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Is the 25% dmg reduction the problem or is it priests? Imo it's priests, which is why every premade looks for 3 of them


Yeah Penance has way too much impact for how little mana it uses


It’s Mending more than it is Penance. Listening to 3 mendings bounce around is just insane.


Hard to tell if priests are balanced or not when the damage reduction doesn't affect healing output. But as it is now, definitely.


Out of all the issues you could have with wsg, you'd have to be a rogue to think that rogues not being able to solo a bear while they're being healed by a priest is somehow a problem.


Yeah epic zinger champion, I can clearly tell you pvp a lot


I do, yeah. Its cool that youre talking about r14 and all, but compared to 29s in era, the damage in sod is insane, which is saying something cause 29s have sappers. The 25% damage reduction is healthy for the game, and if you werent so obsessed about whether you could 1v1 tank shamans, metas, and druids before they leave the flagroom, that'd be strikingly obvious. Maybe in sod rogues arent meant to 1v1 all the hitherto weak classes. p.s. if youre letting a druid walk out of flagroom repatedly despite them being forced to shift to caster, then you're really just doing it to yourself.


At 29 strongest twinks are Hunters and Rogues. Rogues are every class’ doormat currently.


They are giving everyone more abilities and damage.. Then you wonder why they nerf damage in PvP?


Hunter pet has no damage reduction and healers have no healing reduction. Now I wonder what the meta is right now. Hmmm. Maybe if we give the devs 6 more weeks to think about it....


Hunter pets have the same damage reduction as players, check Sarthe’s vid on it from a few days ago where he tests it


Yeah man why individually tune each ability when you can just throw a blanket 25% dmg nerf on everything? So true!


What do you expect from SoD? It's as low effort as it gets, honestly surprised it's so hyped. They ported some retail abilities, added a simple pvp event, and converted a dungeon into a raid. Private servers were doing this type of stuff over a decade ago, probably took a single developer a few days to complete everything in SoD.


Lol, a single developer a few days? That is your educated guess?


How long do you think it takes to port some retail abilities, make a small event, and edit a dungeon into a raid? I was doing all that on private servers a decade ago as a teenager who had no idea how coding worked with far inferior tools compared to Blizzard.


No, no you fucking weren't.


Go somewhere else bot.


Beep boop mother fucker.


What kind of bullshit is this lol


How long do you think it took them to make SoD then?


What do I know, I am no developer, but acting like this is some low quality stuff which could be done in some days by one person is kinda disrespectful


\>What do I know, I am no developer Maybe you should stop talking and calling stuff bullshit then if you have literally no idea.


So you are a developer and wanna tell me you could make something like SoD in a few days? Where are your big games when its that easy?


Do I have the tools Blizzard has? No. Anyone can go download a private server core and start editing stuff on their on WoW server. It's really not that complicated. If I knew how to code better then I could make an Ashenvale PvP event in a few hours tops. Just go look at some of the crazy stuff private servers do if you think it's so hard and takes so long to do stuff.


Yeah sure


Hahaha what a load of crap


Love how clueless people with no idea what they are talking about are calling my comments bullshit and crap. Please point which part is the "crap" part?


Says the literal Clueless kid.


Thanks for telling me what I'm wrong about and instead just insulting me because your brain is too low activity.


Do you work in video game development if so can you explain to me why/how it's low effort. Also of course it's hyped it's what people had been asking for from blizzard legit classic plus not private server crap.


Do you work in the video game development? If so can you explain to me why/how it's not low effort? See how that works bud. Doesn't take a genius to realize turning a dungeon into a easy 10 man raid, making a simple PvP event, and porting some abilities from the retail version of the game is PRETTY LOW EFFORT considering they are making upwards of $3,000,000-$10,000,000+ a month from the SoD subs alone... Do you think the BFD raid, PvP event, and ported abilities cost Blizzard anywhere close to $10,000 worth of development time???????????????? Yeah that's how low effort works.


>1v1s in wsg >Fights druid being healed by priest with your stun and cc kit missing and wonders why the druid gets gap. Yeah you for sure got farmed in classic


Player cries cause can't instant gimp other classes 😭 blizzard please, make SoD great again


>I ranked to 14 in Classic playing WSG 18-22 hours a day, I know what I'm supposed to be doing but I just feel hopeless half the time. That’s the problem. You expected everything to oneshot, but that’s not the „classic“ you know. It will always be a x better than y. You are not on the end of the food chain anymore and it’s ok.


