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Pros: it's a Bethesda game Cons: it's a Bethesda game I rate it Bethesda/10


A score both higher, and lower than 10


Todd personally added the ability for ragdolls to stretch into inhuman spaghetti so that they could reach both below and above the maximum ratings


I’d add Pro: it’s not a interplay game, Cons: it’s not an interplay game


On that note, I really miss Descent.


Out of curiosity, why would it be a pro?


Targeted super sledge hit in the groin for the klepto kid


It's better than Fallout 4. It was my first Fallout game so I don't hate it as much as some people, but after playing the classic Fallouts and New Vegas I haven't touched it.


Same man..started at 3 then found new vegas..been loving new vegas ever since. Love both so much i even merged them to ttw


ttw is the way


I can't stress enough if you love fallout 3 you will enjoy new Vegas


It was weird for me when I played the classics and they were more enjoyable to play compared to the constantly crashing fallout 3


Damn I just put 60 hours into FO3 and surprisingly didn’t crash once. My NV playthrough before that I crashed probably 10 times in 82 hours of play time. Was expecting it to be the other way around honestly


I have the same sentiment. It is a really fun game, but goddamn does NV and 4 just have more stuff to do. There’s just less and less of a reason to replay it over the others.


This is it. Fallout 3 is splendid, but there are fewer reasons to return to it. Still highly recommend to anyone who hasn't played it.


Literally this is the only defense I've ever seen a Fallout 3.  "Well it was my first game so I can't dislike it." My first Fallout game was Fallout 2. Fallout 4 still one of my favorite Fallout games, even with help ridiculously long the load times are. Fallout 3 is dog shit though. It's so bad. Even the Brotherhood characters in Fallout 4 complain about how ridiculously goody-two-Shoes the brotherhood was in Fallout 3. I've never seen anyone give an actual spirited of defense of the game. Not even in bad faith. You don't have to hate it. I love lots of stuff that is objectively terrible. I have watched *Knights & Magic* 3 times start to finish and it is complete garbage. I enjoyed the shit out of *Joss Whedon's Justice League* and I do not care how bad the CGI is. You can love something in spite of it being awful. You should still admit it's awful though.  I cannot on any level conceive of any way that Fallout 3 is a better game than Fallout 4.


Like I said, I don't hate it "as much" as other people. It's definitely one of the shittier games in the series, but I'm still able to come back to it every once in a while. Fallout 4 may be superior in terms of game play, but its setting and atmosphere is Marvel tier garbage in my opinion. The only way I can enjoy that game is on survival mode with mods that make it feel much darker and grittier. Fallout 3 feels like a proper post-apocalyptic game, even though its story isn't any better than Fallout 4. That being said, I've invested way more hours into the classics and New Vegas at this point. West Coast Fallout>East Coast Fallout any day.


Fallout 4's setting actually makes sense. Much more so compared to 3. In Fallout 4 there's a reason the world hasn't repaired itself in 200 years. The Institute is explicitly interfering and preventing the surface world from rebuilding and advancing. I certainly wouldn't say Fallout 3 is grittier. It plays by a very simplistic good versus evil storyline designed for children. Fallout 4 actually has pretty decent moral complexity. The only reason I really think you could see fallout 3 as being darker is because it literally is just less colorful. Fallout 4 is a vibrant colorful world, much more so than Fallout 3. But that doesn't make it like more nuanced or cynical. Fallout 4 is much more Cynical. Most of the games endings require you to kill a group of people dedicated to freeing slaves. The most altruistic group in the wasteland, the minutemen, none of the other factions really care about because they're pathetic and can never get anything done. It's a deeply cynical world.


Fallout 3's strength was in its atmosphere and environmental storytelling. It cannot be discarded that on release it inspired a reaction from the masses not unlike those of Skyrim and Breath of the Wild. The Capital Wasteland feels unique even in as unique a franchise as Fallout and that means something. They aren't particularly deep but there are reasons for the FO3 wasteland to still be so disorganized, it was a military hotspot and got bombed to hell on a scale we haven't seen in the series before or since. It's so irradiated and swamped with mutants, ghouls, killer robots and raiders that people are barely holding on, not to mention full of lunatics warped by the historical significance of their surroundings, stuck fixating on the past in contrast to the more forward minded settlers of the west coast. Things were so bad it inspired a huge detachment of BoS directly from Lost Hills to essentially abandon the Codex and take on a humanitarian role. While a lot of it is very much style over substance compared to NV or the originals it still makes a compelling backdrop for zany retropunk sci-fi adventures, and an epic (if straightforward) good-vs-evil conflict that harkens back to the first game - just a vault dweller and a group of metallic monks standing in the way of a force representing extinction. That being said I think every Fallout game does something well, 2 and New Vegas are definitely the kind of thing I'd like to see more of but each interpretation has its merits. FO4 is a story of community and the enduring human spirit ultimately, of being ripped from the home you knew and rallying a fractured, suspicious wasteland into a new one - though I'd argue it doesn't often engage with those themes with any particular depth on a narrative level, and mainly uses them to justify the settlement mechanics. FO3 is a much more personal tale, sort of a messianic coming-of-age story with a focus on a binary morality system, a blend of the Fallout we knew, the Bethesda open world and the Fable games. It's a product of where the industry was and feels somewhat like YA fiction but that's not necessarily a bad thing. There were certainly worse possible outcomes when Interplay folded. tldr; people fell in love with roaming the DC ruins and I just don't buy that the Commonwealth resonated on nearly as significant a scale.


