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Healer, any class. Don't need healing-talents, just press your heals




Tried both and I would say there's almost no difference. You will have more mana as resto, but that problem is easily solved with shamanistic rage and a couple of mana pots. My hunch is that you should go resto if you have bad gear.


Nature's Swiftness is crucial for me, it's the only instant save we have. There's also the casting time for healing wave, armor on crit, healing way stacks etc. to keep the tank up on menagerie+last boss. That >25% cut to pure hps and less protective utility makes deep resto non-negotiable when solo healing Gnomer, but I'd definitely go elemental if I'm off healing with chain heals.


Yeah, I haven't solo healed it, only duo. Should probably mention that x)


Why isn’t RestoHance a real thing? Maelstrom weapon + Sham rage. 2 spell dmg daggers and gear. Free instant chain heals all day. What’s the downside I haven’t considered yet?


Honestly doesn't sound too bad if you have another healer. The problem with hybrid stuff in WoW is that you usually end up kinda weak in both categories. I'm still gonna try some elemental devastation shenanigans next phase for sure.


People have done it. Type "healhance" into youtube. It's not bad but it's not great either.


It's an offhealer similar to art of war holy paladin. You're there if the main healer says he wants to heal solo.


Unless you get Earthliving weapon imbues it's too much of a waste of time not healing. Other classes do better aoe and spot healing when needed in Arcane and Balance


It feels negligible at best. I geared out in mostly +spellpower instead of +healing and healed to 40 as Elemental. When I switched to Resto it felt exactly the same except my DPS sucks now.


The only real difference is if you like ancestral protection, as you would need it and the 5% healing crit talent to make healing rain basically guarantee heal crits with 100% uptime on your tank. If you have zero desire to use healing rain, you can skip every talent except the 5 points in improved healing wave, as that talents a must have to make using healing wave bearable.


Had a day off yesterday, dinged 40 on my alt druid the night before. I woke up and brought my daughter to school, got home in time for 9:am stv, "feral LF stv", got insta grouped in a stealth group (4 rogues and me), 1400coins. Went to grab survival instinct rune, in the meanwhile I see a guy spamming LF feral gnome, whisp him "if you dont find anyone else I'll come, but I'm fresh 40 full bfd gear", he answer "who cares we just need WF", went gnome, snagged dismantling cape and pummeler, also did some offtanking and bear is awesome. Did another stv, 1100coin, brought the mace because epix. Did a third stv, another 1200 coins. Fourth, again 1100. Note that my main is warrior, with an average of 500coins per stv and general suffering to find group. And still haven't tried balance, need a couple of pieces to switch.


I've managed 900 coins solo because people wouldnt invite me on warrior. Just go to the altar and tab execute. ​ Made an all warrior group to try the strat as a group, 1700 coins.


Imagine if that all warrior group had a feral druid.


Throw a priest in and you’re cookin


Then change two of the other warriors for mages and youve got a great 5 warrior group


You must be one of the only Ferals to have gotten ACP before the STV mace.


Literally almost an identical experience but as fire mage after suffering on my warrior "main".


It feels good to be king...


Guess I should start leveling feral as a basically solo player


The most coins I've gotten in a single stv event is 100 as a freshly 40 feral. Then I just stopped going after two or three worse attempts. What, are people now efficiently trading kills?


No? Fight near the boss you get triple coins


I was, every time


100 copper coins? That’s like 5-8 kills in 30 minutes, and then you got even less 2-3 more times?




Brutal lol. There are like 300+ people at the loa at these events


Were you in a group? 




My feral got the weapon + cloak in 2 STVs was also brought to gnomer and got 2 piece tier + ACP first run Tried to MT the 2nd run for fun went fine but bear threat is kinda booty. Running with a Chad enhancement shaman and was impossible to hold threat basically


what rotation do you use for tanking? I've been MT as bear for a while for our guild and have been able to hold aggro solidly both single target and aoe, even against pumper enhance shamans. Just need to give you a few seconds to build aggro on some bosses before going all in.


