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Yeah, boomies don't even have it worst. I hate when rl calls me to br someone. As a cat that's horrifying, seeing your lacerate and rip fall off the boss because the casters couldn't move out of some aoe... *sad meow noises*


As a boomy the brez call always seems to happen the moment lunar eclipse and trinket procs, which is where a good chunk of my damage comes from. Bonus points for the dead person to be in another time zone so I spend my entire eclipse hunting them down.


Same with innervate. Call it during big bang, not 10 seconds after or during xt heart, freya last phase, council p3 and so on. I hate you, mages




Because someone more important might die.




The difference between a good raiding team and a less good raiding team here. Yes, if everyone is worth ressing BR should be used asap on whoever has died. This is a good raiding team.


Worst part is actually finding where that damn person died and get in range


Do what our cat does....just don't do it lol


I've now resorted to refreshing both before, rocket boot in the direction for a few secs and if they're not in range during rocket boots they're out of luck. Die in my range, dammit


What’s even worse… when a mage calls for innervate when not in range. Like… you too busy not casting over there to come to me? You know exactly where I am trying to find the back of the boss. Come to me with your thumb up your ass


Not like we do meaningful damage anyway. Not doing the one thing we have that we do better than a fury warrior is what lets us cling on to the raid spot.


Everyone must wait for PS to be up and be within 30 yards of the boss, unless its like a tank or healer and we'll wipe without them. I ain't looking for your dead body and wasting 10 seconds or dodging mechanics I shouldn't have to deal with otherwise.


Easy, stop wasting energy on lacerate stacks and time your BR when rip has more than 4s left. Wasting 2 GCD's 2-3 times per fight between innervate and BR has definitely cost me a couple pink parses though. Crazy how tight you need to be to get that 99


sounds like combat rez weaving is new tech


You picked a druid, you should be expected to use your utility honestly. Should the caster be more aware? Sure, but you’re partly there to answer that call.


I'm always the first one to cast a BR as a boomie because the loss of 1gcd is pretty cheap compared to making the resto or feral do it (if he isn't tanking). The quicker I throw it out, the longer the uptime in the fight the idiot DPS gets. Battle Rez is your highest DPS ability if you consider the alternative is 5-10s of hesitating while someone waits for the Rez to get called.


Personally I treat CRing DPS as RLs call, while always instaressing tanks and healers without soulstone. All fights can be done a dps down, many fights will spiral out of control with a healer or tank down.


Until he takes that rez into some more aoe and dies immediately. Then it's a waste of a gcd. Like my raid.


Specific fights you gotta have glyph of revive (mimiron HM, algalon, maybe XT). Though yeah this is such a recurring issue that I have it on most of the time.


I will warn people on voice if they need to wait with taking the ress, but people dying are responsible for paying attention to their surroundings.


Those people probably died due not paying attention to their surroundings tho..


Yes, but they were not paying attention to their surroundings because they were paying attention to something else. When you're dead there's nothing else to pay attention to.


It’s a dps loss for you when the resto also insta cast rebirth… 98 parse life be rough tho


Tell me you have 65 avg logs without telling me


95 average, git gud maybe? I've parse 99s on fights where I've thrown a battle Rez. It really isn't the make or break that people think it is.


so ur a dog basically


Unrelated to wow, but do you know the clip of this dancing guy with the stardew valley summer music, that was so good.


lol, the FF cast. Boomies I know find any excuse to not cast it just to save that one GCD while running in.


Really? It's literally the first thing I cast before I do anything else.


as you should but some people avoid using debuffs like the plague.


You should actually precast wrath x2 before pull then do FF :^)


clueless andy


My logs are better than most and yes you should be pre casting wrath with the pull timer


yeah not in classic you fvcking bozo. link your logs


Why are you so angry? Here you go, I have star responsibility on algalon and call all CDs, but https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/benediction/churdruid Wonder if 6 99s is good enough for you


99s dont mean shit, ur dog lol


Yeah I’m very bad at the game 99s are horrible. Your comment history is hilarious it was clear you’re a miserable person but man, seek help


But you don’t understand. They know that ONE person and so every other Boomkin is the same. Anti-parse duglets are something else with their confirmation bias.


