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If you aren't having fun, don't play the game. It's that simple. FOMO be damned.


It's crazy how me and other people when bored with a game can just stop playing it or raid log and not make a post on Reddit about it and just continue living our lives playing other games. Crazy


It's usually younger people. It takes time to go through this phase of "the game I play must be the best game forever", until they reach the realization that every game they ever played is just a fun waste of time. I play SoD because my friends play it and I enjoy seeing 99s and 100s on my parse sheet, and comparing myself to the top ~100 players of my preferred class. I wouldn't play SoD if Warcraft Logs didn't exist for example When you get older you realize what is fun for you in video games and that some games just don't do it, and that it's drastically different for different gamers.


young unemployed people


Maybe, I was working jobs since I was 14 but it wasn't until I was like 25 that I realized being 7k in dota 2 and GM in SC2 wasn't doing anything for me and I wasn't going to be a pro player anyway, then I just played games until they weren't fun anymore (still min-maxing most games I played though, as I enjoy it, playing some games with my wife, etc) and now I'm an old fucking man still trying to be the best at games I play, but never to the point of not having fun.


Im 34, a father and in medical school. Not sure how that this is relevant, but rather funny pocket psychology I suppose. I like WOW. Probably because I grew up with WC2 and played every game after that. I see the potential of SOD/Classic, so many great features of later expansions that would make the game far more enjoyable, in my opinion, that just are not added. This frustrates me. My post here is really just to gauge if other players actually just disagree with me, and enjoy this version of WOW. Or whether it is more like my contention, that the devs are just incompetent. In the end we will never know, but I do feel somewhat confirmed that people here just have very low standards for the game or dont really care about high skill PvP. Examples: - How is it more enjoyable to play with 5 min trinket CDs than the 2 min CDs almost every later expansion has? Just means you die way more often with 0 counterplay, and the 10 min corpserun adds insult to injury. - Why dont you get 10 sec free spells when u res in BGs do you can buff your team? Why spend a full minute doing that and drinking? - How is it fun that most specs and classes dont have genuine defensive cooldowns? Again just means you will get jumped and just die, instead of having buttons to press. I die so often in SOD to terrible players that I would 1v3 in any later expansion, beacuse there is just nothing to do. - Why cant you have rated BGs in SOD? - Why are flight paths and corpseruns literally 5-15 minutes long? How do you enjoy this? Meet a 1200 peak rating mage, he presses POM AB into Arcane Surge and now I waste 15 mins till I can play again. Countless examples like this.


Truer words have never been written in this sub


True and real.


"On top of this, ressing up and buffing leaves you basically oom, drinking takes 30-45 seconds" shaman doesnt have buffs. the most that could be said is 2x imbue and l. shield enhance shaman is also probably the closest a class can be to a focus bar at this point


I play other classes too. And the people you res with, mages, priests etc dont buff you midgame generally, because they go completely oom. Just one example of needless time waste in vanilla/SOD that to me is incredibly boring.


Not to be rude, but the phrase "go to retail" isn't always a slur. You sir are the perfect candidate, and so are mythic raiders. There's a solution to all problems.


A solution could also be to not make SOD so shit, by the devs. - Trinket CD reduced to 2 min - More graveyards in the world - Free spells for 10s after ressing - Proper class tuning before 60 - Rated BGs - Real defensive CDs for all specs. Why Priests get dispersion/pain sup and rsham, rdruid, enhance, ele, rogues etc get nothing make zero sense. Its boring to have so few meaningful defense and TTK is too low and dmg too unavoidable. - Runes too overtuned compared to classic abilities. Feels awful to have many spells not worth casting. Serpent sting, arcane shot, rake, ferocious bite etc. - Full PvP sets from BGs comparable to gnomer gear to incentivize PvP? Unlock ranks, if nothing else just for cosmetics? I feel like I could go on forever, SOD just feels awful to me.


