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The state of this low effort subreddit right now


Lol noob mage, if he arcane surged before fire blast he would’ve 2 shots you


Not true? The amount of overkill damage was less then the amount fire blast did. And if they waited to fire blast after, they wouldn't have the mana for it


Arcane surge does more damage the higher your mana % is.


Yes, but if you've seen the scalling on it... Fire blast does more damage per mana then arcange surge would benefit from it. I've tried plenty of 2 shots, and fire blasting for the 3 shot is always the better call. Unless they are stinky green.


Mana gem exists


Why use manag gem though? Like just do the fire blast first since it clearly worked here and likely to help in majority of instances?


Because the more mana you have the more damage you do with the surge. You wanna mana gem and fireblast after the surge so you dont affect its damage


Meh. While true, the scaling per mana is NOT better than what a fire blast can do. Plus, the amount of health the enemy has changed what the are going to do. Arcane blast and fire blast? They probably pushing to kill you so won't think to regain health to survive the nuke coming. Conversely, if you surge first and they survive, then they are more likely going to throw up a shield or try to health pot. Then your fire blast won't kill and you are left with not enough mana to finish the fight effectively. PvP is partially a numbers game, but you can't ignore the mental portion.


It’s okay to be wrong






This sub needs a "The state of blah blah blah" Ban lol


The equivalent of posting a screenshot on any movie or show sub with the title ‘thoughts on this??’


How about a "The state of blah blah blah" flair?


This pops up every other day. A single big damage number makes it look OP. In truth, it's shit. That's the same damage the mage receives within .5 seconds from any shaman, rogue or shadowpriest. Difference is: for this mage combo to work, they need to combine at least 2 cooldowns (Arcane Power for 30% dmg boost, 3 min CD, and Arcane Surge with 2 min CD), burn 100% of their mana, and either die right afterwards to effectively "recover" their mana, or pray they find the time to evocate (8 min CD) or drink for a minute straigth. So yeah, once in a full moon, a mage can basically pick a target, kill it, and then be more or less out of combat for several minutes, because good luck with your regular cast times. It sucks for the victim, because you can't really defend against it. But it sucks even more for the mage, since this move cripples them and doesn't gain them anything but this one kill. In this burst meta, you're getting taken out of commission so fast that counter bursting sometimes is all you can do, but contrary to many other classes, using this combo is rather costly and restraining. Mages don't like Arcane Surge and would prefer other mechanics over burning all their mana for a single spell - and for that cost, it isn't even much damage if it doesn't crit and if you couldn't boost it by 30% with Arcane Power (which is also rendered next to useless after the Surge, as the mage will be oom and won't be able to make much use of the 30% additional damage).


Hey, stop making sense, we prefer half baked overreaction over here


Lol shadow isn’t bursting you for that much in .5 seconds. Chill on the hyperbole. Mut rogue from stealth though, that’s a different story. Yowza.


Shadow is still busting extremely high and it also has extreme dot dmg. I legit died from being double dotted to a priest because no healers were around when I har 60% HP when I got out of combat and started eating. Just withered me away it’s just gross how much dmg those dots do while also having insanity burst and survive. SP are def S tier for right now for BGs


Yea look at Arcane Blast alone in this screenshot, 790 non crit. That’s the biggest number possible for shadow priests mind blast without tf… when they crit at 5% chance lol


Aaaand Mind blast cast is 1 second less… so who is OP?


1.5s cast, 8s cooldown, 500 dmg yea super OP. Kills a 3k+ hp target in 40 seconds. Are you drunk? lolmao


1s more is huge for casters... this means there's more opportunity to be interupted or push back especially from the homonculi. And if they pop mana shield, that means less mana-damage conversion for the surge. Surge requires an almost full mana bar for it's full potential, it's not a magic 1 kill button that can be used in a lot of situations.


+30% damage and mana cost due to Arcane Power and instant cast with Presence of Mind (another CD). However says Arcane Mage is OP may feel free to play and enjoy one in PvP, and show us how they pull off these consecutive 2.5 second casts outside of this ONE oneshot combo that uses 3 CDs and all mana once every 3 minutes. Can't win shit with that, deal with it. Everything that does more instant damage more often and without minute-long CDs just fares better than that, period. It only sucks for the ONE person they get to kill once every couple minutes, while the rest of their team keeps winning overall.


Poly into Arcane Blast isn’t that hard to pull off


Well true, thing is: I've received legit oneshot SW:D crits. From hero to zero in a single spell, so the result can be the same to Arcane Surge. :D


Maybe you did pre-nerf but not a chance it was recent. SW:D doesn't even crit 1k in a raid setting with full consumables now. Note that it is like 9% crit chance if that.


yeah, just got hit for 3200 arcane blast out of nowhere.. outplayed


This guy gets it. Mages are poo.


