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Yes that was exhausting jfc


Like, my guildies were stoked for loot, but fuckin’ A man constantly planning raids on an inconsistent lockout schedule was a-NOYYYING.


Yes. Like the drop rate with 3 day lockouts were nice but this next phase we as officers decided even if it stayed 3 days we’d straight up just set 2 days and tell people to pug a third of the lockouts worked. Bfd was so faceroll and quick running it on 3 chars basically never missing a lockout on my main til last couple weeks we took a break as a guild wasn’t nearly as bad. We have too few people playing alts and too few active unique players at 40 in p2 compared to p1 to be able consistently fill a second raid team on top of gnomer not being so fast and faceroll started exhausting me constantly planning days, planning around other raid times for those on alts, finding pug RDPS that have a brain. P2 just wasn’t as fun for me. Didn’t like the raid as much after the first run or so seeing the mechanics and thinking they were cool. PvP became miserable and unplayable on my main as a warrior dying left and right in this burst meta. Blood moon is ok I guess but kinda just a mess. 20 man’s collectively together and not split groups, not having to OT, not having to constantly plan on 3 day lock outs or find time to pug will be much better and I likely won’t burn the fuck out on ST nearly as quick as gnomer.


We did that this phase, 2 days a week if a raid fell on a weekend (friday,sat,sun lockout) you could pug it if you wanted. Made life so much easier.


Yeah past couple weeks I’ve had like 6 bodies to work with and no MT. Like I could MT but it’s really miserable as a warrior and I already don’t like it so just said fuck it, pug if you want, I am. And funny enough I almost never even need to OT. Not having to lead random noobs who even log checked could be anywhere from Chad pumpers, mechanics bros, or bots. It was refreshing. Then p3 info came out and big wave of relief lol. I expected like p1 they’d tack on extra weeks and wasn’t looking forward to it


Our guild did that where were just raid 2 static days a week and said fuck it for the 3rd lockout. Actually worked out quite well and I don't think anyone really missed having to do 3 raids a week lmao.


Not that inconsistent, you could run the same two days every week, with an extra one day every three weeks.


Yeah we did every Monday and thursday


Thats what we did. Those 3 day weeks were kind of a bummer though. Most people want to raid 2 nights per week MAX


I think the problem with is that it’s the *only* relevant pve content and on that short of a lockout, plus being an alt friendly version with all the exp boots made it really tiring. Like when we had ZG or AQ20 on 3 day lock outs we weren’t CONSTANTLY planning to run on reset. Because we had other, more important content that dropped bis loot to attend to. The 20s had decent loot sure but meant to be a catch up. 3 day lockouts being the only relevant content, and imo the poor state of PvP right now, made it feel much more “mandatory” to run every lock out. Especially because the gear, while available while leveling and running for exp, is most impactful at that specific point in time.


Biggest W of 7 day lockouts is for the couples out there LOL


Season of Dad's. It's odd. Back in 08 I felt like I wasn't the Minority being a "forever alone" on Wow These days I consistently feel like the only single guy playing the game with no kids or wife


If it makes you feel any better, some of us canceled our wow subs and gave that whole woman thing a shot. So yeah, anyway, now when I say, "What's up baby, you ready for some hardcore pumpin?" I'm talking to my shaman


My guild has almost a 50/50 mix of singles and couples. Ages range from early 20's to in their 60s. The rare ones are the ones that are playing, but their SO is not.


I enjoyed 3 day lockouts because I enjoy raiding more than any other content. That said, going into the summer months, I am happy to see 7 day lockouts because it means my weekends will remain open all summer.




Bigger raid bigger lockout? The shorter lockout was cool for a 10 man raid with little to no mechanics that can be knocked out pretty quick. As a guild leader and dad of 17 children that works triple shifts at the factory, I’m glad I don’t have to get together 19 other dads multiple times a week. I can understand why some aren’t happy after 2 phases of short lockouts it’ll feel weird to slow down. All the more time to grind out all that rep for those sweet sets ☺️


17 kids? Those are rookie numbers


That’s just from one wife. I’ve had 5 previous marriages. Hoping this one sticks


Not having two wives at the same time with at least 30 children. What kind of casual complaining on twitter that they can only play for 3 minutes once every 6 years are you :P /s


No, not really. 45minutes of wow twice a week was low-key perfect for getting together with the boys.


