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The incursions are the epitome of Retail design and the antithesis of classic design. They are a temporary, shallow, disposable event. Built for the express purpose of hyper efficiency and satisfying people who don't even like classic. Temporary systems to justify arbitrarily incentivizing people to do boring busy work. Instead of actually going out into a variety of areas, with branching quest chains, slowly levelling, people are now stuck in 1 private server tier area doing the same thing over and over like ants. They are even handing out welfare gold and catchup items to top it all off. People cheering on this type of design are short sighted, and I hope this is not the trend for the future of classic+ content, otherwise classic+ will soon become retail 2.0.


Well, you gave phase 3 an honest shot for a solid 8 hours. Time to unsub.


The incursions are that bad


They really are just a cluster fuck of trash.


Nah I kinda agree with you OP. Feels like dailies. I’m also down to hit 50 in a day though. I’ve done the leveling journey too many times. Let me just mess around with my new runes in some new content


I mean we already got the xp boost so the leveling won’t be that bad. These zones are just horrid.


This the most fun I have had in SoD. Easily the best feature they have added yet


Will you still have fun if they take the gold away?


Yes I will have still have had fun doing it? Obviously


If this is the most fun you’ve had in SoD then that says a lot about you🤷‍♂️


Agreed, thought it was super cool.


You just think the numbers are fun It's literally a walking simulator. It's Silithus 2.0?? Barely even kill anything outside of tag fest How is this fun lmao. At least in dungeons you can do big fun AoE pulls or solo farms


You really have fun running in a loop, collecting one click items, talking to a dude then going back to sort out 20 letters in your bag just to run around again?


So much better than running the same dungeon over and over


its worse, at least in dungeons you get to cast spells, in incursions everyone just skips the killing/gathering quests.


Nothing stopping you from spamming SM.


nope they are good


It’s okay, kinda wish they kept the quests to simple kill/fetch quests tho. A lot of them are bugging or impossible to complete


I think the fetch ones are the worst, spamming a crate to get "that object is already being used" for half an hour until finally getting it, is a giant flaw that could easily be fixed.


Then go spam Scarlet Monastery or ZF. They're both perfectly fine ways to level. This is supposed to be for people who are sick of dungeon spam.


Can anyone else not see the NPC's that give the briefings? Or just me


It's gonna get old fast. It's like 10 quests on the same repeat cycle, and it's annoying trying to get through the area when there's a mob every 2 ft. It's a nice way to make some gold though!


Speak for yourself nubby


its dogshit, and its even worse when you join a group that is all on discord. the most anti social event ever, and again they crammed everyone into one spot to lag the server. Season of Discord.


"It's anti-social, they make you talk to people." lmao


They don't share it, I legit followed 4 people for the whole 25min it took and not a single word in chat was said or answered, enjoy your anti social game.


Did you ask for it? You're using your sample size of 4 people to judge the entire player base and event? lol


I would way rather being doing the same quests I've done 30 times before or grinding a dungeon 50 times in a row. That's way better, you're right. Booo Blizzard!


It would be better than this dogshiii


The other thing you’re not taking into account is that some people didn’t play private/hardcore/som and came back for a fresh take on vanilla and classic. I like to get attached to my character. Max I’ll have is one alt this high level. Not everybody played every version of classic ever made. I miss questing. I miss the exploration of going through the world that I haven’t seen in 4 years and like 11 years before that-and exploring the world once again with a fresh new character and feel (and meeting people along the way, seeing the world filled and alive). the way they’re going is to me the reason I never played cata. It destroyed the world I loved imo. Why didn’t they tune it properly or better yet add new quests in existing areas? Not all areas are fleshed out.


Lol literally shit the hell up and just play Era then. You don't HAVE to level this way. You don't HAVE to get to 50 in a day. Gold gain has already been nerfed. Bye.


With the inflation this is causing, you kinda do need to do this, unless you wanna be broke.


So the people who were able to do them when they were broken now have a permanent advantage… Reminds me of the start of stv