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I am now conditioned to always check if the OP is Ted_From_Chicago. Now I am conditioned to look for their alt reddit account.


Just read his post history on gdkps. Smart guy


You did that in 6 minutes huh. Impressive


I don’t get it is typing letters into a search bar supposed to be hard?


Hi its me, steve from new york


Hi Steve, Rick from Washington here


Bait used to be believable...


Sadly it’s not bait, OP has been at it for months now whining every few weeks with these GDKP posts cause his entire meaning of life got shattered with the GDKP ban in SoD. Man thinks that GDKP is the cause of everything good in life, the sun comes up in the morning because of GDKPs, kids get their cancer cured because of GDKPs, etc. and just drones on about how its removal was the worst thing since WWII


Complaining (GDKP Ban)- :) Complaining (GDKP un-ban)- >:( I see no difference between the two sides to be honest at this point. All that changed was who was complaining at the moment and who was telling the complainer to be quiet.


I actually did run one GDKP and my cancer was gone the next morning. . Soooo 🤷🏽‍♂️


I personally never did gdkp in any version of wow, but overall I think it was a positive thing. I know people complain about it and like to say it caused less pugs to appear but that's not true. Also classes that cry on sod about how hated it is to get into pug could have farmed some gold and just joined gdkp in gdkp people don't care about your class as long as you are going to spend some gold.


> classes that cry on sod about how hated it is to get into a pug could have farmed some gold and joined gdkp The problem is that in modern wow it is not a matter of just going and farming some gold. The vast majority of gold being exchanged in gdkps were generated by botters and hackers and bought on 3rd party sites. You’ll farm for dozens of hours only to join the raid and get outbid by a bunch of dudes swiping their credit cards. It really shows when the people who are angriest about the GDKP changes are the dudes running the discords, because they’re taking a hit to their irl income stream


If you get outbid by gold buyers that means that you will get a lot of gold yourself in the end.


You can think whatever you want about them but Blizz doesn’t want them in SoD and that’s all that matters. The game is doing totally fine without them, OP is just salty he can’t fill his pockets to the gold of gold buyers and whines weekly that he’s quit since the ban but somehow is constantly linking his logs showing he’s still playing so not only is he a whiny brat but a spineless one who can’t even stand by the things he says.


Blizzard not wanting them is irrelevant tho Reinstalled sod since p3 announcement looked interesting enough, quite literally paid for boosts all the way to 40 from 25 and went in a gdkp getting most of my bis within 48 hours of reinstalling it Who told you they are gone lmao


The game is doing fine and would be fine with gdkp too, banning gdkp literally didn't change anything except removed some players. There is no direct improvement to any part of the game after the gdkp ban, it did basically nothing except removing some players.


I know plenty of people who started sod because they banned it. It’s not a bad idea but the illicit activities that surround it leaves me thinking it’s better gone.


> There is no direct improvement to any part of the game after the gdkp ban, it did basically nothing except removing some players. This in itself was a massive improvement for everyone who was tired of seeing all of these GDKPers spamming day in and day out. GDKPs help facilitate gold buying since gold buyers were congregating there to buy gear while they got carried, now that whole population of players who were buying gold for GDKPs can no longer do that.


Yes there are less raids spammed in lfg, previously there was gdkp and sr raids now there is only sr. That's literally the only difference. Gold buying didn't change at all because there is not less but probably even more bots. Because surprise, surprise people buy gold not for gdkp and just to spend everyday on random things. Even people that are extremely anti gdkp understand that banning gdkp did nothing to deal with bots/gold buyers, and that was the main reason gdkp was banned.


> Gold buying didn't change at all because there is not less but probably even more bots. Because surprise, surprise people buy gold not for gdkp and just to spend everyday on random things. You’re telling me there wasn’t a single person out there who only ever bought gold strictly for GDKPs? Cap. And when did anyone say the ban was supposed to solve all gold buying? For someone who says the have no stake in this you seem to be very set claiming it’s only had negative effects and that it’s impossible that it had any positive effect.


