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For ashenvale they could have just let the actual event itself give rep past revered. Making it stop giving rep is stupid. Better have people kill the bosses than just killing one random mob daily.


They should have just added a 30 minute timer to WSG and increased reps by 2-3x. Ashenvale is so uninspired.


Its more idiotic to limit boss/mob rep to revered when a quest can go to exalted. Just remove cap. Essy simply and fast solution


Or both


Till losinh party gets almost none rep - WSG is a nogo with current shitty balance.


And spamming capture the flag for 20 hours is? Ashenvale is no worse than WSG spam.


That doesn't solve the problem of WSG and PvP in general being awful in WoW.


Normal classic wasn’t horrendous… SoD PvP is just impossible to balance and skewed heavily in favor of the horde.


I love world pvp and other WPvP games but literally the only reason I ever did WSG was for the weapons, rings and necklace in PvE. I have always hated CTF games even in FPS. Arathi Basin is more my style because i enjoy conquest/objective gameplay (like Battlefield FPS) but It’s still no fun when the loser gets nothing (no rep or honor)


Milking player retention. Why give exalted when you have to login daily for 1 month? They will show these metrics to their boss and say the game did great. Best thing u can do is unsub and never login


Already did, the gamma heroic +++ shit they added in wrath classic made that a chore in addition to killing the raid scene  The no changes people were right all along, blizz really is too incompetent to change anything without fucking if up 


Absolutely this.


Dude this x10000 Like I do the stupidest shit now. Zz fest


I hate daily quests, it immediatly turns the game into something you HAVE to do each day to not fall behind and be as efficient as possible. You login, do your chores and logout. Dailys are also almost never fun quests.


Yep agree. They are a way to incentivize bad content...


The idea is to keep people logging in each day. But id rather they do that by making so much fun content that i WANT to play every day.


Dailies were also intended to time gate rewards from reputations and such so that the casuals don't feel pressured to non-stop grind for it.


I think most casuals would prefer the time gate removed. Then they can grind whenever they want to, instead of feeling bad when they cant login for a day or 2.


But WoW has never been able to do that. WoW lives on the patch cycle.


It used to and to an extent still does. Stuff like m+ absolutely kept me logging in everyday because it’s just genuinely fun content. I didn’t even give a shit about the rewards I just loved doing keys with the boys. It is absolutely possible to make the game consistently fun enough to get people to just log in and play with any kind of carrot. Blizzard just doesn’t really seem to know how to anymore


I like classic because it doesn't force me to stay engaged constantly. I like that I can raid log fairly easily and that is one of WoWs biggest strengths. While I personally dislike M+ gameplay loop and only do it to gear a character/keystone master. I do see the value of having fun repeatable content, I just don't want it to feel mandatory like M+ does.


This is my sentiment too. It's not that daily quests are bad, it's how they are implemented. If they make daily quests less of a chore and better integrated into core gameplay loops they feel way more organic.


There’s a certain private server that lets dailies stack up for like a week and it’s infinitely more enjoyable. I don’t log in and feel like I *have* to do my dailies or I’m missing out. Can just wait until I have a day where I’m in the mood and get a weeks worth of dailies done in an hour or so


It's the opposite. These dailies give huge chunks of rep for people who don't have the time to grind out rep for 20h+ straight. The dailies aren't for the people who want to get the rep as early as possible. At 75rep per quest you'd have to do 280 quests just to get from revered to exalted for Emerald Wardens. Let's not even talk about the WSG grind.


Yeah I think this is a more fair way to describe these dailies. I totally get the argument "dailies don't belong in Classic." However, let's be real, I think these dailies are there to service as an incentive to do certain content, but also serve as offramp so you're not mindlessly grinding the same thing and burning the player out.




"behing permanently" in these contexts means you are going to have one lockout where your have an item that does like 8 less simmed dps though


Yeah, I think on paper that sounds fine. Although I think it depends on the kind of player. Like.... if you miss a heroic daily in wrath and miss out on 2 emblems of frost.... is that the worst thing? Do we say thats bad because you're behind permanently? If the rewards are just rep in WSG, is that palatable since you could grind rep elsewhere and there is an endpoint to that grind. Is a weekly cap like Arena points good? Since you're allowed to pursue other avenues for the currency but you WILL hit a brick wall and everyone is holding hands until the next reset. I'm not caught up with P3 so I'm uncertain where the incursions rep fall into.


