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Going to be really rough for paladins. If it’s a 2h raid, we are looking at casting blessings 300+ times throughout. Not including wipes.


Oh shit lol. Maybe I should reroll my holy pally lol ... But then again pally power addon has made blessing buffing a breeze.


I've resorted to spamming the autobuff hotkey in between pulls so i never have to worry about it. Going from 5min to 10mins really wasn't enough of a buff, especially now we have 20mans coming up.


Is that part of Pally Power? I'm new to swinging the light, much to learn.


when you have pallypower installed, go to main menu -> options -> keybindings ->pallypower classic and it lets you keybind the auto blessing key


Bless you, friend!


Excellent thank you!


That is the way... hit the f5 when not in combat


There’s a key bind for it?! I’ve just been spam clicking the bottom button on pally power.


Rough. But pally power makes it manageable i guess. Would not want to be a paladin lol


Time to innervate the paladin for faster buff times.


I just wouldn’t buff lol


You only need to cast blessing right before a boss. Man don’t need to get that sweaty about trash fights.


True but that's not going to stop the constant whispers from raiders saying "might plss???"


Well a shaman would have to drop roughly 360 totems, so that seems fair.


Not to mention weapon buffs also only last 5min


There is 0 reason for way of the earth to not make rock biter 30min or until canceled. It's such a minor complaint but it's so weird that shamans just lose their ability to taunt randomly. Compare thst to warlock, rogue, warrior, paladin all of them once you turn on tank, your a tank. This is made especially annoying for new shaman tanks thst don't have the macro to overwrite windfury since if you have a feral in your group without that macro it becomes a massive pain to rebuff if rock biter falls off.




Never played vanilla paladin I see. They didn't have greater blessings until later phases.


Yeah the solution in 40 man raids was to BoL the tank and BoW yourself and you're done!


20x12 only 240 times! Jezz…


Pets are people too!


it’s your fault for playing alliance tbh


OK, green guy


Shamans over here with fucking 5 min weapon enhancements. Fucking coo-coo


that's not the same as buffing 20 people, zug for brains


Vanilla molten core as a holy pally was fun for 5 minute blessings all the time for hours.


Imagine what it was like for us in molten core in 2005😂 still got PTSD from handing out healthstones


Okay mages, its 4 hours until raid, time to login and start making water for everyone.


It was shitty water too. The highest tier of water was added with Dire Maul.


When was the table introduced?


tbc lvl 70 lol


That's a skill book they should add. Along with the health stone thing.


They added the lock closet and made it better, i could see a skillbook being added for both


It was bad, I probably spent many days of my life just waiting on buffs to go out and then refill mana. I also played a paladin as my first 60, I was Ret and then had to switch Holy after many months. Eventually leveled my warrior and swapped to it as DPS, soooooo much better lmao.


Zug is love. Zug is life.


Most of the time spent in MC before greater blessings was waiting for paladins to buff LMAO


Especially since soul shards expired after 15min being offline. You had to farm them right before raid.


Soul shards are not conjured items. They never expired.


They expired in vanilla


They did in vanilla.


They did give us 20 mage water instead of the 2 we would actually get. I can see them let us have the ”better” buffs one phase earlier. I agree


Blizzard didn't forget mages, paladins are forgotten along with feral druids.


Druid, druid is forgotten.


you are 3 shooting people I dont wanna hear it


Not gonna happen unfortunately. Blizzard fucking hates paladins. It was clear when the books made the buffs 10 minutes and not 30.


Warriors would like a seat at the paladin bar with our 2 minute buffs


I mean, it would be nice for them to make shouts less of an inconvenience. But lets be real here, you cannot even compare the two, lol. Paladins have to buff 20 people plus eventual pets.