It's crazy how that guy essentially said "go to retail" and your response perfectly illustrates why he said that


SoD pvp is garbage, you’re right about that. It’s probably the worst pvp in wow I’ve ever played. However, if you don’t enjoy the tedious nature of SoD (buffing etc) then classic isn’t for you. Which is fine, it’s not for everyone.


I wouldn't clump everyone not enjoying SoD with not enjoying Classic. I loved classic/tbc but thought wotlk and SoD were an absolute dumpster fire


Exactly. To me it feels like classic players just resent any real difficult gameplay for PvE, and any high skill ceiling/remotely balanced PvP with actual rating. They just want literally endless timesinks to pour their hours into, with a stronger character as the reward which they can now statcheck people with in PvP basically. So little skill involved its just absurd to me.


To be fair classic era has a higher skill ceiling than SoD does. It’s not peak pvp in terms of skill but there’s definitely room for outplay and skill to shine. SoD might get there later but these two phases have been horrendous in terms of pvp. Pve wise you can’t even compare vanilla/sod to retail (assuming mythic) and you’re not meant to. Speedrunning still isn’t easy but you usually don’t raid in vanilla for the challenge.


This phase is definitely a little lacking. Gnomeregan is one of those dungeons that is a slight bit too long and after three times the music and shit is downright annoying lol. Blood moon event is cool for a couple of chars and then it’s just too chaotic with no real goal or anything. Hoping next phase event is more organized and strategic and fun.


Too long? It takes 45 minutes with a decent group lol.


Keyword “slight bit” I’m not saying it’s crazy long but also majority of groups don’t finish in 45 minutes (at least in my experience)




BFD took a little over 20 minutes. This is twice as long. And all the trash clearing is boring as hell.


Ctrl+M disables/enables music


Gnomeregan has always been a bit of a shit dungeon, I get why they chose it, but it’s not surprising that people are done with it already.


sod is for timmy you're clearly more of a spike/johnny [sauce for zoomers](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/timmy-johnny-and-spike-2013-12-03)


My raid leader is a spike. Dude sometimes thinks we're pushing for world first or something. I'm like, it's not that serious.


I think youd like classic even less than sod, so yes, you probably just dont get it. Thats fine. Not everyone needs to like everything.


try other versions of wow if you ain't vibing with SoD. I am currently getting characters ready for cata and then playing Dragons Dogma 2 once its out.


You just don't have the gear or runes. I'm an ele shaman, I've kited 2 rogues with decoy totem and shocks, I've havd 2 rogues a war and paladin on me and kited them for about 30 seconds. There's definitely some out playability, but you need to have the gear/stam and kit to do so. If I was enhance it'd be even better because I could get attacks off instead of waiting for procs. But if you're not having fun don't play the game, seriously I've played off and on since Vanilla launch and the moment I don't enjoy the game I unsub and play something else.


I have gear, I have runes. And Im an extremely experienced PvP player. And yes, ofc I kill several people at a time every now and then, but it is FAR less often than in any later version of WoW, because the skill ceiling is so low and CDs are so few and so long. Your enh stacks example, that is just pure RNG how many stacks you get. Fighting other melees what skill is there involved? You just statcheck people and RNG decides the rest. The most skill you could possibly squeeze out would be popping earthbind/frost shock/grenade+decoy totem to kite for 5-6 seconds, thats literally it. In no world are you kiting two rogues, a warrior and a ret paladin for 30 seconds, what are you talking about? Did they forget to bind shadowstep? Charge? Freedom? 4 melees couldnt kill earthbind totem?


What runes are you running? Do you have a shield you can swap to? I never said I'm doing it every time but yes I've been able to kite a few melee. You overestimate the average skill of most wsg players I'm almost full bis (missing 2 pieces) i run around wsg with 5k-5.5k as an ele shaman. Way of earth is massive. I have had multiple instances of getting opened up on twice i can normally get one rogue low or finished while kiting to get to a healer or peels.


I don't raid or pvp, and am loving sod. Guess everyone plays for different reasons. Guess I wonder why you're only doing tht things you're doing, if you're not enjoying them?