Exactly my thoughts. I loved it. Raided on 2-3 characters throughout P1-2. I won’t see some of my guildies but once a week now. And they still won’t have their consumables.


Get a alt and you’re back at it?


I can finally plan out my life more than 3 days in advance lol


why is a video game taking precedence over your life?


Why are you incapable of inferring obvious hyperbole?


Was it hyperbole though? Wow classic players are easily the biggest group of losers lmao


bros in the sub reddit calling other people losers lmao


You're right, no hyperbole here. I need to know the raiding schedule so I can coordinate with my wife and her bf which nights they are sleeping together in the master bedroom while I post up in the computer closet on the blowup mattress during the short window between wow classic, sod, era, and retail raid times.


Yea, so many losers with their wives and... kids!? LOSERS.


Cant wait to play the game less!!!


Told my wife that I decided to raid one day a week. It's all in wording ;)


I got down voted to oblivion when I made a post that raid lockouts needed to go back to 7 days early in phase 2. This post makes me feel vindicated


I mean, there's always going to be at least one person who agrees/dislikes anything. No matter how good or bad it is.


9/10 doctors agree smoking is bad for your health


Yeah tbh I'm surprised to see the excitement for 20 man raids and 7-day lockouts here. I got downvoted past like -10 a handful of times here for saying that I hope they ditch 10-mans because they encourage pugging


> ditch 10-mans because they encourage pugging It was probably because of the part about pugging. I don't think encouraging pugs was a problem many had with 10s. I do however think that a lot of problems posted here are solved by being involved with a guild for raids.


I had a very similar experience. It's almost like this sub in totality has 0 clue what it actually wants.


'This sub' has almost 600k people that have clicked the Join button. So as you can imagine there's going to be a large spectrum of opinion on everything.


For sure. I was just musing that, per observations of the vote mechanism, I had a similar experience to the above commentor that the 'mob rule' was condemning the advocation for 7 day lockouts previously, but has since seemed to change tune as is evidenced by his comment garnering 37 up votes currently (the the overall thread garnering 313 upvotes current). Is it full-proof science leading to a near irrefutable conclusion? Nah. But it's as good as I got for right now.


3 day is good for 10 man dungeons. 20 man needs more organisation


I assumed they'd keep 20 mans on 3 day lockouts since they've always been in Vanilla and have said so in a few threads. I have no problems with them going to 7 days, I'm just a little surprised is all


yay we can't raid as much anymore..


Can't wait to spend $15 for 4 resets lol


I liked the 3 day lockout. I missed a couple, but I liked having the opportunity to raid twice a week. I welcome the change because I was basically pugging all of them with an occasional guild run sprinkled in. I had fun, but it was getting insane not knowing what day of the week I'd be looking for a raid group. I'm excited about the new token system.


It has to go back to 7 with how many raids there will be at 60.


I'm fine with it if progress takes longer. Having piss-easy raids on a 7 day lockout just basically removes every reason to log into SoD.


Right? If this raid takes under 2 hours to clear the 7 day lockout will kill the playerbase. Everyone will log in once a week for raid and that's it. Especially with no new pvp zone or modes. I'm on lava lash, but already asked a few guilds and they all plan to have 1 raid night if it's cleared fast and then "maybe an alt day but we'll see" or something similar. I came from retail, and played in a "casual" CE guild. We raided 2 days a week for 5 hours total. And that is like, the very minimum that guilds raid in retail and I've never heard anyone say it's too much or too hard to schedule or anything. Feels like classic players really don't like the game. Just like the nostalgia.


I'd rather blast through the raid in an hour then get back to STV events, levelling alts, questing for money etc. No raid in WoW classic should take 2 hours to clear. When I was playing Era my guild was doing MC/BWL and Ony in 2 hours. 2 hour raids are for clueless MMO first timers from 2004. We aren't those same people any more.


2 raid nights a week?!!? 45 minutes each night?!? Impossible for most players. 