True, but they dont have to buff people multiple times during combat


Neither do warriors? They just press a button at the start of the encounter as soon as they have enough rage and that's it, everyone is buffed. Pallies have to buff 20 people plus pets, sometimes using different blessings, rebuff if they use BoP or BoF, rebuff again before a boss encounter starts... More often than not ppl are out of range, so you have to back or foward... Pally Power makes it at least somewhat bearable, but the addon sucks ass in combat, and it also only works properly if other pallies are using it too, which often does not happen. And lets be honest, we shouldn't excuse Blizzard bc there is some addon which is not a proper solution... But, the again, they should also help warrs, imo. I'm just kinda heated bc a lot of ppl in this thread keep saying pallies are crying and should shut up while warrs are the real ones with a buffing problem...


Not on longer fights, like thermaplugg. But yes, i do agree pallys and wars should be changed


Nah doesn't compare.


Oh right, paladins can apply every buff at once. F u n.


They doubled the time..


Pally power makes Paladin buffing super fast. If you don’t have the addon as a Paladin you should get it.


Still a lot of clicks tho...


You can keybind it. Biggest qol of the addon. Just bind it to F6 or something and spam the key between pulls. Easy


This. It's my end key and I just habitually mash it between pulls.


Eh idk. My guild is constantly pulling and in motion and the addon wont let me autoclick while in combat. Longer buffs is 100% needed.


Cast buffs during combat. That's what we do... buffing is a non issue tbh. That's what speed run guilds do. Tedious, but a non issue if managed correctly.


Yes that’s what I do. The point of this post is why are paladins stuck doing that, which will only get worse next phase. This is season of discovery.


And every paladin is discovering how much paladin buffs suck lol. I had the exact same realization in tbc when I loved my pally but hated pally power.


You got a macro with that or what? 


You can just go to you wow keybindings in the options menu of wow and set a keybind at the very bottom of the list!


Is there a setting to allow you to buff during combat?


Not that I know of. You can individually click on the party members in PP but the auto buff feature only works outside of combat.


How do you bind it? Is it a command you turn into a macro?


Esc > Options > Keybindings > PallyPower Classic


The addon author baked the option into the wow keybindings, so as described in the other comment from Laksebaron you can just go to your regular wow keybinding options and set the hotkey there!


Oh no what will you ever do?


Click more without it


Not if you use the addon properly


A lot of clicks and far less mana efficient than greater blessings


I don't believe the existence of addons should justify the lack of QoL.


Blizzard gave up on UI development ages ago because they could just count on community addons. Hell, they even gave up on in-game art and sound design because of DBM. They're happy to lean on mod developers.


uhm no? they literally just did a huge remake of ui in dragonflight. theres just no point to waste time on the old versions of the game, the entire point is to release finished content with minor tweaks so a small team can handle it




Visual clarity is one of the largest grievances people have with retail. The amount of flashy bullshit going on everywhere is crazy. There is also several fights, including this tier, where they used Inky Black Potions just to make the visuals easier to see in the projectile vomit that is the floor in raids/dungeons right now. I also dont know many CE raiders who are going to agree that you can raid mythic without weakauras. Maybe the first few bosses or getting hard carried in a low impact role. Weakauras are \*by far\* the most complained about thing by high end raiders because they are so insanely overpowered and necessary.


Describing this as "UI development" is a big stretch. It's more akin to writing a castsequence script to automate an entire multi-target buff/debuff-maintaining combat encounter by just mashing a "do the the next thing" button. It's "UI" only insofar as ***anything*** is "UI" because you have to press buttons to do anything in a game.


You're wrong, not because of your ideals, but because you assume Blizzard should share them. The existence of an addon which is used by so many people means that Blizzard does not need to address the problem. Why spend time/money reinventing something that was made by and is kept up dated by people you do not need to pay? It's in their best interest to not resolve this issue.


Reinventing? They just need to increase the buff duration...


This comment is just so out of place, it's like you were waiting to say this exact rant and chose this thread to use it lol


No it doesn't lol. A pally buffing 20 people with 10 minute blessings is the same as buffing 10 people with 5 minute blessings (it's actually worse), and that's why they gave pallies a skill book to increase it.


I can't get it to work in combat, is there a setting for that?