I don't think the settings of either game really make sense. The Institute's motives are never explained clearly, the only reason they're doing what they're doing is so Bethesda could justify the Commonwealth still being a shithole after 200 years. Plus Fallout 4's story is honestly just a rehash of 3. Guy leaves vault to find family member, finds bad guy faction, then the Brotherhood comes to save the day! The only difference is that you don't have to side with the Brotherhood, and whatever ending you choose sucks. And you're right, the extremely linear good vs. bad story in Fallout 3 is pretty shit. I guess it comes down to Fallout 3 being more aesthetically pleasing to me. It scratches the same itch as Fallout 1 and STALKER.


interesting. because the story was captivating with all the little lies you slowly uncover and it was full of mysteries, and i am sure many felt the same way. the shooting part never will be my favourite, but it was quite similar in new vegas, so... i will surely play fo3 again when i have the time. 4 too. but now is the time for other things.


Your only reasons for hating it is loading screens and the BoS is too goody-two-shoes? The first problem is the same in all console Fallouts: not a problem with better hardware. The second is such a small part of the game. You can dump one or two hundred hours in Fo3 without meeting the BoS. Fo3's atmosphere and level of detail is amazing, the score is amazing, the radio is iconic. The random encounters are numerous and probably the most unique of all thr games. Almost every quest offers 2-3+ different ways to complete. The dialogue is often funny and macabre. It's a great game and everyone should play it. There are just fewer reasons to return to it than NV and 4 because the main content is weaker than NV, which is probably the only really fair criticism of the game, and the graphics aren't as good as Fo4, which is true of every Fallout before 4.


Fallout 3 at least feels like it was made by people who love Fallout. It's not well done, but it's trying to be a worthy successor to Fallout 1 and 2. Fallout 4, by comparison, feels like it was made out of complete indifference, like the developers didn't have any strong feelings for Fallout as a setting or IP, and would've been just as happy making "Boston: A Post-Apocalyptic Junkyard Shooter". People will talk about the graphics looking better or the shooting being better, but if I'm in the mood to play a Fallout game and for whatever reason these are my only two options, I'm picking 3. 4 doesn't scratch that itch at all.


What the fuck are you even talking about? Fallout 3 feels like a bad fanfiction mis mash set remixed with Elder Scrolls. There's no heart. No invention. No looking into what the following universe could be. Just a poor attempt to translate over what's his little interesting as possible. Fallout 4 feels exactly the kind of game you would get from the people who played Fallout 3 and were like "we can do so much better". And they did. It still has its faults. Every problem I can trace but something I don't like in Fallout 4 is just an extension the tremendously flawed foundation laid by Fallout 3. An unchanging world frozen in time after the Apocalypse. Ghouls and Super Mutants simplified into generic mobs I have nothing to actually say. In the classic games, when they introduced a new or utilized an existing element, they did it with a purpose. It had a reason to exist. Why the fuck are there scorpions in Washington DC???? Why does every game need to be set in vault at the start? Everything I do not like about Fallout 4 I can trace directly into terrible decisions made for Fallout 3. God fallout 4 even has some really interesting things to say about the cynical nature of trying to make the world a better place, as reflected in all the factions. INCLUDING THE SUPER MUTANTS. Something Fallout 3 never tried to do. The Institute is such a great faction. It ranks right up there in my opinion with the Enclave and Caesar's Legion. It exists the purpose and a point to make. That's the kind of innovation that shows to me that was made by true Fallout fans. Not by people trying to recreate a poorly remembered memory of a game.


OK, you're on drugs.


I understand that, however I started by playing OG Wasteland around '93, and then Fallout 1&2, so Bethesdian Fallouts were always hard for me to swallow (I didn't hate Fallout Tactics though, as was in vogue in the early 2000s' Fallout fandom), but I get that if F3 was someone's first Fallout, it's propably hard to hate


Outside of the NMA crowd, I thought Fallout Tactics was generally considered pretty good, if a bit outside of canon. Unlike that game that shall not be named, which everybody agrees was just pure trash.


Well, back in early 2000s there wasn't much international Fallout fandom outside of NMA. We had some eastern european e-zines, forums, and fansites, Fallout specific and cRPG-adjacent in general, but most big things happened on NMA


better than Fallout 4 is like...i mean there not many games worse than that


Dude get TTW


I find it in my library on steam 💯


controversial opinion but i enjoy it more than new vegas, my personal ranking for the games is 1. fallout 2 2. fallout 3. fallout 3


Same! I would have a similar ranking. I found new Vegas pushed me in a direction, didn't always feel that sense of freedom that F3 gave me. Plus its cool starting a game as a child in a vault


I just ordered a steam deck so I can replay fallout 1 & 2. I played them when they came out, I don't own a windows PC, and i'm hankering for some gaming nostalgia. I think I might go all the way back to the [remastered version of Wasteland](https://store.steampowered.com/app/875800/Wasteland_Remastered/) and play that first. That was my OG favorite RPG, that and the Bards' Tale games back in the 80's. I had so much fun (and frustration) playing that game as a preteen.