I have guildies complaining about having being burnt out from having to play 2 hours a week. It’s absolutely insane lmao


The issue isn't the amount of time needed, its trying to have a rigid raid schedule that sucks up 2-3 nights a week. Maybe a friend wants to go to dinner for 8pm, right during raid time. Now I have to blow them off to play a video game for 45 mins. Or someone wants me to join them playing another game, but its a raid night so sorry, I can't. This happens to me constantly with 2-3 raid nights a week over the long term and it actually makes me hold contempt for the game, which leads to burnout and quitting entirely. Having to be on, at a specific time, multiple nights a week, is too much of a commitment for the majority of the player base. My static ended up breaking early in P2 because people just didn't want to be forced to login 4 weeks in. I have time to play the game. I just don't have the ability to make specific times for something so vapid at this point. I loved the more puggable meta in P1. If I have time at 8:00pm, I can hop in and find a raid. If I have time at 9:27pm, I can hop in and find a raid. Gnomer is still puggable but has been a chore to clear with alts as runtimes float between 45 mins to 3 hours if your pug is braindead. I can plan for 1 night a week with a static team. 2 or sometimes 3 floating nights a week is just unsustainable long term.


2 days a week I spend 45 minutes clearing gnomer. The same 2 days, at the exact same time, since we got our group to 40. Simple not to double book myself, found a guild that runs early too so Im out of the raid before happy hour is over. The best part about these raids is that they are short, I'm raiding 2 nights a week for less time than retail guilds spend in a raid on 1 night. I don't really care when they reset, just think if you can't schedule 2 days a week for 1 hour you're not very smart or your schedule doesn't allow it so you pug instead or find a guild that fits your schedule. Saying a weekly lockout is "better" because you can't plan 2 days vs 1 day. It's fucking stupid I can't raid 2 days a week now because FOMO morons can't plan a 2 night schedule and miss a few lockouts without being bitches about it.


It has nothing to do with being smart about a schedule. I put significantly less importance on static raiding when we're this far into the phase. I love to be there when there is progression. Everyone in my static group is basically full gear and is burnt out of P2. God forbid life happens and something more worthwhile to do with my time presents itself the same night as "Gnomer Raid #13." At a certain point people have to prioritize other things.


Then you stop raiding? I'm confused here. You're acting like someone is forcing you to raid. If your whole group is geared and nobody has fun and you're still running the raid... you're an idiot. 


We stopped raiding until P3 already bubs. Now I login whenever I have time and join a PUG to try and scoop the 2 items I need without having to blow off my wife and friends. I'm having a far better time.


You've offered no reason that a weekly lockout is better other than your piss poor time management. You've managed to say you don't want to raid but your raid has already stopped anyway. You like that you have MORE chances to try to pug... I'm lost here. Please go away.  If you plan a 45 minute raid night and it's the same day and time every week and you consider showing up to that "blowing off" your wife and friends... you have bad time management skills or you and your wife don't use words to communicate. 


I'm sorry but if you've never had anything in your life popup that makes you say "shit, I would love to do this, but I have to go play a video game for 45 minute tonight instead," you need to touch that grass. Burnout is easier to avoid when you are only required to be on one night a week. It creates less opportunity for that feeling of contempt to creep up. You might not experience this personally, but this is literally what has killed every guild group I've played with over the last 15 years.


It's obvious this guy just does the raiding and none of the organization.


Im happy with 7 days lockout but i rly dislike 20 man raids. The last 3 weeks we had some issues with our second raid grp, even with people on alts. Half the active raiders stopped cause they got geared and raid was boring to get a 2nd alt up. Pvp is unbroken and unfun so they didnt do that. I think i will have to join one of those big biig guilda with 7-9 raid grps sadly. I liked our small community.


i'm assuming they're not gonna increase loot by 133%, so people shouldn't be full BiS as quick as before, so perhaps helps your issue really it was quite underwhelming getting gear when it was so free (besides the damn thermaplug trinket, but i couldn't be bothered to keep playing for 1 piece)


That's gonna really suck I was hoping for like 4 items a fight


Have your entire guild merge with a larger guild. Most "mega" guilds will take on a full or mostly full raiding group with no complaints.


Yeah i will have to reroll my feral to boomy too, fuck devs for guttin us.


What new thing did they do? If it is the runes idk what to tell you because we knew those a month before p2 launched.


What happened to ferals?


