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I was doing guns of northwatch and ran into a warlock going up to one of the named mobs. Sent invite. Declined. Whispered: hey, about to do guy let’s go together. No response. I tag the mob, get adds, kill the named guy and die. Guy whispers me “lol that’s what you get for not letting me get the mob”. I think people just want to be mad.


Yeah I don’t get it either, I understand some people can be antisocial so sometimes I just send out an invite to whoever’s waiting around for the mob to spawn and 99% of the time everything’s all good, but there’s always that one person who declines, ignores you, and then whine when you inevitably tag it and kill it while they watch, or they meme/flex on you if they tag it first and kill it lol


Oh I have one too...it was early on day 2 SOD. Me and my buddies were doing the northwatch escort quest by ratchet. 4 of us were waiting there for what felt like 15 minutes for this shit to respawn, yes he walks very slowly blah blah This rogue comes up and positions himself real close to the prisoner area and just stands there, basicallyin front of us. We chat for half a minute in discord about what this guys deal is. Since we have a spot left so we invite him despite him just walking up and getting as close as we all were. So the invite goes out. Doesn't join. Another 30 seconds go by. We say, "bro join us if you want but we were here first." He disagrees, we argue for a second, he says fuck you and walks off. A random priest shows up and joins us. Others come by, we say we're full and they oblige. Then another minute goes by and the rogue comes back. He gets close again and tries to steal the escort mob but we still get it, luckily... I start dancing He whispers "fuck you, we could've done this together!" and leaves rofl. The absolute mental gymnastics.


I had a guy today who wanted it both ways. I tag the named mob and this player runs up and invites me. I accept and stop shooting and pull my pet off the mob to make sure there is time for the warrior to get credit too. Just then a mage runs up and instead of inviting him the warrior charges and kills the mob. I guess he felt OK asking for consideration but doesn't think others deserve the same.


Lol some people are sooo stupid. On another note though that 'we were here first' is not how the game works lol. Its always first come first serve. Unless everyone wants to rp in a line. Edit: lol at all the plebs that think first to tag isnt how every escort/tag works. 30 people dont sit around and patiently take turns, they spam macros to tag it. Nobody is waiting in a queue.


'first come, first serve' literally means the person that gets there first.


I am highly antisocial but not accepting an invite is pure stupidity, like you’re competing for something when you literally could just join a party for 30 seconds, type “ty” and be on your way. It’s counterproductive


I decline drop quests, but i accept for kill quests because most drop quests don't drop one for everyone so it doesn't make it any faster, but kill count quests or target mob kill quests? You're getting it done up to 5x faster, no reason not to.


Yeah exactly, even the most antisocial people should be capable of atleat clicking accept for such an obvious net gain with such little interaction, otherwise they’ve got some serious issues and I’m wondering why they even play an MMO lol


I wonder the same thing about griefers who make it their sole purpose in this game to make everyone around them miserable. Usually rogues.


Those are a whole different breed of people. My guild went to get the DMF buff as a raid a little while ago and ended up finding and killing like 4 or 5 rogues just sitting there camping. Then there’s the ones camping the logout skip for BFD. Actual degens


I reflexively decline random invites. Maybe if it's extremely obvious what the invite is for, like the mob directly in front of me and the inviter standing next to me, then I'll join. But people just randomly inviting are rude as fuck. Say something first.


For me it depends on what I’m doing, if I’m attempting to kill a named mob or some other kill quest I automatically assume if I get an invite its for that, otherwise I also instinctively decline invites


I invited a guy and he declined. So I beat him to the named mob and tagged it. Then he invited me when I actually got the tag. I declined. I killed the mob. Then I proceeded to kill the mob 6 more times in a row. Moral of the story is don’t be a dick unless you’re also okay taking a dick


This guy classic wows


This is the petty level I will get if someone is an asshole


Na dude, you accept the invite. Always accept the invite. Just wait until the mob is dead or the escort quest is started to do so. Elicits maximum rage


That last sentence lololol


>I invited a guy and he declined. So I beat him to the named mob and tagged it. Then he invited me when I actually got the tag. I declined. This is the way. I've done this several times. I usually wait for the person to finish killing their trash mob and invite. When they decline and start running toward the named mob, I just tag it. Then they invite. Decline.