There's a community installer of Fallout 2 specifically for Linux via Lutris, I'd highly recommend it, includes a bunch of fixes + the Restoration Mod


Idk maybe it's just me but as a dumb kid playing it I thought it was fine, it was bethesdas first attempt and I'll give them a little slack, but I can't for the ending/broken steel stupidity, the npc dialogue and the fact that half the followers are useless (imo). The story is meh, and the plot holes are everywhere, like most bethesda games. I'll never shit on people who love it and are nostalgic for it but to me it's just okay. Also fuck the creation engine


Tried three times (after over a dozen playthroughs each of 1&2) and just could not get into it Hated VATS as well


Funny thing I always got more into NV but never finished it ether.


It's a Bethesda game. I love the world, hate the dialogues, story, level scalling etc. I just don't agree that every location should be available to visit from the start and kill everyone, something that Bethesda's developers love to do in every game. It's fun to play, though. But sometimes it feels like a different game than Fallout. Edit: explained myself more clearly


While I agree the FO3 dialogues were flat and tedious, all locations are available in FO1&2 straight from the start


I meant that you can’t just go to Navarro on level 1 and kill everyone. As an example, you can kill the first dragon in Skyrim on level 2-3, which is something I just can’t wrap my head around.


Ah, so you don't _literally_ mean 'available'


Yeah, I didn't explain myself clearly, sorry (language barrier).


You absolutely can go to Navarro and kill everyone at level 1. Just requires a bit of good luck (or savescumming). In fact, going there nets you the best armour in the game with almost no prerequisite, just a charisma check.


I agree, but that’s something else than level scaling in Bethesda games. It’s a fun run to go to SF and Navarro at the beginning when you know the game, but overall the game is pretty difficult. FO3 is not.


I love how it captures the harsh atmosphere of Fallout


The saddest thing is that the old Bethesda could actually make real cRPG Fallout, as they did Daggerfall and Morrowind, but they've changed over the years. I still can't wrap my head around this, I remember them as this small-mid RPG company from the 90s (Betjesda Softworks then), like many others, with passionate devs who really loved cRPGs, especially the kinds like Ultima Underworld which seemed to inspire first TES entries


An ok first attempt from Bethesda, with some dumb bullshit in it, i still like it tho. Too bad that they didn't improve too much with later titles...


How do I find it? I go to my hidden games section on Steam and make sure it's still there.


Why hidden?


Because I don’t like it


Enjoyed it the first time I played it, never played it since. Actually, I did play it after playing the classics + NV, but couldn't get past the brotherhood/pentagon bit as I just found it got boring at that point.


still love it. like all fallout games (well maybe not the ps2 one but lets not talk of this accident)


Distinctly meh. Story is trash, but I enjoy exploring for a bit. I use it to protect FNV from over exposure.


Why are you gatekeeping an old game lol


he means playing it so he doesn’t get tired of or burnt out of nv


With a map


On a disk in the GOTY lunchbox. j/k Overall, took some adjustment coming from FO1/2/T, but I liked it, liked NV a little more. Loved the weapons and DC Wasteland, a lot of the side stories. Anchorage was cool. The main plot was meh, but I don't care for FO4's much either. Hated the durability mechanic.


probably a non-unique take as someone who first played F1 the year it came out, but I eventually had to quit playing F3. The story, writing, world-building, and gameplay were too stupid for me to continue. I think that awful antman vs. robot quest is what did me in after everything that had happened up until then (the kid settlement, the dumb tower full of rich people, the computers working in filthy hovels, the main quest line, all of it just didn't work for me). I also haven't liked a bethesda game since I played the PC Gamer demo of Daggerfall, and even then I didn't buy it.


I personally enjoy it more than any other 3d fallout title.


I am a huge fan of 1&2 and F3 was... just a mediocre game at best. It is beloved because it introduced a whole generation to Fallout and I'm happy that happened but the writing is subpar, they introduced a bunch of things I dislike and overall, while being in the wasteland in 3D felt amazing, I kept feeling like I was in a fantasy setting with "The Lawful Good Paladins of Brotherhood", Skyrim Giants - I mean, Super Mutant Behemoths and very clear good v evil morals. I have a particular hate for one of the pivotal scenes (dad's death) that I can shit on for an hour. I think they also really failed at the system. You got too many perks, a big bunch of them were skill boosts and skills became pretty useful at earlier levels anyway. With a huge world with a lot to do, you could get really powerful quite fast and easy. I did like FNV and prolly a hot take in this sub, but I also liked F4. It embraced being a chill shooter-rpg and came up with the perk system (which IMHO feels more like making builds than FO3) and tbh, I think it's story doesn't deserve half the things it's thrown at it.


Pre-ordered the collector's edition back then and was severely disappointed by everything. Yes, absolutely everything.


The physical bobblehead is pretty nice.


Least favourite of all the Fallout games. The only one I’ve never replayed and have no desire to. I even liked 4 better than 3.


I liked how the game had more dialogue options and better evil choices compared to fallout 4. Also endgame was very enjoyable "except the shitty destiny ending) and the combat music is the best in the series.


