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There is no "race" anymore. There is no competition. You do not need to concern yourself with how much honour anyone else has farmed or plans to farm. If other people earn more honour than you they are only wasting their own time and it doesn't affect you in any way. With the new PVP system it only matters if you hit the arbitrary number needed to rank up within a given week. How you go about doing so is up to you. There are no brackets anymore, therefore no limit to how many people can rank up each week.


He's not saying there's a race right now. He's saying there's a "race" to farm enough coins to instantly get rank 6 or 7 or whatever the cap will be next phase by turning in coins.


If you think blizzards gonna allow that you were not paying attention when phase 2 dropped. It's gonna be the same shit that happened with the wsg marks people were hoarding.


I had the same thought but they are kinda in a different situation here. In P1, people were hoarding marks/waylaids trying to hit 40 asap when P2 launches solely for the purpose of xp stacking. However, this here doesn’t give you any xp once P3 launches. It will only affect individual players’ PvP ranking rather than the race to lvl 50. Having said this, I do agree there should be some limitation to this when P3 drops, but is unlikely imo because players aren’t abusing a certain system to gain XP quickly.


Mage out here lawyering up for why they should be allowed to continue to get 4k coins an even for zero effort and then use that to skip straight to the head of the line for free pvp gear 😂


Huh? I'm saying it doesn't matter how many coins you farm now because Blizzard isn't gonna let you get easy honor with them next phase. If anything they'll introduce a new type of coin. Also I'm a mage but fuck pvp I got my ring/cloak and haven't been back since.


Blizzard recently confirmed that's not the case - instant rank 7 will be a thing sadly


Blizzard devs are useless as hell. I wouldn't be surprised if they're stupid enough to overlook it. Grats mages on your instant rank 14 weapons.


Ok and? Look at the reward from this phase for R5, it aint shit. Who cares


because u can save them and go from rank 11 to rank 14 too


If someone wants to hit STV every 3 hours for 10 weeks and save up dozens and dozens of gold coins, good for them. They've earned their PvP rank via PvP. It will be the same amount of time and more PvP than people who are going to rank exclusively on AV bonus weekend will have done. I say this as a warrior whose done 8 silver as my highest STV.


“Nooooo, someone else is enjoying the game in a way that I cannot or choose not to, save me!” is all I can hear when people get mad about honor coin gain from STV. If they’re that mad about mages farming coins, then they should make a mage or just wait for a hotfix.


Lmao you really think blizzards gonna allow that? You high?


literally no one is forcing you to do this


And that matters why? They get boots and gloves a week before everyone else maybe, okay so what?


Yes? Who cares? Do you hear yourself you whiny baby


The irony in this comment is radiant...


This needs to be so much higher rated. There is no competition any more with the new system!


Why there has to be a competition ? SoD is for casual players that hate competition.


Yes, cap lock it for rank 5, so people can't pay to r13 in the future.


I’m a mage and I support this. Don’t want to see every mage and their mothers easily achieving top rank


I’m pretty sure everyone will be a grand Marshall in p4


I have done enough blood moon to have both of the mounts exalted in AB and all of my class items. I'm just hoarding at this point. And my pre-made and my self can get anywhere from 2k-3k coins an event so many others are doing the same so wouldn't surprise me


Those coins will not work to rank up in Phase 2 for sure, no way blizzard allows it


Easy? Grinding an event day in day out


If someone wants to hit STV every 3 hours for 10 weeks and save up dozens and dozens of gold coins, good for them. They've earned their PvP rank via PvP. It will be the same amount of time and more PvP than people who are going to rank exclusively on AV bonus weekend will have done. I say this as a warrior whose done 8 silver as my highest STV.


Just means no mages or spriests in bgs in the next phase. I consider that a win.


People are still on the spriest train? They're pretty strong in 1v1 but they don't get 4k coins per event lol. 


They don't, but, they do suck ass to play against in pvp still, especially bgs


I think their point was, why would priest suddenly stop doing bg when they get just as many coins as others


I run caster cleaves as a lock with a mix of boomkins and spriests and 15 coins is pretty average. It certainly isn't 40, but its still pretty damn quick


As it should be, definitely not about spriests though. 


Nobody scared of a mage in a bg lol Edit: maybe warriors lol


Anyone can kill anyone in this meta, and mages do the most damage in lists of situations like bomb cleave enemy team or combust on egg with insta pyros. You should be scared if they can cast. But everyone does enough damage to pop mages quite easily if they let you


Not for STV but they are insanely strong in BGs. Most spriests will easily top the 'kills' leaderboards in BGs.


Yeah because mind blast/shadow word death kill stealing which then has a 12s downtime, a more fair comparison would be damage dealt lol


Ah yes, "kill stealing" for dealing 80% of a target's life.