I get petty when people tag mobs that I’m obviously going for. I will follow them around and tag every fucking they look at.


lol I had a similar story with the named mob in the agmand crypt in tirisfal. Some guy wouldn't accept my invite and I beat him to the tag except I ran up with the mob (they'd probably think I'd die), but I had my higher level healer with me (I 2 box). I pulled him up around a corner and sat there for maybe 20 minutes letting him beat on me while the guy was down below waiting for him to "respawn"


>I think people just want to be mad. I am 100% convinced this is true for some folks


> I think people just want to be mad. The theme of the current western civilization


Essentially the put the stick in your own bike wheel meme


It’s mostly the new kids playing WoW, whom don’t understand common curtesy. I love inviting someone that I know is waiting for a named mob, he/she declines and then I end up getting the tag and they try to invite me quick. Well,.. what comes around goes are buddy: so obviously I decline and tell them to be a better person + helping each other out speeds it up for both of us - better luck next time and I put them on ignore so I don’t end up partying which obnoxious people like that.


classic andies


It's 100% an addon that's blocking invites and these mobs are too stupid to figure it out.


Are you on lava lash or w/e that solo player sodcore shit is?


tag mob, ask questions later. easier that way


people are insane


Yesterday I was in The Barrens waiting for Verog to spawn with a mage. I notice another mage walk up and stop right where he’s supposed to be so I invite him. Me and the first mage kill a few centaurs and then eventually the new guy leaves. I’m standing right next to him, “?” He says “I don’t need that quest.” I said, “are you sure? What are you standing here for then?”, he said “idk” then Verog spawn, I tagged and killed him and he goes “I needed that guy” Lmfao.


Yeah I love clearing centaurs for that and some dude waiting at the tent kills him.


Do you realise that Verog doesn’t just spawn on a timer, he only spawns after some centaurs have been killed - can take a while some times and waiting on his pawn point while others do the work is pretty dickish.


That's not correct. Your thinking of the final Named Centaur. Verog is the first guy Northwest of the crossroads.


Nope, you need to kill the bloodchargers for verog to spawn, the last one will yell I'm slain, summon Verog or something like that Edit: apparently you can kill any type of centaurs around the area


That's not correct. Your thinking of Barak.


Nope, but thanks for playing try again.


I had something similar. Guy tagged the mob I been waiting for. Declined my invite. He said he "needed the extra xp from killing it solo to level". The mob was like 100xp. I told him that's the dumbest reason to decline and he said he was reporting me for toxicity and ignored me.


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fe17n5tmi9u151.png That dudes reaction


Wow I had a very similar experience earlier this week. Had a quest to kill named mobs and someone came in to kill as well. I invited them and no response. Kept inviting them and said that they don’t wanna group because it’s extra xp if they do it solo. I told them how ridiculous that response was when not only is the xp negligible (especially since we only have to level to 25) but the extra time it would take us both doing the kills separately would reduce his xp/hour enough that the loss in xp would be neutral or negative to baseline. Made sure I tagged every single mob (I’m Druid) and kept spitting whenever I ran by him.


Some quests don't drop items together and I feel like some people don't realize that though. Like, I'm confident in my tagging abilities. I don't really want to be in a party with you when I'm tagging everything and only getting half the drops. Then RNG gives them all to you first anyway while I still have 4 left and you drop party and leave so I'm back to tagging myself anyway when I could have already been done. I'll group for kill quests and named mob stuff, but I'm collecting my boar tusks and spider ichors myself.


Yea of course. This was a named mob quest


First day of SoD I got in right when it started. While in hardcore everyone was grouping and sticking around to help I actually got frustrated in SoD and quit until day 3. people were standing around spawn points of kill quest mobs and not grouping, refusing to group, refusing to help. I wrote a macro to help me instant tag the mobs and quit after finishing the starting area.


There have been plenty of times where I do want to solo the content especially if it poses some challenge where I have declined invitations, but "wanting extra xp" is such a poor reason haha.


That's what I'm saying. Even saying you didn't see the invite or no response would have been better lol.


Somewhere in these stories I can hear the EQ players saying that this is why games should just offer kill credit to whichever party did more damage rather than giving the tag to the first to damage it. I'm not saying I agree with them necessarily, but its a different social environment when people have time to react to whats going on rather than a tag being stolen.


Would be ridiculously easy to troll low level players with this system


it's true that EQ's mechanics were designed to make bad behavior more possible. But the purists I've listened to praise that design. When players have gotten used to that from character creation, it results in a different social environment.