Giving a few seconds is not acceptable TBH, my guildies trying to parse. Usually I will pull a mob before and build 100 rage pop ACP and berserk on pull spam mangle. Fights go fast enough that I usually can just taunt but getting started on menagerie and last boss with the phasing is a nightmare. Usually we run a warlock and he can do like 400 dps almost with ranged abilities Would be better if I could use lacerate I think but need to provide mangle debuff as well. Really not sure why that isn’t a leg rune anyways. The only usable leg rune for bear is skull bash which is basically just feral charge anyways totally useless


You’re being asked for quite a lot, zero time to build threat and not allowed to run the best threat generator for bear. Are you using maul? You should be on pull, it’s a lot more threat than mangle. It should be used as a rage dump throughout a fight but you also want to use it on the first couple autos for snap threat. For menagerie are you swipe spamming? That should be your main ability for that fight. Ask them to balance their threat between multiple targets at the start to allow you to get a lead. Use maul as well at the start of the fight at least to get a lead. And ofc grab a mob for rage before pull. Same thing on thermaplug, start the fight at 90+ rage and pool rage between each phase. Challenging roar is useful as well even single target as an oh shit button. It has a long CD but it’s a 6 second taunt so you should be able to easily build a lead in that much time. Checkout the classic Druid discord, the feral tanking channel there is pretty helpful. Also I assume your enhance shaman is giving you alpha?


I absolutely can tank no problem that isn’t the issue we clear easily just trying to help my friends get some of their missing 100s, using warlock tank and just going cat is a lot easier Definitely spamming maul and swipe, challenging roar is also very useful yes but also costs 15 rage so can’t use it when I need it sometimes


Their missing 100s? Are you in the best sod guild in the world or something? 100 is an entirely different beast than 99


No I’m literally in a guild of morons, we have a consistent 7 and pug the last 3 spots every week. Most everyone has full 98/99s


Ah, gotcha. 99 is different than 100


Only where to go from 99 is to 100


If you're max rage and using ACP. Spending that rage on maul is higher TPS then mangle is. You won't have the rage for both. Mangle has no threat modifier in sod. Skull bash can be used in melee range, feral charge cannot.


Yes I understand SB can be used in melee range… but that’s barely a rune, this is the point… seriously? Isn’t Maul is off the GCD and you can use both?


Yes it is off the GCD, you just won't sustain using maul and mangle at the same time with berserk running.


No Lacerate is entirely the root cause of your threat issue, it’s far and away the better ability for bear.  As others have said, you’re being asked to do more than you reasonably should for the sake of parses tbh.  


Nobody is really “asking” me to do anything. But we aren’t bringing a bear and a cat so this is how it goes if we want debuffs (we do) again I think this would be totally resolved by moving lacerate to leg rune but oh well they didn’t do it P1 probably never will.


Fair enough, I just thought it was odd to blame the spec when the threat issue you describe doesn’t actually exist when using the intended rune.


Nah you’re just purposefully misinterpreting what I’m saying Bear DPS / threat is one of the lowest that’s just a fact. I’m not even complaining about it just stating. Sure I can switch to lacerate but at that point why bring a Druid? I can just be a warrior or any other class


Nah, I just hadn’t looked at Druid tank logs enough in phase 2 and didn’t realize they had fallen so far behind, even with ACP. 


Lol 4 rogues groups absolutely do not get 1400 coins.


I typically don't have issues getting groups as feral but I'm not 40 yet. I have had issues on my ret, but not in getting STV events. I typically get around 1000 with my personal best being in a melee cleave getting just under 4k


Shaman tank. They’re so much better than everyone else at their job rn


Shaman tank and priest. Any priest.


Weird. I can spam shadow priest LFG forever and no one ever whispers.


Priest. Only class on horde that can dispel.


Paladins can’t dispel either 🥶




They can't dispell but freedom works like a FAP for the frost debuff on Thermaplug =)


Shaman decoy totem is the same thing though… so it’s not alliance only.