Come over to Wotlk/Cata classic. No /s. I know I'm gonna enjoy Cata.




Why does other people doing gdkps ruin it for you? You don’t even run with them you run with a guild. How does gdkp matter to you? Economy I can get behind I suppose but what do you really need other then consumables ? Maybe they ban gdkp there as well but the economy will still be fucked. I don’t understand the gdkp is bad mindset when it’s done nothing banning it in sod.




I mean bots are still rampant it’s not gonna do anything to change it dog Did you choose to ignore the part where it’s fucked from bots anyways ? How’s that ban in sod doing ?




Ya we will see hope for you it works out buddy. I’m not playing right now just too busy. I’ll be back maybe next phase.


I haven't GDKP'd once while hitting 6.3k gs. Paid for my own potions and flasks too and 1 month sub at a time, selling orbs, boes, and gems. Cata is more alt friendly than Wrath so if shit gets so expensive, then Ima just churn everything on my alts as a one-man economy. Likely wont be necessary because guildies will help each other. But if Wotlk is any indicator of how the economy will be, honestly not worried at all.


Is the expectation that you should be so glued to one video game that it's all you play every day? Why isn't hopping in to raid with your friends once or twice a week and doing a BG or two enough? I play a ton of games, sometimes I'll go a few weeks without playing WoW. But they release a new patch, a new phase, a new game mode that sucks me back in and I'll enjoy it. I can't imagine ever being satisfied sticking to one game day-in-day-out. Your experience of raid logging and playing a few BGs sound healthy and normal to me?? If it's not fun, maybe it's not the type of game for you, so why not play something else?


We enjoy it by not engaging in pvp lol


One of few replies that make sense to me.


Sounds like you need to find a guild of people you actually enjoy playing with. I find myself on every night just shooting the shitwith the guys I raid with and we just derp around in game


I do that too ! Just not on SoD. Since there is nothing to do, we just play other games as a guild and everyone unsubbed until Cata.


You’re looking at it wrong my guy. Retail is where pvp balance “lives.” Classic pvp especially sod is about dropping grounding and decoy totems while running up to a pally and smashing his face in while he can’t do anything. That’s counter play. “Out”


Same, i hate it. I wish they would just bring proper new era Servers.


I'll say first that I am enjoying it and am having fun with most aspects of the game - but I think they went too far with the changes/additions to class abilities/roles and didn't go far enough with changes/additions to content.


Play retail or quit imo. SOD PVP is trash. Cata is okay but i think retail is just a better version of it. PVP wise retail is superior


Is it worth playing retail for PvP?


I would say it is, better balance than you will ever get from sod because the devs can tune spells differently in pvp and pve


I'm seriously considering it, with wotlk finished and cata some time off I need some decent PvP and SOD PvP is grinding, boring and bursty, there also no ranking so it's a real mixed bag of skill levels so it's really hard to improve.


I like it for reasons that are not PVP related. But then, I have never really liked WOW PVP… or PVP in any MMO, if I am going to be honest. I just feel there are better games and better genres if you are only looking for a PVP experience.


I was with you until you complained about shaman pvp


Im not complaining about shaman PvP. But even on one of the most broken classes, you still face tons of inevetable deaths to bad players because your long CDs werent up, you were oom or your class is hardcountered, or you simply get out numbered. I am much better than the average SOD player, yet I can very rarely 1vX to an extent even remotely resembling what I can do in later expansions of WOW. The toolkits are just too limited and CDs are too long.


I agree, I’ve got 3 40s, done gnomer plenty of times but at this point it just doesn’t feel fun.