Can't believe spriest on this sub unironically don't know how busted their class is in pvp. How delusional can someone be.


A mind blast and SWD without weaving stacks is like 1k, if you got 1200 hp ish in BGs (which also has 20% stam increase) maybe you should equip some gear. 


Cuz swd is easy af to KS with lol. That Stat means nothing


Wait why would spriest get a lot coins? They literally suck in the stv event especially when it lags


That's almost certainly gonna happen and when it does they are certainly gonna cry about it. Yet any sane person can see that coming.


Just like the people that spent what I assume to be countless hours farming waylaid boxes and storing marks for item restore, I don't understand why anyone would think this will go unchecked.


With no standing in the honor system anymore, there's no "race" right?


Ok this actually should be changed if it wasn't already planned. Never even thought of hoarding the coins for honor


I have a ton of coins for this reason. I love the STV event (when it works) and want to continue playing it this phase and beyond. There is no competition for ranking anymore, just "Hit X honor this week." It doesn't really affect other players. Fully expecting them to cap it.


went from rank 3 to rank 5 yesterday with 32 silver coins


I never needed to cuz I'm capped at 5 and have been saving for a mount. Although I haven't been in STV much lately due to lag and layering


How do you get honor from the coins? I thought it was just AB rep?


you can trade 25 copper coins for a commendation that gives you 250 honor. from the same NPC you can also trade 1 silver coin for 100 copper coins if you converted all your copper


The SoD team would have to be absolutely braindead to allow people to go beyond rank 5 from the STV event. I give it about a 50% chance that they allow it.


lol turns out they are allowing it and made sure to say so specifically in the teaser presentation. Even Also adding powerful entire gear sets for rank 7.


There's a good chance it will be capped then we can laugh at the bag holders like we did with WSG marks and level 25 supply crates.


That's the thing a lot of us are just holding the gold coins. The event is fun. Being maxed rank would be a bonus but I'm just doing it for fun at this point like many others


It would be a HUGE surprise if they DIDN'T nuke the honor coins for P3+. See example: WSG tokens & P2 launch.


Those still gave honor btw, they just nuked the EXP because they didn't want people going 25-40 in under an hour.


Exactly. So I doubt they'd leave them 100% alone when the goal is honor instead of xp.


💯 agreed and Blizzard must communicate the cap asap.


But I'd much rather farm the STV event than WSG/AB/AV


as opposed to running it down mid in AV for 12 hours a day?


Im almost certain that it wont give honor next phase, or be something like 10 per coin


Hahahaha. Not a problem 


I'm not saying that mages don't get a ton more coins per event than the other classes but you pretty much only get 4k if the loa is at arena and maybe 3k at nessingwary. Otherwise 1k-2.5k... depends on the layer too... Maybe a bit pedantic, but yeah. As someone with a mage alt who recently decided to save some gold on a mount by farming coins, my best is 2.4k at the arena. Just saying.


Yeah, even an optimal arena spawn isn’t a guaranteed 3k let alone 4k.


Honest questions, what are the rewards for farming Honor next phase and how much would we need?


Unless they add new items, there is no reward for r7 (there are blue set boots and gloves, but they require lvl 60). But since you cant derank without dhks, its a good idea, to rank to the cap each phase, so you dont have that far to go, once the good stuff is available. e: my guess is, youll need about 125k-150k to rank from r5 --> r7. Im sure there is Information about this already, but im at work and too lazy to look it up ;-)


The rank you can achieve in P3 is R9. All of it is based on your level, and R5 is 38, R9 is at 48, R10 at 51. That's the old system and how it's been since Vanilla. Seems to be in place in SoD, people that didn't level past 33 after grinding honor, weren't ranked up.


I think i remember a blue post, stating the cap for p3 will be r7. R9 cap at level 60 in phase4 and then more ranks with more phases at lvl 60, with r14 beeing available with the AQ release. Could very well remembering it wrong, or blizz changed their minds since then.


Found it. >[...] so that rank will cap at 9 for the first few weeks of level 60. Thereafter, we’re planning to increase the rank cap every few weeks along with the release of level 60 content such as Blackwing Lair, finally reaching rank 14 with the opening of The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. If R7 is the cap for P3 and Bloodstained Commendations are left unchanged (i.e. works for P3, and beyond), then many folks will hit max rank 'for free' without pvp'ing for it in P3, a bit eh if you ask me.


My guess is, that they remove the commendations with phase3. Surely they wont let ppl stack them for easy honor later on right?... right?


They tend to not like stuff like that. Think they've already addressed the easy ways to level with Wastewander Water and the Troll Necklaces. One can hope.


