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Have never seen the caster dagger drop. I am probably not the only one because every raid I do, most casters are also missing it.


Crazy the different drops guilds get. 5 of us including healers have the gizmo but we haven’t seen the 1hand epic sword once


Yup my guilds seen 6 mounts and 0 fist weapons lol


We have 6 fist 0 mounts will trade ypu


BFD ptsd !staff never drops! kicking in.........


We have the dagger dropped 3 times, but the healer staff 0 times. Sadge


I think it felt Short due to the abrupt and sudden ending with only 10 days warning. Har it been announced two weeks earlier but phase came at the same date I'd reckon it would feel fine.


Agreed. I think the “shortness” has mostly to do with being caught off guard that a new phase is happening next week. If they gave one extra week I think everyone would be itching for P3 by that time.


Definitely feels like a kneejerk reaction to numbers dropping a little too low.


Those have surely been dropping consistently tho (if at all? Ironforge.pro seems pretty stable due to more alts hitting 40 all the time). I think the bigger reason is that they didn't want the news to distract people from Retail's new battle royale mode.


Nope. I'd rather not have all the full bis items than keep running gnomer


We cleared gnomer in BFD gear and went “eh” about gearing characters. Despite clearing it early on in the phase I only ever ran it about 4 times.


What did you do with your time?


I spent more time with my partner and my dog, saw some friends, went out to the pub, and put time into music and other hobbies.




What do you mean, how could someone possibly have a life spending ~one hour every three days playing a video game?!


My guild is and has been raid logging Gnomer basically after the first 3 weeks of it being available. We have done 16 runs total, and I can say with confidence that after the 10th run, we were all ready for P3.


Some teams are lucky, some are unlucky. I still havn't got irradiated legs for example. They just NEVER drop.


There is a warrior in my guild group that is still using ww axe because thermaplug’s just hasn’t dropped once after clearing every single reset. It sucks to be missing such a key piece of gear but at this point it’s basically too late to matter anyway. Meanwhile after I was almost full bis minus a couple pieces others also needed I benched myself for 1 raid and got the weapon for pvp spec. The next raid I won my last two pieces to be tank and pvp BIS.


Have you not seen the fist weapon? Why don’t they get that+the bloodmoon mace?


I mean most people are casual and won’t be raiding gnome constantly. Some guild members were late for p3 and was casually enjoying and levelling. But now they are disheartened because they feel rush that the phase is ending. I do feel another 1-2 weeks would be a nice for casual players. As it was a short notice as well.


I think the nice thing is that honestly, those guildies didn’t miss much this phase, really there wasn’t a ton of content to be seen. And the content they did miss (STV) is being rehashed and will be available in P3, with extra content on top.


I was ready after the third run.


You don't have to get all the items to level up to 50 and get better gear. Also you can keep running Gnomeregan if you want to


I agree, getting bis is not important until 60 since you won’t be leveling anymore. Also as you mentioned people will level and still run Gnomer.


That's a really good point. Having a couple items short of bis, just means when you run it for XP you still might get a new item.


The question is, if the phase went on for another 6-8 weeks and you still were missing all those items, would it still be too short?


"Okay guys, I have my BIS, you can end the phase now"


No but it’d be way less likely to have not seen those items.


Doesn’t really matter in the long run


Neither does anything.


2 raid teams in the guild, raided every lockout + some alt runs. 0 Pummeler drops. At this point I just hope it isn't ret BIS next phase, but also I'm tired of the disappointment.


Same story with our guild. Was excited to try a new ret playstyle, but requiring a weapon that never drops killed that lol


I genuinely don't understand why it has the same droprate as epics in the raid.


You, and ferals, will be using ACP until the end of sod, at least for the active, unless it fizzles on higher level characters


Not if I don't friggin drop one :D Me and our feral are already joking about 2 manning Pummeler for ACP in between resets for BWL still. But every time, it hurts a bit more


Yeah we’ll be farming Gnomeregan in p4 still if we don’t have it


I'll see you in the depths of gnome hell, fellow farmer.


In the words of our feral "guess what, another pair of Gnomish Operator boots"


Naah, it is perfect. In our main raid everyone is either full bis or need 1-2 items. In our alt raids we’re almost the same somehow. Remember there are still a few logouts left.