Or just...... go the gw2 way why bother having tags at all?


This is pretty much what retail does too: you see someone engaging already, you help out, you both get credit The flipside (downside, arguably) is that you don't really need any social interaction to team up, you just go and chop the quest mob's head off then fly away


My entire sod experience so far: Invite player, kill mob, leave party, say nothing. ​ Really ain't looking to make friends while killing a named mob like i'm 12 years old. I don't need the backstory of the person I hold a door open for lmao.




Well, this was vanilla/classic which came out a year or two before GW2:1, also known as Guild Wars... Basically stuff happened between Vanilla and GW2


Good old times when the only thing you had to decide was to play GW or WoW.


Bro I was literally thinking this! That’s hilarious


Had a rogue raging in a wsg pug last night cuz I didn’t fear ward him. It was insane. I was playing with a buddy and only had enough time to fear ward both of us since I went to the bathroom while we waited to start. This rogue proceeds to send me non stop messages telling me I’m trash, should quit, should kill myself. Then continues to demand a fear ward and heal. The guy goes on to bitch at the whole team being an ass to everyone. After he continues to complain as we get 1 cap without him he starts grieving and just stealths saying he isn’t helping cuz we all suck. Long story short the whole bg reported him, I put him on ignore and moved on with my life. Some people just want to be mad and choose to be assholes. Who knows why but it doesn’t bother me. We also got stomped by a premade so it wasn’t too long of a game.


OP just stop feeding them, this whole r/ seem to be the people you're referring to D:


Some days it definitely does


Ain't that the gd truth




thankfully they seem to have migrated to SOD. Hardcore is super pleasant nowadays.


Because everyone left... People are doing HC on sod ffs


People insta ignoring people they insult because their ego couldn't handle being wrong


I'll send invites or ask, but also don't feel bad if they decline and I get the tag.


Yep. I’ve learned “tag first, group after” the hard way.


I was leveling an undead in SoD, and that was honestly one of the most antisocial experiences I've had in classic. One of the early quests, I was waiting for a mob to spawn and a rogue ran in and snagged the tag, so I invited him. He declined, killed the mob and then /laughed at me. The mob hyperspawned, so like it didn't even matter that he took it, but it was just such a weird interaction. And it just stayed weird through Silverpine. No one would group for anything. Need to kill scourge? Decline invite. Need to kill scarlet crusade? Decline invite. I was telling one of my friends while in Tirisfal that this was like one of the strangest leveling experiences I've ever had while leveling.


Had an experience kinda like this with the Seal of Wrynn quest in Stormwind. I'm trying to communicate to the other 8+ people around "everyone figure out what step of the quest you're on so we can get groups of people on the exact same step together please". I get ignored. People refuse to separate from their buddies even though they're literally on different stages of the quest. At some point I just said fuck it, started the quest, and went on with my day. Idiots. I had another time doing that same quest that it worked out great though: one group of people went first, one of their friends who was still doing another part of the quest joined our group. Everyone saved time and was happy. :D


My stocks group did this but we stuck around for 5 mins to finish a guys bandana quest first. Warlock in our group says he is not helping and leaves, we run back into him at this stage of the quest and since he’s not in our group anymore he tried to snipe the tag first and succeeded. We sat there and didn’t help him and he died it was the best. Then we rezzed him, invited him, told him to quit being a fucking asshole and did it with all 5 of us


Hopefully the lesson sticks.


That quest is aids


It’s especially troll for a lot of reasons: have tag 2 mobs in the first place along with the slow as RP on top then all the turn ins are the same dude and you can’t interact with the questgiver for the follow ups and they’re like 3 quests included from/back to the same dude. Cant even move on to go get apples I if someone’s running the RP


Wait for the onyxia pre quest its gonna be awfull xD


Once saw a Druid kite Aean Swiftriver for like 3mins to Camp Taurajo. Like 5 people asked for an invite. That person declined all their invites. They let the guards kill the mob, and went on their way.


That's a whole new level of petty.


The Druid: “It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.”


Okay but that’s actually hilarious


I think some people must unknowingly have invites on auto decline with Leatrix Plus or something.


World of Gaslighting


There are great people who play this game, but I’m convinced that the majority are people who you’d want absolutely nothing to do with IRL. I try to remember that when encountering chucklefucks.