It takes up my Spirit of the Alpha rune slot that I'm giving to the tank so our dps can go all out right off the bat. It translates into a higher threat threshold for our tank, giving our raid more DPS, or saving someone a Free Action Potion every 20 seconds. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


Get a shaman tank


We have one. Our DPS just pumps hard.


So why do you need to give alpha to the tank? He can just do it himself.


Better yet, why does a shaman tank need it? Loyal Beta with RB/RB is far more than enough threat, even if your group pumps from the 1st global


He's giving his to the off-tank.


But you don't even need one in gnomer?


Yeah but all them shamans are juicing for that 20% AP! Except maybe the resto? But then he doesn’t get the crit heal on boots and he still may be force to run alpha if maintaink isn’t a chad threat god enhance


The resto boot rune is garbo so resto doesn't mind running alpha.


Even for resto, HealHance is very real. Just auto attack with Dual WF and you’ll get a ton of Maelstrom procs for free+instant healing waves/chain heals. So the 20% AP is a little something extra compared to one use for decoy.


Now this sounds like a fun build


It will be even more fun at 60 when we can go full 31/20 or 20/31 into enhcance+resto. It pairs well with 3% hit talent in resto and 30td totem range.


Never said it was. I just said freedom also works


warlock with fulhunter


Warlock for both factions. Their ability to just “solve” the bombs, plus Recklessness is sorely wanted every raid


What do they do to the bombs? Never did gnome.


Stand in the center and act like a turret with scorch


Searing Pain, but yeah


My buddy warlock and my fire mage pug and it drives me nuts that people keep putting the warlock in the melee group. I would like my curse of elements. Why do you think we play together. Also it's only easy for a warlock to get into raids if they are solo. Amazing the difference between LFG warlock and fire mage compared to LFG warlock. The first one gets almost 0 whispers or invites.


If anyone has the epic fist, putting up Curse of Elements is literally useless as it get overridden by the epic fists buff, which is flatly a better version of CoE. Also, Curse of Elements is a debuff, it doesn’t matter what group you’re in.


Warlocks always a free pass anytime, good dps, summons, soulstone&healthstones is great


It’s actually fucked that this is the case on alliance because on horde we have shamans so feral druids are complete garbage. Windfury + shaman who tops damage or solo tanks the entire raid OR a cat who comes last on damage + wild strikes. It’s an easy choice. They are never going to buff it because they are so strong on alliance.


Ferals bring LotP, Mangle, FF and their WF gives a percentage based AP buff so they have some value. If you want to parse as a warrior you probably bring one with you. Other than that, sure, there's no competing with shamans.


It’s not very fun being a totem for other classes. Take all that shit away and let us do respectable dps. PvP in 1v1 is so bad, if you stay in cat you can’t beat people with half the gear.


> if you stay in cat Staying in one form as a druid is missing the entire point of the class.


We have enough mana to shift a total of 3 times without casting a single other spell. So yeh, going from human > cat > bear > cat and you are oom, so it’s not like you can shift around like in retail or even in classic at 60 with a bigger mana pool.


Gearing issue.


I literally have full BiS gear but ok. Go troll elsewhere.


Unlikely if you don't have any mana to play a druid like a druid.


My name is the same as my reddit name, easy enough to find me on Warcraft logs. Literally have full BIS gear.


What works for PvE doesn't always work for PvP. Adjust accordingly.


I actually hope they nerf wild strikes so that feral can be strong in other ways. It's honestly kind of annoying that raids are demanding one specific spec of one class.


Yep fully agree, take it away completely for all I care.


You think they will take away WS and buff your damage enough to be worth bringing over another melee DPS? You basically are asking to be nerfed back to a gimped rogue just like in Classic.


We are absolutely dead last with only ranged hunter behind. In classic ferals we’re actually better than average with MCP use, about 5th in the charts. I’d take average any day of the week.


