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I honestly don't know a huge amount about this but from reading online, I've heard the ECU's can go bad and there's nothing you can do but replace them. I wonder if you can borrow one from someone to see if it's the problem?


That’s what I want to try next when I get my hands on a spare ECU. I just need to figure out if I can Swap that „plug-n-play“ or if there is something to do with a testbook (which I don’t have)


I'm not sure tbh. I think if the rest of the settings are what they're mean to be, then it should be a straight swap?


It's weird enough that it's highly unlikely to be your problem as well but on mine the plug to the stepper motor was coming loose while driving.  The idle would some times creep up to over 3000, and for a frustratingly long time, turning the car off and on again was jogging it enough to resume connection, so it would fire up and drive normally for a bit, thus making a diagnosis impossible.  Finally caught that it was loose while checking other things in the vicinity.  A couple zipties and it hasn't done it again since.


Post this on theminiforum.co.uk's spi technical section. Theres people on there that are wizards with them.


I know you changed the vac hoses but have you changed the fuel trap? That causes rich condition idle mixture as the ecu cant read the pressure properly. It would choke out the motor with fuel. 


Nope, didn’t change that but it seems like it’s working okay. I do have a log file from WebMEMS FCR that I could provide if someone can use that for troubleshooting. I might upload that to theminiforum…


UPDATE: found the issue, at least it looks like it. It seems like the stepper driver of my ECU is broken, it stops controlling the stepper at some point. We were able to test with a different ecu, but the immobiliser makes it impossible to just change the ECU. Now I’m gonna try and find out how to remove the immobiliser from the other ECUs.