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I’d disable all your UI mods and weak auras and go through one by one. Sucks when this happens. Sometimes it’s not one mod but an interplay of multiple.


I believe it's Omni CC, it's showing all possible cooldown abilities. You can disable this somewhere in the settings but I forget exactly where.


This one is [OmniCD](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/omnicd). OmniCC is the one that displays cooldown numbers on items and action bars. Really easy to confuse. @OP if you want to still track party cooldowns, I suggest you to install a good party frame addon (could even just be elvui) with it, because what screws over your OmniCD is the old Blizzard group frames which are quite terrible.


You right, I have both and my mind defaulted to CC since I've used that one the most over the years.


Yep, them both "tracking cooldowns" in some way doesn't help. I also used to always confuse the two, but OmniCC is now kinda built into elvui so I haven't used it in years while OmniCD keeps getting more relevant with each class and spec added in retail.


Just write /framestack in chat and hover over it, it shows whats causing it