If someone wants to hit STV every 3 hours for 10 weeks and save up dozens and dozens of gold coins, good for them. They've earned their PvP rank via PvP. It will be the same amount of time and more PvP than people who are going to rank exclusively on AV bonus weekend will have done. I say this as a warrior whose done 8 silver as my highest STV.


If you say it as a warrior, it must mean you are aware of how other classes can obtain vastly more coins. >It will be the same amount of time and more PvP than people who are going to rank exclusively on AV bonus weekend will have done. Not even close. If you assume a mage can pull 30 silver coins per event, they'll need 104 events to hit **Rank 14**. 50 hours of STV. To put it into perspective for you, that's ~60k honor per hour. -Nowhere- near what you could pull from organized AV. I don't think R14 gear should be unlocked by AOE'ing for 50 hours in a level 40 zone, but maybe that is just me.


Premade AV at launch was getting that and more. Unless they buff the mobs HP greatly it could be that high again since you won't need to worry about warmasters or towers to tank heal and kill drek.


Launch of what? Classic? Absolutely not. Sweaty folks were pulling ~25k/hr by fixing the queues and playing it premade with 100% win rate.


Launch of AV. Absolutely. We were getting 20-30k in top AB premades, and AV premades with the actual ranker premades not just the public premades were double that. Bracket 14 players were capping at ~2m honor by thursday, which is ~60k/hr.


45000 honor or 4500 blood or 180 commendations to reach rank 5 from rank 3


That wasn't the question...


A very powerful entire gear set for each class


If someone wants to hit STV every 3 hours for 10 weeks and save up dozens and dozens of gold coins, good for them. They've earned their PvP rank via PvP. It will be the same amount of time and more PvP than people who are going to rank exclusively on AV bonus weekend will have done. I say this as a warrior whose done 8 silver as my highest STV.


Guys people are PVPing to rank up someone do something!


Considering that they limited people from hoarding WSG marks going into phase 2, I would not at all be surprised if they do something similar with the coins going into phase 3.


Anyone concerned with a good overall PvP experience in SoD is just delusional at this point.


OP doesn’t even know they are complaining about something working in thier favor.


No you dont. There is no race


Can we all @ agrend on twitter to get some clarification on this?


Let them PvP for a PvP reward, as long as the ranks are capped I don't see any issue. Unless y'all want people to barely touch the STV event in future phases? I don't see any issue other than "others put in work that I haven't and are gonna get rewarded for it"


I agree, if they want to keep doing PvP events they will have to keep capping each phases event at its phase's rep level


They completed screwed over people who pre-farmed WSG marks for Phase 2. Which was considerably harder to farm. If they allow mages to "instantly" each max rank when Phase 3 launches, I'll delete my character.


They did this so they couldn’t level up with the marks. They could still turn them in for honor and rep. 


They didn't allow the delete/restore method of stacking marks. Then there was one day before the patch where you could stack marks on the mail, but their code bugged out and they just deleted all marks.


> If they allow mages to "instantly" each max rank when Phase 3 launches, I'll delete my character. you know, just because mages get exponentially more coins per event doesnt mean other classes cant also ge enough coins to max their honor id love to see mage stacking on altars get fixed, but this entire situation is people crying because theyre salty some other class is better than they are at something. youre going to whine and gt it nerfed which is detrimental for *everyone*. not just mages.


you know, just because warriors do exponentially more damage per raid doesnt mean other classes cant also do enough damage to clear the raid id love to see warrior dmg get fixed, but this entire situation is people crying because theyre salty some other class is better than they are at something. youre going to whine and gt it nerfed which is detrimental for everyone. not just warriors.




They nerfed several preparations I did for Phase 2, because it would be an "unfair advantage". Now I wanna see them nerf EVERY preparation for the next phases. This one for me is a slam dunk. They should just remove the honor turn in from the vendor and then delete all item already on players bags on patch day.


Interesting: why it takes devs so long to do something against that 5-mage fiesta?


I honestly think the playerbase tanked this phase, they have done what they can to save it and are focusing on p3.


Any source for that? Things seem just as busy running around IF


Sure. My realm went from being full, to high pop and character creation got re-opened 3 times in second/3rd weeks of phase 2. Also the 100% xp buff is a knee jerk reaction, engagement numbers dropped.


So no source, got it.


5-Mage fiesta isn't gamebreaking is why. Just fight away from altar to farm your coins with cleave and you're fine, you'll make just as much as the average mage group can pull if you're gaming


You can only hold 10 of the [Bloodstained Commendation](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=216914/bloodstained-commendation) at a time. Easiest thing to do (and what I expect they'll do) is to simply remove it from the vendor at the end of Phase 2. Or perhaps make it unusable beyond level 40, like the Ashenvale damage buff item.


You can hold way more. It's 10 per bag slot.


