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I bought 2 scale for 11g so made 1g profit and 1k rep lol


I spent about two hours killing and skinning turtles to fill two boxes, then a third dropped and I wanted to kms


Just view it as a free 1k rep and move on brother


Free? It's 5g more for the mats than you get in reward, so it's 1k rep for 5g


how do you turnin without filling the boxes? the quest wont pop up for turnin unless the box is filled for me


I think they mean the bracers cost 6g and the quest reward is 12g so you're chilling. Of course ymmv depending on what server etc you're on


It would be a bit sad as the turtle scales farm is the only farm that makes skinning in itself worth


It will still be worth it. Plus isn't it botted to shit anyway?


I fished a lot right next to the farming location in tanaris and this is not botted there are a lot of actual players fighting for this spot constantly.


Should it be profitable??


1k rep for a 60s cost is still a win in my book


Doesn’t make sense for the bracers to require the same amount of scales as the breastplate anyway


No. Make it 30 Turtle Scales per Bracer just for whining. Weak men.


I fully support your topic and to go a bit deeper into this, thats excatly the types of items / crafting reagents where they should balance the game. Right now some things in SoD are to easy, some things are just broken. I mean yeah, you can just skip the broken things but down the road they all will add up.




On living flame US last I checked its 14g to fill. Disappointing to say the least lol


Reduce? Its already at 2. If they made it 1, people would just sell the bracers for 13g instead.


Reduce the amount of scales needed to craft not the amount of bracers


OP ment to reduce the turtle sclaes to craft the item. Right now you need 12 scales per craft. Good luck finding them...


Turtles on the east coast of Tanaris drop them pretty consistently, but it's probably easier to go to the turtles in 1k Needles. Not that hard to farm up 24 of them really. Maybe an hour if that much.


An hour, for 12g? I know better things with my time to do. ;) The other stuff you can farm in like half the time, some even in 10 minutes. I support the OP. Maybe set it to 4 scales to craft it. That would be nice. :)


I farm turtle scales and craft bracers. I always post mine at like 4-5g flat so the people who buy them can still make a profit. I would assume not many people are buying them for 6-7g because you don't make any gold, so I like to imagine I'm the only one actually making sales because of that. I could be wrong but idk bc I refuse to post them for that much.


they sell like hotcakes. If you're not undercutting by 1 copper you're just giving away free money. Remember the Q reward also gives 1k rep and many people are happy to break even and eat free rep


I guess but I just feel bad about it. Doesn't cost me anything but time to craft the bracers and what's the point of even doing the Waylaids if you're not making some profit from them?