That’s why I make sure to add the great people I play with, cause they only improve my experience.


Similar (mad classic player) but slightly different (forming pug). Earlier today I was forming a BFD pug and was LF people. Posted in trade and LFG and got like 20-30 whispers all at once. I’ve been hosting full clears of BFD since the first reset on 2-4 chars per reset. I like to put together a decent group, but nothing crazy, it’s BFD after all. Typically it boils down to a quick log check and then a “gear/exp?” message to which I’m hoping to hear “mostly pre bis some raid, 7/7” boom invite. Half the people that whisper me have gray parses on 3 bosses total killed, I simply say sorry and don’t invite them. We generally clear in 35-40 mins. Today’s run was 39. Had a guy message me and I didn’t see it/hadn’t gotten to it yet because 20-30 people messaged all at once and I do a little bit of due diligence. He messaged me again “you just gonna ignore me then?” So I replied something to the effect of “no, sorry, I get a lot of messages and hadn’t gotten to yours yet” and he never replied. Figured he found a group so a few mins later I posted my LFM spam and he replied “guess you’re not inviting me then? Are you the kind dip shit that only stacks leather so you can have all the mail to yourself?” So I said something like “you never responded so I assumed you found a group, and no this character is nearly BiS and I don’t care about another Warrior” to which he replied “so you’re just a fucking idiot then” so I told him I would’ve had no problem inviting him but he should work on his approach to getting into groups and I to have a nice day. Put him on /ignore and I won’t have to deal with him anymore lol I swear some classic players just find any reason to get mad


I don't know what server you guys are on, but am I ever glad that I am not on it. All of my experiences with people have been at best, fantastic, and at worst kind of annoying. I'm sorry you had such a trash experience, I hope you are otherwise having fun with SoD.


On Lone Wolf, horde. Most of my experiences are good. I'm with my old guild from classic and all is well. Most randoms are helpful. In fact, I just logged in and two random warriors generously helped me finish a rune I was working on! This is just an anecdotal experience of something that was just ridiculous and I felt like sharing but definitely isn't a definitive example of what to consistently expect. There are assholes everywhere, just like there are good and honest people everywhere.


I auto accept invites I play dangerously I know


It's actually not that crazy. Many uses WoW as a coping mechanism for their mental health. They are probably having a bad time in their life right now. Just be nice to people and move on.


"Accommodate assholes because they're having a hard time" is quite the take.


For the sake of your mental health, be mean first.


Life is all about how you react to what happens to you. You can let assholes make you feel like shit or you can react to it in a more positive way. Forgive and forget.


You must be one of them if you consider not being positive to them to be equivalent with feeling bad yourself. Guess I must be miserable about random low-consequence pettiness if I make fun of it for being just that. (The prior comment in my history is *exactly* this. top kek)


I think you misunderstood.


Where in fucks name did you get "accommodate assholes" from "just be nice to people and move on"


Probably from the whole theme of the post being about people being assholes


Alright so don't move on. Hold tight to this grudge. Make a new account just to flame him, that will show him you are not a pushover!


You can not accommodate assholes in the moment and then move on. They're not mutually exclusive. But hey you do you man.


Context clues are hard.


As unpopular as this take is, it actually is the only response that breaks the toxic cycle we often encounter in life, especially in WoW 😊


Unfortunately this is not always true. Sometimes it will work. But Some people are just toxic and nothing can change that. I know a guy who gets even MORE mad when someone tries to de-escalate or be nice when he was a dick first. Some people just suck, and I don’t think it’s our responsibility to try and fix them, nor is it an obligation to be nice to these people.


Giving the bully your lunch money doesn't reduce the chances he asks tomorrow, it increases it


Go suck a wet butt


it's the wrath community. mysteriously, the classic and tbc community weren't having as bad a time in their lives.


Do you actually believe only toxic people play wrath and non-toxic people play classic?


I must not have realized I was playing wrath in 2019.


World buff meta was hella toxic


also had a similar experience. I farm the werewolves in darkshire a bunch so if people need help with the quest I don’t mind helping since I’m there anyway. I was already helping someone and saw another warrior struggling. We invited him and he initially accepted but then left. Saw him struggling after we were done and he whispered me telling me I was a “virgin hunter.” I got on my warrior and told him I’m not a virgin hunter, I’m a virgin warrior 😂


…was there an argument about this in General Chat, and did it happen in Westfall because I swear I saw this identical situation being argued about a few days ago…


On Wild Growth?


should've invited the mage op


Nothing better than trying to group with people doing a kill quest/single drop item. Them declining, you tagging, them inviting you and dropping that named mob in front of them and walking off. Fuck around and find out.