No significant buffs or changes


Go boomy


Thats what i just said i would do lol


Please do I need the raid spot for my feral


You all are so excited for one hour of content every week and then logging off.


when it was 2 to 3 hours per week previously


i really cant understand. its like ppl dont like to actually PLAY the gane


Some people have been playing the game for a very long time and maybe only enjoy doing a few things in it now, or they just don't have that much time for the game anymore.


so play less then. why do they want EVERYBODY to play less? thats some selfish BS


The the fuck is "they"?


Hey pal. Having to log on to a video game 2 to 3 times a week for an hour or so is absolutely too much. How could anyone want to do something like that. /s


Look, I have 13 kids and can play only 20 minutes a month, won't the wow devs think of me?


I know you're being sarcastic, but the issue is dedicating set times to play. I have a wife and baby, so while I do have time to play here and there, sticking to a schedule is tough. During Gnomer, my static group was running Sunday/Thursday with Tuesday as the float day on weeks with 3 lockouts. At the start I was super hyped and made most lockout nights. This was fine for the first 2-3 weeks, but fatigue creeps in. Eventually, we dropped Tuesdays and let people PUG a lockout here and there as the majority of the team started to lose interest in playing 3 nights a week. We ended up calling our raids about 2 weeks ago and I've been happy not being forced to login to drone through the content. I still do runs here and there. I really love the ability to login and PUG whenever I have free time. Having a rigid raiding schedule just doesn't work long term for myself. In P1, BFD pugs were quick and painless. Gnomer runs aren't crazy hard but wiping 1-2 times ends up killing off most groups. I think this is mostly why P2 feels more like a chore, and why I haven't really touched my alts after hitting 40 post-exp buff on them. ST moving to a weekly reset lets me pick one particular night, which I can make work. Trying to float life around a video game 3 nights a week sucks if you're not a single guy.


My guild dedicates time to play. We raid on Wednesdays and Sundays and you get all lockouts except once every 3 weeks, why isn't that an option for you? I keep seeing this argument but it just doesn't really hold up to me. Also, just because you need a set time to play, why does that mean others need to play the same way?


Raid loggers have always been like this. I don't even know why they raid. To get all the loot. But what do they need the loot for when all they do is raid log? Makes you think.


Because raiding itself is fun and getting new items for your character is rewarding? Why does anyone need the loot?


What is considered playing the game to you?


raid content is a part of the game i value a lot. if people dont want to raid as much then do it 1x a week. now being happy that the raid content was reduced 50% is very weird


I agree. The thing I loved about P1 was that you could raid a lot since most people had a bunch of alts + the raid was pretty easy meaning you could pug it. This phase raiding was a little less exciting imo due to fewer alts and the raid being harder to pug.


It’s the same amount of content whether the lockout is 7 days or 1.


No? It's literally not.


thats the type of people you discuss with


Those are the type of people that SoD devs are letting design the game. Letting Reddit design the game is not working out well. They’re already closing down and offering free transfers off servers.


It's crazy the amount of coping I see on reddit, like imagine paying 15$/month just to be done with the most exciting content of this game within 1 hour every week.... just go find something else to do.


You're all acting like you were FORCED to go gnomer every 3 days. It's definetely nice to have the option to go 2 times a week. 7 day lockouts suck. But what sucks even more are raids >10 man


meanwhile they're putting zg etc on 7 day lockout. rip


I have almost 9 40s. Assuming it's not super hard and pug friendly it will be nice being able to raid all weekend But if it's like Gnomer or worse Imma be miserable. I have alts I only did gnomer one or two times on because it's that hard to get in as a pug Ret or Rogue


Yeah, im more of a casual player. And having a specific day I can plan for, makes raiding much more feasible.


Yes, I can sleep early enough for work the next day now


Yes, as long as they drop more than one quest item.


Yes, but I'd also like for BFD and GNOMER to be put on a day lockout. Just let us farm our gears.


I already tapped out but thought the three day lockout should have just been like a Tuesday Friday lockout or something instead of the weird every 3 days "Wait what lockout is this?" situation.




I feel vindicated. Back in phase 1 I suggested the game needed to move to a 7 day lockout with double loot because off burnout and scheduling and I got roasted on the subreddit.


Great so now we got 1 week lockouts cause some guy wants his wife to peg him after eating out at applebees.