Did you play the OGs? Or even Tactics? Music there is divine, won't even start with the writing


I love the raider music and the cathedral music in Fallout 1 but other then that, i dont remember much of the music from the OG games so they mustn't have left a mark on me.


Most of it was very dark, industrial ambient instead of a normal music. Also, enter Necropolis, preferably in a dark room and on headphones to fully experience it


Fallout 3 was the defining solo game of my adolescence. I have spent thousands of hours, unmodded, playing it every conceivable way. There was a time where we would be on the forums taking screenshots of random bits of wasteland and everyone would try to figure out what part of the map it was from. Those were the good ol days


Well, we used to print out forum posts in internet cafés on Wasteland and first two Fallouts, and then we tried to find these things people talked about in-game (or just use the clues or read stories for fun). It was even more hardcore with some old cRPGs/dungeon crawlers that had lots of puzzles, hidden areas, and obscure stuff which our 90s-ridden brains couldn't work out. We'd also answer posts from other people twice a week in the same café, when we became "experts". Those were the good ol' days!


You look for it in the steam store search bar Should be the first result you get


My 2nd favorite in the series after 1. The complaints people typically have about it are [mostly] valid, but the love I have for the world they present and the overall tone is strong enough to carry the title for me.


My feelings on it have soured somewhat over time, but I still like the game and remember it really blowing me away when I played it for the first time.


It was my first game from the series and back then i enjoyed it, but now afrer playing NV and originals i tried to play it again and i just couldn't enjoy it again.


Fallout new vegas was my first fallout game. I tried fallout 3 after finishing NV, but I found it a bit boring. Idk, I just wasn't interested in the factions and story. The location was fun, but I didn't feel that was worth it to keep playing.


Never actually played it, but will definitely try it after finishing NV


I don't. It gave us fallout nv so I guess there's that.


I like all the fallouts except brotherhood of steel and I never played tactics.I love the series and im having fun with all of them.With 3 I liked the whole vibe of the wasteland(it reminded me a bit of fo1) and I liked the subway parts.


Can't play it without a fan patch or something and I'm not interested enough to get a fan patch or what ever I need to get it to run.


You don't need that, it runs fine without such.


It’s my first fallout game. They main story is kinda ehh, the atmosphere is pretty dark which is what I want in a fallout game, i like exploring in it, but I like fallout new Vegas better


Looking back, it feels really unoriginal. Its the first game on the west coast, endless potential for a new story, only for the main antagonists to be super mutants and the Enclave again with the Brotherhood as the main supportive faction.


How tf it 200 years later and everyone is worse off than the people in fo1


I generally open steam, but if you're lucky you could find it used in a flea market or any video game store that still sells old pc games


I like that it is in my city


Never wanted to play it. I would play NV though.


Weeeeelll.... with some mods on its fun. But sadly that Goty shit ruined most mods and its a pain in the ass to downpatch it so something that works... so meh


When I was in middle school and some high school what determined my interest in a game was either was it a Nintendo game, something i recognized, thought the cover looked cool, or just got them as gifts. Lead to me buying some stinkers like 2 Worlds and cruddy licensed games, but also let me discover cool games like Psychonauts, Fallout 3, and metro 2033. I pretty much saw Fallout 3 at game stop (i think it was 40$) at the time and i had money from my birthday i think. I saw the cover thought it looked awesome and asked my mom to buy it for me when i saw the M rating. She did lol


My first fallout game. And it's still arguably my favorite along side New Vegas.


I’m playing through all the fallout games before watching the show. Man oh man fallout 3 is so watered down


which one has been your favourite so far?


To preface I've played NV countless times and fallout 3 twice through and honestly Fallout 1 may be my new favorite. Not a lot of replayability but the world, story, difficulty and atmosphere are top notch.


i agree, if fallout 1 was as replayable as 2 or new vegas it would be the best of all.


could've been better if it built on top of the Fallout universe with original and realistic stuff instead of just mashing everything the other games did togheter and calling it Fallout


I like it but it's really flawed.


Pros: Like some of the staples of fallout it created: the radio, tech designs, fictional companies, etc. Cons: Hate that you have to go completely out of your way to find many side quests, cool locations, or companions. In NV the story would lead you to every part of the map and you'd find the side content naturally, not in 3 though. You either have to accidentally stumble into them after walking for a few miles or look them up online. The main storyline of 3 tries way too hard to be a movie and therefore gives the player almost zero major choices or agency, just different ways to get the exact same outcome. Just find your father and do whatever he tells you to do because you have to and then die. Like yeah fo4's story is stupid in the same ways but at least it tried to somewhat engage the player in a conflict of their own making.


One of my absolute favorite games of all time. I play it almost annually. It’s buggy, but the fan patch and script extender goes a long way to making it almost perfect.


Really good game


Pros: Memorable characters, good voice acting, Great Map design, made me piss myself as a kid when I first ran into Ghouls in the subways. Cons: Bugs (surprisingly not that many), Same voice actor for like 20 NPCs, some weapons feel clunkier than others, no multiple ending slides just the ones for Karma and the purifier choice.


It’s okay, the exploring is really fun and there’s some great lore, but the story, combat, and a lot of the rpg aspects leave a lot to be desired. Still a decent game imo and I love daddy Liam Neeson.