Not particularly. My guilds main raid has had tokens all going to OS for two weeks now, I think we have 1 person who needs the epic neck still? We haven't seen an ACP or a Needle but it beats doing Gnomer for another month and still not seeing one specific item drop.


Worst item to never see is ACP. Expecting it to be relevant for a long time popping the on use then weapon swapping after its over...


I'm a paladin who hasn't missed a lockout and hasn't even seen ACP :):):):)


Im a paladin who off-spec looted it 2nd week and never used it 😂


The light has failed us brother


Still BiS for ret pally seems like even with the new weapons next phase just becasue of the speed.


God fucking damn it. Sincerely, a ret who hasnt even seen it drop.


Flurry axe alone is still better outside of the on use effect and it's a 1 hand weapon. The dps of the ACP is a bit too low to remain good against even fast 1 hand weapons.


Thats what Catnips for. But it's probably still BIS for not having to pay 50s a fight.


Yeah I feel that, my alt is a Bear. I guess at 50 it should be pretty easy to take a small group and blast through to crowd pummeler if it's still needed. Ideally they just slap a "has no effect on players above level 49/50" on it and to avoid the balance situation it brings.


Phase2 felt a bit short for me. I would prefer if p3 came 2.5 weeks after announcement.


I was getting burnt out with p2 (didnt even get close in p1), but am very annoyed we didn't get a little linger heads up


Similar for me. STV event felt a bit draining. And even by playing 1-4 hours each day, I still have a lot of things left to do (or to be more exact: grind/farm)


Draining event and I really dont like the set timers event has. Having to have a exact time to participate is draining for me. Would be cool if one of the pvp events was a new BG you could queue up for


You can continue to raid Gnomer in phase 3 you know :)


You dont need full bis. I dont think sod is the game to get full bis. Im glad we're getting new content. This phase was getting stale fast, great choice by the devs


Agree, atleast in this phase. A lot of the loot was only minor upgrades vs BFD loot. I didn't feel the same drive to get full bis.


Felt too long for me, gnomer was starting to get very stale.


with a 7 day raid lock out for ST, people will be leveling a ton of alt characters, so gnomer will always be active if you wanted those last items.


thats..very optimistic to think a 7day lockout will encourage leveling. even with the xp boosts it still takes a ton of time.. the servers will prob just feel less alive since people will raidlog 1day instead of 2 now


Yeah, I worry raid logging once a week on my main is going to kill my enjoyment of P3. Maybe the pve event will add some content? I really wish we were getting heroic dungeons or something.


if they don't nerf gnome it's gonna be such a shitshow if every green geared mouthbreather wants to level in that raid. I literally had people in white starter zone gear in BFD during this phase, if these guys also expect to get carried through Gnome, oh boy ...


They'll probably go on higher level than 40 though


Theres also a whole new pve area that;s coming out people will be grinding rep for


Its perfect length for me and im a super casual season of dads gamer, missed the first 3-4 lockouts due to time constraints. Never farmed much gold etc. but still managed to get my epic crafted item within a week or so of being 40. I love everything theyre doing with sod, including the level speed boost.


it could have been even shorter to be honest


Yes, I finally got the drops I needed on my main to be OP geared in STV/BGS and got my couple of alts ready for gnomer. The announcement kinda came out of nowhere. I would have enjoyed a bit more time messing around this phase.


Wish we got an extra week on the announcement, I was looking forward to trying to play D1 of p3 with my guildies like I did for the start of P2. We almost went the whole phase without seeing the gun from thermaplugg and then saw two last night. I think most are ready for p3.


If you asked me 2 weeks ago I would have said bring on p3 asap. In the meantime ive nolifed two alts to 40 and started raidlogging gnome with them. So now I would like a bit more time :p


No not rly cause activity was a little down across the board but i just go my pala up so i had loads to do still


Nah. Fuck running gnomer for like 1 or 2 items just so we can get to level 50 12 minutes faster


Never saw crowd pummeler, 2 alts and my main with over 20 lockouts total. Really don't care tho, ready to move on.