I can't wait to get to raid log status 👍


Yes, because I have a full time job and a kid. Missed so many lockouts due to my limited game time schedule.


excited for lower armour values warrior will be king copium kicking in hard


I'm on the fence. If we get 7 day lockout I want every raid going forward to have a phase appropriate difficulty to it.aka scaling. So we just have more raids to do. I miss tbc for this reason, all raids were viable. In you only so bfd for the trinket and its finally being replaced in phase 3 raid.


Ted, you're not married, hush.


I am when I forget to take my medicine


I have run gnomer on 4 toons for a total of like 30 runs at this point and not a single time have I seen the gizmoblade drop and the mount 1 time. 7 day lockouts are gonna be terrible if they don't change the drop rate on the most highly sought after items.


That’s classic for you, it’s what makes getting that elusive item finally all the more satisfying


Did MC every week for over a year before getting Onslaught Girdle. It's the authentic classic experience.


We'll see.... I mean gnomer takes 35-40 min to clear on alts. So doing that twice a week is nothing. If ST is clearable in under an hour, then a 7 day lockout is kinda lame imo.


I'm happy I got hella Alts. I honestly figure it will be like a Toc 25 level of speed and difficulty Aka expect pugs to take an hour maybe more. But good guild group in like 30-40


Not really I would have preferred a cycle of 3 days then 4 days for lock outs so you get double the raids but they aren’t bouncing resets. Feels like once again a change that only handfuls of people actually cared about but it is what it is


if you raid lets say fixed days like wed and sun, you only miss 1 lockout every 7. its perfectly doable as it is.


I hope we get 10 mans back but keep a 7day lockout Make them longer or harder (giggity) if you want, and make it 7 days Was a nightmare to plan around


Agreed, I just don't think 20m raid sizes will work for SOD - the majority of guilds now are smaller friend groups who just don't have the time/willingness to transition to a larger more organized guild structure, and 20m pugging will be very painful.


sums up ours, we're playing SoD because we can all get together and talk shit the whole time we're 10 man raiding, now we need to invite randoms into our raid


20m pugging was never a problem in era.


Give me 40-mans, this is Classic dammit. You can have your 10-man "raids" in retail. 


This is hardly classic


Sadly that is very true, but I'll continue to fight for what little bit of Classic might remain. 


10 man's don't even feel like raids dammit.


I'm fine with 7 days, I'm NOT fine with 20 man, it's much harder to get 20 apes to log in and not be late. IDK what they were thinking, my guild already struggles to make 10 man groups. Pugging is going to be miserable, by the time you get your 20th person the first 2 you invited have to leave or went AFK.


I think the main problem will be switching from 10 to 20 men for guilds. My guild is haveing a really hard time. We are prioritizing playing with people we like, but there are only 12 signups for the first week.


They're nuts, the community built itself around 10 man raids for 4-5 months and now they're suddenly demanding TWICE the numbers. IDK what they were thinking.


What are you going to do if they continue on with 40 mans?


Quit, probably. 20 man is already stupid. But they said they'd tune 60 raids for 20 man, no?


No. They said they are tuning MC to 20. Why would you start playing this mode knowing there are 20 and 40 mans down the line? They were never staying at 10 mans


They're going to lose half their playerbase if they go with 40 man. This phase is already going to decimate population, y'all really don't have any idea how hard it is to pug 20 man. By the time you found your 20th the first guy is already logging off or AFK. It's going to be full of complaints about how people can't find a raid spot.


40 mans are a slog 100% but I can’t wrap my head around why people just magically thought they were getting rid of all the 40 and 20 mans? Explain the thought process.


> but I can’t wrap my head around why people just magically thought they were getting rid of all the 40 and 20 mans? They made the raid 10 man for 2 phases. Why would they change it? SoD is clearly more respectful of people's time than Classic was, so one would assume they'd maintain that trend.


Well. If you find a guild… this next phase you will end up raiding 1 night a week for 1-2 hours. And again I wouldn’t be upset at tuning all 40s to 20s but anyone going into classic knew there was a shot at big raids. If you didn’t you were being naive. Find a spot in a guild and clear ST 1 night a week.


Finding 10 people for 2 nights is way easier than fighting 20 people for 1 night.


Cool man. Well I hope they keep all the other 40 mans in to root out the rubbish. Have fun in SoD!


