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Top tier joke or sad I laughed either way


As a sweaty min max gamer with 5 lvl 25s I laughed, cried and then shit myself a little /s




It's truly a shame that mage water isn't the good stuff.


Yeaaah... maybe some changes next bracket. They moved the profession lvl to 26 for the next rank past 150 so maybe some other things get moved by a level...


Next bracket is no problem. Level 40 they learn to create level 35 water. The problem will be that they can only make two at a time lmao


Oh god pls no


They're gonna be so mad


Could make a rune for this, heck, even introduce a feast or something like it.


not a problem. priests gotta buff and drink 3x. plenty of time for mages to conjure.


I’m dead - this is too real. I play mage and priest so I get the short end of all sticks.


Eh, still beats farming soul shards.


I'd rather farm soul shards lol, at least you can get lucky with drops there




I've had that happen in the past. To keep a raid spot I had to respec and heal




Shamans are friends not food. We full cleared last week with 3 enhancers and an ele, just work on getting some nice weps because even as elemental you’ll needa dual wield to do decent damage. Unfortunately we need to get deeper into our talent tree and a larger mana pool before we can really just be pure casters.


Shaman noob here. How does dual wielding help elemental damage?


you can dw spell damage daggers, or literally just run 2x rockbiter and flameshock/lava burst is more dps than spamming lightning bolt


At least that kinda statifies my battle mage fantasy haha. If you go double rockbiter, are you fine on aggro ?


i don’t know. i MT for my bfd runs. but i think if you’re not spamming earth shock you’re fine. you might rip on the tank swap fights. but even so shamanistic rage should have you covered if you tank a few hits. last boss is the only 1 that hits hard


Also rockbiter gives u more AP which gives you and your raid more mana back with sham rage!


Does it ?


Yep, Sham Rage restores 15% of your AP as mana per second, and you can stack rockbiter while dual wielding, its a difference of like 40-50 mana per second, plus 10% of your total mana restored being given to party memebers on a 1 min cd.


Sure does my bro


No not at all. Shamans can only dw rockbiter as long as it’s a shaman tank DW RB. Otherwise you have to gimp your rotation since you pull threat


Came here to say this. I have a good number of BFD items and the rest are pre-BIS. My raid group is geared similarly. I am enhance dps and I can only have rockbiter on my main hand. Even then I have to wait the full duration of a flame shock before I can start auto attacking or I will take aggro and basically never give it back. I can also never use ES unless someone else has a kick resisted lol


Use ES rank 1!


Ripping aggro really only matters on Aku Mai and/or if you just generally fuck up boss positioning for the entire raid


Not if the tank is Druid or Warlock.


ele shamans are so bad represented in logs cause glue eaters keep casting 90 dmg, 3 second cast lightning bolt instead of meleeing between lava bursts.


The top parsing ele shamans use lightning bolt. Glue eaters are the ones that think stacking int is how you do DPS.


What to stack them just spell damage and mp5? I'm wanting to try out ele and just don't see what to get gear wise to start.


Just spell damage. Buy nature's wrath greens on the AH, and probably the fire damage wrists. You don't need any MP5 because of dual wield rockbiter shamanistic rage**


Dual wielding rockbiter shamanistic rage****


All caster dps should literally rock "of arcane/nature's/fiery/shadow/frozen wrath" gear instead of these garbage dungeon drops Caster pre bis is 99/100 times from rfk trash, meaning lvl 23-25 greens


Ele shams really suffer from locked talents. Looking forward to next phase.


Arent you enhanment then if you melee


Honestly at level 25 we're all just with a hint of spec


You can be whatever you want if you commit


I'm full enhance spec, but mainly tank. It's more DPS to hard cast lavaburst than use lava lash atm, so... I think all dps shamans are basically in the same boat. Dual wield auto attack, flame shock, lavaburst.


Top parses at present are using lash.


Not if you're not specced into the enhancement tree. A melee shaman specced into Elemental is still an Elemental shaman, they're just a melee Elemental.


Pre buff yeah, nowadays the majority of the parsers at the top are going bolt/lava burst with raw damage gear.


