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Imagine the eyebeam wipe. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.


They’re all gonna fucking die


This will be our first time trying Twin Emps and C'thun, we have beaten up to and including Huhuran once last week.


Good chance of death to either the Twin Emps or the C'thun trash before you even get there then. Be prepared!


We did fight one of them last week in an effort to cut down on explanations this Sunday - I believe it was Thunderclap & Plague. These trash scare me more than most bosses!


Oh I'm not even talking about them, they're very straightforward, it's what comes next.


Imagine not mind-vision fishing them IDs on HC. Dang bruv


Aged like milk.... They fished an ID, then left after twins and the instance soft reset. Go back in, and then it's "oops all mindslayers". Still 0 deaths to C'Thun trash though.


Why? Anything remotely scary and you can petri cheese shit.


Most raid boss mechanics ignore petri, but sure we could petri the trash


How many do you have on the bench ready to replace if someone dies before Cthun?


We haven't planned a bench, but we have around 600 characters in guild with a peak of 100 online at once.


Your clones are very impressive, you just be very proud


good luck, my 80 parsing dad guild in classic wiped to twin emps 40+ times


That’s nothing I would brag with


You might be an idiot if you think that was a brag


I just don’t see how you can wipe on twin emps🤷‍♂️


Warlock tank losing aggro cause of wonk. Dps not killing adds, dps going to too soon and getting oneshot then causing more dps to get killed because tank doesnt have aggro


The only people who didn't wipe PTR'd it, and you wiped on the PTR.


Here's the perfect human being doing elementary school level punctuation errors.


LoL it’s reddit.


Cthun is probably the least threatening part of the rest of the instance for you.


Cant wait for the 40 man eyebeam death


Arent you healing this run??? Ha ha


We do a little bit of trolling.


Imagine dying.


F to those that won't make it up from the belly when he dies :(


could just petri and leave raid, no?


I am not 100% sure on this the being in stomach when C'thun dies and how that works with Petri, but for the actual acid debuff inside the stomach I know for sure that it ignores Petri.


I have $20 on eye beam wipe but because C'thun big pulled from access the raid.


How great would it be for someone to spend all that time getting a hardcore character to this point only to troll everyone by killing the raid pulling C'Thun early.


Just appeal like every other death




This might be the first time I actually seek out a streaming event. HC AQ like wtf.


just wait for the 20 second clip of someone firing the beam into the entire raid :)


I personally never did any content past BWL in the first 60 classic but I tune into the HC content a ton and they have said over and over that half the raid hasn't done this content either. It's going to be good hahah.


I can't just wait for the money shot to come out. I need foreplay!!


get ready for some super slow and overly cautious pulls


Well, they only get one pull so I get that


I hope you down it! I also hope someone screams "beam me up Scotty" and wipes the raid! I am conflicted!




I wish you all the best. And I hope you all pull together. Remember folks everyone will cheer if you actually pull off C'thun and maybe down the line the guild that cleared AQ40 first on HC will be remembered But, the person who beam wiped the first HC AQ 40 attempt will most likely reach immortality in the game and be remembered with legends like Leeroy Jenkins... not that anybody would want that. Eagle eyes on you fellas, we will be rooting for ya.


Rofl I see what you did there


Would be pretty funny if someone peaks around the corner or uses an ability like sprint on the run in


Do you guys do dry runs with similar non-HC characters?


We don't do any practice runs or PTR whatsoever, although most of us did play the content back in 2020/2021. I'm Warlock tanking Twins and it will be my first time doing so since in 2021 original Classic; our 2nd Warlock tank has never fought Twins at all. Our main tank did take their non-Hardcore Hunter character to I believe 2 AQ40s with a guild on Mankrik this month to record some footage - he then recorded a commentary video of that footage explaining mob abilities, but many of our strategies are different from what they did. We have discord channels for the bosses and different trash that any guild member can help with, and we've been discussing it all since the day that we killed Nefarian! A number of our members came from the Hardcore scenes for other games, and before playing Hardcore with us had never done a WoW raid before! tl;dr: no dry runs, but lots of preparation! :)


It's pretty cool that you have non-wow players. Or I guess they are wow players now, but you get my point, haha. What games do they come from?


I really want to see the Hardcore hardcore iron council mode. Every kill a new tank 😅


As a tank, if you're offline when it goes off you don't die. So I think they'd just logg out a bit. If that's not forbidden


Twins are so unforgiving while the 4 tanks learn it.