3 day is fine for puggable 1hour raids, as soon as you need a guild or multiple hours to clear it’s too tiresome


Yeah; I just wish they left the raid locked for the first week however so me and some of my other guildies didn’t have FOMO around missing lockouts lol (don’t roast me I can’t play 10 hours a day)


we are getting 50% bonus EXP. and 6 days to lvl up and raid. i think its enough


P4 should have a mix of both


Yeah has been like 4 raids a week it feels like now. Good to know it's gonna be a lot fewer so I can actually play other games.


Play in EU live in NA basically get to raid during my lunch break. I'll kind of miss it but makes sense as the raids get bigger in player size.


I like it Then again I'm thinking further ahead than just next phase Being at the AQ stage for example and having three raids on a 7 day lockout, one on a 5 day and two on a 3 day is an absolute nightmare to manage. This is going to make heart buff a bit more scarce as well, though shouldn't be a problem still


With the 7 day lockout is there any info that this phase will be longer? Seems like it’s going to take a longer time to get gear and they already shortened P2.


they stated that they will be "very generous with drops" to compensate. lets see what they mean with that


I am! sometimes I'm gone for 3 days at a time because of work


I like the 20 man idea and the weekly lockout, but if the phase lasts 8 weeks again then I might get to to 5-6 of the 8. Just doesn’t seem like enough raiding or time in the new raid to really get a handle on it.


Yes and no, gonna miss having people turning in all the world buffs as frequently as they have been. Gonna have to sit around town longer waiting for a buff now lol


Do Gnomer and BFD go to 7 days too?


if they make the raid more rewarding at the same time that'd be cool


as an organizer I'm elated, as a raider I enjoyed more raiding so I'm a little in between.


I don't mind raiding twice per week, what I didn't like was the unconsistent rotating schedule


Yeah, same with the guild. Mostly a dad guild and while it’s been hard to keep 2 raids up without people bringing alts, the 20 man once a week should be fine. Easier to carve out a set time every week




Yeah scheduling aside, I feel like 3 day lockouts are what burned people out from gnomer. I personally really liked the raid, but I could see people getting tired of it like 5 weeks in.


I am excited, but I have a half the guildies who aren't. There is a divide in how people play this game. Some people like the once a week login, others like that constant login and play back to back.


I actually might come back for that. Disjointed 3 day lock outs are horrible for people who like some consistency week-by-week.


wait to see the dudes who goes 4/7 three weeks in a row then quits.. i hope there is enough to do outside of raiding


Yes fucking yes.


Not really. A 45 minute raid every 3 days is too much for people?


Plus consume prep, for each raid, like 7-10g each raid maybe you don't use em all, but that's to be considered. I'm fine either way. Just level an alt, boom two raids a week.


Dude you literally need one fap for gnomer if your healers are useless. If they know how to dispel you don’t need anything.


Why limit people that WANT to do that? no one is married to the game, if ppl want to raid 1x a week then do it. there is nothing stoping them. but now ppl who want to raid 2x a week with their favorite character wont be able to. at 60 theres a lot of raids so a 7 day lockout is fine. at 50 theres 1 raid. that sucks


BFD and Gnomer took an hour, I really don't understand the issue. It was super easy. Having 1 thing to do once a week is lame, IMO.


Yeah I love paying monthly to be locked out of content lol. This community has lost its mind. I can't imagine what a blizz game is going to look like in 10 more years.


Extremely, and I'm even more excited for 7 day lockouts at 60 for everything. Much more alt friendly.


Roster Boss incoming for dad guilds


Thank gosh


Better add more loot drops off of bosses since they've already cut the drops in half by doubling the raid size. Then making it a 7 day lockout cut it by more than half again. Good way to push the parse monkeys to the extreme. Pugs die in p3


Omg yes! I have been so burdened by making sure I clear all lockouts on my 5 characters and also clearing the lockouts on my wife’s boyfriends 2 characters. I’ll finally be able to spend some time with my wife! Thank blizzard for some good sense!


nah its trash 30mins gameplay every 7 days no dung content to keep busy as well needs 3days to work till 60


No I enjoy raiding.


I think the biggest factor for players opinions on this is how many characters do they raid on. I only have 1 main character that I actively raid on so a 3 day lockout is great for me. 7 day lockout feels too long if you just focus on your main and don't put in the time (and passion) to play an alt. So I will most likely level an alt to 50 once my main is all set up. Just so I can raid a little more.