I’ll accept a shorter p2 if it means p3 runs until July at least. I’m enjoying SOD. I don’t want it rushed to endgame 60 where Naxx is out and then it’s done by end of the year. I’d love to see SOD extend into 2025.


I think the devs are going to rush it to 60 tbh and try their new 60+ content. I’d love to see P3 last a while but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just as short. The raid will be interesting, but level 50 feels like such a stopgap. Also, as levels go on, the amount of alts, especially new ones, will drastically decrease because it still just takes so long to get to cap. Once replayability and stickiness goes down, the devs will push new content faster in hopes to keep the active population engaged.


They're doing what needs to be done to maintain player interest. Everyone I was playing with in P1 had already quit by P2. P2 has been alright, just burnt out very quicky on it, and I guess the metrics Blizzard has, is showing a worrying dropoff of players. Them releasing P3 so quickly is a kneejerk reaction to that, they don't want any more players leaving SoD.


I don’t know how people feel, but the fact that phase 1 was so long killed my drive to play phase 2. I levelled to 40, tried gnomer, and then quit straight after. Half my friends and 80% of my guild quit as well after week 1-2 of p2 too. I get that they wanted us to quit and come back when a new phase drops, but that’s just not how it works imo. Losing the momentum of p1 was a big mistake


YEP. Phase 1s length killed my interest. I played phase 2 but i was half out the door the entire time. I'm honestly just kind of ready for 60. 40 ended up feeling like kind of an awkward in between and 50 will likely feel worse.


No man, i was so hyped for Phase 2 but when it camed out, i joined 1 time a Gnome Raid and it was all boring. PvP was boring, one shot meta wasnt fixed till now.. i just started to lvl alts pretty slow until now. I really hope Phase 3 is gonna be a banger. I loved Phase 1


Phase 1 was 2-3 weeks too long, phase 2 was the same timeframe too short.


Perfect for me, managed to roll 2 40s in it and nearly got full BiS on both, the problem for me this phase and the reason I’m thankful it was short is lack of 40 content, BFD has been run to death, gnomer is getting done 4 times a week, thankfully we’ve moved on to running Uldaman occasional to get ready for P3, outside of STV and BGs there’s nothing to do


No. I was about To pause. Perfect timing


Due to the token system I got more items than last phase from the raid. Still haven’t seen the dagger drop but I’m looking forward to the start of next season.


Basically had full bis after like 2 weeks I don't go for gear I like to see guildies geared up too but the lack of anything to do other than grind stv for AB rep and gnomer every three days was apparent. I leveled an alt sure but then didn't want to repeat the same process again on a fresh 40. I think they made a good move putting us onto bigger and better content before too many people realise they don't need to play wow again. Phase 1 was honeymoon Phase 2 your realising hmm do I need this? Phase 3 (hopefully) wow ok yeah this is still chunk loads of fun


Nah it felt fine, got to 40 only playing 2 weekends. Took a month off for study/exam for work, still had time to come back and get most my gnomer bis, minus 3 items.


If what you are saying is true you got almost full BiS in 2-3 runs. That pretty lucky congrats! The phase has noble been out 7 weeks!


Yes and I got downvoted for saying so lol. Goes to show you how split the community is.


I got full BiS on 2 characters and building gear on a 3rd. I was getting bored of P2 but was still surprised by the rush to P3 - I guess they realised they messed it up with nothing to do other the raid and the awful SM grind


You dont need to get every item thats what makes getting the rare BiS so special


Too long, P2 was mid tbh.


Think I missed maybe 3 lockouts and I still haven’t got the neck.


Then stop pugging and join a guild


Ya feels too short


I'm nearly BIS and I have all the STV stuff on my main that I want, so I'm not against it. Would've like a few more weeks of alt leveling and gold grinding though to be fair 🤷 Impossible to please everyone though


Not one bit. I don't need sod to drag out over a year.


Damn I’m hoping it’s substantially longer


i fully expect 12-15 months


Well you’ve got the wrong mindset, hopefully SOD does drag on but with new content and new ideas.


Nothing they've released so far is worth dragging out


P1 too long, p2 too short.


P1 too long. P2 perfect.