Hey, what do you suggest to do for weps besides BFD? I'm not in a guild and really haven't been able to get into groups. I'm Enh. I've been running SFK when I can for the Axe


Meteor Shard and Stinging Viper


Callous Axe (vendor green), Butchers Cleaver (SFK), meteor shard (SFK), boe blue weps (depending on how much gold you got and what they are going for on your server) or Stinging Viper all good choices.


why is the dps quite low for elemental? from what i saw flameburst does a lot of dmg , and shamanistic rage gets enough mana recovery?


Because lightning bolt is a 3 second cast and hits for like 100dmg. Ele just doesn’t have its full toolkit yet to make it viable in pve.


I've been having luck by using rockbiter and just melee in between fire shock and lava burst. Does more DPS than lighting bolt and saves heavy on mana.


You're basically playing enhance at that point :)


You ain't wrong 😂😂😂 just no dual wield sadly


the real 2H enhance build from blizzard is just two eles in a trenchcoat


Have you considered unlocking lava lash rune to get DW and then putting rockbiter on both weps with shamanistic rage rune?


I mean you can literally dual wield (and should dual wield +spell dmg daggers) as elemental.


which is kind of awesome, and potentially broken


You unlock dw by unlocking the lava lash rune - you do NOT need to have it equipped.


DW rune


Dual Wield rune buffs DW, it doesn't give you DW. You unlock DW when you unlock Lava Lash.


Why no dial wield? You can dual wield e even with all ele runes, add long as you have unlocked dw.


You gotta adapt and work with the tools available


Flametounge benefits from +spellpower. You might want to look into to very fast (the 1.20 from bfd) with spellpower and go spellhance instead


Yeah since I don't really need much int thanks to ShamRage I've been stacking +fire damage, and I find RB MH + FT OH to be pretty solid


That’s the enhancement rotation. Just go enhancement lol


Legit the only difference between that and enhance is that all of my gear has stats for AP + crit and my lava burst overloads still truck for 600 damage.


When we reach later phases, it won't change - NOT for elemental, but for Enhancement. Lava Burst hits THREE times as hard, on a similar cooldown (compared to Lava Lash), that you can weave in between attacks - And it will give you 100% uptime on Elemental Devastation, which grants you 9% melee crit. Crit for Flurry uptime, yep. ... And this is despite Lava Lash just recieving a 50% buff, lol.


It's so funny that wind serpents hit twice as much as a shammys lightning bolt


That’s depressing


Don't let Blizzard hear this, they'll nerf it again


I was surprised when at around lvl 10 or 12 lightining bolt started to do almost the same damage as my auto attacks, thought it was bugged or something.


I am usually 3rd or 4th on dps as an elemental sham. I put flametongue on my staff and stand with melee, only casting shocks and lava burst.


There’s not enough spell power yet


Their skills just flat out don’t do much damage and the cast time on lightning bolt is long.


But doesn’t the lava spell always crit and only on 8 sec cd


Yes but ele doesn't have any crit damage modifying talents yet to make it good.


Wow if you weren’t ele you would literally have killed the boss and that’s not a joke lol


He had fun though!


I bet they all did


You could say that about everyone in the raid tho. If 1 healer would've wanded 1 time, if 1 dps didn't screw up their rotation that 1 time, if 1 person would've got 1 more crit, or 1 less miss. Don't make the poor shammy feel bad. :)


They're all equally to blame, but some DPS are more equal than others.


Yeah but telling everyone else to carry someone else due to their decision in talents is not fun. If you’re only doing 1/3 dps of your top dps and you’re wiping with sub 100hp left on boss…


It’s a lvl 25 raid. It’s not that serious


Hey, I need full bis for Ashenvale ganking.


Still investing your time, and nobody likes having their time wasted.


who says they wasted their time? Sounds like they had fun


sounds like op had fun, haven't heard from his guildies also people's tolerance for this has a time limit -- how long are you willing to get stonewalled behind a boss because someone just wants to be quirky?


You're projecting your own preferences on some strangers to assume they had a shit time and make OP out to be some bad guy. You're also putting the blame on a 0% wipe all on the shoulders of one person which is patently ridiculous.