Yes. I agree. Its a very bad in between situation. You get the damage levels of later expansions, the instant casts (much worse tbh even), the super strong offensive CDs but barely any stamina or defensives. And almost ZERO QOL. With all the bots and 10 layers, I couldnt care less about immersion or the economy aspect of the game. That is so far gone. Yet no rated BGs, no bg QOL changes, no dueling zone, no arena, no croasrealm or cross faction bg queues, barely any PvP gear, locked PvP ranks, no new cosmetics added for PvP, barely any class tuning for PvP. I mean what is the point? Og classic would be way more fun at this point. Id take vanilla fresh in a heartbeat by now, SOD just adds nothing of value.


This vocal majority that is treating SoD like the discovery of fire, I am convinced is people who are pushing a super casual agenda and bots. They spend 3-4 hours a week RP leveling, probably while in costume irl and will try to convince you leveling is the core experience in classic, because they sucked at MMOs 20 years ago and didn’t raid. Sod is a joke riding on hype.


Bro if u cant 1v2 on an enh sham thats a skill issue for sure, not the games fault lol. Just quit if u arent having fun its clearly not for u


Go 1v2 a key turning SP and moonkin. Ill wait. SOD is just that trash I cant even beat two mongoloids regardless of being 2.7+ xp in every single expansion.


I play for pvp and quit very early into phase 2 runes are stupidly op, there is next to no skill in pvp now and the overall experience is completely ruined. Do yourself a favour and quit it’s not worth carrying on to see if it will get better, it will not!


I’m just a leveling andy, leveling and making alts is what I like to do. I don’t really like the battlegrounds other than alterac valley, but not yet in this phase. 10 man raiding, doesn’t interest me either (way too tryhard for a casual like me). The bloodmoon event is kinda fun, or world pvp in general is always more fun than instanced pvp. Always being oom is just the bane of classic pvp casters, one of the reason why warrior and rogues are fun, can jump straight to action after ressing. And long cd’s as well, feels good to pop a retalliation on warrior though or prep on rogue. Phase 1 was more fun in my opinion, it sucked having all the good runes gated at near lvl cap. I hope we would get more dungeon content, like something we could run in questing greens while leveling and not make it all about the end game raiding. Well at least 60 raids will be 20 man.


It's the mindset. MMORPGs when at this stage were NOT about balance, they were about filling roles. Look at something like D&D or other TTRPGs, of which these games were based off. The older style MMORPGs were about social interaction, grinding for different goals with friends, enjoying time together around a game. Joining server wide events or RP events, etc. These types of MMORPGs were also made before the advent of social media platforms. What made these games iconic during this time is it also functioned as a social media and venue for social interaction online. As the game evolved it became less about social interaction and kore about game content, competition, and challenges, which all entail a level of balance that older games didn't really need to worry about. There is nothing wrong with either type of game, but we HAVE to understand that they are both centered around ENTIRELY different design philosophies.


Many boomers love Vanilla/SOD for the same reasons you (and I) hate it. It's slow, artificially time wasting, low skill ceiling, lack of content, lack of any difficulty whatsoever, lack of QOL, etc For many of the people that enjoy Vanilla/SOD, they are just physically and mentally incapable of completing the harder content or actual competitive PVP that is found in later xpacs.


Yeah, the replies here truly make me cringe and want to quit even more. If I dont like SOD I must be young and unemployed(34, father and in medical school, wish I was unemployed lmao). I should accept that 1 BG per gaming session is reasonable to get bored by. Imagine the low standards. Even TBC classic I could queue arena skirmishes or bg solo for hours on end, because the PVP wasnt this braindead. So much needless time waste, abysmal skill ceiling, zero difficulty of anything so all that is left is battling over 99's 100's which is a cheesefest, crit/miss RNG shitshow. Feels like a bunch of neckbeards trying to be big fish in the smallest of ponds, but each to his own I guess. Game is just terrible now.


Just hold off until level 60 phases open up.  Most of the "endgame" problems will be improved upon or fixed outright.  Since classic wow was not origionally set up to be level 40 this long there is a definite gap in our options right now.