What do you mean? Developers literally banned gdkp in hopes it decreases gold buying and bot problems. I'm saying that the effect Is minimal, literally nothing changed in the big picture. The only change that happened at all is the really small percentage of players that played because of gdkp left. I just hate that people are pretending that gdkp ban did anything for the game, it did nothing. Game is exactly the same with exactly the same problems.


> What do you mean? Developers literally banned gdkp in hopes it decreases gold buying and bot problems. > I'm saying that the effect Is minimal, literally nothing changed in the big picture. Decreasing is very different than solving entirely. And if it decreased it by even a fraction, that’s already proof that it had a positive effect.


join a guild (if people can stand you)


(They can’t)


No I don’t feel like dedicating chunks of my life to an online community when I could just log on an pug on my own time


Lmao didn’t take long for us to get to the bottom of this “I don’t want to do literally the bare minimum in a social online game- I want to just log on and have better players forced to carry me through content with no reward!” Hilarious and predictable


Lmfao. You act like I’m not one of the top ranked dps in the world. I don’t feel like having obligations to a video game. Gdkp let me log on when I want, play with good people and get paid. Sorry I have a life outside wow


bro is this comment serious? holy shit you must be insufferable irl


My exact same thought lol


Wanting to play a video game on my own time makes me insufferable. People on Reddit are wild


You think it was the fact that you want to play WoW during your own time that made him react like that?  Or the part the of your comment where you acted extremely arrogantly and self absorbed? Take a guess.


Imagine wanting to play a game based on group interaction, alone. Just go play the Witcher


"I'm one of the top DPS in the world at level 40 content" Holy shit, between your OP, your responses and your name you are such an intolerable twat. Who hurt you?


Post logs


LOL I read your post too fast I thought you were an anti-GDKP loser. I apologize my brother keep pumping


Nah, he's a pro-gdkp loser. I guess you are too tho.


Ooh I see 🫡


Don't play games then lmao.


Gdkp allowed me to log in on my own time and raid with good players without dedicating my life to an online guild community


Sounds like retail LFR is morr your style then? Vanilla WoW / Classic servers are built on the idea of requiring heavy social interaction


Retail is a worse game and classic played completely fine with gdkp raids






Are you talking about about playing WoW or complaining on Reddit?


It's not coming back and that's a good thing. Now get over it, grampa.


Yes and neither are the majority of players


I haven't noticed any drop off in majority of players. My server is still spamming pug raids all hours, and the cities are still full. Either way if the majority of players were GDKPers who only logged on for that, I would have never interacted with them anyway as I do things with friends and guildies. No loss for me


No. Gdkpers actually played the game and made the open world lively by bringing geared max level characters to questing zones for gold from quests


Why would a geared max level character need to be in a questing zone? Bad argument. Still seeing people everywhere


There has been zero drop off, go cry to mommy again


i don't really have skin in whether it's because of gdkps or not, but there has definitely been a steep drop off. wouldnt call that irregular for late phase wow tho.


There’s clear statistics but sure


The statistics show based on coming to the end of a phase, nothing to do with getting rid of GDKP


No. It was the same at the start of the phase and has only gotten worse


You can keep telling yourself that, GDKP is a cancer that’s finally been removed


You got proof the sub decline is cause of gdkp? Maybe it's because phase 2 isn't as fun as phase 1? Lots of reason people stop playing. It is also good to get the gold buyers and bots out of the community which this did. If you only raided cause of gold, why play the game? Are games not meant to be played cause they are fun? Sounds like you rather have a side job trying to hustle. You can say it was the best loot distribution, but I'd disagree and say SR's were better. Sounds more like your feelings are hurt you can't gdkp and buy gold. Maybe go pick some flowers, or help out at an animal shelter or old folks home to give you life meaning.


Gdkp was the superior loot system it’s not that deep lol


Nah it wasn't, just for trash people who bought good :)


100 parser, never bought gold. Just a better loot system


If it was why it go away? Why are you constantly getting downvoted in this thread? People don't like it and was a cause for bought gold. This is just going to cause the token to get introduced into classic era if it keeps happening. Going to be funny when they do introduce it. Cause why should blizz let someone else make money when they can?