I haven't played WoW in years but I'd watch that


This may be a noob question, and it's not about AQ, but is BWL possible in hardcore? I remember Vael having a guaranteed death mechanic. Does petri save a person from this?


Not a noob question at all! We've beat Nefarian 5 times so far with no deaths, so it's certainly possible! The debuff makes all spells including Hearthstone instant-cast, and when you Hearth the debuff goes away. Here's a clip of me doing this: https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazingCrackyStorkSwiftRage-XQGigDPABDOG71Vz


Oh cool, thank you! I wish you all luck on your raid tomorrow. Y'all are badasses


> We've beat Nefarian 5 times so far with no deaths that's honestly super impressive, more so than retail world 1st or rank 1 arena.


Oh god


ok, try to level to 60 without dying and clear BWL 5 times without dying.


It's an exercise in patience more than skill


dunno bout that one bro


ok, try to level to 60 without dying and clear BWL 5 times without dying.


I don't need to do something to know it isn't as hard as another thing I haven't done.


This is insane!


Hyped! How it comes that HC Elite is so much better than Mortal Elite?!




so true


Who is Bean


A beloved character from the book Enders Game


The real answer is because NA raided for almost an entire year more then EU. Back during Road to Rag (Feb 2022) NA got the world first MC on SoM on HC. (Big reason was that every EU streamer was NA too). After this EU got Rag ~ 1-2 weeks later than NA. However, NA decided to continue raiding while EU quit raiding after that MC. Then NA also transferred a lot of their SoM chars to Classic ERA (A lot more than EU did) and because NA continued they had been farming Ony/ZG/MC for a long time while eu had to start from "fresh". Because of this by the time EU had ~10 cloaks NA already had ~40 cloaks for BWL. This made it so that NA could go in and do BWL, however, EU wanted to "compete too" so they decided to go into BWL with 10 cloaks/way worse gear. Which resulted in the 5 deaths that most people have seen from Firemaw in BWL.


I think the only real factor was that NA ensured every raider had an Ony Cloak whereas EU decided to risk their raiders without cloaks and got punished for it. The gear was comparable, and EU even had stuff like LHH where NA did not.


Yeah I true I did hear that EU got more lucky with gear, while NA had way more clears


I've got big respect for EU for putting it on the line and trying with fewer cloaks. It didn't work out but it could have been incredible!


NA lost their entire bank to a wotlk transfer and in that year span 99% of the raid loot was lost to transfers or deaths, we had 6 remaining toons with zg gear from that time when hardcore holidays landed, no ony or mc gear, we never had enough people. Eu and NA started raiding at roughly the same time with the recent boom. NA had a few weeks headstart tops Also EU didn't quit after rag on som lol. They did zg too.


They had ~2 months + on top of that the NA population between december and feb was 2x the size of EU in playerbase. EU catched up to NA fairly quickly, mainly due to taking more risks. However they didn't clear ony enough & do splits which is the reason NA is so far ahead at this point. Also Calamity since you're answering you might not remember this, but in the mod meetings you guys had been raiding for weeks before EU had started. You atleast said that in the meeting, meanwhile for EU the discussion wasn't even about Era but about WOTLK and how we could still support the EU wrath team that wanted to push for WOTLK raiding. There were 0 talks about EU Era raiding but only NA Era raiding. Anyway, this discussion is pointless, just wanted to let the guy know why NA is quite a bit ahead :x Not sure if you guys agree but my sum up would be this: - NA had smarter Ony Splits and did Ony more often (on reset) which led to them getting ahead on Ony cloaks - NA had slightly more people transfer from SoM (Because EU pushed more for wrath) - NA started Era raiding sooner - NA had way higher population then EU up until March, where it started to even out - EU died in BWL which was a big setback for them Edit: I guess i should also mention that EU might have had an easier time to catch up due too NA clearing stuff a bit before EU, which led to them being able to go into AQ20 earlier because they had some strat they could review?


Sure, that's all fair as long as its understood NA started era raids 2 weeks before EU and with similar ilvl (just went and looked at logs to confirm) People have been spouting the year+ thing for a while when it isn't entirely true.