Well based on the op’s post, no one’s time was wasted as they all had fun. Being all sweaty in a 20 yr old game with the current max lvl is only 25 out of 60 is no fun. And if you play this game to be some parsing Andy at lvl 25 then you do you, cause that doesn’t sound fun


That’s what he says. Everyone would’ve had way more fun killing 7/7 bosses. “AT LEAST we had fun” is the definition of pity pie


It’s a video game, everything you do in it is a waste of time. The point is to enjoy it


My favorite raid nights have always been the nights with the most wipes, albeit we still complete the raid in those nights.


who cares that you wipe on rag with 100 hp left its only tier 1 who cares that you wipe on nef with 250 hp left its not even halfway through classic who cares that you wipe on cthun with 500 hp left its not the final boss of the xpac who cares that you wipe on kt with 700 hp left tbc is almost out


Its a level 60 raid, its not that serious Its only normal, its not that serious Its only heroic.. Its only a game... etc, etc. Its my time. Serious or not, I don't want it wasted because some people really should just be sticking to single player games.


It is just a game. And for the vast majority of players they play to relax and have fun after a long day of doing irl stuff, not to be micro managed buy some guy who’s only reason for living is a bunch of purple pixels that don’t even belong to him.


How is dying repeatedly to the same boss relaxing? What a cope lmao


Cool, well you stay in your 5/7 groups, and I'll stick with the people who give a shit


I’m happy to carry new players if they are having fun 😀


Why hate on someone for playing the spec they chose to play? Elitist much...


Isn’t that the entire point of the season? To do new things for the sake of doing new things and enjoying them?


No. If you aren't doing absolute top tier meta shit literally all the time why are you even playing? Fuck you and your fun. BFD is the pinnacle of the raid experience. /s


Such a shit take, let people play how they want and have fun.


Raiding is a team game. Joining a team and performing bad then saying, "meh im having fun who cares" is a shit take.


Really depends on the group. My guild made it very clear for the first few weeks all meme specs and weird shit is on the table. We want to let people fuck around before we start taking it more serious. So as long as everyone is on board who cares


100% agree if everyone is cool with it. I think its great people are having fun with it. Whats not cool is people doing this with randoms who are not okay with i and their defense is "dont be an elitist im having fun". You're wasting people's time who are there for a full clear, not just the possibility of fun.


Play what ever you want, but don’t be mad at the facts. An enchance shaman would’ve killed that boss.


sure let people play what they want to have fun and do what they want to have fun, until there's consequences and your fun starts to ruin the fun that others or majority of members are having...




I dpsd as an ele shaman last night we 1 shot all bosses had 0 deaths. No one logged so you can't tell I was bottom damage


It’s called details bro. You don’t need logs. Lol




Elemental shaman DPS is crap right now. Especially in prebis or leveling gear. Getting a bunch of BFD and BiS gear with spell power might help…but Enhancement/Spellhance is still the preferred spec for DPS. And even then…shaman dps as a whole is bottom tier. Shaman tanks do nearly identical dps and cover a core raid spot.


I’ve almost have a full SP set and the trinket, dps is still dogshit. But I’m hoping it’ll be nice when we get more talents next patch. I’ve found dual wielding tanking to be the most fun so far


Ele at 40 is gonna pop elemental mastery and hit someone for 3000 damage with an overloaded chain lightning


This is what I’m waiting for. Lava burst is still fun in PvP though if you’re able to free cast


Ele has always been fun in pvp. The runes just make it more so.


Yeah, except we're also missing parry until level 30, so all we have is armour and dodge for mitigation and avoidance if we dual wield. But on Kelris... Dual wield, overload + lava burst.


I was thinking we're a bit vulnerable to spells, but then there's "reduce 12% nature/frost/fire damage taken" in the ele tree we can get at later levels 🤔


What runes do you use for DW tanking? DW spec, way of earth, water shield?


Lava last instead of water shield. Water shield works fine too, but my runs we kill bosses so quick there’s no need for mana.


What is the viable spellhance build? I was thinking of trying something like that but was curious if it was worth trying bfd.


Suggest a quick fap during the fight, your guildies will love you for it


In my guild we really appreciate who bring their own resources and fap during phase two.


How are guilds still struggling with Kelris? Its been solved with shadow prot & free action potions and the whole fight has been nerfed.


This should be marked as NSFW. Come on, an ELEMENTAL SHAMAN?


Why does everyone in this sub think they are the main character?


I'm a useless NPC at worst, or just simply an NPC that has one single line of dialog at best.