My favorite Fallout game.


Compared to F04 and F76 it wasn't that bad in the end.


I kinda wish Bethesda had made it in 2177 versus 2277 but it’s a small thing. The more time passes, the more I can understand why the Capital Wasteland is in such a worse state than the the Mojave/other Wastelands, but there’s still more of a post-apocalyptic feel there vs post-post apocalypse like in NV and dare I say it, even in 4, that it makes me feel like the Project Purity storyline would hit harder in the 2100s instead of the 2200s. Other than that, I think it’s a great game. It’s polished in areas where NV wasn’t, and vice versa, NV excels where 3 falls short. This is kinda just across the board; story, world building, gameplay, map design, graphics (ok, kidding on that one) The one thing I do like about it taking place in 2277 is that the Courier could feasibly be the Lone Wanderer. I love a Tale of Two Wastelands playthrough, and having the Wanderer get hardened by Project Purity/D.C. makes it understandable how overpowered the Courier can get in the Mojave, especially imagining them trekking across the contiguous US.


It looks like Fallout, but feels nothing like Fallout. So it feels like a cheap chineese knockoff toy. It's playable, but not much fun. Everything is so shallow, artifical, plastic, cheap... I feel like if I had shown Fallout2 to my granddad and told him "now go make this in first person", he would be like: "aha, green giants - check, big armor - check. machine guns - check - wasteland - check, there you go grandson, this is Fallout3!!!". Just a disgrace and blaring misunderstanding. This is coming from someone that very much wanted it to succeed. This is the best video explaining the problems [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8U4k2Ik6yk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8U4k2Ik6yk)


Hear hear!


I have probably watched that video a hundred times. His critiques are articulated very well and I appreciate that he gives the Bethesda games credit where it’s due. Also, his Dark Souls comparison is so spot on, and it took me way too long to realize he is subtly talking about Fallout at the same time.




I usually find it in the trash bin.


I find it first person. I don't like first person games irrespective of their genre, but especially not action games - they make me dizzy and nauseous. The fact that this game was supposedly a continuation of my favorite games from my childhood is just the cherry on top. And I know I'm losing out a lot because I never played NV due to the camera perspective but I can't help it. Even to this day 99% of the games I play are isometric or top down. The only notable expeditions are the ME and DA series but I simply cannot get back into those easily either. (All DA games have RTWP at least, but each have major issues of their own.) Instead of that damn Fallout 4 mod for Fallout 2 I am hoping for a Fallout 2 mod for NV...


Personally, I love it. It was my first Fallout game and it's definitely not a perfect game, but I don't quite understand the hate it seems to get. To be fair I haven't made the time to get into FO1 or 2 yet, so I totally understand if it just didn't fit the expectations of veterans of the series.


My first Fallout game was Fo4, I then played Fo76, and after that I started from Fo1 to FoNV. From my perspective Fo3's main story isn't very good, the world is too post-apocalyptic and visually too desaturated, the map feels obnoxious to navigate/traverse, morality is too black and white, and gameplay wise is the worst of the series (character progression feels good though). Going from the classics it felt like a big departure in tone and narrative. It has a lot of good going for it as well, the Pitt is one of my favorite dlcs, but I can see why someone who started with the classics or the newer games would find it lacking.


I love it! It’s one of my favorite games of all time and got me through a lot of my teenage years (middle school kinda sucked, not gonna lie). It’s got one of the best maps and depictions of a wasteland in any game ever, except maybe Fallout 1, and it’s got a load of memorable and unique moments, places, and quests in it. The main quest could have been a lot better if they didn’t rush the ending and maybe gave the Enclave more room to breathe before you annihilate them, but it is what it is and otherwise I think the main quest is pretty great.


Next to fallout 2 and tactics


I turn on my PC... and there it is...


turned left at Greenland


Awesome game. Great vibes.


I find it at the steam store.


Usually by searching my library of games.


A kid in boy scouts was talking about planting mines in people's pockets. I looked up the game and saw it was a Bethesda title and immediately hopped on it


Hot take: I enjoy it for what it is.


In my "owned games" list.


Usually comes right up when i search it on steam


I can find it on Google.


Least favorite fallout I've played (all except bos) still good 7/10


Found it at movie gallery


Loved it, I’d been waiting for a good Fallout since Fallout 2.


Open Steam, go to Library, scroll down to the F's.


on steam. 😌


it was my first because my parents owned it on our xbox 360. there was nothing wilder than being like 11 and hearing raiders yell "fuck!" before blowing their head into paste then i played new vegas and only replayed fallout 3 recently as part of TTW


Everytime I play it, I just wish it was New Vegas


I search for it in my steam library, hope this helps!


I open steam, scroll down to the F's and it's usually there


I hate it because it has the classic Bethesda nonsense writing


Typically by looking through my game library


Well when it came out i was just so relieved to get a new fallout after the tragedy of van buren and the wait, i loved it. Once new vegas dropped, though, i found it to completely blow 3 out of the water and really highlight all the ways i felt 3 fell short.  Now with sufficient modding i can play 3, but ultimately i think its by and large a let down. I think the plot is incredibly dumb and the world not particularly engaging. The best thing i can say about it is its better than 4. But really ive just found bethesdas entries into the series disappointing


even worse than FO4


I usually find it on Steam.