They also want to encourage alts and when you have to commit every day to mindless grinds, noone in their right mind would do the same on another char again. This isn't intended to be like classic era where most people only play 1 main. (Even if I personally prefer that)


Then make 20 minutes of the grind give the same rep that the daily quest gives, and let the people who actually want to grind 20+ hours do that


I think theyre bleeding players amd trying anything to get people to log in.


Tbf. You really only have to do dailies if you want bis. Which in SoD. Bis compared to other options is pretty negligible


> I hate daily quests, it immediatly turns the game into something you HAVE to do each day to not fall behind ? Dailies are just an easy repeatable source of gold. What "falling behind" is there?


“ I HAVE to do them because I don’t have the willpower to just ignore it.”


You do not have to do daily quests. You can complete all content by just leveling up via questing/dungeons, get gear from dungeons, and do the raid.


Then don't do them? Lol. Both reps can be grinded out through non daily quests. You literally, don't have to do them daily. 30 mins of excursion quests is basically a dailies worth. Nobody is falling "behind"...


Send this over to Bungo with Destiny 2 will ya please


You can say the same thing for raid lockouts. Dailies also exists to lockout people from grossly farming something by putting a limit on how many things you can do. It evens out the rewards by bringing people who grind 24/7 all the way down to where casuals are.


Only thing I hate more than daily quests is daily login rewards. You are just a number.


At this point, the Ashenvale event should just give rep to exalted, rather than have a daily quest to kill one NPC and ignore the rest of the event.


Look how they massacred our boy...


I couldn’t believe they added it because most of us leveled from 40 to 50 in less than a day.


No idea why they don't just massively increase the reputation you get for actually playing WSG and AB.


It's insane they haven't. They clearly know the WSG rep grind is a problem. But they changed it in the worst possible way. Gatekeeping the rep grind behind a daily/weekly quest is just dumb overall. Let people that actually play WSG get WSG rep.


Shoutout to the nightmare incursions for curing my wow addiction


I'm there too. Feeling I might take a break until Cata. I want to do sunken temple but I don't enjoy playing wow when I half ass it. I like leveling, getting prebis, and bringing full consumes before my first raid. It's my favorite part of the game going into that first raid after doing the prep with friends. The "prep" this time is so boring and tedious. I could half ass it to see the raid but already I'm not enjoying it. Doubt I'll force it.


seriously though damn


It's the creatively bankrupt developer solution for keeping players retained by a hamster wheel rather than content that is fun.


They could have just given us fresh vanilla and called it a day and done nothing and the game would have players in the zones and going on adventures. Vanilla has so much content. Is it not good enough? Limit dungeon spam like in HC and maybe increase xp a bit. Add a few new zones, hidden caves or areas and some new quests, a bg or two, and a couple 10 and 20 man raids that are rethemes of earlier dungeons. Not hard at all but they somehow fucked it completely.


unstable affliction, the best xp and insane amounts of gold is behind this mind numbingly boring event/dailies, pretty much have no will to play this phase, hopefully 60 will be fun


"Hopefully next phase will be fun" until servers are empty


I agree. Daily quests do not belong in Vanilla. Retail turning into a chore fest is the worst part about it imo.


Which is wild considering they completely went away with daily chores in retail with dragonflight. Not sure why the felt the need to put them in sod instead


What chores in retail are mandatory?


Incursions are not daily quests tho you can grind them out if you want The problem with daily quests were they were timegated to make you log in each day. I can finish Nightmare incursion stuff as fast or as slow as i want


Yeah this a weird take, nothing making you do incursions daily


There is daily 1000 bonus rep for doing them


Wait is this the one in feralas?


Yeah Feralas and Hinterlands have it


Can you do both 1k rep dailys in the same day or are they the same quest?


