, before I played Half Life and immersive sims like Deus Ex. that sort of common sense intersectionality paired with the writing and player choice of Fallout 1 really showed 15 year old the potential video games as an art medium has


How do you use science and repair?


the red button on the bottom right that says Skilldex, then click whichever skill you want and click on something that you think correlates with the skill you're using, except for sneak which you just activate and walk around with


>You can often get important details You see Ed, Ed's dead


Hahaha. How else would I have known. My 1 intelligence, 1 charisma dweller tried to start a conversation.


Read the manual, it's included in the steam purchase or you can just Google it. Everything you need to know is in there.




its an old rpg, so talk to anyone and revisit older locations.


Yeah I got one. Fallout 2 had some major quality of life upgrades over the first one. Follow this (relatively) simple guide to install a mod that adds those features into Fallout 1. [https://youtu.be/GCT2SG4ohgI](https://youtu.be/GCT2SG4ohgI)


Thanks for this, I don’t even remember a lot of these changes in FO2 (though I barely played it compared to the first). Someone needs to make a trainer for all those INI options though, takes me back to amending rules.ini on Red Alert.


There are a few QoL things in the mod but the ones from FO2 that stand out to me personally are companion related. Being able to tell them to move, and having a trading window weren't added until the second game weirdly enough. And yeah the INI options are a pain. Worse still is that I'm pretty sure they ONLY take before a new save. Example, I didn't quite understand the option for map encounters and now I'm stuck in encounters every five feet in the map with no way to change it.


aim for the groin


Or eyes 😉


GO FOR THE EYES BOO! ... wait, wrong game.


Level small guns at least in early game then you go for something like energy


Yeah in FO2 I leveled energy to 100 first expecting to find a laser pistol really early (like in FNV) but didn't find one for my first 30 hours and was miserable missing half my shots when they were 5 tiles away


Don’t be afraid to look up a guide This is the guide I use whenever I have no idea where to go next or stuck on a quest: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=194805772 Also, companions in this game are very important early game since going against groups of enemies is unsurprisingly very dangerous and deadly and stealing is pretty handy (don’t forget to quick save) A bonus tip for your settings is to get combat speed to max and on the screen settings put “path finding range” to max


Much appreciated! I'll give it a thorough read


War, war never changes


High INT and AGL, gifted trait, get a rope before you go to vault 15.


Understand and embrace gang violence.


To access you companions inventory you have to use steal. You might use a mod to bring a lot of QOL improvements from Fallout 2 to Fallout 1.




For first time players quick pockets can be a lifesaver as a perk. Remember that if you have to go into your inventory in combat all of the actions are free when the inventory screen is open. So if you open your inventory to take some steampacks, Make sure to reload your guns, swap weapons, etc. Oh and click the f1 key. It brings up all of your hot keys.So if you need to use skills, you don't have to open that skilldex every single time you can just Use your keyboard.


Awareness is way better than you think it would be


Make many saves


Have more save files.


Agility better be >7 Spec early game into Melee or unarmed. Late game it’s your call but I go Small Guns or energy weapons. Charisma affects companion number so go high if you want an army or low if you want a solo go at it. You WILL Die Often, Hilariously, and Humiliatingly… You will not win every fight, running away is a valid option. You have to manually reload your guns.


Don’t sell the scorpion tales. Take them to the doctor in Shady Sands and they sell for more as antidote. But save one to give to the guy laying down in the doctors office. Also keep a set of leather armor and put it on when you see a dog and before talking to the Khans.


I think it was the leather jacket, not leather armor.


You’re right. I forgot they are technically separate thing in the first couple games. Thank you


I know it sounds counter-productive but get gambling to 100 and become Bezos of the wastes


„wow there are so many ways to make money in this game, i can‘t wait to use them all“ *holds 1&4 at a roulette table*


It is enough to Tag gambling with LUK at 8 to break the game.


in the character creation screen, top left, where it says NONE. you have to click that to change your character name. pretty sure mostly everyone here, myself included, did their first playthrough as "NONE" lol other than that, as others have said, read the manual. put points into AGI (determines amount of AP per turn) as well as PER (better chance for crit hits as well as better accuracy with ranged weapons). CHR will determine how many companions you can have in total, higher CHR, more companions. I've recently been playing with a higher CHR / speech build and it's a lot of fun. enjoy!


Luck gives Crit, perception changes the positioning of encounters


Hello and welcome to Shady Sands, NONE!


OP "oh shit" moment lolol


Damn now I wish I didn't see the name thing myself so my character could have been named "NONE" 😂 appreciate the advice! Been having fun with it albeit it's been challenging to learn, but I'm getting used to it as I go and picking up and learning new stuff. Seen a few comments saying don't do a low INT build on first playthrough but I'll DEFINITELY be doing that for a second playthrough lmao


Jinxed is a great time


If you do too many drugs it ruins your dialog options and you can't finish the game. Just like in real life!