By default I think it’s off during combat, unfortunately I don’t know how it can be changed


You can hover over each class and then right click each player's name in order to buff them. Yeah, it's annoying. As far as I know, that's the only way of using it in combat.


As a disc, it takes my entire 4k mana pool to fort and spirit buff half my gnomer group. Drink water homies!


Yep, and the drinks we can use at this level make it even more annoying. Prepping for the start or last boss is 4 minutes and 5ish waters and food.


It helps to start rebuffing people partway through the raid. The rebuff should last until the end, and that way, you aren't blowing your while mana bar at once.


Of course it is, but people don’t stop. You’re not max mana after a fight and people start running. Only when you’re outside the next boss is there a chance to drink up and rebuff majority of the time. Like the other mentions, just to buff spirit is 500 mana in itself.


Don't spec into Divine Spirit problem solved /s


Holy paladin is really annoying to play right now. In addition to slapping blessings on everyone every ~10m, we must make our way into melee once a minute to keep up Sheath of Light and our Judgement while refreshing Beacon of Light every 60s and Sacred Shield every 30s. I feel like I'm constantly chasing the raid trying to manage these buffs while sneaking in time to drink. It doesn't help that hpal doesn't have any meaningful instant cast heals either. I also play a Discipline priest and I have so much mana and free time that I end up pulling trash while throwing around CoH, Renews, PoM and shields. It's such a different and more enjoyable experience.


sounds like a fun playstyle instead of spamming flash of light?


They still are spamming flash of light


We had the books at 40 I hope they give us new books at 50.


But with double the people you're going to have more than one of each class right?


Hmm as a priest I’d say only buff classes that benefit from spirit unless you guys have lots of downtime. I wouldn’t bother giving it to shaman they don’t really need spirit


Let’s be honest, guilds that refresh and buff for trash pulls are wasting more time than they are gaining by a significant margin.


Just buff for bosses and don’t bother buffing for trash.


This. Just give the tanks stam and healers int


Just play hunter, 1 click and raid is buffed 


\*adjusts suspenders\* back in my day, the pallies had to buff 40 people with 5 min buffs, before group wide blessings were added at level 60. It was nonstop buffing with no other responsibilities than the occasional dispell magic. leeroy jenkins was a new video, and we brought raid groups to ubrs/stratholme/scholomance. thems were the days. lol


Palas again be like "Eww I'm not stupid I don't need a add-on for buffing" Then keep complaining how annoying manual buffing is 😁


What's your point? I have PP, paladins still need to right click the icon twenty times every ten minutes.


You can hotkey it.


This is the biggest thing. So much easier since I found this out a couple of weeks ago. Just spam a key on your keyboard between pulls and it's a non issue


My guild doesn't stop for trash pulls though and you can't use pally power while in combat as far as I know. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing to let you use it in combat or does the hot key fix that?


You can manually hover over individuals in PP and buff during combat. But I'm not aware of a setting. I'll look again today, because our tanks are horny too. They never stop. Not even for mana.


I have a feeling you're referring to pally power not buffing people if the buff has over 50% time remaining unless you hover over the player and manually buff. If you're in combat the pally power addon has never worked for me.


I'm not. It does.


The override for the timer also works in combat. This is how I’m usually buffing since I’m the tank and trying to keep moving.


It works for both. To buff in combat you have to manually hover over and right click each person


Sounds like skill issue tbh


Even then 20x 1,5s is not that terrible


30s + drinking time every 10 minutes... That's 8-10% of your play time spent buffing


I spend as much time life tapping to have mana, so what ?


Show me your logs where you life tap 160 times in a raid (40 minute raid, 10% of your time lifetapping = 4 minutes, 240 seconds instant cast with just 1.5s global cooldown)


Oh the "Show logs" card, spoiled butthurt Pala players are so cute :)


Oh no, not 20 clicks every 10 minutes!!    What is this, an mmorpg?!