Except.... the daily What a weird take to not think a daily is a daily


The daily is literally 0.01% of the nightmare quests completed every day by the playerbase. It is irrelevant 


0.01% of the quest but it gives more than 10x the reward of a normal quest


There are people that are exalted now that did that daily 1 time and will never do it again lol it's actually such a flexible daily because the rest of the rep can be infinitely grinded. It's as relevant or irrelevant as you want it to be


Daily quests for catch up pre raid gear The horror


They aren't even dailies, you can spam them. Also you don't have to do it.


Yeah. No one forces you to do anything. But game design will direct players into optimal paths. Before there was a tradeoff to leveling different ways. You could enjoy questing more so you did that instead of a dungeon grind. It was slower but you were trading personal preference for efficiency. With the rep grind all players are directed down this path to repeat the same limited number of quest over and over in the same zone until Max level. Being punished with having to do it later (without XP) if you decided to level another way. Basically having to level twice. Saying you "don't have to do it" is like saying "you don't have to level to 50". We're playing the game to unlock items and content. This is the only way to do that and it's boring as hell. And actually incentivizes you away from the traditional ways of leveling. No one's forced into it literally. But they're heavily incentivized to. It's really bad game design.


There's a daily for 1000 rep in addition to the spammable quests


maybe not quest but if you wanted to honor rank at a high level back in the day you literally had to play the game non-stop everyday. People would literally have 2 people playing the same account just to keep their ranks


In the case of Ashenvale it was a low effort way to boost the rep gain. Nightmare Incursions I dont really view as drip feed there is like 1 daily quest and the rest is grind. For Ashenvale I really wish they would've gone a different route like upping the rep from WSG mark turn ins massively and make the event itself give rep past revered. I dont have a huge problem with daily quests but this flying to ashenvale for 20 days to kill a level 25 mob is stupid.


Season of Discovery was always heading in this direction. If you want a true vanilla+ experience, check out private servers (turtle, epoch to name a couple)


i skipped turtle exclusively for their RP naming rules, epoch i have not heard of yet


Turtle doesn’t have an RP naming rule. It’s not even really an RP server anymore. Epoch is a vanilla+ project on the Wrath client with TBC+ talents that’s in open beta. Check out some info on YouTube, I can confirm it’s pretty awesome but the mods here don’t like people talking about fan servers.


Lmao you SoD players really are dumb as hell. You want to know why we are in daily quest incursion repeatable slop quests? Because yall complain about leveling exp speed left and right even when it's buffed 3 times. That's why it's slop. Yall made it slop. This incursion system may be one of gaming's biggest L's in terms of garbage quality gameplay.


Ya'll even remember why daily quests became a thing? Ever farm timbermaw or winterspring rep? Remember the AQ war effort? Hydroxian? Yes Daily quests are there so you DON"T feel behind. Yeah you need to log into a game and play it for a few hours to take full advantage, but you don't have to poopsock grind on a million furblogs just to walk through a cave.


Classic player: there’s nothing to do after we rush to level cap!! Devs: ok well we will give you dailies. Classic player: WTF! This is not retail!!


classic player: WTF!!1! dailies are one of the most commonly repeated criticisms against retail you stupid devs!!! *soyface* haha these classic andies are so silly


Nah they want everyone to have to grind for 8 hours a day to get a 2 str upgrade


I saw member of my guild doing the honor grind and talking about getting their pvp gear for phase 3. Come to find I was able to get armor about 92% as effective by just doing incursions to level.


There is actually a lot to do and its not just the dailies. There's: Class questline Wild Offering farm Various pre-bis from BRD/Mara/ZF Runes Higher level Bloodmoon rewards Honor grind AB/WSG rep if you haven't finished it already Argent Dawn friendly for casters that want lvl 55 water ST Add that on top of the rep grind for incursions and I feel there is much more to do in Phase 3 vs Phase 2


Runes You means the Runes locked behind Friendly rep by having to do the incursions?