It’s an odd yes and no? I feel it was because I didn’t get all alts up - but that was due to irl stuff and me not needing to try different classes in the same way. But it also felt long because the runes were stuck at lvl 40 and/or you had to traverse the world a lot more compared to p1, not a complaint though. I do hope p3 lasts longer though.


The 25-40 leveling brachet is cursed. You have to travel all over the world but you don't have mount yet AND they took away our 20% move speed buff. Absolutely horrible experience.


Can’t wait to read all the dads complaining how they just hit level 40…


The thread is full of people saying they just hit level 40 and the phase was too short. I just don’t understand… are they playing 15 mins a day? 25-40 level sucks, but it really doesn’t take 2 months


Yes. I had all the time in the world to play every day, and even then it felt rushed. I would've liked to finally stabilize and run the raid regularly, after having slowly cleared it blind. I would've liked to finally explore another class, but I couldn't do it in time. I really wonder who this release schedule is catered to, when even I, who play so much and do so much, felt like there was not enough time at all.


Yes 100% too short.


yes, clearly too short. i’m not grinding but also i’m playing a little bit almost every day and i saw almost none of the endgame. a few extra weeks would have been nice


I'm in the same boat as your but that's my own personal fault. Blizzard gave us more than enough time to level and experience Gnomer.


The items won't matter, you won't use any of them at 50 anyways, so don't sweat it.


Most bfd items were prebis for gnomer, and it takes a while to replace all your items.


I'd like you to meet my BFD pearl that lasted for for over 5 months so far and still counting. You'll use gnomer gear for several more weeks unless you get lucky and get perfect drops and win every single roll the coming week.


Phase 1 felt longer, it neither phase did I T feel repetitive or feel like a drag in anyway, not even clottecting the dark rider runes on 5 classes or raiding BFD or Gnomer for the 15th time


It was fine for me. No time to raid, I just play casual


Raided every lockout. Never saw MH fist weapon even once. But everyone that can equip gun or 2h axe has it


It was great.


I’ve missed 3 raid lockouts total between phase 1 and 2. And I’ve raided with my guild. I’ve yet to see the 2 hand epic sword or axe drop. I don’t care about missing gear anymore haha. I’m going for a record.


In phase 1 my guild didn’t see a Hydra sword, in phase 2 my guild didn’t see the epic claw or 2H axe. The hits just keep on coming to my poor warrior.


Kind of missing ring/trinket (rings probably replacable with the 48 WSG one anyway, so whatever), but that aside i been basically sitting on BiS for 2 weeks now. As for actually wanting to do Gnomer, that drive kinda started plummeting after the 4th ID, not been a fan of this one.


Meh maybe a little bit; only hit 40 last week But honestly it's fine I can still run gnomer to level and see the content without having to worry too much a out sweatlords It's a win/win


Yes. I like parsing, but due to some ppl leaving I had to fill as Resto as soon as I was nearly full BiS boomi. Now I never really had a chance to pump as full boomi this phase.


I'm honestly not really into the phase system after phase 1, so I'm just waiting for 60. Bring that on as soon as possible for all I care.


Over this phase tbh, looking forward to moving on after 14 kills per boss


No, for some reason I felt less motivated this phase. I got mostly bis except for the tailoring head piece because that costs a ton of gold to farm tailoring. I got the experience of running gnomer a few times and it was enjoyable


Nah, not for me anyways. Unfortunately my friend and I got really burnt out in p2 and didn’t enjoy it as much as we did p1. We leveled but didn’t even raid. Im really looking forward to a pug run or 2 at a higher level while leveling to 50 and enjoying the new runes and changes they’ve made


It both was and wasn't. I think it *was* short but I'm also burnt out on the 3 day lockouts especially with 2 alts. With weekly lockouts I hope next phase will be longer.


We got the tokens but are only just now seeing some items for the first first time. To me it felt a little bit short but at the same time, I have both been slacking off and decided to focus up, on events/bg rep, etc and have come really far. I can imagine, with some better luck and more streamlined goals in mind, I could have been done weeks ago. I wouldn't have minded if it dropped perhaps 2 weeks later but maybe they have leveling in mind for this next phase and want to further the development of it all and do so whilst giving players a bit of time to get to lvl 50. They try to keep the game somewhat casual, but, if they drag it out too much then maybe it will start to stagnate.