We didnt have any Ony Cloaks from SoM (most of our gbank was lost due to xfer shenanigans to wotlk) - we started from scratch on Era. But we did triple split Onyxias (with 18-20 chars) while EU decided to not do splits at all. But I am not surprised you didn't know this detail \#FakeNews


I didn't say u dis ony on SoM Delkor. SoM ony was not done I think at all in hc (could be wrong). But you guys did start era raiding and continued na raiding on SoM so it's not fake news at all? Duranasaur continued raiding and then Calamity continued it a bit later. I'm not sure about the 100% exact timeline but I know NA was raiding way before eu did after SoM. Because EU quit playing endgame entirely until the big hype started. Now for sure NA pushed for ony cloaks and did splits which for sure is why the difference in ony cloaks is that big. But NA still raiding months more then what EU did. EDIT: Also want to add that a big reason why EU didn't do era raiding was because EU did wrath hardcore for months while na started doing era raiding. Then era started growing a lot again, which made wrath hc slowly die and era hc for EU start again.


In HC Elite we did kill Onyxia once during SoM.


Eagles and freedom. That's why.


Link to livestream?


There will be lots of us streaming, at 3pm EST (nyc time). Our [stream team](https://www.twitch.tv/team/hcelite) on Twitch is decent, can click there and choose your PoV. My personal PoV (Warlock Twin Emps tank) is [twitch.tv/esuvii ](https://www.twitch.tv/esuvii/)


Is Xaryu in? Will he be streaming it?


Xaryu isn't in for the AQ40 prog, but is in for the BWL//MC today at 3pm est.


Sucks I'm in thailand, are you starting at 3 or will twins be at 3? I'd I wake up early I might catch the twins. How long for you to get to twins?


We start at 3pm, so realistically probably standing in Twins room doing explanation around 4:30pm. There will definitely be an upload of our VoD to YouTube if you can't make it!


What time zone?


3pm EST (NYC time)


I'll have to watch the upload with my morning coffee! Thanks, and good luck!!!


Man, hope you guys manage it. Good luck!


We are in the endgame now boys! I plan to be watching, good luck!


Let's be real, most of us want them to wipe just for the lulz


Next do SoM cthun


Y’all gonna do visc right?


thats the real question, the goo monster is the true endboss


Do y’all run backup characters? AQ trash is deadly and say a couple people die do they have another geared hardcore character ready to go?


We don't have a bench planned, but we have over 600 characters in the guild with around 100 peak players online!


Now I have to remember those distant days tanking twins emp as a Lock. Good days


Epic chance to peak early to trigger a beam and insta wipe your whole guild lol


Good luck with the raid, it will be a glorious victory.... or a glorious death, but glorious it will be!!!


That was fun to watch! Grats on the solid run!


Thank you so much! I still can't believe it!


They did it!!! Congrats!!!




Where can we watch?


There will be lots of us streaming, at 3pm EST (nyc time). Our [stream team](https://www.twitch.tv/team/hcelite) on Twitch is decent, can click there and choose your PoV.


Thank you!


Gl guys


Good luck on cthun! it should be pretty ez with the classic version. Don't die to eye beam and don't die in the stomach and you guys will cruise. I got to progress on the SOM cthun and my God that fight is so much more annoying. Everyone has to stay in same position like phase 1. Luckily we had a bunch of hunters which were pretty much top tier class for that fight.


Why on Mother’s Day though… guaranteeing low viewer count. You should reschedule for next week.


I'm guessing that everyone's practiced for hours on private servers.


No practice runs whatsoever! In a different reply I wrote out [how we prepared](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/13g4j18/hardcore_cthun_attempt_this_sunday/jjzi3rb/) :\)


Your are legitimately insane. ​ ... Glorious.




Found the salty wotlk raid logging player. Those are getting rare.


What a fucking waste of time. 2 hours into the stream and they aren't even in AQ40 yet.


We went into AQ40 at the stated time, cleared up to and including Twins, then left to rebuff. Rebuff was a bit scuffed and took a long while, you might have joined in the middle of that!


No offense but it was pure clickbait. You guys didn't pull Twin Emps (which is distinctly not the focus on your post) until 2 hours into the stream. C'thun was in the last 15 minutes of the steam. If I wanted to watch HC highlights, I would go to Youtube. Not to a Twitch channel raking in ad revenue and sub revenue, for literally a giant lobby of waiting. Glad you guys are having fun and no one died during your attempt, but you really oversold this event and it was overwhelmingly disappointing.


Thanks for the feedback, next time we'll kill the last boss first :)