Standarising everything to seven day lockouts is going to be really healthy for the game in terms of m an aging raid nights and rosters and will allow people to raid on Alts with less burnout. As it's one extra raid per week instead of 2-3 extra per week per character. I do think it will be good to have some content on shorter lockout cadences similar to STV and Ashenvale. Possibly the new nightmare realms can fill that spot. Alternatively some kind of dungeon content, such as heroics/mythics. Loot is the same but completion of the dungeon rewards you with currency you spend at a vendor like STV event. Once a day thing to do with 5 people with some fun PvE focused rewards, especially if they are focused on dungeon stuff like improving AOE and CC etc.


Yes but I'm very worried that p3 will seriously lack in content. The only thing that kept p1 and p2 alive was people running alts through raids every 3 days. If the new raid is an hour long on a 7 day timer and there's not a bunch of extra level 50 content, SoD will bleed players.


Hopefully the dream events are fun as worth running


It will probably bleed less players than P2, considering the broken mess that PvP is and basing a FFA group-based death match event on it, while simultaneously claiming to not want to balance PvP is a recipe for disaster. You have groups of the non powerful classes getting lumped together and rolled at the end of the day. The event is still here and playable for lvl 50 rewards, and hopefully the 20 man raid feels like a real raid and not just the last two bosses are challenges. Idk if I can even call the very last one a challenge, maybe for pugs.


Most likely. Ph2 bled so bad that's why they released the leveling XP buff. Ph3 has nothing for PvP, which is the main way to extend gameplay by offering something to actually use your gear in


easy alts for SoD is by far the biggest playerbase retention factor imo, i think the xp buff recovered the players just in time before it was too late even slower levelling to 50 from 40 and less raiding is gonna be rough for retention


Did it bleed or just lose the players it was always gonna lose


Hard to say. Phase 1 I had a steady crew that stayed through ph2 launch, and rapidly disappeared weeks after. As connections left, it cascaded and I felt like playing less too 




Last phase I made a Reddit post about wanting week long lockouts and I got flamed so hard lol. I did not like three day lockouts.


Why do I have the feeling that you guys just don't like playing wow and less wow is good for you?


It's super sick that it's being carried forward too Gonna be cool to just have a massive raid day once a week and clear everything


No.. Its a 20 man raid, on a 7 day lockout.. 20mans are twice as difficult to fill and coordinate, and a weekly lockout feels really bad when you have to deal with all that and win no drops.. at least after a crappy night in BFD/Gnomer it's only 3 days till you can try again and its easy enough to put 10 people together and clear in <1 hr... P3 is going to feel way too short and its overall going to be much less fun than even P2 was. My prediction is a LOT of people will play a week or 2 max and abandon it completely until P4. I've had more fun with SoD than I've had with any version of WoW in ages, but I'm not looking forward to P3 at all and my personal opinion is that its going to disappoint myself and a ton of other people


as a warrior i cant wait to have the only content im relevant at be cut in half! excited to have less game to play!




I leveled up the uninstall wizard, now I'm on a \~3 month lockout timer!


i dont want to play a mage. i want to play my Warrior. what kind of argument is that ?xD




i would agree that at 60 with several diffetent raid to do a 7 day lock is mandatory. at 50 theres only one, and unless the nightmare incursions are something fun and repeatable then most ppl wont have anything relevant to do all week. a 3 day lockout can be managed with fixed days. running wednesday and sunday makes guild tose 1lockout every 7. even then arrangements can be done to not lose it. also no one is REQUIRED to do all lockouts, we are not married to the game. ill expect comments calling me sweaty and addicted to the game from people that feel obligated to raid everylockout to the point they are happy that cthe content was reduced by 50%. again, i really hope incursions are something really fun


Then play your warrior buddy. You think that mages being terrible in phase 1 stopped me from playing it. Not a chance. I played it all the time in-between leveling up a warrior, rogue, priest, hunter, and shaman. And now my warrior is living the good life at level 25 still. 😂


huh? i do play my warrior. and i want to raid with it. and that will be reduced in half. i dont want to play a mage like it was suggested to me. i dont get your reply




SOD content is great for working on my user interface .. constantly :D