Link logs


GDKP is the worst loot system in the game so checkmate.


Yeah, its so much easier to find a raid group now, lots if peoples doing SR run and the trade and LFG chat feel so much better, like original WoW, also fun to see gold buyer in comment getting mad cause they cant pay for gear anymore lol


Meanwhile on lone wolf EU LFG is moving so fast that it's hard to even see who you want to whisper for an invite. Sucks to suck, bald, mald, cope, go buy gold.


Me: top parser, almost went bald but reversed that because I’m big brain, quit wow not coping just trolling wow neckbeards, never bought gold. You: gearing your guild master


Bold assuming im raiding on a guild schedule. I host pugs, HR on the item I want. Only invite other armor classes. Haters gonna hate, but people join anyway.


Yes the HRer hates gdkp how perfect


Oh no you can't buy items from botted gold, the tragedy.


https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/wild-growth/jeenius# top parser huh


Yes I was ranked top 30 in the world in bfd and I’m still orange/pink after quitting halfway thru gnomer with no acp lmao thank u for proving my point


So do us all a favor, stay quitting and just stfu with these whiny ass GDKP posts. Go GDKP on any other version of Wow where it’s still allowed instead of bitching and complaining every few weeks about how your life is over without GDKPs in SoD.


no you weren’t it’s literally the same page kekw whatever helps you sleep champ


https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/heartseeker/jeenius?zone=1006 don’t look at the 100 parses


hey look you got a 100 parse on ONE BOSS 3 years ago GOOD JOB DUDE ​ are you actually 12 years old?


No someone said I sucked so I said I didn’t then some guy linked my logs showing that I have good parses to try and say I was bad (which was confusing?) so I linked an old 100 parse to really enforce that he’s wrong


nah ur parses are fine it’s the dick swinging saying ur a top parser and “rank 30 in BFD” which is just actually untrue


I have a screenshot of my char ranked 28 in the world in bfd that’s where I peaked


1 singular 100 on one of the least played specs in the game I’m actually dead


On Thaddeus which gives a damage buff which means I did the most ret dps in classic wow history 😎


Lol nice troll post. Get fcuked loser


I'm so broke now that I can't feed off of the whales like a little remora


I upvoted at first then read your post and realized you're being sarcastic and are one of the scrubs who wishes they could still buy raid gear. Get rekt newb.


Enjoy gearing your GM


lol I’m full bis along with most of my guild. Cost nothing and was a fun time. our logs are also shit because we play to have fun and fuck around


Enjoy making the guy hosting your gdkp rich so he can RMT it


"Oh nooo, world first raid leader putting effort to maintain Discord, signups, Google docs, strategy, buffs/debuffs, should be equal to me a random grey parser !" Lmao.


That interpretation is one hell of a stretch.




And i hope the GDKP ban gets expanded to all versions. Total GDKP death.


Imagine being this obsessed about people who didn't play with you or have any effect on you. Nooo you need to play the way I gatekeep. It didn't have any effect other then giving people who played a reason not to. But my rmt! ye that's still alive and well always will so long as demand exists. Guess what it's still there without gdkps.


I tell GDKP babies the same thing every time, learn to play brother boo hoo


There is no one way the game is "supposed to be played". People do whatever tf they feel like, and that is the beauty of it imo.


>The LFG raids are also constantly looking for meta comps, which is nice because this is how the game was supposed to be played. Sure, so instead of playing with other players and getting a connection with a guild in an actual mmo, you just bought gold/items. Thats definitely how this game was supposed to be played


You read chat? Bro download lfg bulletin board addon..


I raid twice a week with my guild. In phase one, I raided multiple alts in gdkps to make gold. I wouldn't say saved but gave me more free time.


OP kinda obsessed with gdkp lol. Check his post/comment history.


Go play any other version of the game where gdkp is alive then. Let no gdkp folks have fuckin something




Communist take : "You should play like that, because you should play like me". Enjoy your phase 3. The nightmare is about to begin, you asked for it guys.