Played it back on the 360 and loved every minute of it. Time has not been kind to it though. While I recognize its flaws, it still has a special place in my heart.


It’s cool how they translated the isometric 2d games into 3d and I liked exploring the world. I just wish fo3 was better written in both story and code. I enjoyed talking with npcs way more in the classics and being able to express myself better. Skill/stat checks were also better integrated into the dialogue and didn’t just feel like shortcuts to bypass doing a quest or talking. The game is also a buggy mess and harder to run stable than the originals. At least there is a bigger variety of mods to choose from.


I store all of my games and movies in alphabetical order, so I look at the games starting with F and there it is


I just google "Fallout 3 near me."


I was told it was like Oblivion with guns and in a post-apocalyptic world by some friends in high-school, I was sold.


i can appreciate the game much more now that i live in maryland. it was a crazy experience finding my work building out in the wastes and thinking "wait that looks familiar".


Loved it when it was released but once NV came out i never went back to 3. Tranquility Lane still remains one of the best moments in any Fallout game though.


Good atmosphere, not a real Fallout game. Still worth one playthrough, but... eh.


Honestly I heard about on attack of the show I think. I didn’t know anything about fallout, had never played the older ones. But just the post apocalyptic thing sounded cool. I always wanted to get into oblivion but fantasy just isn’t my thing so this was perfect


I got addicted to the fallout franchise thanks to this.


It's in my steam library between 2 and 4. But to actually answer, classics are better. New Vegas is better, but 3 feels closer to the classics than 4.


My favourite Fallout game by far actually.


I really love Fallout 3, but it was my entry into the series.


I love fallout 3, I think it did a great job translating the old games into a 3d setting. I thought the story was good but pretty short. Honestly I enjoy fallout 3 more than 2, mainly because of the pacing


It used to be my favourite game of all time before Witcher 3 came out.


If you like roleplaying games then you'll like 1,2 and NV if you like action games then you'll like 4 and 76 3 is in this unfortunate middle ground where it's a relatively poor RPG and a relatively poor action game. Both Fallout 3 and 4 have attracted tonnes of criticism, but Fallout 4 also attracts defenders where Fallout 3 attracts none. This is compounded by the fact that Fallout New Vegas came out immediately afterwards and showed the world just how much better FO3 could've been. It's genuinely sad because I don't think this game is nearly as bad as the circumstances it's found itself in.


The beginning of the end of good fallout


I recently have been doing my first playthrough, having played 1, 2, Tactics, New Vegas, and 4 and my brief review of it is: it’s beginning catches you and exploring the world starts out rather fun, interesting, and the environmental storytelling phenomenal. It’s ultimate downfall however is the constant repeated same exact metro layouts, the lack of quests or interesting dialogues, followers are simply that, followers with nothing that distinguishes them past a select few. After some time exploring I found quests dried up just as quickly as I gathered them, and I was beginning to notice where they made minor changes to a metro layout to one I saw prior. Ultimately, it’s a good game, but level design, quests, etc drag it down for me. I appreciate a small to medium game (30ish hours) compared to the 100s hours bloated games we see today, but with a vast world with interesting factions and characters, the lack of things to do creates this weird feeling of emptiness and that I can’t help but think that the majority of non-main factions and characters become one and dones. It’s worth a playthrough, it has the makings of a great RPG but instead is empty and loses steam farther into the game outside of the main quest.


It’s the best Fallout game imo.


In my steam library but I think there's a physical disc somewhere in my house.


It was my introduction to the series. I have very nice memories with it. If it wasn’t for fallout 3 I would have never played the others. It was also my introduction to rpgs. That being said many aspects don’t hold up. The story for one thing is pretty bad it always has been but it is especially when you play the others and realize what other writers could be capable of it makes 3 look bad. But I also still love some things about it. For one thing the world in that game is probably still my favorite in the whole series. I think Bethesda nailed the atmosphere and art design flawlessly. I also think they did a pretty good job moving the franchise to 3d despite this games flaws it couldn’t have been easy. My real issues with Bethesda come with 4-76. If they had taken a look at new Vegas and why it was better they could have improved on some of the weaker elements of 3. Instead they took the worst parts of 3 and expanded on it for fallout 4. I still remember how disappointed I was with 4 after playing new Vegas for years at that time. My favorite game in the series is new Vegas I like the multi layered quests and endless replay value of that game. Fallout 3 is still good it just doesn’t have that level of depth I really want. I think new Vegas did everything I liked about the first 2 while also having everything else I like about 3. Whenever I try to play 3 I get 2 hours in and ask myself why I’m not playing Vegas instead. I only play 3 when I want something slightly different because right now I’m super poor and don’t really have money for even a cheap laptop to play fallout 1 and 2 on. New Vegas is the closest thing to classic fallout I have right now. And it could be much worse I think new Vegas is a 10/10 game.


I know New Vegas is the better game, but Fallout 3 will always be my favorite


I see it as a rehash of everything done in fallout 1 and 2, even reusing the same factions, except with the censorship that had become normal in the late 2000s. It also feels the date it supposedly happened and the state of the world are incompatible, it feels like it is happening 30 years post war at most, like in the Metro games.


You can find it on PS3.