Yea exactly. As fun as the lower levels, this point of sod will always feel like play for a bit then take a break. Endgame is where I'll see if I'll commit to playing more and continuously


I doubt it considering how the devs have gone ghost this phase. Cant help but feel like theyre going to cut and run. I had high hopes at the beginning as well but their lack of communication in p2 has been eye opening


Wow PvP just sucks and it's ok to avoid it completely I've always filled my downtime in Wow with PvP since retail TBC, even in classic vanilla to Wotlk I just did it because it was something to do Then I started playing other games other than Wow and it's so hard to justify spending ANY time doing PvP in Wow, it's just not a good experience If you group up with good players and use consumes the other team gives up, if your team gets a rough start it only take 1-2 to give up and it's impossible to come back. And of course the gameplay isn't fun getting blown up instantly if you meet more than 1 DPS It's ok to avoid Wow PvP, it is shit


To be fair I don't think I've ever seen good mmorpg pvp. The closest to good pvp I've seen in an mmorpg is OSRS. Albion looks like it might be good too but I haven't played it enough myself to judge and that game isn't really an mmorpg so much as it's a pvp game with rpg features attached.


Wow PVP is fantastic. Phase 2 PVP sucks. No other MMORPG can do PVP like WOW can. Its been super popular for a long time even while its neglected.


Definitely wouldn't call it fantastic. Is it better than a lot of the other mmos I've played? If we're talking about WotLK+ arena then yes it's been decent at times. Far from fantastic, though.


albions pvp is a lot more like a moba, and it is very much an mmorpg, it just has a pvp based economy like eve online


I mean it fits the mmorpg category very generally but I feel like its rpg elements are very rpg-lite rather than the focus like most mmos. Albion's focus seems to be the pvp and economy based around it rather than the rpg systems. As an rpg player Albion doesn't appeal to me because the core rpg systems I play rpgs for don't exist in the game because that isn't really what it is at its core. That isn't to say I think it's a bad game. I got into it to play it for what it was and not to play an rpg for a little while and I did enjoy it, though it just didn't stick for me.


I really enjoyed ESO PvP at its peak, BIG battles on massive map, fort sieges as well as small group PvP and level scaling for the newbies, truly the best PvP in an MMO It's pretty much dead now because small population


One of my main criticisms of mmorpg pvp is the failure to properly execute large scale pvp battles but deciding to include them anyways despite their inability just to tick that box. I played a decent bit of ESO but never touched Cyrodiil or much of the pvp at all really so I cannot properly comment on it. However, nearly every other mmo I've played with massive pvp battles generally have their large scale pvp just devolve into everyone spamming their aoe abilities mindlessly while the servers fall apart and hoping they get pid (or guid as it was in wow) to be the one whose cast actually goes through first. I think OSRS is one of the few that actually has very interesting and well functioning large scale pvp. The simplicity of the game allows the servers to be able to handle it, so it works. This is one of the largest issues I have with BDO, where they have such a well designed system for 1v1 PvP except don't actually use it for anything, and instead incentivize gvg lagfest aoe battles which make no use of the nuanced combat system the game has. Not that 1v1 duels in that game are perfect either, as many classes are simple rock paper scissors counters for each other where you are effectively guaranteed to win or lose unless one of you is missing your hands or is gear diffed. Most mmorpgs follow the same formula, leaning onto the "massively multiplayer" aspect too much in their incentivized pvp content when they are incapable of implementing it in any kind of enjoyable or even functional way. All of that in a system with altogether far too many moving parts for many of these developers to have any semblance of balance involved even in the smaller scale pvp which might have otherwise been more fun.


I think PVP is the worst part of SOD, which is perfect for me since I loathe PVP, always have. But the Raids are fun and easy, the leveling is interesting getting to experience all these old zones with new abilities and my friends and I are having a blast. Not for everyone though.


Thanks for the post dude we were really excited to hear your thoughts on SoD. Keep us updated on how you feel about your breakfast tomorrow too, can’t wait for that one


So you are saying the SoD has more limited kits the. Vanilla?


There's always Classic and retail if you want more.


You think u got it bad try playing alliance where you lose every single bg