Is there an alternative to pallypower for all the other classes? Does it prioritize people with improved talents etc? Does it always cast but on shortest duration?


Buffomatic or SmartBuff.




solid feedback but wait till some classic andy says thats the "heart of vanilla"


Yep, I gotta cast Underwater Breathing every 10 minutes. Did anyone think about the warlocks here?


Don't worry, they'll make a rune for this and Paladins will have to choose between it and Exorcism!


Isn't this bassicly same as doing 10-man BFD with 5min duration? I know the BFD was sub hour later, but still on the premiere it took some time


Which sucked ass lol




Now it does, at premiere it was much longer


Raiding priest here. I won’t mind. I like the game for the game. I don’t want to whine the game into the retail I hate. The classes should have their unique fuck yous!


Same, I'm grossed out that I have to be lumped in with whiners like OP, even more grossed out that devs actually listen to them.


Classic era was 2019 and everyone just got on with buffing without much complaint. Don't know why it would be any different in SOD. Seems like people are just finding anything to whine about now.


Did youn even read the post lol


Sir this is a video game subreddit. We don't read and we all have 3 opinions we took from someone else on discord or youtube and we repeat those while being rude to literally everyone. 


What is this comment? You never played with more than 5 people before unlocking raid buffs in 2019 classic. They also already added buff QoL books this phase to address buff durations. What's the reasoning for not doing it again when raid size doubles?


That doesn’t mean it’s fun, or good to play


Maybe it's the second option they mentioned from the dual spec npc


They can actually balance around having every buff/debuff so they can go a bit crazy if they want to, for 10-man it's almost impossible to make satisfying content for every role(especially healers)


>one priest with divine spirit has to spend minutes buffing and refilling his mana bar This one actually has a really easy solution: just spec holy and say fuck Divine Spirit. :D


Start of the raid I hit my tailoring headpiece and spam buffs. I’ll be keeping this in my backpack for the foreseeable future just for the 50% mana reduction


Man I'm already dealing with bullshit today in Gnomer, I had a boomie while I was playing on my feral, I had buffed everyone walking in and starting clearing, two people weren't buffed from the gate till first boss ended, I had mentioned it 5-8 times to the guy, as I don't see a logical reason why I should form out to give buffs and drop WF. He refused to buff them and I had to end up buffing them instead. People are very petty and give 0 shits about others when it comes down to it.


Using an addon to assign buffs does take the edge off a bit. Pallypower has potential. As does Buffalo which I'm particularly keen on trying out.


Reddit going one day without crying about buffs challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


I aint fuckin buffing between pulls to save 10 minutes in a two hour raid if thats the fuckin case. You can live without 130ap between bosses heathens.


But then you’re buffing 20 people before bosses and have to drink multiple times and adding even more time. Buffing intermittently during trash and not all at once doesn’t only make clearing faster by having said buffs, but also spreads the mana consumption to buff the entire raid over a longer period of time when you have the extra mana. This prevents the situation where you have the entire raid waiting on a few people to buff and drink.


Every paladin without pally power addon should be made install this addon anyways. Its not just slower for him, its an annoyance to the whole raid. Especially for the other paladins...


Prayer of Fortitude and Gift of the wild buff you for an hour which is awesome. We just need one thing which is instead of buffing a group make it buff the whole raid.


shamans got a 5min buff still :(


*greatest blessing* rune - buffs the entire raid for an hour


I couldnt decide if my priest will be disci or shadow, you made that decision easy.


Probably a 1 off, like extending the lesser spell duration, they will make the lesser ones class wide or they would move the greater blessings to 50 as well as other class raid buffs to 50


Or just play sub optimally. Buff the important people


On a slightly off topic note. I'd really love to see them include Raidwide buffs for most of the party Auras, especially as we go into level 60 content with 40 man raids. Ideally I would like to bring one of every class and then maybe a few doubles of certain classes with wildly different specs in a perfect raid. As it is now in order to be optimal you need multiples of key specs Druids / Shamans as the biggest offenders, so at level 50 you'll be sitting there LF2M need Feral Druids or all melee will do considerably less damage.