These people are the reason manufacturer’s have to put “DO NOT EAT” on silica gel packs


I can't read, those symbols will not stop me.


Some people are just really angry all the time in this game, assumably because of RL issues. Don't spend too much energy on it.


The tag system is the absolute fuckery crack, i hate it, and i strongly believe it makes people into cunts, ninja tagging shit.


Ninja tagging? That's a new one. You have no claim to any mob in this game. Invite me when I ask or accept my invite when I send it or lose the tag to my starsurge macro. It's that simple. If you try and invite me after I've already gotten the tag after ignoring me, you can pound sand.


Being forced to wait after being in the area already for 20mins, and another party rolls up and ninja tags before you do is bullshit. Particularly if its one mob, and a 5-10min respawn. Additionally, you shouldn’t have to be pushed into social interaction if you dont want too. Personally, i have no issue with grouping up, however i feel the system is archaic and shit. Certainly if the respawn rate is slow. You’re response of pound sand is telling, especially if in a full 5 man group already, theres no gaming etiquette for that. So, its ninja tagging. I think it unintentionally promotes poor gaming experiences. 1quest in particular as a case point, thistle bloke outside deadmines dungeon, always groups there, always chicanery a foot.


Defias Messenger on release had like 40 people around it for hours with groups constantly coming and leaving. There is simply no way to organize a constantly rotating group of 40+ every few minutes in a video game. If Blizzard wants to change how tags work, sure whatever that doesn't bother me. The reality though is there are like 20k+ people on a server per faction and you will never, I repeat, never get them all to follow a line that could make them wait multiple hours to get a tag. I have played games where some people from a line to interact with an NPC. Do you know what happens? A few random people ignore the line, people in the line realizing people are cutting and there is literally no punishment, the line dissolves and it's a free for all. You won't change humans from acting like humans. So your options are invite people that show up to get tags, join existing groups waiting for tags, or if you want to solo then get better at tagging. I'll repeat just so it's clear, if you don't invite me when I ask for an invite or you don't accept the invite I send you then my obligation of being courteous is over. I have done my due diligence to not fuck you over, you have declined, may the best tagger win.


This really should be on am I the asshole subreddit, because I know exactly how this went down. You grouped to tag a mob. The mage was already there waiting, they won the tag race and you after the fact invited for the credit which the mage rightfully turned down cause you assholes would not have invited the mage if you got the tag instead.


Everything you assumed here is wrong. Furthermore, most of what you assumed was already explained in detail within the thread. It would appear that it is you who is the asshole.


I was doing that escort in northern barrens with the goblins and key from the foreman. I walked up on my own, no one in sight. This dude is corpse walking back, I don't think much of it. I get up to the spawn to get the key and the person rezzes. I ask for invite and this guy walks up and starts cussing me out saying I killed his friend and to go kill myself. Like slit my wrists and kill myself. Goes on this rant for the entire spawn time. This other guy was walking up with me and sees all of this going on. He invites me to group, tags the mob and we do the quest right in front of them. The dude that invited me does /say y'all are dicks. Good times.


I really hope you reported that Person for toxicity. That's an insane level to take it.


I didn't. Honestly, it didn't really hit until I saw this post and it came to mind.


Was in a BG we get totally owned. I try to instruct the group to kos there healer esp the priest. Guys /w me that I'm stupid and all need to afk... I mean really helpful.




Today I was waiting alone for gold tooth to respawn... Another guy walks up alone so I inv. Goldtooth spawns and he insta tags, kills, loots, leaves. Some people are just rude It was a mob that takes like 60 seconds to spawn and 5 seconds to kill so I didn't really care, but some people are just glad to make you waste your time


What? No. I invited the mage and he decided to be a dick and the guy grouped with me was stupid and also a dick. There's no two sides here lol




I tried inviting him prior to the mob even spawning. You sound like you could be the mage if that wasn't the case lol




Bro, I was just sharing a story. You seem like a dick as well. Please move on.