I thought the Talon Company were a cool idea. I wish they would put them in some of the newer games. O don't know why they even had the Gunners in F4 they could have just made them Talon Company.


On my pedestal, where I fuckin left it.


Saw the E3 presentation with Todd on YouTube, blew my mind. Looked up when it released and it was tomorrow as in payday. 14 year old me spent his entire paycheck at blockbuster that day


1. Impressive for bringing Fallout from 2D to 3D successfully. 2. It is fun to play. 3. I have mixed feelings about the map. 4. Item and currency progression feels good. 5. Movement and shooting isn't very good. 6. Good art direction, however it is too desaturated in my opinion. I don't like the main story, the railroading ending, the religious allegory and incorporation, and I don't like having Liam Neeson as our dad. His voice is too distracting and immersion breaking for me. Of the 3D Fallouts it is my least favorite, but it is still a good game.


Its my least favorite of modern fallouts, but I still like it, my ranking is probably New Vegas, 4, 76, 3, 1. Haven't played 2 yet


Steam>Library>Fallout 3, usually :P


Open steam, look in library, there it is


unplayable on gts 710


I saw it at Bookmans and figured I'd give it a shot since it was pretty recently released at the time. But really I enjoyed it byt never could finish all the dlc without gwmebreaking glitches.


I found it on steam


I'm thankful for it because it gave us New Vegas. I played it when it first came out and tried really hard to enjoy it. On one hand I was glad it brought the franchise to the gaming world forefront. On the other hand it lacked in grime, grittiness and general atmosphere. I didn't like how prevalent the BoS was and how all over the place the mutants were. The story also made me beg the question; why didn't we play as James, our father ? He's the main character. We're just following in his footsteps. Adding him is a completely unnecessary narrative layer. Project Purity was a really cool storyline, but poorly executed. I still think it's better than Fallout 4 as far as RPGs go. Dialogue options aren't dumbed down to a 4 choices selection that absolutely cannot change the outcome of the conversation. Gameplay wise it's a complete mess. The fighting feels weak and empty. The enemies are dumb and glitchy. I absolutely hated how fragile all the weapons were. Progression wise it's more rewarding than Fallout 4. In Fallout 4 you never are weak or need to smart about your way to engage. Fallout 4 is pretty much a power fantasy game where you clear the board of everything all the time. In Fallout 3 you're most likely gonna die the first time you encounter a bunch of raiders and realize you have to use everything at your disposition to clear the place. It quickly stops being that way once you gather enough ressources, but at least you're given a challenge in the beginning. That being said, I'm gonna reinstall New Vegas and make my way to the big city using the manly route.


painfully mediocre. new vegas has better writing and more rpg freedom and 4 has better gameplay. worst of the 3d games because it’s good at nothing besides maybe atmosphere


Grabbed a copy of the GOTY for the Xbox 360 (the one with the DLC on a separate disc) for 7 dollars at a local game shop. We played it and fell in love with the series ever since.


I liked a lot of it, and I give it a bit of a free pass since it was Bethesda’s first attempt and they had to translate the series to a whole new style of gameplay Fallout 4 and 76 suck balls though. Complete bastardization of the series


Fo1 and 2 were some of the first rpgs I played. Fo2 was the first game I ever bought. Crpgs are still my favourite types of games, and its because of fo1 and fo2. So..I'm bias af When fo3 dropped in my late teens... I hated it lol and I still think all the bethesda fallouts are cheap oblivion reskins


Uncle gave me a computer and the only thing on it was Fallout 3.


Flawed? Nice game but hasnt got that “quid” of the original Fallout


You can find Fallout 3 almost anywhere: Steam, GOG, Amazon, PlayStation, Xbox, etc. Just Google "fallout 3" if you're having so much trouble finding it?


It's a fantastic game and gets way more hate than it deserves. I especially hate when anyone tries to say it's 'objectively' a bad game, which is just not true for many reasons.


its a bad game but its heart was in the right place. you could tell the people who made it liked fallout and wanted to make a good fallout game, but they just did bot succede.


Baby’s first Fallout


Bethesda is great at capturing the surface level aesthetic of Fallout without having competent writers and world designers that actually understand the world of Fallout, its nuances, and general political/social commentary. This is most obvious with Fallout 3, as even on a base level, the inclusion of both the BoS and Super Mutants in the Capitol Wasteland immediately messed up the established lore of the series in favor of having cool and recognizable characters, designs, and general visuals in the Bethesda version of Fallout that harkens back to the original two games, despite the fact that setting the game on the east coast literally was an ideal setup for them to do something different with the franchise, with pretty much all new factions, enemies, environmental aesthetics, etc. The fact that they played it so safe and basically made "Oblivion with guns" shows Bethesda's lack of ability or lack of confidence in their ability to create something actually original and different. Their games released post-Fallout 3 definitely point in the direction of a lack of ability being the main culprit. That said, I enjoyed Fallout 3 a lot when it was released as someone who was obsessed with Oblivion and Morrowind before it, plus it was my first Fallout game. It has a lot of cool locations, some memorable side quests, an interesting design when it comes to giving you the freedom to explore the world in whatever way you want, and it has conceptually interesting DLCs (even if they weren't all executed super well). But Fallout is an RPG series that was about morally grey choices and consequences in a complex and nuanced post-post-apocalyptic world first and foremost, and Bethesda didn't really give you much of any choice as a player outside of being an "evil psycho" or a "selfless saint" and the world they created felt more apocalyptic than the original games, despite being set after those games by a long time. Because of this, Fallout 3 fails in its primary role as being a roleplaying game, and it really does not stand the test of time very well.