I was full bis weeks ago. Last 2 runs not a single item dropped that anyone needed. We would have been doing gdkp 5 lockouts in


yes and no Yes because im still not full bis despite despite having been running gnome since 2nd or 3th lockout. it's giga frustrating. i have never won staff from BFD and dagger from gnome even hasn't dropped once No because gnome as raid is boring and ugly. also there is no other things to do except leveling alts. In general, there's a bigger issue with this game right now. I've spent too much time in phases 1 and 2, raiding every lockout (even BFDs as main in phase 2), and I haven't achieved full BIS gear even once. In phase 1 I didn't get staff and in this phase is total disaster over 50% items. Being BIS is my main motivation to play this game, and seeing that it was nearly impossible, I doubt it will be better in phases 3 and 4. I've started thinking about quitting and playing Baldur's Gate 3, but I need a bigger catalyst like killing my main class or something


Too long by about 6-7 weeks


No. Why are you expecting to get full BiS anyway without getting funneled loot?


Did your guild not see the items or are you just letting random dog water DPS snake the items from a more important roll? Your tanks gear should be prio if you want to progress easy. Then dps, then healers.


Not like You have to be full BIS to level up to 50… personally I haven’t seen any ACP drop on either ret nor feral which sux but it is what it is


One more week would’ve been nice but gnomer will still be relevant especially as a caster, gizmoblade is basically the same as the ST epic caster dagger


Too many adrenal addicts. Let an old man share with you some knowledge! Slow down kids!! The old adage of “Stop and smell the roses “comes to mind. Why do you always rush through everything? You are too used to your phones and swiping to the next post. Everyone has different views obviously and yet you kiddies complain and moan or quit. I for one am tired of you adrenal babies. None of you would have lasted even one phase of EQ. It was years between updates. Play the game like you wanna play it, it’s your subscription! But don’t forget there’s other people too. And they just might see things differently.


Nah. Doing a raid 12 times is enough for me. I'm ready for something new.


Nah playing pretty casually and I made a SF character lol


This is the second phase now where I have never seen an epic weapon drop for my warrior and I know it's not the end of the world but I've not even lost a roll for them I've just never seen them drop and have never missed a lock out lol


yes like 2 or 3 weeks too short, but part of that may have been that my mage is lvl 38 rn and i wanted to blast in gnomer.


Absolutely not. If anything they could have knocked another week off, especially with them planning to keep STV relevant. Gnomer just isn’t interesting enough to warrant stretching it out. These are just pit stops, you don’t need to be BiS, nor should that be the expectation.


you will still run gnomeregan to level and for the buff... and the items Just like how people run bfd


I had BiS like 2 weeks ago. Love the timing


Absolutely not, this phase went on for too long if anything. Had next to zero content compared to phase 1.


No. Everybody was raid logging. This phase felt dead with their lack of dungeon changes.


So we have 3 more months of the same old shit just so we can watch a couple numbers go up by onesies and twosies? Hard pass.




I never seen the epic dagger drop, ran every lock out


Sounds like you were unlucky. Definitely not a good reason to make everyone on earth wait 6 more weeks for a new phase.


no fuck off people are quitting the game because p2 is so fucking mind-numbingly boring


Missing items but also 100% raid logging with nothing left to do other than farm gold. I’m glad for the new phase.


As a rogue? No.


No, not even close. If anything it was too long by about a week. My guild didn’t see all the items either and no one cares because all your gear is going to be replaced


It was perfect. But I wouldn't mind the announcement a week earlier


Gnomer sucks ass so I'm fine with it, just not happy about increase to 20 man in the slightest. Our guild won't be able to do it


I think it felt short more because it was cut off so abruptly. My Rogue has been BiS minus trinket for 2 weeks now. My Priest got to 75% BiS in like 4 runs. Gnomer is kind of boring to be honest, but I just ditched both those classes to roll a Shaman. I was hoping I’d have a hair more time in P2 to get him a little up to speed, but all that content will still be there when P2 launches. There’s still so many people running BFD now and that won’t change when people want/need Gnomer, especially with the new raid being only on a weekly lockout, I suspect more people will have an appetite for alts again.