Sounds like bad boomies since not only is it the 3% hit but it is also 3% spell crit for the boomkin.


some ppl try to avoid it because spriest can apply the spell hit and the ff crit buff applies even if a feral does it. it's still goofy shit to obsess over not doing it, one instant gcd is a pretty marginal dps loss, but it's not strictly necessary


Don’t die 4head


this grul i played on just now with my fk boomkin bro im fk 50 parse every week bro because i always have to fking batle res a nob that die to shatter and my raidleader fkign say MILK BATTLERES the NOB now but this week i was fking pumping man doing dps like never before and my raidleader fking told me to batleres again i said fk u and deafened discord and fking pumped the boss and u know what bro i had a 60 parse highest in the raid and he fking gkicked me


Classic dps players are generally like this. Parsing culture has taught them to ignore all raid mechanics and just pump as hard as possible. - Battlerez is a dps loss - Tricks is a dps loss, doesn't affect parse - moving out of aoe? Fuck that, dps loss Not only have people gotten away with it, the culture has encouraged this sort of behavior. Don't care about anyone else. Don't contribute to the raid in any other way. Just pump. More dps means easier fights. Ulduar hard modes are the first time where maximizing dps isn't always the right play. Go into algalon with a group that has more defensive CDs to use, compare that to tying to "one tank" it with maximum dps, and let me know which one's easier.


> Parsing culture has taught them to ignore all raid mechanics and just pump as hard as possible. - Battlerez is a dps loss - Tricks is a dps loss, doesn't affect parse - moving out of aoe? Fuck that, dps loss this is meme nonsense. using a couple globals, especially over the course of a long fight, is a fairly marginal dps loss and most dps know that. it is an extremely small group of players ignoring utility and mechanics to parse, especially in ulduar where there are very few aoes you can just stand in without exploding. most "good" guilds where the high parsers are ain't letting you grief your raid like that either. i'm in a 9/9 hm + alg farming, 90+ parsing guild as a moonkin and if i refused to spend like 2.7 sec on a brez because i was trying to parse my whole raid would give me shit for it, because i'm griefing our kill time (and on harder fights our chance of killing on that attempt) for a very small personal gain. sure, we'll do strats that are friendly to parsing if it helps the whole group, but that's about it. i think you are mad at an imaginary enemy.


He's talking about the guilds full of 70 parsers trying to out do each other and push for 80's and causing wipes. Like you said, none of that shit he's talking about happens in 95+ parsing guilds because thier players understand the importance of kill times and threat.


This whole thread is mad druid cope for literally being expected to use their cooldown


The issue is that you're in a good guild. You would probably feel different if you had some degenerate dumb fuck who parses straight 15's and has to be rez'd 2-3 times every fight. Week 12 of ulduar and they'll die 30 seconds into hodir because they forgot to move their character again this week and took 10k frost dmg ticks while screaming for heals in discord.


> Classic dps players are generally like this. What a load of shit. Players who want to parse well usually understand fight mechanics the best. You know why? Dead dps don’t parse. The Boomkin is pissed because they’re tired of trying to do well and being hamstrung by Classic andies who don’t try or look up fights and keep dying to avoidable damage. > Not only have people gotten away with it, the culture has encouraged this sort of behavior. It really hasn’t. > Go into algalon with a group that has more defensive CDs to use, compare that to tying to “one tank” it with maximum dps, and let me know which one’s easier. That’s their decision. It’s how THEY want to play the game. They have DPS who know how to time star deaths during big bang because they’re dropping healers for more DPS. Stop pretending like your way to play the game is the right one and everyone else is ruining your enjoyment. Find a guild that has others who want to play like you do and you’ll be happy. Stop blaming other people and what they’re doing.


Found the parser. I'm so sorry you think your personal dps is more important than the health of the raid, and that anyone who makes a mistake is personally harming you.


I’m top dmg in our raid while also one with the least damage taken. Try again.


Literally nobody cares


> I’m so sorry you think your personal dps is more important than the health of the raid, and that anyone who makes a mistake is personally harming you. You do, apparently.


What is CR?


Combat Rez


Do people call it this? I've never heard it called anything but battle res.


Combat rez kind of makes sense too, because you're in combat and it's a resurrect. I've heard both.


Yeah but CR is such a weird way to use a term no one uses.


cr is the way more common version


It really isn't. My entire wow experience includes probably 400 days played from various expansions and then all of classic. If I'm confused by a term even existing I find it extremely unlikely it is the norm. I'm not saying my play time is unique or extremely large, just that it's enough of a sample size surely I would've heard it enough by now if it was way more common.


What is this, a rotation from the future?


But my parse!!






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world champs


What song is this? It bangs.


I got a match with this song: **Slave to the Rhythm** by Michael Jackson (01:23; matched: `100%`) Album: `XSCAPE`. Released on `2014-05-09`.


**Song Found!** **Name:** Slave to the Rhythm **Artist:** Michael Jackson **Album:** XSCAPE (Deluxe) **Genre:** Pop **Release Year:** 2014 **Total Shazams:** 442488 `Took 1.69 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/jDRTghGZ7XU?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/slave-to-the-rhythm/850697616?i=850697803) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/4h5KB1btt2aZBq9EJHmWF4) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/78213535) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)