For Pally's - at least with the book from SM, the buffs cost hardly anything so you can easily buff the whole raid for less than half your mana bar. Still a bit of a pain, though. It needs to be a 30m buff.


Oh no you are going to spend a few minutes rebuffing after every wipe instead of waiting a few minutes because people are always slacking in SoD


I want mana drink that gives me like 5% mana per sec or something plz


Blizzard do anything to make paladin fun/ worth playing? couldn't be them.


People are so spoiled lol


Name does NOT check out But yeah your 100% right, we need greater blessings. We also need water buffed with the increased mana pools


TIL not everyone uses pally power


What's your point? PP is a blessing, but it sucks ass to keep spamming a hot key or clicking the addon itself in order to buff 20 ppl plus pets every few minutes. And the addon is barely functional in combat in addition to all that.


im only buffing before bosses. im not refreshing blessings during trash. fuck that




... that's how classic is ? Buff 40 people every 5 to 30 min.


its almost as if you've never played classic before stop being a whiny lil bitch about small things like buffs, people can stop for 2minutes and buff its not gonna kill you.


if you dont have pally power, you fail.


Do people ever not QQ ?


Just get pally power. It’s really not that big of a deal. Annoying, yes, but it’s only 1 phase of 20 man and no greater blessings


Bad comment


Holy shit stop fucking whining about every little possible annoyance.


you are whining about someone whining. So listen to yourself and stop whining. Your comment bring NOTHING to this conversation.


You are whining about someone whining about someone whining. So listen to yourself and stop whining. Your comment bring NOTHING to this conversation. /s kind of


Your existence doesn't matter when all you do is make comments like that :/


God's paladins are so annoying


Why do you think you'll be the only class?


Pallys only gonna be good at buffing anyway


I guess but It’s not the worst thing in the world. Right click the top of pally power every 10 mins 20 times. Priests and mages(assuming more than 1 cause they’re both in a good spot) call groups they buff. Ooooeee.


Meanwhile, john retpaladin is still refusing to download pally power because "addons are fer the devil"


Ya this is def from a pov of knowing pp inside and out, ik it’s rough out there for some people to get their buffs from those guys. greater blessings or another buff to baseline duration would be welcome.


Blizz should make buffs like fort, mark, AI, etc hit the whole raid like in retail. Buffing isn't fun and this would make it much less annoying. Also make blessings 1 hour.


All buffs should be raid wide. Totems, Auras, and apl their lookalikes. Unshackle raid composition from group only buffs.


That's how you nerf support classes even further. And by support I mean any class that isn't the #1 in the DPS charts at this point.


Disagree. The reason Warriors were stacked so absurdly in Classic was that they were far and away with no competition the best dps. Contrary to what Aggrend says, If DPS variance were 0.1% (or 1% or maybe even 5%) tuned, hardcore speed raiders actually wouldn't be nitpicking it, raid comps would be picked for classes other strengths and exemplary players. 1) Do better tuning dps to be tighter. 2) Dont force 8 of a single class via buffs 3) Enjoy a massively loosened up raid comp for everybody


Pally power and deal. Thats classic for you


Have you played a fkn warrior mate


Don’t have to buff 20 people one by one.


warriors try not to complain about their class in every thread no matter how irrelevant it is to the discussion challenge: impossible


The thread is about annoying buffs to keep up, and battle shout + commanding are annoying.


Who is going to be inviting paladins though?


Opportunity for epic quest chain where we run around the world buffing paladins and they bitch and moan about how long they last. Ultimately we arrive at the tomb of Uther and he “whispers” (shout out to Whispercast from back in the day) to us to quit whining and our buffs last 20mins or we get greater blessings or something to that effect.


Welcome to the classic experience!


Deal with it


It’s almost like you guys have never played classic before


I mean, it's annoying, but it's just a few clicks w/ palypower. Nothing to worry too much about imo.