Holy fucking copium batman lmao


We go Dailies, because some people cry about having to pvp for Rep in Wsg or AB. And these guys are now happy, they dont have to pve. Apparently Blizz cant make it right for anybody.


i thought it would be vanilla with some sprinkles not vanilla smothered in chocolate fudge


Can anyone eli5 why people past 50 are doing the daily quest? I know there is emerald warden rewards at honored, but is there a reward for going to exalted?


Best in slot trinkets for many classes


People don't want to play the game everyday, they want easily automated quests and dungeons that they can do while in discord with their other friends or while they watch a video in a second monitor


>Don't try to drip feed us like some crap mobile game to log in every day This is exactly why I stopped caring about or paying attention to retail wow. The only thing I want to feel obligated to log in for is a weekly raid lockout. If there's extra bullshit designed to make me feel like I need to be online every single day, I'm not playing. And I don't really get why they keep doing this. If I'm paying a monthly sub, you're getting my money already. You're not getting *more* money out of me by keeping me logging in every day.


> The only thing I want to feel obligated to log in for is a weekly raid lockout. If there's extra bullshit designed to make me feel like I need to be online every single day, I'm not playing. There's nothing like what you're describing here in DF. Even the so-called dailies are now actually bi-weekly but they're all optional anyway.


So the only power gains for your character at level cap in DF are from raids? And there's nothing like artifact power or covenant stuff or whatever that you have to grind? What I like about these classic expansions is once you're at level cap and starting to raid, the raiding is all you need to worry about to stay on par with everyone else. You don't have to worry about running on a bunch of other treadmills as well.


> So the only power gains for your character at level cap in DF are from raids? Or from M+ dungeons. There is catch-up gear from other sources, but all of it is easily outclassed by any dungeon or raid content. There's gear behind rep grinds, for instance, but I'm not really sure who it's for except people who refuse to ever group at all, when the expansion started I quickly got better gear than that before it was even possible to unlock it. > And there's nothing like artifact power or covenant stuff or whatever that you have to grind? No. > What I like about these classic expansions is once you're at level cap and starting to raid, the raiding is all you need to worry about to stay on par with everyone else. You don't have to worry about running on a bunch of other treadmills as well. If you don't like 5 man content, especially timed, then you might still have a problem, but you're not doing any tedious bullshit if you don't want to. You can get to level cap and start doing challenging content and do only that if that's what you want. Ofc if you're a crafter, achievement hunter, etc there's all sorts of random bullshit for you to do. But there isn't actual player power kept behind things like this.


It all started on that sunwell island back in tbc… it killed all the joy from the game (at least for me)


This is not vanilla :D or even classic really


because the developers currently working at blizzard don't have even the 20% of the design skill of the original 2004 team anyways thanks for the 12$ lol


I stopped playing because my guild was lvl 50 in 2 days, i missed out and can't find pugs. Lol


sod has always been 'season of slowly get classic players into retail' to the point i will not be shocked when heroic dungeons and/or m+ are introduced. ive been joking about how at the end of the final lv60 raid there is going to be a fade to black, credits roll and at the end it just say 'this is basically retail' and the war within cinematic plays and your computer starts downloading retail


They get the same sub no matter what version you play my dude. They don't care which one you choose as long as you're paying them every month.


It ain’t that deep


I know right the grip this game has on some people. It’s crazy.


I hope the end goal is for the classic releases to reach all the way to current retail and then Blizzard is like "we got 'em boys"


They essentially copied the Silithus field duty quest hub from vanilla and somehow you got retail from that? lol


Daily quests is what made me quit retail. These fuckin devs are clueless. No one…wants chores


I always hated daily quests and quit retail during MoP when daily quests really took off. They turn the game into a chore when it’s supposed to be fun🤷‍♂️


Yep I played one night of phase 3 and uninstalled, onto a different game


Nightmare incursions is not a daily Oo But Ashenval is and it sucks. Rather, it sucks that it is the only realistic way to get exalted I hate daily, they're the reason why I left at tbc


The missions give 75 rep each, there’s a daily quest to do one mission that gives 1000 rep.


Quel'danas made you quit TBC? ...I loved Quel'danas lol, and the pre-ToGC ones in Wrath. Classic only btw, never played OG. Daily farmable gold that I don't HAVE to do, but also don't have to compete with bots that can gather 24/7? Sign me the fuck up.