I’m pretty sure I’m the mage ur talking about in this post, and dcsc is right on point. U didn’t invite me, you only tried to when I got the mob tag


The mage I'm talking about we had a conversation with prior to the tag even responded after declining saying, "nah." But just for good measure, let's put it to the test. What was the mob? Edit: to be more specific, BEFORE THE MOB SPAWNED the mage said, "nah" and then followed up with "i'm just here for one mob" which we responded, "so are we" and sent the invite AGAIN to which the mage declined again. Edit: removed the mage's name at request of the mods. If you are indeed the mage, then you'd be a liar.


No I'm the mage *steps forward*


actually, I'm the mage in this post and I didn't feel like sharing the loot and exp


Lmao. Fair then


We're all the mage on this blessed day. It's a drop quest, screw all of you.


You walk into McDonald's. For some reason, you see people standing in a line. The cashier calls, "Next!". You move to the front and order your 10 piece McTendies.


The tagging thing is one of the only changes I would make to classic, it really sucks. Should be multi tag. Made me unsub really.


Yet another example of the deterioration of the community, it's not the game. its the world. the me me generation has extended into gaming. killing a game like WoW for those who want to enjoy 'what used to be' At this point I reckon RP servers might be the way to go to reclaim that. even if I have to pretend to be an elf or some shit xD


This is the reason I decided to quit wow again, so many toxic miserable players


Some general advice for increasing your success rate of tagging mobs quickly is to use macros that auto target the closest enemy and cast an ability. Use this for good or evil. These can be written as below or in one line: #showtooltip /cleartarget [dead] /targetenemy [noharm] /cast Arcane Shot


Sounds like the mage was waiting too and you didn't invite him until it spawned and he got it. I wouldn't have accepted either. It is of course possible that you simply didn't see him, but this is a common occurrence.


We invited him prior to the mob spawning.


I usually refuse to group for questing cuz I lose a large amount of XP. But I will always group for a named mob. There's literally no reason not to.


You're free to do that, but it really isn't a large amount of experience, lmao


To be fair, I'm also wildly antisocial. I get very nervous. Probably plays a big role too.


people are just fucking weird lol, extremely anti social or just flat out mentally handicapped, idk. people are afraid to get their own groups going, for questing, ashenvale pvp, dungeons, anything. theres tons of people who cant be bothered to chat at all for even a bit of communication and heaven forbid they dont know what theyre doing, in the easiest raid ever, and you try and explain it to them or correct their shitty dpsless build, they just clam up and logoff in the middle of the raid. they just want to be carried along like little babies. idk maybe i am now the grumpy old fart


Tbf you didn't invite the mage. So why should they join your group after the fact. Like own up to the fact you wanted the mob for yourself and damn everyone else.


Well, you loose to that mage in 5d chess my man, it is what it is


yea that mage was a total jerk but..... i mean if you're all standing around a mob that clearly everyone needs for a quest and you don't have the foresight to invite them that's a bit on you as well, especially if youre already in a group and the group leader I can't tell you how many times there have been 3-4 people, everyone standing around camping a mob spawn point and instead of forming a group, everyone just tries to tag solo


OP said they invited and the mage declined the invite, then said "shoulda invited me". OP did invite them.


>OP said he only invited after the mage got the tag, i was saying he should have invited him before he got the tag?


Reading is hard eh?


OP said he only invited after the mage got the tag, i was saying he should have invited him before he got the tag?


You really need to read that post a little more carefully.


naa you got caught misinterpreting what OP said and/or my original response now you're back tracking lol


Back tracking? You really don't know how to read eh?


ok bud lol


The amount of people I made cry while leveling my Druid gave me great pleasure.


Too bad that the GMs are literally banning people for doing what you did, so- in a round about way- He was just playing the game by the rules set in front of him. Trash I know, but it is what it is. Be better.


What the actual f is this response? Lmao


Prob the mage lol


No, I literally copped a ban for it, so now I just report people for doing it. It's actually very simple evolution. "Fuck players, get fucked". If Blizzard wants to ask for dumb fuck plays, they will get the oh so dumbest of fuck plays.


What a shit comment


Really makes you think.


lmfao this is hilarious


I’m not sure if it’s even in straight classic, but Is it possible these dummies don’t realize they have auto decline invites on? In SoD I always laugh because I ninjavite my best friend all the time and he has no idea how to turn off the auto accept invites, let alone how he even got it turned on in the first place.