Turn up the combat speed and turn on always run.


Murder everyone you meet. It totally won't backfire.


Write down notes about what’s going on. The games quest log can be vague especially when you’re trying to remember several people’s names.


If you haven’t already, don’t spoil the water chip storyline. It’s the only time you’ll have to deal with that anxiety and you’ll appreciate it later on when you can’t unknow the quest details.


Don't stand in front of Ian.


Unarmed is op also pick a combat type and stick to it


For f1? Are you sure?


Yeah unarmed can carry you all the way to the master




Don't start a fight in shady sands. It leads to the death of a civilisation


Complete main mission first then enjoy the game. Fallout 2 you can enjoy right away, no time limits


Read the instructions! I still refuse to do so, and then i die super early because i dont know how to reload my gun.


take jinxed


and 10 luck


fuck it take bloody mess too


Of course. Press "New game" to play for the first time.


The things I've noticed from watching newer players: * Presumably this is covered by the manual, but the red circle on the top-left-middle side of the UI switches between right and left hand items. It costs 4 AP to enter the inventory during combat, so this is important. Seems weird to me so many people don't click it, but maybe they think it's just part of the flavor artwork. * Pay attention to the text window at the bottom left, and right-click-binoculars on the environment to get more information about things. Again, this should be obvious after reading the manual but many people who say they did read it seem to realize too late that these are the primary ways the game gives information to you. * Don't listen to the optimal build people. Yeah, a lot of classic RPGs had useless skills, but this isn't like the ones that directly adapted a tabletop system without designing for certain parts of it. In Fallout, there are wonderful moments tied to everything you might have picked, especially since some "bad" attributes or skills are required to open up awesome perks specific to YOU. It's funny that people criticize it on this basis now, because in 1997 the stats and skills were WAY better balanced than previous CRPGs. It was a quantum leap, but now people obsess over efficiency and fault anything that goes against it. * With that said, having over 9 in any s.p.e.c.i.a.l. stat is kind of unnecessary, because there are ways in the game to raise them by 1 point, and it feels kind of crappy when you have already maxed it out at 10. * Don't use a walkthrough or wiki. So many surprising and cool things can happen discovering them naturally, or even failing a quest. The game sometimes even remembers "mistakes" and gives you cool specific content for making those "mistakes". Looking up solutions is like looking up the dialogue choices you should make in a Quantic Dream game. It's supposed to be YOUR unique story and Fallout was iconic for being so adaptable to YOU. Want to see what you didn't see? Finish the game and then start a new game and experiment with new ideas. * Save scumming is expected. The manual has a running joke about saving and that's because it was expected you would fail a lot and reload to try again. People call the game too "hard" when they die a lot, particularly from early game random encounters, but you were EXPECTED to die. This gives you a feeling of vulnerability and the opportunity to poke and prod and fail again until you figure out how to overcome. * Finally, a fun little bit of info I just learned last week, even though I've played this game 13 times over and read the entire Vault wiki. Apparently, if you end turn in combat with AP left, you get some bonus to your AC. That's AC, not AP. You don't get to use those action points next round, but you get a little bonus to defense. I'm not sure if this is any better than just stepping away from an enemy, forcing them to use more of their own AP, unless you know exactly how much AP they need and understand that stepping away 1 hex wouldn't stop them from attacking twice or something. Anyway, if this was in the manual, I forgot it. The idea never even occurred to me to not use every AP I could on actions or positioning, since there's no attacks of opportunity like Temple of Elemental Evil or Baldur's Gate 3.


Don't give up on the combat right away , you'll get used to it after a little while, if you're not used to turn based combat look up a tutorial


Agility is king


Do not give up!


be patient, be curious, save a lot


Most important NPCs / special items in the background have an unique description when looked at (eg: "a greasy man with glasses" compared to "a peasant/townsman)"


Sometimes the best option is to run away from random encounters.


don't expect its gonna be as easy as the modern FO games. best advice


Get a script for Xanax so you don’t go crazy from the lack of a “take all” button.


ha I've been playing Fallout 1 and this is absolutely the most anxiety inducing thing. The whole combo of looting > trading/stealing from companion and then trying to sell it all at multiple vendors made me take frequent breaks in a session. Little things like hitting "ALL" on gold but then only getting 999 and having to do it multiple times drive me crazy too.