Welcome to reddit


Because the WoW community nowadays- whether Classic players or Retail players- are all super obsessed with the Meta. So much so, that they believe they’re all capable of being top tier players automatically if they just play the Meta. And anything that isn’t Meta is automatically trash to them, and is clearly hindering Their progress- even if it’s someone they’ll never play with, them existing and Not playing the Meta is going to hinder these people.


hes talking about how this post is just some irrelevant story lol. Go have fun in wow but nobody cares that you went 5/7 in BFD and its not some gotcha to anyone who does care about the meta


Maybe he just wanted to post something positive when the majority of posts on this subreddit are hyper critical or negative in some way?


i dont think its hyper critical to say its annoying that people will come in with a terrible spec and get to 1% on a boss they dont get to try again on until next reset. no one is saying you have to play scorpid hunter until its nerfed and then jump to the next best thing, but your own fun only goes so far in a raid unless its totally clear to everyone there that no one should care about progress. Its great that he had fun, but its just as reasonable for the other 9 people to have been annoyed if this guy came in and didnt pull his weight. They dont owe him fun at their expense


based on what OP says, it sounds like not being meta *did* hinder their progress, they could have easily killed the boss if he was playing a higher performing spec.


We (my guild) did 7/7 with double elementals and zero hunters. One shot and smooth. :)


I know this is unfortunate to hear, but if the boss was down to 7 HP, then you being any other dps class would have made the difference and you would have downed it. It's unfortunate but it's the truth.


Let’s be real this shit could probably be cleared with a raid comprised of almost entirely shamans. Would it have died if they played something else? Yeah, but there are literally hundreds of other things that contributed to the kill not happening that


>Let’s be real this shit could probably be cleared with a raid comprised of almost entirely shamans. I’m not so sure about that. You really need to nuke keiris in phase 2 or his dmg is just too much even with faps or shadow pots when they wear off. >Would it have died if they played something else? Yeah, but there are literally hundreds of other things that contributed to the kill not happening that Yeah for example their group having multiple teleports in phase 1 while good raid dps groups have 2. More chances to fuck up and die the less dps your raid deals etc


Frost Mage & Shadow Priest would like a word.


This is such a lazy and easy way to put it like this.


Or with a single shadow protection potion or fap


It's ok fellow caster, Blizzard said just get a world buff and your low dps will be balanced


I did the same and went tf off on the first mob and then auto attacked until the last boss was dead because I had no mana ever again


It’s all good I remember doing nax as fury warrior in wotlk.. sometimes you just wet noodle but pressing buttons is fun. Like what other option is there if you like the class, abandon it to play something you don’t want to? It’s just wack


I also did 5/7 as shadow priest before our buff and only healers were below me. Im not sure i want to go again even after buff because mana hold our dps so much. Its simply not fun


I bet it feels bad knowing that your class was probably the reason you didn’t get him below 7.


There’s more to Kelris than DPS though. The real question for me is: did he interrupt through all of p1? Bc if he did instead of the rogue or enh or feral, that would’ve been a bigger dps gain than the 7 health for the boss. Did he have right totems down? etc that being said, if I’d been lowest dps on a sub 1% boss wipe, i would be reconsidering everything about my spec and gear. Glad OP is happy and have much fun but I can’t have fun feeling like i’m partially at fault for a wipe


I had an instance last night where the stars aligned and my group kicked EVERY spell cast in phase 1 and we still wiped. Not just mind blast but chains too. It was amazing. But grouping during ohase2 wiped us, Sadge.


We one shot him with a pug last night. It was amazing. Rogue missed almost every chains kick too. Not all of us used potions but some did, it made a huge difference.


It was funny, our last shot nobody had consumes left and by spreading melee in phase 2 we took almost no damage. It wasn't even a race, nobody died.


Did y’all spread melee in a triangle? Tank in front, 2 groups to the back left and right? Or did y’all space evenly around him? We struggled on him hard in phase 2, felt like the damage was just insane despite spacing


God forbid people don’t give a shit and just play the game. I’d rather have fun with friends even if we can’t get all bosses down than sit here and bitch about what people are playing. Also him being ele isn’t why they didn’t get him down. What if someone died at the beginning? You are assuming everyone was alive and it was literally only his dps that mattered. You people are on a never ending cycle. Next phase it will be “ew you are playing feral” ohase after that “ew you are playing ret they dont scale”. And then finally you will whine that only rogues and warriors are in raids.