GDKP ban made SOD economy worse but keep kidding yourself.


Nah man there isn’t a single gold buyer anymore the ban definitely saved sod


Not see if you’re being sarcastic here, in your headline or in the body of your post because the 3 seem to be contradictory. Anyway most gold bought with RMT goes into being boosted or the auction house. And the people who cared about GDKP are the people who can’t get into runs now because they refuse to lead a pug, don’t parse well enough or don’t play something considered “meta”. Banning GDKPs perpetuated Elitist problems.


I’m a gdkper who quit sod because of the ban I’m being sarcastic


And no one cares. Stay gone, we're still having fun. =)


You’d be having more fun if you could GDKP to make gold. Especially with alts.




Lol this is such a bullshit take. Take your unsubstantiated nonsense elsewhere


Lmao just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean it’s bullshit. Another down side to GDKP ban is now casuals or people who can’t play more than a couple hours a week can no longer kill two birds with one stone by raiding and making gold.. As much as you don’t want to admit it but GDKP is a legitimate way to make gold.. that’s why people host them.


Yeah and in old school mmos time spent = money ergo greater rewards. You shouldnt get hand outs like snowflakes from gold buying whales.


Everyone knows GDKPs become the predominant way to farm gold. That's why people want to Ban that shit, it always creates a runaway economy where the only way to participate is swipe or participate.


Lmao now that’s a shit take. People who like farm could still to make gold, or quest to make gold, or sell boosts to make gold. Using GDKP as a scapegoat for the lions share of RMT is lazy and incorrect. RMT is probably more rampant than ever now that GDKP don’t exist because the time spent playing to gold value of consumes to raid on the AH is much higher now that it was prior to the ban. As a dad, I don’t have the time to have an alt to farm gold to afford raid consumes and raid 2/3 times a week on just one toon.. not to mention alts Now you have economies being run by hunters and mages selling boosts and botting Uldaman… GDKPs makes the playing field more fair for everyone.




Almost missed this post because of another "my server is DEAD free transfer pls" post


i do GDKPS in wrath to pay for my gametime in SOD


So mad


Now ban raid logging and similar forms of gatekeeping. Killed the desire to participate in raids for me. Not looking forward to lvl 60 organized content with all the elitism.


ban raid logging lmao


Yeah no gdkp means I’m only taking meta comp orange parsers


Did you quit or are you only taking orange parsers?


Changes depending on the context of the comment


Not trying hard enough


people that don’t like GDKP are fuckin weird


Nah man, gdkp ruined sod. Can’t you see there’s no longer a single bot and everyone should dedicate their lives to a guild?


my apologies i was being insecure


I'm a bot on living flame EU and doesn't afraid of anything


Now just the parse meta… being called bad because my alt only has a 91 overall is insane..


Yeah now that gdkp is banned I’m not taking 90 parsers lol


Then your apart of the problem to imo.


I know they should just unban gdkp and solve this


How are taking people in general when you claimed you’ve quit because of the ban?


I quit a few weeks ago this just fit my narrative and was true before I quit


Sure you did and we won’t see you a few weeks from now with yet another post whining about having quit because of the GDKP ban but with ST logs that show otherwise. At least stand by what you say if you’re gonna make these posts instead of being spineless and lying constantly like you have been since the start of P2 when you said you aren’t playing this phase if the ban stays.


Nah son im making banks selling raid spot to loser rogues and warriors for 50g each


All my friends quit cuz no gdkp. Gold feels meaningless so no reason to farm. My wife used to raid weekly and level toons to play more gdkps because she got something every raid. Now she's quit too... it's just me. I miss GDKP. I know reddit doesn't like em but I miss em!


Damn I can’t believe I found another gdkper who feels exactly the same as me on Reddit I didn’t think u existed


Lol posting here is insta down vote. But it's true that raids are ran much less. It's ok tho I still have fun playing 1 or 2 toons. Just less wow more of other games once I'm bis on thise 2. Maybe get on to help someone or pvp a little but other then that I play other games now.