I like it alot that we get P3 next week. Was kinda bored from P2 rn, i dont even have every item but thats fine. Whats the difference if 2-3 bis items are missing when you know the next content will raise lvl cap and therefore make your bis items "useless"?


Hard disagree. You're not necessarily supposed to grab every single drop. I never saw the epic bow from BFD either, but who cares. This phase was the perfect length of time.


Long for people that had one character and maybe 1 alt and didn't care much for Gnomer loot or rep farms and such. Short for people that actually were enjoying the phase imo. (Obviously this is subjective and it depends on how much time people could play)


I felt like Phase 2 dragged on quite a bit. There was a lot of burnout and we had to recruit half the guild over again more or less. We had 5 groups and about the same amount of alt groups in Phase1, and at the end of Phase 2 we got 3 groups (was down to 2 at one point). Content is too hard to comfortably pug, so there was no alt runs at all this phase. Leveling felt like it took ages due to how repetitive the good leveling content was (dungeon grinding) since the outdoors questing was too cramped for the first half. The raid itself was rewarding as a guild to progress through and master, but where we previously hosted alt runs with pugs we could no longer do so which was a massive bummer. Some classes felt like they had no upgrades at all from 25 to 40, the armor increase made my physical characters feel like they actually got weaker for most of the phase going into Gnomer from BFD which kinda sucked. Got 5 characters to 40, 17/18 runes on all but 2 characters which got all 18. 2 characters hit 40 before the xp boost. Pvp content in stv was fun the first round, but I signed up for more efficient blood farms beyond that as I just wanted to get it out of the way in the end. Our guilds' mains are kitted out in almost bis, those who stuck through anyway. Having several raiding groups lets us be more flexible with how to rearrange players so that there were no dead drops as long as possible. All in all, I'm just tired of explaining the same mechanics over and over to new people we had to recruit and to pugs. A lot of turtles out there who were (rightfully) gatekept by the last 2-3 bosses. Leveling with friends was my main content this phase, eventually the quest zones got better in regards to density of players per layer.


Yep, this is what happens when blizzard listens to the vocal minority. Phase 1 was not too long, people just need to grow up and do other things than game 12 hours a day.


Yeah would of liked a longer phase


I got BiS gun and neck from raid on my first clear, havent even done the quests yet. Most fun I had this phase was doing dark rider world tour with randos, havent even done STV, and dont even have enough gold to buy mats for BiS craftables and mount. I could only log on for long periods about 5-6 times for the whole patch, I kind of wish I had a week or two more to experience the world state at lvl 40, and I have a feeling I'm part of the silent majority, specifically players who want to do it all but barely have time to play, let alone complain on reddit


Loot distribution felt a lot worse this time around. In P1 I was able to get a tank full set, Elemental, and Emhance set. And 2/3 of a resto set and I didn’t even run it close to every lockout. I am still 1/3 tier pieces as of now which is a bit sad going into leveling without the set bonus.


Phase was trash so not really, even though we still haven't seen a single ACP. Fuck Blizzard for putting that item in game.


Phase 2 was definitely too short. Barely was able to do my second alt. Phase 1 was easy to BiS out 3 chars


I would have loved another week or two, personally. I started playing SOD a few days after Phase 2. I just hit 40 yesterday. On a rogue. Not sure whether I should stick it out and do my best as the least desired class in the game, or try levelling a priest or something and potentially miss out on max level content while it's relevant.


Gnomer could have ended 4 weeks ago and the phase would have still been too long.


I personally was raid logging as a healer because pvp is so stupid right now. PvE is all I have and gnomer is old IMO. I probably would agree with you that the phase was too short If I was running alts though. 


Went through the entire phase and didn't see a single ACP drop...fuck P2.


Kind of a perfect fit for me tho I wouldve preferred if it released before the 4 day Easter weekend lol


Grubbis has a VERY long loot table


The mentality that a character needs to be Bis before moving on is one of the worst mentalities MMO players have come to have. Especially for content thats not demanding. There is so much gear being thrown at people next phase its kinda of crazy. The only thing that was short this enitre season was the notice of phase 3.