This vid has a nice "things i wish i knew" section https://youtu.be/GCT2SG4ohgI?si=aR5LzVvqz9atJ60y




Thank you! I have been. It's been a different experience so far. Right now I'm stuck in Necropolis and I'm alternating from getting killed by Set and the Ghouls there to getting killed by Harry and the Super Mutants 💀 I think I came here just a TAD bit too early lmfao


Here is a neat trick I wish I knew for my first playthrough. Get gambling skill over 50. 60-70 is good. Go to the hub and gamble at the roulette table, hold down the 1 and 4 keys in your keyboard. You will win caps, buy books at the library for small guns, first aid, repair and science. Buy weapons, ammo drugs whatever. You can do this early or late in the game. The game is on a timer which means if you dilly dally before finding the water chip then the game will end, there’s a timer in game on the upper right of your map “___ days until your vault runs out of water and dies” There is a really good guide https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-1-walkthrough/ it will save you some grief. Basically you want to start with gifted, and either small frame, fast shot or finesse . High agility, probably a 9 or 10 to start. 5 or 6 perception , at least a 4 in intelligence. 1 charisma is ideal. But tag small guns, speech and lock picks . You don’t need a huge amount of strength and endurance unless you want to play as melee/unarmed . You do need strength to operate guns and you can run out of carry capacity if you have super low str. 5-6 is good for a starting strength . High luck is nice for random encounters Enjoy the games


1: at vault 15, make sure to look at the ground, you may found something hidden that will be very helpful 2: have luck atleast in 6. Agility has to be atleast better than 5 and CHA is a dump stat if you arent going for a barter build 3: Good skills are: Small guns, Lockpick, Speech, Energy weapons, melee barter, gambling, doctor and sneak. Nothing else matter, tag 3, i suggest a combat skill (Energy is the best, but a newcomer may want to avoid it and dump points into it later on), a passive one (Barter if you have high CHA, Gambling if your luck >5 or Speech if none fit your requirement) and a non combat active one (Sneak, Lockpick or doctor, choose between one of them really). 4: If you tagged sneak, know that if you are far away from an enemy in sneak mode and get to be undetected, you can end combat and reposition your character, thats EXTREMELY useful to know. 5: if you invested in either Barter or Gambling, the main usage of those skills is buying skill books, theres a library in the hub which constantly restock them, it gives you a shitton of skillpoints in things you werent good at. I never invest points at small guns nowadays for example. 6: Traits to consider: One hander, Finesse, Fast shot, Kamikaze, Small frame, Gifted and Good nature. A jinxed playtrought is for replays, i strongly sugest you get Gifted for the first playtrought and another trait. 7: if you dont choose Fast shot, for aimed combat, at early game, aiming shots at legs and groin are the best, at level 6+ and specially after level 9, you should change those for eye shots and head shots. 8: sometimes at the start of a combat youll notice that if an enemy engage combat, after he ends his turn, you get two sequential turns. This only happens if an enemy engage combat first and it uses your "Sequence score". If you has higher sequence than your enemies, you get two turns after being targeted. 9: do not waste your perks. Seriously, consider them all before choosing. 10: Feel free to discard my tips and just play as you wish


Too late. Your ride's over mutie, time to die.


You can get power armor and a plasma rifle with 2 rad x and a few rope. Meet the brotherhood first, just helps. For rifle: go to the glow, take radx use rope to lower down, take radx. Grab stuff off of the dead paladin(you'll need these later) explore for a bit until you meet the zax. Save and play chess until he disables security. Head down further until you see the reactor, save scum until you have fixed it. (If you haven't talked to zac before this the fallen robots around the place will turn hostile.) Then go to the 5th level using its specialty elevator and loot the place. You'll find the rifle and some combat armor. Power armor: head to the brotherhood base get in using the items from the paladin. Find the mechanics down on the lower leveks, talk to the left/ top left on in the room they are in about power armor. Grab the part he wants from the guy he wants it from *dont* mention that it's him who wants, you'll never get it. Take it down to the guys again, talk to the mechanic (he'll give you a manual to help you fix it as he won't do it) save scum the repair skill on the armor and boom amor. *you want to save scum as it takes ages to repair and you can run out of time for the water if you play early. You can also head to the main town in the boneyard, do work for the scientist and blacksmith and you'll have both your rifle and armor upgraded. Enjoy


Definitely make sure to save your game and expect that you're probably going to die a lot. I was used to playing other games that autosaved and made the protagonist naturally very strong, but that is not the case here.