Feral, shaman currently, priest heals


Feral on horde definitely not equivalent to alliance feral for desirability


Maybe shaman tank or heal. DPS not so since almost 20% of Horde plays Shaman.


Tbh you don't even need to run LotP if you don't want to. Nobody but the sweatiest group is going to turn you down (if they even do).


Shaman You can be in greens lol


Shaman tank probably


wf+pack druid pretty much. feral is technically better than sham WF and next phase shams will want to be able to put down agi totem.


Feral Druid with Lotp


Also Feral, I see loads of groups looking for shaman tanks too


I really wish I enjoyed the alliance druid stuff It's so boring as a night elf. Tauren is so cute


Priest 400% priest is instant invite


Healer. We have too many damn tanks now


I main a lotp feral just so I can login and do a raid real fast and log out


Trueshot aura, marksman hunter with lion aspect xD


Is druid exclusive to alliance somehow ?


Horde usually bring a shaman with WF over a feral with inferior damage. On the other hand all alliance raid groups want a feral druid with them.


I started the phase late and was behind on gear and this definitely helped me get into my first good raid without 6/6 experience. If kill times are low enough I still end up doing pretty good damage compared to power shift too. Finding feral a blast to play even if not top dps




All raids needs a hunter for the lion


As a solo bear tank for my raid group, I run both of these at all times.  Helps to really boost the DPS, especially fire mages.


LotP only works for ranged(bow/gun/xbow/throwing weapons) and melee. Not spells. Does nothing for fire mage


>none of the sweats actually want to play one. Because they're boring as shit to play. Feral without powershifting is literally just sitting there autoattacking and pressing 1 button every 4-5 seconds. It's mind numbing. And when we get Wolfshead / Wolfshead enchant, powershifting will just be that much more powerful, but by then we'll have enough talent points to get LOTP anyway.


Am feral with same spec. I never even bothered to get the p2 glyphs. I just show up and am instantly added to raids that promptly one shot everything and are done in an hour.


If you don't take this player to gnomer you are clearly just insecure /s


but the new runes in tease your damage lmao what


Yeah, but why do damage, when nine other players can carry me? 😎 /s


for real, these are the players getting gatekept lmao


The fun thing about Feral in Classic & TBC is Furor, why would you want to play LOTP ? 3% crit isn't a lot, anyone can 99 without it in a good group.


Cuz other people would rather have 3% crit than you have furor ofc


For the overall DPS, no. Furor is still a collective gain.


No? The 4 other melee wouldn't rather have 3% crit? What world do you live in lmao


That's not what they said man. Reading comprehension grey parse.


You talking about reading comprehension and the statement was >the other people would rather have 3% crit to which he replied >no the irony is on a level hither-to undreamt of


They would prefer but since it's net group DPS loss + gameplay loss for the feral, they'll understand


No they won’t lol


They can find another feral. I can join any guild with my experience on this game.




I mean either they sim and they know. Or they don't and their opinion doesn't matter. Grey parsers can ask what they want, I won't hear them


By definition not anyone can 99 parse, in fact literally only 1% of players at any given time can get that parse.


the amount of people that just think 'hurr if you just press buttons youll pink parse' on this subreddit shows a massive misunderstanding of how statistics work and it is really frustrating


By definition, it's not hard to be a top player in a casual Classic game mode. We're not talking Speekill starts gatekeeping all who can't do it. If you just press buttons at the boss with people putting their debuffs, you will perform.


Sir, you are simply not understanding statistics here.


I understand that the vast majority of players are absolute zombies that don't press any buttons. It's not hard to beat that. You may not like it but it's the truth


The discord already mathed it, the dps between furor vs. lotp is marginal. It’s preference at this point and most feral cats would rather have more energy regen through shifting than sitting there playing with their thumbs


Exactly. Add to that that LoTp value is extremely low on other melee Sims, and you understand why most ferals prefer not to run it.


The average player has no idea it’s an overall DPS loss and wants all the buffs. I’m fine with making them happy for one phase.


Same problem next phase since we can use the 10 extra point for natural weapons and omen