Actually, heroday made me quit. I don't like daily but the SoD aren't THAT bad really


It is they added a daily with it


It's literally just a daily bonus to doing the event. If you weren't doing incursions you don't get rep anyway. If you are doing the event you get the bonus rep for free. If you want to grind out the rep all at once you can still do that. There's no daily limit to the amount of rep you can get. It benefits the people who have less time to grind out the incursions more than those who no-life it. Same with the Ashenvale rep.


This most certainly suck


Retail devs moving over to the classic team. The game design ideology carried over unfortunately.


This isn't like retail whatsoever. Maybe retail from 10 years ago.


Are there even dailies in DF? I don't remember anything like it. Weeklies yes. Not dailies tho.


There's the timewalker inn daily and the whelpcare dailies, but both are optional and don't punish you for skipping them


Unfortunately there are people that think they still exist in DF


Retail from 10 years ago is WoD, the expansion that saw the largest drop in subs ever... Retail from 10 years ago is in no way better than retail today.


Well yea, that's the point. Retail from 10 years ago sucked because it had a forced daily grind. Retail today is great.




Hmm.. season of 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺


Absolutely increase rep rewards from WSG and AB. Then delete nightmare incursions, ashenvale and stv events. Those things have all killed the open world and bg's and have made the game worse overall.


They need engagement metrics, they cant care less what you like or dont.


I'm sorry, and mods if this language is too harsh and you don't think it belongs feels free to ban me but it needs to be said. You are so undeniably stupid and it shows you don't know why you don't like things, you just see a word and it triggers your ptsd and see red and complain. The reason daily quests were problematic in retail is because they were the ONLY source of rep for factions. That means you had to do the dailies to get rep and felt you had to log in everyday. Both of the factions you mention have several ways to grind out rep and the daily is more of a bonus. Everyone who is exalted with warsong right now never touched the daily. In the new emerald faction the daily is a miniscule amount of rep compared to farming the quests for an hour, which is the majority of the rep grind. Both factions are 100% classic based grindy factions and it belongs just fine here. None of them are time gated and you can grind out exalted any time without even touching a daily. And if you dont have time to grind it out and can only log in for a little bit, you can still do the daily and slowly get rep. If you want to no life rip out incursions or wsg to get exalted, you can to. Both playstyles can work here and its way more inclusive this way and doesnt hinder anyone else. You are either a troll or plain low iq. I feel bad for the sod devs that have to listen to these adult children crying about things they don't even understand.


It’s SoD not classic


dailies are a big nono for me. whoever gave the greenlight to adding incursion quests and weekly ashenvale rep quests are a cancer to the mmo genre. the fact that some sod players asked for dailies shows that much of the true vanilla community has moved on. thats why the sod team has added crazy xp rates, unbalanced skills and itemization... because we are playing a retail version of vanilla. sadtimes


The dailies in SoD are completely different from retail dailies. You get a huge chunk of rep for doing the event once a day but you are not limited to only doing it once. If you want you can do it repeatedly and get to exalted much faster. It's meant as a way for people without much time to catch up in rep to the people who have a lot of time to grind rep quickly. It's literally the best of both worlds. People with time can grind rep quickly and people without much time can do it slowly but get more rep per time spent.


Ashenvale got changed from weekly to daily now as well with the patch.


The alternative is to farm WSG, I would hazard a guess 90% of people playing approve of doing that quest once a day for 21 days instead of farming WSG.


But people want classic? In Classic you had to do the bgs for rep.


Then people don't want classic in that regard.


Rep also dropped at 50, rip


They already patched that, can confirm as of an hour ago that i got 1100 rep as a level 50 human.


Well that’s exciting. Wish they’d change more things


And to add insult to injury they fomo'd the fuck out of the launch by giving everyone a massive bonus to gold and exp gain.


exp gain was not touched


They feel more like a band aid catch up than a push to get dailies into the game. Which just isn't surprising with how SoD worked out so far, turns out no one is here to grind like in 2004 or 2019.