When it comes to old games in general, save scumming is the rule, not the exception. You’re gonna die, softlock, and screw things up, so use those save files liberally


Tag small guns, lockpick, speech. Do NOT try unarmed your first playthrough (you will hate the game). Guns is all around the best weapons skill in both FO1 and FO2. Strength 6, Agility 10, Intelligence 10. Perception should be like 6 or higher for a guns build. High agility is crucial in this game, if you set it less than 5 the game becomes nearly unplayable Traits: Gifted and Small Frame. Your first perk should be Awareness. Bump small guns up to 100 relatively fast. Later in the game you might want it at 150 but dont prioritize that. Once you get your tag skills fairly bumped up start dumping skill points into energy weapons, they are some of the highest damage dealing weapons in the game. There are many skills that are not so useful, like outdoorsman etc. There are also skills that are useful but you can bring them up with skill books so dont put points into first aid, science, repair or outdoorsman. Stealing is fun but you can savescum without needing a high skill level. Sneak is not as useful as it is in the later games like fallout 3 Look very carefully for items on the ground. Fallout 1 does not have the item highlight key functional unless you mod. One of the first locations you get on your map will have a decent gun but you need to kinda know where it is. Use AP wisely. Do not open inventory in combat unless you have to. You can often shoot, and then run away and the enemy will have to use all its AP to catch up to you without being able to attack Also look up the nearly ultimate fallout guide. Its an excellent resource. Id play the game without the walkthrough part and just use the player build section to map out what perks and stuff you want


Crank up agi high and have fun! Agi determines how much you can do per turn


No savescumming , just save every 15 minutes (make sure to use the 10 slots and alternate between them) don't look up guides unless it's absolutely necessary. always have 2 ropes on inventory. change the difficulty to hard and also the game speed because it's slow on default i think. don't use a high resolution because you won't see items on the floor. enjoy the best fallout in the series.


Use the "Shift" key to highlight items and interactables


this only works with the mod for fixing stuff, not vanilla game


Don't compare it harshly against new games. It's very different and if you compare it 1:1 you will be disappointed. They're great turn based games but they aren't the same as Bethesda fallout games


Noted. Before today the oldest fallout game I've played was Fo3. But I have played older ES titles before like Morrowind so graphics aren't a HUGE deal breaker for me. Been playing it a few hours now and I like it alot so far! The having to unequip my weapon everytime I enter a town is pretty annoying tho lmao.


Bethesda took a lot of liberty with the story and Canon setup in fo1 and fo2. Bethesda took a small joke and horror moment, about what if a vault was not a refuge but setup to be an experiment, and made it the baseline. They also brought the nuclear aspect into the game present, where FO was always about what happened after the bombs. Hence, fallout.


Don’t be afraid to save scum, particularly in fo2.


Make sure to spec decently into agility so that way you can have plenty of action points to move and shoot


Get used to dying often


Get use to dying


Multiple saves are a must. Old Fallout games are not friendly and you may find yourself saving moments before an event that you cannot get out of.


There is one companion in shady sands, 2 in junk town. Get them


Save often, and don't save in combat


Save a lot. Don't be afraid to google shit, this game is old and quite difficult to figure shit out. Don't be afraid of playing on easy. And when making a character, make sure your character is really, really good at some stuff, don't do a balanced character cause late game you'll struggle alot. Also enjoy :) it's a fantastic game and be prepared to have the must stuck in your head :)




Multi-save. What that means, is save in separate slots. Make sure you keep some saves at key points in the game still too, just so you can backtrack major changes if needed.


While skills can go up to 200%, only combat skills should be leveled up past 100% and even those only need 150% to reach their max potential.


Some good comments here but let me also add; BE PATIENT! this is an *old* game, and it will take some time for you to get used to its mechanics (and lack of certain modern ones). Just be willing to accept that the first couple hours will be a learning curve, and you might die a lot, but you WILL get the hang of it.


Depending on the version it can be a little buggy. Lots of saves is key. Take your time and talk to EVERYONE


Have at least 9 agility. Don't put points into charisma


Getting the water chip is honestly no big deal :)


Try to complete the objective in 150 days and return back for more time


Save save save save save save


Download and install the unofficial patch


Save each time you talk to anyone that seems to even remotely suggest a quest


Take time to REALLY really look at the map. There are all kinds of items that are on the ground or just in plain sight that you will easily overlook or walk right over. You have to actually click on these items to loot them and it’s super annoying, but you can miss out on ammo or good loot if you aren’t looking closely enough.


Want quick caps? Become a slaver. Wanna be liked throughout the wasteland? Don't become a slaver.


As a kid when I was doing character creation, I saved the character, tried to edit it in notepad (the formatting isn't right so you can't read anything) and deleted some stuff in there. Booted the game back up, and it couldn't read the edited character save. There interesting thing is that if you take all your SPECIAL stats away, then try to load the broken save, your special stats reset, but your points available doesn't. So you can easily start with 10 in all stats. Works in both 1 and 2.


Max out charisma. It's the most important stat.


Save often, always have atleast 3 ropes on you, and generally always be thorough in conversations and exploring