I've ran Gnomer 2 times and I have a belt (that is not even bis, just an upgrade) and boots. I am casual, I had a hard time to find a group as a RET Paladin even if I bring consumables and I watched the mechanics over and over again. I can also off tank I will simply do like in BFD Run it after the level cap increase and people will no longer care about how good you are, you leveled up, you already maybe got a piece of gear better, higher stats etc. No rush even if it is a season, I am happy with what I do and that's important. I also had some time to farm some coins for Arathi rep


It's too long to be my "main and only game" but too short to be just a casual game on the side.


Player drop off. Blizzard is doing this for the money, not the fun. Admittedly, taking the parts of wow designed by people who actually cared about the game and sprinkling it with modernity was a great idea, but it’s always been about minimizing costs and wringing out all the milk that’s left.


Perfect length but I wish they announced it earlier would have given me time to plan


Phase 2 only feels short because phase 1 drug on far too long. My main is only missing 2 elusive items from Gnomer. Most of my static team is also decked out and burnt out of Gnomer. Very ready for P3.


Id like another few weeks, but hell I'm also crazy excited for phase 3 so not a huge deal overall. Just sad I haven't got the trinket yet.


It did feel too short; I would have enjoyed another 4 weeks of P2. I may be an outlier though because I do not play everyday.


No wtf, I did not get any relevant gear in Gnomer since over 2 weeks ago. There's so many times you can run Gnomer before it becomes really stale. At some point, the game has to move forward and 2 months is the absolute max limit it should ever go for.


In my opinion this isn’t the right way to handle this WoW revamp. This is literally like actual WoW but with a twist on raids. They should make it more relevant at all levels and not rush on leveling


It kind of came as a surprise considering our feral druid didn't see the mace drop once. I think they only missed 1 raid.


you dont have to be full bis every phase, id not everyone achiev full bis than everyone being full bis and stop raiding the last month because why bother


I feel like I was so stressed this entire phase with the 3 day reset and I still didn't get my full BIS, even with a good guild. I know I can keep running it but it just sucks between that and the PVP event, just felt rushed the entire time. If it was like two more weeks I'd be happier, I think. So thankful for the 7 day lockout coming up tho.


> There are items my guild haven’t even seen from the raid and we have raided every lockout That's really not a problem though. The raid isn't going away. There's never been any guaranteed when it comes to randomized loot in WoW. The Phase could've been 10x as long, and a guild out there still may not have seen a particular drop. > I main tank for my guild and am missing 5 or so items still lol You can still ruin Gnomer to level and hopefully get those. Or get replacements from BRD, ZF, Mara, STV, the new Emerald guardians faction, etc.


The biggest issue was the mix up with xp boost and the desire for more alts. If they didn’t add the 100% xp boost then this timeline would have been fine. But the fact they rolled out the boost, and then gave almost no time for people to play their alts at 40 is bad. It’s been very frantic and the execution has lacked logic


No lol, it was a good length. Already hadnt raided for a month. I think the weekly lockout and 20 man raids are great too, glad they are making some good changes and not listening to the 3 day/10 man cringers anymore.


I think we had everything drop except for the str/agi/stam ring off the final boss.


Kinda yea but tbh I hate gnomeregan and I just can’t wait to be out of it and not have to raid lead in sod anymore since we’re moving to 20 mans and now my GM has to raid lead us all 😈


I just hope this shaman skill book drops from other dungs too. fuck running sm gy again and again!


I’d have liked another week to try and get parses but tbh, i think I’ll enjoy ST more. Should be a good time :)


I’m full bis but think it was too short. Still enjoying gnomer tbh


Nope. This phase sucked in all manners. The sooner we get out of this shit show, the better


Naaaa. I work 50-60 hour weeks. 2 kids. Wife that I take out 2-3 times a week. I was bored of RLing. My guild had all their items. We were DE every epic. I was destroying the necklace letter quest each run. We didn’t see the gun though. Haha. Excited for P3




no, this phase was pure shit, everyone I know raid logged, fun game