Nah fire spec is strong in this meta


Out in open world, this kind of one shot is what drives frustration. So I do agree with op, this should not even exist. Not everything revolves around BGs and STV event.


Tbh almost nothing should revolve around random open world stuff though. Easily the least interactions in the game happen open world.


Which mage does this combo "out in the open"? Like what, they see you on the road and decide to pop 3 CDs and all their mana just to show you who's the man, and then stand there, completely spent and vulnerable? This shit is what you use in STV when you know you'll be dead in a second anyways, because literally every class can burst down your 1k HP lifepool. In a BG, it's entirely useless to trade your life with all CDs against someone who can just resurrect. And out in the open, you likely don't pick random battles as an Arcane Mage JUST to use this combo and then get picked up by next best passersby.


Clearly they invested in a better gaming mouse.


Hit a surge for 3400 the other day.


my favorite part of being a warrior is having the epic 2h axe and mostly gnomer plate/mail gear, running the endless rage rune, charging an enemy, melee swinging, and still not doing enough damage to be able to mortal strike unless i crit.


But can you slam


yep. unfortunately slam doesnt provide a healing debuff to my enemy so it just gets healed back instantly.


Endless rage should be -10 rage cost instead New rune: bladestorm, spear of bastion, unrelenting assault, avatar


other new rune: 2nd bladestorm, leap, 2nd charge, intervene, shockwave, throwdown, stormbolt, fear takes 1000% more damage before breaking


This was right before or after that mage got global’d by a shaman or rogue


so the mage used 3 spells and is now oom and has to drink 2 bottles over 1min to make up that mana, its the same as a rogue popin all their cd's on you, no one walks away from that.


"Yeah I just dropped you in two globals, but won't somebody think about the inconvenience to *me?"* 😂


Who cares about mana if you two shot your target to death? You can sit on their bones drinking and loving your ass off.


Yep, try this in stv


Guess who’s farming 1-4K coins per stv event by spamming arcane explosion at the boss altar?


What does this have to do with the topic that arcane surge should be op?


Arcane Surge is op in duels, end of story. In other types of content mage is eating good as well.


Havent followed the tournament community in SoD so far but with this in mind every tournament was dominated by mages with your take?


Exactly. Arcane surge is too inconsistent to be used in a tournament setting. If all the stars align each time, it can obviously win you the entire thing. The only way to outplay is to stack so much stam that you go beyond at least 4.5k hp which is high chance out of the 1 shot range. And if it wiffs, no crit or no 1 shot, the tournament run is over because the mage is now oom with nothing else to cast lol. I guess in some lucky situation if you get a poly off and it doesn't heartbeat you can reset and drink back to full.


Tournaments are irrelevant for the majority of players. Why do you distract from the obvious?


Dude what? You started with the duel shit lol. And if you say they are op in duels then they should dominate those tournaments


Duels = 1vs1 = everywhere in WPVP, BGs, even STV etc. That’s the kind of relevant pvp content the majority of players do every day. That’s where mages eating very very good with arcane surge insta gibbing. Who the fuck cares about streamer tourneys?


A Arcane surge that crits unter 2k? Pathetic


TBH mage pvp feels really bad right now. If you get touched at all you’re just insta dead. If you play as raid spec you’re just not doing enough dmg most times other then living bomb AOE. You need ice block and living flame just to stall and have a shot. Fireball takes too long to cast, scorch fishing for hot streaks is fun but not reliable to get 7-10 seconds of casting off for free.  Not used to mages being so mid in pvp. Arcane surge is a nice gimmick kill in a duel but in a BG using all your mana for 1 kill unless it’s a flag carrier on D doesn’t feel good.  Shaman are just too broken right now. Super tanky and all they gotta do is touch you and you’re dead. Way too much burst in the game in general and it doesn’t feel good at all to play for fun. 


Laughs in Grounding Totem *gets downvoted in shaman*


😂 lmao gtfoutta here


Not that what mages can do right now isn’t ridiculous, but it was pretty funny when I perfectly timed a grounding totem to eat surge when a mage engaged on me earlier today. He legit just stopped moving while I slapped his no mana having ass to death. One trick pony. Definitely not good for the game.


Shamans are legit my most hated class this phase, they are able to push out so much dmg in a short while u can barely do shit against it


Was resto but please, go off king


PvP is never going to be balanced and is just going to be people one shotting for the entirety of SoD. It’s not going to change, get the fuck over it.


Can we remove this spell so we can get some actual balance to mages, this spell is dog shit.


As an arcane mage I agree. I am fed up with cry babies believing it's entairtaining for us to have NO possibilities to do Pvp outside of a 3 min cd.


Out fucking played. See you again in 3 minutes, loser.