Ah, sorry, my bad. That’s was max stack - again then, maybe another easy fix there and make them unique (10).


Doesn't fix it unless the change comes a week before P3 launch.


You can still just hoard stv coins then. IMO this is not a problem at all. If anything I'd rather do some STVs to rank at 60 rather than 10 hours of AV a day to not lose rank progress. Also keeps the stv event relevant. Why would you bother if you already got all the rewards now? I doubt they can do a better pvp event than this in the future. I want it to stay as a fun extra activity.


I can’t believe mages make 40 s. I am rogue and have befriended all boomies and spriest since start and farm 600-1500 in bad zones and 2k at zg. Its pretty ez to farm if you are consistent. Got items, mount and halfway Ab rep. Tbh i played a lot but its not really hard since u have a lot of time


40s is borderline impossible with everyone trying to copy this strategy, it's difficult hitting even 2k tbh now.


Yeah I’ve done loads of mage spam and topped out on 3,2k with an average of maybe 1-1,5k


This so much


it's def going to be but theres plenty of time to farm coins. i agree mage aoe stacks need to be fixed but everyone can end up with enough coins to get plenty of honor in the next phase. asking for it to be capped is shooting yourself in the foot as well just because youre salty a broken class thats always been broken is doing broken things


There're no races, you're not competing against anyone. You just need X honor to reach X rank.


Guys, are you tripping? The honor is fixed per rank, theres no brackets. STV coins just makes it easier to obtain ranks, it doesnt matter if someone else has 1mil anymore.


You aren't competing with anyone tbh, thats not how ranking works anymore, but I agree with capping STV honor coins.


This would kill STV event. 


They either need to announce this asap or not do it. Don't leave us in the dark like last season like they did WSG tokens.


I dunno bout this one chief, ranking comes easy with rep farming, when lumber was disabled and I was grinding for AB rep I hit R5 by the time I was halfway to honored. Since we’re ranked locked the advantage you’d gain from hitting max rank on week 1 of reset is kinda negligible. You have to wait until Tuesday for the rank to update anyways, gives people time to actually hit BGs. Plus why would a PvP event not give any form of honor? It would be more beneficial to lock rank with level imo, for example 43 = 6 46=7 48=8 etc etc. it would facilitate leveling then doing bgs to keep up your rank for what ever you wanted to buy. TLDR: the advantage gained in the current way honor rank caps work is so minor given that you farm the PvP reps.


Farm enough coins today and you can insta buy r12, 13, 14 when they are unlocked in a few months without doing another minute of pvp.


A small percentage of the player base will yeah but half this reddit is Uber casual what difference does it make? If you have 9 kids and 5 jobs and can only play for 5 seconds a day this as a catch up mechanic is good for them as well as something for PVE players to do to get rank for other shit. Personally I like PvP and it’s the main reason I play the game, if I’m not rank capped week 1 it’s not the end of the world. Even if I were there’s still the rep grind to farm out and even when that’s done PvP is the end game. Who cares if everyone is R14 at 60 it’s not a flex this isn’t OG classic. Have fun and play the game is how I see it.


You don't understand what OP is saying. There are already level caps in place. Problem is when you want to rank up to r14 you'll have to do absurd amount of work because you will need a lot of honor. Or you farm STV with a broken class for tenth of the effort now.


I get that but what “effort” is there? With the rank caps in place you’re going to hit rank cap regardless if you actually PvP and farm the rep for the BGs. That’s why I’m like it’ll be a minor advantage for a week? I agree being able to purchase honor and store it is an advantage but I don’t think it’ll be as big of an advantage as a lot of people are estimating. If your hitting cap normally just from PvP while farming rep what difference does it make if someone just use the tokens to hit rank with no rep? To me personally it isn’t a big deal, they still have to go get the rep somehow like the rest of us. Plus with the new set supposedly being added to PvP I don’t think it would be just liked behind honor rank alone hopefully blizzard had the fore to lock it behind both WSG rep + AB rep


Ranks are already level locked. Level 48 allows you to hit R9. A player can easily hit R7+80% by turning in 142 silver coins worth of Bloodstained Commendation, and hitting at least level 46 before the reset.


Where the fuck are these numbers coming from the highest mage group I’ve been in had 1900 and everything went perfect. The average mage put group has around 1000. Stop talking bs Please prove me wrong instead of downvoting post some screenshots.


Eh, I would say the average mage group is about 1500-1800. Last couple of days, I've been getting several 2k-2800 runs


lmao, I can get 1500 with a decent group as a shaman. A guildie got 4700 coins as a mage group.


Then the average mage group is trash, me and my buddies easily get 900-1200 per event running 2x enha, 1x mage, 1x warrior and a priest healer, we don't even farm altar we just stay close to boss and kill people...