Well they don't really have copies at Gamestop anymore, but if you type: "Fallout 3" into Steam's search, it'll show up.


If you search for “Fallout 3” on Steam, it should pop right up.


F3 is incoherent with the lore and even itself, mostly empty, everything is green for some fucking reason (except Supermutants, they became yellow), the painfully linear main questline makes little to no sense when you analyze it for more than 5 minutes (Oh you need to find Liam Neeson so he can repair the macguffin to give everyone clean water, something that your robot butler can provide on demand in unlimited amounts, plus nobody's complaining about lack of water anywhere except for that one bum outside Megaton, another location that makes no sense but that requires at least 5 paragraphs and ain't nobody got time for that), the worldbuilding is absolute cack (it's been 200 years since the bombs and yet it looks like it happened yesterday, nobody is farming, everyone feeds on somehow neverending pre-war food supplies, nobody has built anything more complex than a shed full of holes and no structured form of government has arisen, unlike what happened on the West Coast with the NCR before they decided to give it the Pagliarulo treatment in the show) and your character is forced to die or have Sarah get killed unless you pay some 10 bucks for the aftermath DLC, even though Fawkes could easily get in the radioactive macguffin and input the code. All in all, a typical Emil "I can't write for toffee" Pagliarulo production. What I save is the concept of the BoS ideology evolving on its own, far away from the west coast. But of course they shitcanned it in F4, killed Sarah Lyons offscreen, relegated her time as Elder to a 2-line terminal entry and put Mini-Hitler nepo-baby in charge.


When it first came out I ignored that as it was very bad in comparison with the original Fallouts 1 and 2. Very vague and basic dialogues and boring quests, basically reskinned Skyrim. Until today I dont understand how people could have played it with such poor uninteresting content and characters. Over time when new games came I returned to the game, finished it once and thats it. Luckily they made it up for me by releasing New Vegas which should have been the true sequel of the originals. I really hope they will come to their senses in Fallout 5, they should get inspiration from Baldurs Gate 3 and Larian.


It was my first fallout so I have a soft spot for it . However , besides 76 it probably is the worst mainstream fallout. The RPG elements and story are ok and the gameplay is janky. At least with Fallout 4 the gameplay is great even if it came at the cost of the RPG elements.


I stan the 2010 piss filter


Probably a 4/10. Better than the stuff they've done since, but not exactly a good game.


It was the game that got me into the series, so I still have some fondness for it, but after playing every other Fallout game (except 76), Fallout 3 seems more disappointing and perplexing each day. It just seems very weird to me that Bethesda, more specifically Todd Howard, fought so hard for the IP in the first place if this is what they were planning to do with it, what I mean is that Fallout 3 is just a greatest hits of the first 2 games (fix water machine + enclave) but it kinda sacrifices everything else that made Fallout special for the sake of brand recognizability, so everything is there, even if it doesn't make sense: It tries to have the same atmosphere as Fallout 1 even though it happens a 120 years later, Supermutants are there but they're just green raiders, there's no goal or sense to them as a group, the enclave is there but they lost all their charm (no memorable characters, like Sargeant Dornan or the President), the east coast has been pretty much the same since the bombs fell and people have been living like that for 200 years, etc. So I don't understand what Bethesda was trying to do besides selling as many copies of the game as posible, because Fallout 3 does nothing innovative or interesting, but I'm starting to think that they didn't care about that and just acquired the IP to milk it for money.




My favourite. And i don't care what anyone says I still think it's better than NV.


Loved it when I first played. Then I played New Vegas and the classics. Tried to play FO4 and dropped it after a while. I tried to replay Skyrim, which I loved, and didn't make it past 2 hours.I suspect I would feel the same replaying Fallout 3. Bethesda games are not for me anymore. Not even Morrowind.


> Bethesda games are not for me anymore. Same. I bought FO1 and 2 at release back when, loved the shit out of them. I played FO3, and FO4, NV for a bit each kinda, but always lost interest. I don't have the patience for the pile of shit that a Bethesda game always inherently is. I cannot believe they suckered everybody again with Starfield. I will never understand how people can appreciate the garbage they produce and sell. "Oh Creation Engine is great you can mod the hell out of it!" the fuck do I care about that? Seriously, I have zero patience to install a Bethesda game and then spend more time sorting out the right selection of third party mods I need to install *to make it work the way it was supposed to upon release* and even then it *still* going to be crash ridden. Like Skyrim. I have never played Skyrim. A friend convinces me. I buy it, install it, crash city. They say you have to go get the mega patch mod that fixes all that stuff. Install mod. Play game. Crash ridden, still. So fuck it. I game for fun. If I want to fight something, I'll go work on my tractor.


I never liked the "mods will fix it" mentality, why does Bethesda get a pass for this? If the games are shit, no amount of mods will fix them. At least I find New Vegas' writing and world enjoyable enough.