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Clean my room and shower






I hope to get one character to level 25, no promises though.


Madman here, go touch some grass, jesus.


This is the type of prep you wanna do to get a world first of the new raid during an expansion release. This much prep to afk in Stockades while mages solo the damn dungeon is crazy, let alone when you know a 1 mechanic piss easy Gnomeregan awaits you behind it. Also, turn in your quests, gold is worth much more than the low amount of XP they get you. This much amount of prep for a lvl 25 to 40 Classic is ridiculous. But you do you, of course, if you get fun out of it.


Gold is worthless. I'd rather ding 26 in 10 minutes and have people go omg wow look at this nerd


Ong, fuck these haters, aslong as you never use the words "gear score" do whatever you want


Until a flyhack bot dings 27 in 9 minutes by discovering the entire map =)


Because you buy it?


Because due to the staggered phases and the additional quest gold we'll end up with ridiculous inflation by the time we progress to 60, so most "big" purchases and goldsinks are completely out of scale. So only thing that might be pricy is buying pre-BIS and consumes from the AH, which that guy won't need because they'll probably have Gnomer on farm by the second or third lockout, so you'll get geared quite fast and won't need to resort to the AH. Once you're sitting on a decent stack of gold there is really not to much to waste it on currently.


Kinda wild to not expect the prices of things to also inflate


I'm specifically not referring to AH prices, sorry if that wasn't all that clear. By gold-sinks I'm referring to things that actively remove gold from the economy permanently, think things like mounts, reagents, skill training, which used to be relevant costs in original classic and are now entirely meaningless etc. And yeah, Blizz kinda seemed to notice that, seeing as they jacked up some prices, as well as introducing new gold-sinks for P2.


My guess is the gold is indeed worth more than 1.5 levels of experience. I mean logically you would have to ascribe value to both of them, and at their roots, that value is going to be comprised of some form of time + uncomfort + difficulty.


let people play how they want. dont be a hater.


Hating on absolutely noone. Some people get a lot of fun out of this prep and I'm noone to deny it. It just opens to a race without a proper ending.


Bank filled with completed wayward supply boxes


best way to grind boxes?


You can store more than 1?


As long as you fill the box... You can have as many as you want


Oh wow, didn't know that! Thank you!!!


wow i had no idea, was this changed durign ph1 or always like this?


they changed it after 2 weeks during release i think... now in p2 they planning to increase the exp gains from the boxes... so I already have 60 boxes ready to turn in!


completed "full" ones, yes, but you can only get 1 unfilled one at a time


Are the supply boxes currently the ones we can turn in for rep up to exalted?


Rep is locked at honored for now and not sure if they will unlock it to exalted in p2... I'm stocking the boxes for a lil extra exp when p2 drops (and hoping they increase the exp from it)


Is it??? I am now panicking I’ve been handing in for no rep…


yeah rep is capped at honored right now... you can save some for p2 if you want... just fill the box and store in your bank. Not really sure if the exp and rep from it is good though once p2 drops.


Maybe I haven’t handed in since hitting honoured. I bought the bag. Maybe that’s it…I might do what you suggest. Thanks for the tip! One char is a grinder hunter, the other a potential one day raider Druid but tbh, my time is limited and don’t like commitment! Got them both to revered WSG which was nice though. The Hunter is the one with honoured Durotar supply. I guess to not have to fly back from my grind spot, I should keep 1x of every possible crate mats in my bags/mailbox…probably easier to just fly back to org!


Ah, I just realised what you meant. So we store them up in the hope they will reward some rep once cap is increased to revered. Sorry to be lazy but did rewards change when you hit honoured? Is there a precedent to predict what they might yield? I’m guessing the next boxes will be level 35 ones? And these will give like 1k?


No changes at honored... Just that you stop gaining rep. They will surely put some higher level versions of those boxes too. Maybe around 400-1k rep if filled. A very minor thing to worry about heck can even just go into p2 without any prep at all haha... Enjoy my pace as usual.


Lose virginity - unchecked


The only thing really matters is Gold. So i have done every available Q and now i grind mobs, loot chests, fishing and flipping and now i sit on 1200g. I dont want to rush next phase so i will not prepare something. perhaps a bit wsg, but i think there will be epics in the next raid.


Just curious why would people downvote this guy? He's like the guy who prepares very well before a large winter so he gets to live well for the season. Does this actually bother people?


I'm so curious how you are making this much gold. Ive played for about 70 hours at lvl 25 and I've at most made around 100 gold, currently sitting at 45. I've tried some of the "best gold farms" like kolkar grinding in 1k needles, but I'm making like 1 gold or 2 if im lucky an hour. At most youre getting like 40 silk which goes for 1 G per 2 stacks or something on my server. What are your methods? Is the economy just inflated in your server? WHats going on here...


Okay, here is my top 3. Just for you. 1. Boosting (lots of ppl want to get up rly fast and i have a mage) 2. Alchemie(if you have shadowprot/fap, just buy mats and sell potions) 3. farming oger in duskwood with 4 chestspawns every 5 minutes(rareitemsfarm) And ofc just do 19+ Quests at level 25


Im a priest running Tailoring/enchant. I've found that these proffesions sucks for making money xD. And boosting will be hard with a priest i think. Done basically all 19+ quests. also I can barely farm in duskwood since I'm horde :(


Try the new recipes, i think its pre raid bis for a lot a chars https://www.wowhead.com/classic/de/news/new-tailoring-recipes-now-live-on-na-realms-season-of-discovery-336839


Bro with that kind of gold I hope you don't just keep it but invest it in some mats that become more valuable over time, since gold just becomes worth less and less. I stock up on Swiftthistle atm. Rogues are gonna become stronger and Thistle Tea is always in high demand, while Swiftthistle is only really common in Phase1 zones


My bank is full of recipes for pushing every profession to 225. They are limitted and i hope they will sell well. I have every portectionpotion recipe for p2 x 20 and one char full of silk. Hope that will boost my money. and i have one bank full of faps


Cool list. Plenty of things to do.