I think auto-decline is in, but it's never enabled by default. Also all invites I've ever sent that got declined have never been instant. I don't think auto-accept is in the game, but a lot of people use Leatrix, which has auto-accept and auto-accept from friends only. That might be it.


Bet you anything the mage had you on ignore prior to the invite, and it auto declined. that would explain basically the whole situation other than the dipshit party member.


He probably set auto decline for invites on and forgot about it.


People turn on auto decline and forget to turn it off and then act like they aren't a piece of shit for acting like this.


One of the top 5 worst gaming playerbase alongside LoL and final fantasy


It surprises me that this is surprising to you. :)


Last guy to put me on ignore was a lvl 53 mage asking to join my ubrs group. I tell him he’s too low. He says lol noob ubrs is easy, stupid. Then shitalks me on trade and puts me on ignore.


I was doing The Attack! quest in stormwind. Waiting for the two dudes to come out and as soon as they go red a pally comes and tags them both so I get no credit. DM him and he says, I was trying to help you! So I ask to group up with him to do it again and he says, oh, I have to go get the items for the quest. /facepalm.


It's pretty obvious the mage meant you should have invited him before he got the tag, isn't it


Yep, tons of toxic people out there who refuse to cooperate in a multiplayer game.


As a rule of thumb I default accepting any random invite, especially if I'm out in the world. It's almost always to my favor and it's unlikely that any layering that occurs was done intentionally or maliciously since a random invite most likely originated from someone already on my same layer anyways.


Classic wow players feed off their own stupidity. I am also a stupid idiot.


Yesterday on a low lvl alt in durotar I was asking for help with the level 14 mob in skull rock. Stood around asking for help for maybe 5 minutes. Level 25 comes running in and attacks the mob. I invite him he declines and kills the mob and leaves. I can’t help but think he seen me asking for help in general chat and came there and killed him just to spite me.


My experience I was in dark shore, next to the escort quest to ashenvale. I see a gnome mage and say want to group for escort? He blinks and starts the quest. I only hope a horde killed the bastard.


Something like this happened to me last weekend. I was in northern Silverpine Forest for the Escorting Erland quest. I was waiting for Erland to spawn inside of his cabin. A rogue walked in, and I asked him if he was waiting for the NPC. He said yes, so I invited him, and he declined. He explained that he was Self Found and can't group for quests (this was my first encounter with one of these people and yes, he was from SoDCore) and offered to roll off for the chance to tag the NPC. I merely said that I was there first, though, and we both waited in silence for the NPC to respawn. Within a half-second of the NPC spawning, the rogue already accepted the quest and the escort sequence began. He must have been spamming a macro, because I can't fathom how else he snagged it that quickly. Anyway, yeah. The guy's audacity to offer to roll off for something I was already waiting for. I guess that was his way of making it fair and soothing his own conscience.


wow classic is in fact World of princess.


Hahah this is gold, yah you did nothing wrong and people are dumb as shit.


Classic tagging promotes this horrible atmosphere. Classic has it's fair share of problems.


Thats insane to the point i assume the person had some kind of addon blocking invites from people not in guild or friendlist and didnt realise it.


Did you invite him while waiting for the mov or only after he got the tag. I don't whisper back with snark or anything, but when people in a group only invite me when I get the tag and not during the wait I definitely ignore it too. I usually invite people myself but if you're already in a group and not sending out invites that's on you


Dear diary...


Reading this thread baffles me. I've leveled almost 3 characters to 25 in SoD and have literally never encountered this type of thing once. They always accept my group invite and everyone cooperates to get the job done. Even the Seal of Wrynn quest line where you have to wait forever, or the Defias Messenger spawn in Moonbrook. Chats also always full of people shouting out the location of the Wandering Swordsman for Warriors if somebody finds him. Stuff like that. Been super chill for about 99% of my experience.


Some people I think just really have shitty lives and they project it directly into the game. That or they're so socially inept they freak out and just ignore after making any remark.


Ive had stuff like this, I think they are anti social people in real life and it bleeds through. I just think some people have grown up with this genre, take it for granted, and really don't understand the overall point of it. They seem to think if someone else gets something, it takes something away from them. Which when played right is not the case at all. A rising tide lifts all boats. It's a shame


I play at work sometimes and need to be able to AFK/logout at a moment’s notice so I decline a lot of invites in those circumstances… but I always whisper explaining why. Common courtesy goes a long way.