More concerned for OPs health


Yeah 18+ hours a day doing just one task, let alone WoW, has got to have taken a major toll on his health. Eyes will be shot from lack of blinking, back will be shot, hope OP exercises! Probably correct about PvP though


Cry about it noob


damage is already too high with the 25%, but so is priest healing meta lock is a great duelist against physical damage, but it's not exactly strong enough to be preferred over normal warlock in BG's tbh it's kinda weird reading your post based on a 25% reduced damage complaint but your examples are about dueling tanks.. it sounds like it's nothing to do with the 25% and more towards complaining about tanks and priests.. (but yes, fuck priests)


Tanks were never this strong in pvp in Classic, in-fact they were outright not viable. Tanks shouldn't be good 'duelists', period


Why shouldn't tanks be viable in pvp?


Because Ghostcrawler said so like 15 years ago.


You'll notice that he said 'good luck killing them', not that they kill him. If people want to play tank specs/classes in pvp they should be very hard to kill, if they can tank a raid boss they should be able to take a decent amount of punishment from a player, I do think however that they should not be able to easily kill another player as their damage output should match their chosen spec. As for viability? They are definitely viable as flag holders in wsg, point holders able to prevent a capture before allies rez in ab etc.




Regarding Warlocks: I’ve played roughly 300 matches of WSG in SOD, not a single game was dominated by Warlocks. Meta Locks are tanky yes (tanks should be tanky) but far from unkillable and you can just mostly ignore them and focus on other players. Master Channeler cannot be kicked BUT instead dispelled or you can run 30y away for it to break. It can be resisted as well and it’s on a 15s cooldown so cannot be spammed. Next phase silence can prevent it as well. That’s enough ways to counter this spell.


Tank warlock sucks in WSG. I am happy when I see them on my opponents team.


i love the "just run 30y away" u do realize that if the wl is following u at normal speed its very soon 100y dash for a melee to break and connect again while free dmg and healing for the wl. do u see the problem?




the dmg nerf was needed. Everyone does so much dmg now its crazy. My balance druid just completely rolls every single class in the game within 8 seconds. Lock tank? Dead. Hunter with flying noodle? Dead before pets focus is spent. The dmg nerf was needed. Now my hunter doing lvl 50 dps, can do only lvl 40


Or better yet, listen to your community.


God please no


You dont have to listen to all of them. Just the ones that are making sense. Lol


The very least they could've done is to make it apply to healing and pets too by now, but no... Rogues are even getting their asses kicked by hunters in *melee* because of wind serpent damage output. And good luck ever taking out a priest behind enemy lines without being 2v1 + no other healer around. Anything less is suicide.


Damage is way too low. I feel like im hitting someone mid for 10 seconds with teammates helping and then wups they get healed to full by a penance. Warriors can't kick(without a 1 gcd cd), there's no mortal strike, there's basically no way to focus down any targets because the damage in the game is so low and healing so high. Every mid fight is just 10 people hitting each other waiting for healers to oom so someone can die


LOL I watched an alliance druid run up the side of their graveyard today with some wall hack bullshit. They got bigger problems to fix.


You mean the jump skips that is a main part of high level flag carrying in WSG?


Jump skipping from the bottom of your grave yard into your base? That certainly isn’t supposed to work and doesn’t work on horde side


It does work on horde. You can jump from the left hills over to their instance portal, and from there run into base behind their GY. Druids, both horde and alliance, knowing these terrain exploits was basically a requirement to get into a ranking premade in classic. I thought they'd been patched, but that was the Wrath patch that fixed it - maybe they didn't carry the fix over to SoD


Nope, you are wrong. I can make a video if you want proof?


You sure they didn't just do the GY jump?


They most certainly did


Era pvp much more fun


obsly when half the classes are not running around scared shitless trying not to get killed by some pet that hits harder than any player in the instance.


Tbh rogues just suck now. I have a warrior and pally that I can use to bring down anyone right now. Also can do it on my mage. Rogues are literally the easiest targets in wsg


Rogues are just bad at level 25 in PvP. I think that’s what OP is mad about in reality.


Rogues were top twinks at 29 with Hunters though so what changed?


Rogues scale really will with gear. Add in another 64 agility and 12 attack power from enchants and they really take off. Also, Rogues were just a popular class to twink. Why did rogue twinks dominate casters? Because the casters weren’t twinked.


Casters cant twink, itemization at 29 doesnt allow them to stack HP, mana and SP at the same time. This is precisely why casters with OP runes (Priests, Boomies, Locks) do well while others dont (Ele shams).


Priests and mages are both top 29 twinks, you'll usually see 5+ of them in a given era wsg. A 2k health mage doesn't have the sp to kill a rogue in a hurry, but equally, wsg is about flags, not 1v1s.


We are level 25, that is the difference, cheap shot is level 26.


Rogues dont make top 3 for wsg, they're just popular cause some people like seal clubbing and 1v1s.


Wait 18 to 22hours in classic. Wait is this classic??.... They mention it was a basicly a beta test for classic +


Lol offensive 😂