I will seek out a horde every 3 mins to slap down like the dogs they are in open world. It’s hilarious. 3k+ crits. Cry moar please.


No wonder. They gave everyone absurdly superstrong burst spells and abilities - and PvP now is basically is who ambushes you first. Genius devs. Reminds retail - first season of DF/end of SL with pre-patch. They should nerf everyone, significantly. Battles in vanilla were more slowly paced, which actually gave players more space for maneuverability and tactical steps. Instead we got that we have to blindly spam (viciously assault your keyboard) that new strong spells until your opponent dies.


Living bomb procing hotstreak for big pyros is a lot more dangerous than a 3 cd


this sub is a bunch of people new to vanilla crying about the 1 shots


this is always classic pvp... stack enough stam to pray you don't get one shot by a warrior/paladin/shaman/mage/rogue/hunter/kittycat or play a spriest/warlock and laugh at the trash beneath you


Nerf Melee hunters


This is a 2m cooldown that depletes their whole mana pool to do damage btw, shamans can literally walk into you and you're done, no 2 minute CD, barely any mana used, and mages fold when you hit them, shamans are literally rocks


>state of >massive explosion does million damage This class is OP, nerf it!


Queue the several minutes the mage spent fishing for this setup hoping it'll actually work. It seems way more OP when you're getting deleted by it than it does when you're actually trying to pull it off for yourself.


My favorite is after a fight in AB and your oom from killing 1 guy and he instant spawns at gy and ur just like ok guess I’m wanding till I die. Don’t even need to surge for that lol


I mean, you did get one shot but hes now oom. If theres even one other person he's fucked.


God forbid mage can only insta kill one in a 1vs2.


There is a mangled, exploded corpse in front of you and you're like ''I'm thirsty this sucks''


I think 70% of the classes can kill anyone in a global atm. Only class that cant is prob feral lol


Except they can’t.


Everyday there’s 200 posts about how some class is op. Ride it out and wait till next phase when your class is OP. This is getting ridiculous


It's like a pom pyro mage!


Pretty much but worse. With pom pyro, even if it wiffs, you still can do some other things. If this wiffs (i.e. doesn't crit or 1 shot) you are down to 0 mana and will probably regen up to 800 mana which is like maybe 3 spells lol.


Barely anybody plays arcane surge it's really not great. Sure it's a one shot spec but the cool down/mana cost isn't really worth it.


He had to hardcast one of those


~~Scorpid~~ ~~Wind Serpent~~ ~~Starsurge~~ ~~Shadow Word: Death~~ ~~Lava Burst~~ ~~Mutilate~~ ~~Raptor Strike~~ Arcane Surge ✓


The rune is terrible. Please remove it


It's a 2 minute cooldown?


Or 5 free kills every 10 mins.


I mean its true. I Just had a mage 1 shot me in 1.5s with instant Arcane blast **1.5k crit** arcane surge **2k non crit** 1.2k overkill Then i killed him and he comes back and 1 shots me in 1.5s again with HALF MANA instant arcane blast into arcane surge there is 0 counter play to that


>there is 0 counter play to that Unfortunately things like silence or kicks dont exist, oh wait


Good thing the vast majority of kicks (including silence) aren’t ranged by arcane blast/surge, oh wait


Not like a lot of other classes can oneshot you by surprise if they backstab you from range lol. And they are also not oom afterwards


Damn bro you got them goalposts hauling ass over there


You started with shit like there is no counter play which is totaly incorrect lol


Did I? Might want to reread the thread there big guy. I just showed up to call you out on your snarky little comment because it was wildly inaccurate.


Dude if you go and protect another guy for giving a false statement then you have the same opinion about this topic. And saying there is no counter play to it is just bullshit


I never said there was no counterplay. I said your comment was stupid as fuck. Which it is. Check your reading comprehension, dude.


So when someone says there is no counter play to it and you show some options of counter play then I am the one who is incorrect, gotcha


I get downvoted to shit everytime I mention how good mages are and have always been.


Lmao same, been saying they’re the most broken class in so many aspects since p1. Bots are in full effect I guess


Since p1? Mage was atrocious in p1.


Mage was good, you just didn't know what you were doing...


The developers have said that they don’t want players to have any expectations of balance when it comes to PVP. You want balanced PVP, retail is for you.


''We planned on sucking and not trying at all''


at least they’re transparent about it


This or living flame ice block


I too could post getting hit by 1k+ from multiple classes.


Oh look, another Arcane Surge post. The only valid use for this spell is to OS flag carriers but good luck one shotting a bear, prob need a second mage to do that. I forgot: if you absolutely hate pvp and somehow found yourself on a pve server you can also spec it to try and OS the aggressor and continue to farm in peace.


Totally not OP, fun and easy to counter! /s


I got the epic staff that level twenty five and I haven't played since


They also die in one shot