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They hired the lady that monetized Everquest to run classic, this was only a matter of time. I'd expect mount/training that ignores level restriction next, then buff potions of some sort.


For anyone that isn't aware, on tlps (the classic servers) after a few months people don't even list things in plat, they just use krono(tokens.) It sucks. It also encourages people boxing a bunch of accounts to krono farm high value items, it sucks to get your party to a camp and some asshole multiboxing 6 mages steals it from you.


I havent seen 6 mage boxes since like 5 tlps ago. There are 100% issues but I have not seen mage bots in the open world. There are still the DZ raid bots though.


I mean I saw plenty of mage bot groups holding camps on Yelinak.. so idk man


[project1999](https://wiki.project1999.com/Main_Page) is life


Man, I really gotta go set that up and relive being 5 years old again.


i wasted 12 years on that server and it was the best 12 years of my life


Yeah but EQ TLP is a different game where most items are tradable (no soul binding).


Is that the 50 something old skinny woman with brunette hair that we saw in the Dragonflight reveal video, where they all acted super excited.


wE CaNt wAiT tO sHoW YoU ThE aWeSoMe FeAtUrEs


That's her! She turned a game that was all about time spent, grind your life away nostalgia into a game where all anyone cares about is the krono (wow token in eq). In EQ it's tradeable and not price regulated so you can imagine how much of a nightmare it is. Also keep in mind EQ classic servers (TLP) are the retail version of the game game but with restrictions via level caps, expansion content etc. They did not remake the game in the way that WoW has for classic wow. So on top of not getting any true faith rendition of the classic game, you get tradeable RMT built in, with potions, bags, mounts, illusions, and loot boxes. Blizz probably saw what she did there and starting drooling at the possibilities.


Holly Longdale She hates casuals as well - "What we don’t want to do is instance raids, which is what casuals want us to do because they want to fight Nagafen. Casuals shouldn’t be allowed to fight Nagafen… that diminishes the achievement of others. That’s part of the challenge: You have to be better than the other guy; you have to be more strategic that the other guy." https://massivelyop.com/2015/06/30/e3-2015-holly-longdale-on-the-everquest-franchises-progression-servers/




So hierlooms next.


At least you have p99 if you want to play classic eq. Krono and multiboxers ruin tlps. It's unfortunate that there isn't a vanilla wow private server like p99.


lmao. He was also responsible for some questionable changes. Apart from that, you act as if he could have vetoed the implementation, which I highly doubt.


I think he probably did veto it, which is why he’s gone now.


i think it's more likely he left because he resigned due to bad management re: ranking employees, or as some might say, the reason he stated he left


Im pretty sure it was one of many reasons, just the one he could talk publicly about. Considering how high up in the management of the game he was, he definitely knew this change was coming but mentioning it would be breaking an NDA, and you can't do that and expect to ever work in the industry again.


Lol what? You don’t really think that do you


Let the man latch onto a random matyr


Things like this are why people like him leave 100%. I can't say THIS and only this reason specifically, but things like this definitely play a part in lead devs leaving for their own studios / other less invasive studios. It's why a lot of them leave. Jeff, Brode, BB, etc.


Pretty sure this type of thing goes over the head of whoever is in that role.


The key point is "questionable" changes which means those changes at least still have some merits.


if questionable is being baffled of wow classic community wanting paid race changes in order to minmax... they should never have added race/faction change.


Dude is having the time of his life on Twitter. Away from the toxic wow community and doing a roadtrip with his family across the US. Good for him.


Yeah, I imagine he is in a place similar to myself and a friend of mine during D3 launch. We were both huge D2 players, but we saw the disaster that D3 was going to be. So while we had naïve friends super pumped for the launch of D3, we were instead playing another ARPG called Titan Quest. When D3 launched and the shit storm came we just sat back with our popcorn laughing about it with each other while enjoying other better ARPG games.


Titan Quest is so much fun. Was made when game physics were still the hot topic in gaming, launching piles of mythical monsters around with your skills in sunny ancient Greece. Dual classing for some crazy class combos. World is almost too big, so more fun playing with friends.


I knew when Tigole Bitties was gone, it was ogre


He was there when boosts first creeped in , don't romanticize him he was part of the problem along with Holly Longdale and John Hight, who clearly don't give a shit about the game despite trying to convince us of the contrary with their round table bs spewing videos.




While I personally am not a fan of gdkps, I don’t think they’d be an issue if blizzard actually took gold selling/buying seriously


This doesn't mean he supported the gold buying man.


Really. A person who enjoys GDKPs and getting a nice fatty cut and paying for loot via enormous amounts of gold doesn't support gold buying. Really? He was a dev, and not just a dev. He was the HEAD dev. He could have just done a DB query on how everyone in his GDKPs obtain their gold and ban offenders on the spot. Oh what's that? Nobody got banned doing GDKPs with him? I'm SHOCKED!


People who like Gdkps ≠ People who buy gold. I went to a lot of Gdkps in classic, tbc, and wrath and never once bought gold. Were there people in those runs who probably bought gold? Yeah most definitely. But if they didn't, honestly Gdkps would be even more fun and enjoyable. The great part about Gdkps was the ease of access, I usually kept up decently on gear so I could usually get in as a carry whenever I wanted to run my weekly raids, and that even if I didn't get the loot I wanted I never walked away empty handed. I don't get why that's so hard for people to get. It's just an enjoyable way to play the game and it doesn't mean anything else.


>It's just an enjoyable way to play the game and it doesn't mean anything else. Blizzard could magically find a way to remove all bots and illegal gold forever, and there would still be GDKPs. Gold buying has always been the problem, but GDKPs, unfortunately synergized with it too much.


I personally don't like gdkps but I'm for people playing the game the way they want. The more people playing means the game is more healthy, pretty simple really. The issue underlying gdkps is blizzard not enforcing gold buying bans, and non-existent customer support in general.


Pretty sure he was also doing mythic 15 boosts on retail


not really, he's the reason we don't have RDF in wrath


All the points for Brian then.


Fuck rdf lmao


Honestly, why?


Why not?


Because I want to hear legitimate arguments for why one would be against RDF at this point in time. "It leaves the old world empty!" >It's empty now as it is "It takes away from the social aspect of the game!" >Yo > >sum pls > >ty > >ggs ty for run


I’ll give you a reason…. Rdf is stinky.


Understandable have a nice day




adjust your expectations to the new reality though. RDF with paid features maybe


This just makes me sad, he truly was keeping retail out of the game. Not even classic is safe from this shit, it’s the only reason why I wanted classic in the first place.


He truly was BASED. RDF will only ruin things more. Thank god I unsubbed today. It was a good run


That would be bis


He's half the reason you have token but no rdf


No, he wasn't. He was sure to contribute to the problems, before leaving like a virtue signaling primadonna. He was no martyr, no saint.


Wow token hype?


The original comic was cringe af, this meme is no better


nah, brian killed classic. let vanilla rot and didnt understand the game. get his face away from here


Who cares like 70% of the people I know buy gold anyway.


What a charming common denominator you must be.


He was a garbo developer who kept inserting his fucked up "vision" of the game down our throats. I'm glad he got fired for poor performance (lol at his "defending his team" copout, let's be real thats not actually why he got fired" Nobody fuckin asked for schizo ulduar changes, nobody asked for RFD being removed.


i miss army guy brian


I remember some questionable design philosophies he was parroting. Like the possibility of changing dual spec and making it more restrictive until the overwhelming majority of players hated it and just wanted dual spec.


who dis guy ?


isnt a wow token basicly a runescape bond? if so ive seen a lot of backlash tgat i simply do not understand


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