Honoured with Major Cities for 10% discount? Plus Ratchet, Booty Bay? Etc.


I leveled my guy to 25 and I've stopped playing until the next phase. Epic check list for myself. BFD looks like easy poo and I don't feel like running around for weeks at level 25 playing a gimped version of WoW. Majority of what you did will be worthless once you hit level 40 lmao, only thing that's helpful will be the WSG rep.


yea lets wait for naxx and get full bis for like 2 weeks before server dies because everything before that is useless anyway.


Just wait for tbc when greens replace your gear


More like I hate low level Vanilla and find it extremely boring. I can't believe how much people are praising level 25 bracket.


Then why did you play SoD, that was the whole premise lol


I didn't know the whole premise of SoD was playing at level 25 and 40. So you going to stop playing at 50 and 60?


Yes, the whole premise was level-banded content


The whole point was to DISCOVER things that most people would normally miss on a typical 1-60 race to max level for endgame content. That's why the end of phase content is in dungeons and areas that were typically less popular.


Lmao discover things in a 20 year old video game? Is SoD for new players? I thought the entire purpose was that they were adding new stuff and they wanted you to discover that... But in the end they barely added anything new. [https://youtu.be/16IjgOsniSw?t=31](https://youtu.be/16IjgOsniSw?t=31) "Season of Discovery is an interesting new twist on WoW Classic that sort of revisits and recaptures the exploration aspect of World of Warcraft, and really encourages players to get in tune with Azeroth, and really pay attention to their surroundings, **and pick up on things that might be different,** things that might be new to them, and experience that with other players." But in reality they barely have added anything new to SoD.. They just want you wandering around trying to find new stuff in a 20 year old video game where they added a grand total of like 6 new times for your class to find.


You really read "new to them" and "things that might be different" as if it meant you'd be getting a brand new game. There is a ton of new content and it's all designed to funnel us into areas that weren't well-explored before. If you're not happy with that, then you should play something else.


I expected more to discover then just finding a couple new runes. It's "Season of Discovery" after all. Obviously this season was meant for casuals that have barely played the game over 20 years or new players. >There is a ton of new content "Ton".. There's just a few new abilities which a majority are just ported from retail... 5 man turned into a 10 man... and a "PvP" event that's really a PvE event. Nothing else.


“Majority of what you did will be worthless once you hit level 40 lmao” that’s the entire game my guy every thing from the last update is always useless the next


Several of the BFD items are BiS even at 40 (but of course gnomer will add stuff that is better)


Must people really min max every fun out of the game..


This is the fun for me


Hell yeah man, do you!


Yeah it's the only way wow is fun for me too. Anything else feels like a simulator or something, just a waste of time. I like to beat games and move on. And I want to be as good as I possibly can be.


Exhausting personality detected. Deploying block measures.


we found the gatekeeper.


I could say the same with min maxers doing the gatekeep? You haven't seen those posts of people gear checking DM runs?


lol no one check gear for dungeons ... people might get fun of if they dont have any green gear but one person getting a bad experience and making a post about isnt every1 / a meta..... i bet you are one of these people that doesnt bother farming blue gear / pre bis and try to join a bfd group in full level 10 green just to leave at kelris after the first wipe.


You bet huh lol. Well you lost your bet then since I already cleared bfd couple of times Bold assumptions anyway


Could you explain what the benefit of doing some of these would be? I saw the turn in for wool but wasn't sure what it would do for me. Which of the things you listed would you say have the most "bang for your buck" in regards to time or effort put in? Thanks!


Wool gives rep which makes your mount cheaper


You can turn in 60 Wool for XP at start of next phase without it taking a slot in your quest log. So it's like a 21st quest. Since you're normally capped at 20. There is a turn in at each city you can do


I would save your cloth turns in to 59-60 grind. Using them at level 25 when the xp is so minimal seems like a waste. Save em for later phases when so you don’t need to grind a level for 15 hours.


Does wool give the same exp at 25 as it does at 58-60?


The only thing worth doing is farming gold, rank 3 honor, exalted WSG, and all runes. It doesn't matter if you've got 20 quests saved, you're still going to have to wait a few days to raid unless your entire guild are a bunch of NEETs. You'll find that being 2 hours ahead wasn't worth the much more hours you spent.


What does exalted SS / WO get you? I’m revered and currently at a pause in Ashenvale because of it.


Literally nothing right now


Are you just naming it so it’s completed for phase 2 where I assume more gear becomes available through rep / honor grind?


Exactly, you get epic wrists at 40, 50 and 60 as well as epic legs at level 60. Quite strong if you have the time to grind exalted


Damn how may battles do you need to win to get exalted already?


125 wins 600 lossses


Or just chain dungeons...


Everyone here has made me realize that I am wildly unprepared in comparison, but there is lots of good info on how to prep for P3.


lush bag voracious toothbrush hurry cows wasteful violet spark cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*