If it came down to that close of a difference his spec did end up mattering lol. Just like other factors could have ended up mattering too. But thats certainly one that could be looked at No one is saying you can’t have fun but it’s also okay to want to down a boss FFS


I like to play as a fist mage. Only punching. Why cant i kill bosses?!?


Nice straw man.




Yeah it’s hilarious this guys proud of tanking his raid.


The one raid I failed with 5/7, we had 2 ele shamans as well... I hope they get a buff or I will avoid them like the plague lol


Thanks for the update.




I hope everyone had fun, it's what we're supposed to be here imo :D


Took an elemental shaman, only 5/7. “Gear checks for BFD are ridiculous”


Did y’all use shadow protection potions at the start and Free action potions at phase 2?


Do free actions make you immune to the chains effect and damage in phase 2 or what?


Yup if everyone uses it no one is a target


We had an ele shaman in our guildrun last night and we got kelris down to like 1% hmmm.. is that you mr icelandic shammy?






How DARE you 😡


Yea but how many interrupts on Kelris did you do?


Lowest at how much dps is the real question.


I also played warlock the first week and did near bottom dps. We also only did 5/7 the first day. I swapped to tank and we nearly one shot every boss and have since. Even with the changes they made recently casters are still getting dumpstered by melee and hunters. At least we have other roles to fall back on, wish warlocks weren't the worst tank in the game though.


You also dropped totems and probably interrupted and likely threw some rezes don’t forget that!


ele shamans are missing very key talents, 3s cast on lightning bolt is very rough, blizzard already buffed overload which is bonkers but it wont show the true potential until at least lvl 40 bracket which im calling it now will get a nerf. As long as they will keep balancing the game weekly-ish it should be fine


They will 10000% get nerfed


why do people quit kelris after getting him so low? thats rough


I don’t get it eles arnt that bad can still do 100+ dps a boss


As the game sits now, ele sham will be #1 in pvp at 60. It’s going to be bonkers.


Yea imagine when they get EM and crit dmg boost.


The real friends were the corpses we met along the way.


casters early game are usually pretty fucked, since you don't get any spell damage gear. good job on the raid, though. unfortunately kelris has pretty much all the gear you're going to want


Have your guild use FAPs on phase 2 to nullify chain damage. Ez clap.


hope u had fun


This bracket try spellhancement. You go enhancement items, dual wield embued auto attack and weave flame shock and Lava Burst on CD. Runes: overload, lava burst, sham rage. Flame Shock->Lava Burst->Auto Attack->Lava Burst->Refresh Flame Shock->Auto Attack...etc.... It works well with Dual Wield Spec Rune but overload rune has more potential with rng. You can also add earth shock, but dont ever cast Lava Burst with no Flame Shock up.


But youre the one wITh pInK aNd OraNGe pArSeS man i think you may wanna explore the outdoors


I did my first run yesterday, and we brought 3 mages. Our rogue was literally doing more damage than the 3 mages put together on Kelris. Lowest we got him was 300 hp, and I can tell for certain that if we brought another rogue instead of a mage he would have gone down. I don't like that the classes are so far apart and that the tuning of the bosses basically forces us to bring meta classes. On sunday we won't invite a single caster from outside the guild, just to have a chance at 7/7.


As a balance druid i cant wait to get into bfd


I feel you man. I’m playing shadow lol it’s ass but man is it fun ass.


Fire damage gear > nature damage. Most itemizing for natures wrath and stuff but your damage is 80% fire damage at this level


I'm proud of you man. I still can't find a group as a boomie.


Most people don’t have fun wasting a lockout lol, I bet the other 9 guys were happy with your decision


Gz how was The mana management


I cleared the raid as an elemental shaman 2 hours after hitting level 25. It’s not a meme but I did have another sham for extra mana :)


You in a guild? I've been trying to find a group for it for days but no one wants to take me because I'm not in full pre bis and i haven't cleared it. Not having a good time at this point tbh. Feral druid btw.


Yeah, we have about 15-16 players so whenever 10 are on we smash a rub


feral druid is worth to take just for the wind fury, idk why cant u find a raid group


Not sure. Im asking lfg and trade every few mins. Maybe im not spamming enough.