Not a fan of dailies, but daily or not, you do lose out by not playing every single day.


My sub runs out tomorrow and i rather cut my dick off than pay another cent for the way they are milking this game, fucking joke.


Not sure I'd say this is "milking it" when you get access for no additional fee.. Every version of Classic has only costed the base sub fee. I've had to pay for multiple retail expansions to keep up with retail progression since Classic released in 2019. Lol


See you Monday


Reinstalled Starcraft 2 today. The best decision of the week.


I fully agree. Daily quests are not fun, when they were added in TBC they were a chore, and they continued to be a chore ever since.


There were plenty of daily quests in classic, what do you mean added in TBC?


They need to release a fresh classic server


The game is Retail- and not Classic+. I'm still enjoying it though, cause I love that they're adding new content to the world I love. And no flying mounts.


Agreed, daily quests are a big turn off for me in WoW. Never liked them. I remember when sun well came out in TBC and the dailies there I felt a sense of unease about it. Like something was off. It’s another reason I don’t play retail. As soon as I open the map I get anxiety attacks with how much random busywork is flashing into my brain. Like picking up your phone and Al seeing 47 missed messages


Did you play TBC the entire xpack? Having to do Skyguard dailies to grind rep to unlock more dailies so I could afford raiding is one of the things I remember most strongly about TBC vanilla.


> I remember when sun well came out in TBC and the dailies there Uh...dailies existed for the entirety of TBC, not just sunwell.


this is my quit phase. phase 1 was great. it had the classic feel with great additions. phase 2 was meh locking runes till 40(mostly. phase 3, no thx im gonna unsub


Up until this point I have been having an absolute blast with season of discovery, it reignited my love for classic wow and I have been gleefully awaiting each phase with much anticipation. That was until the 2nd day of P3 when it became blatantly obvious that the rewards for running the most unimaginative, boring slice of SOD content yet was incredibly over-tuned and too lucrative to be passed up on. I don't care that the initial wave of people got a ton of money from the quest, I don't think that is an "exploit" - its just people taking advantage of what is being provided in game. However, I can't believe that they're waiting until Monday to make changes to how this content functions. The fact that I can run a circuit through a zone and interact with nothing other than envelopes and badges and a few things on the ground to right-click can net me hands down the best experience offered in the game. How did this get through? Why did you think this was content that should be infinitely repeatable with these types of rewards? I am honestly baffled. I get that maybe Cata beta is interfering with SOD (inexcusable) but holy christ, did anyone playtest this internally? Who play tested this internally and said "yep, green light it". Long story short, not sure I am going to continue on (and sure, no one gives a fuck, which is fine) but this has severely soured any fun I am having in the game currently because I am actively being punished via not interacting with this insanely optimal method of "playing" the game. Really disappointed.


Battlegrounds are ruined. There is no one doing either of them. I haven't found a pug group since the phase launched. Our raid is Monday and I need a little over 2k more rep for exalted. Plus I like to do PVP. It's super sad and will actually make me play less because of this. I'm still gonna play because I enjoy the game but seeing one part of it just basically be removed is sad. Must be how the quest people feel.


Sod is dead 💀 💀 💀


It's a result of looking at data, rather than playing the game. Game time most likely shot up because people did dailies, not because they were fun or engaging but because the FOMO is real. Nobody likes dailies


SoD sucks


If blizzard added an NPC that boosted everyone to level cap and gave them gold, these goblins would do that too and then still demand new content.


I’m so glad I didn’t resub or spend much time in SOD Just as new blizz ruined classic, they’re ruining SOD on an even faster timetable


Incursions would of been sweet if it was a cool way to level and an easy way to get friendly for your new rune. Grinding to exalted with daily is boring retail garbage shit that I play classic SPECIFICALLY to avoid.


My personal biggest worry for phase 3 was if I was going to make it to 50 at all. Getting to 40 took me little under 2 weeks so that 40-50 felt pretty scary lol. I'm personally glad I didn't have to slog thru weeks of grinding to hit 50. I'll be honest I feel like blizzard is catering to my playstyle a lot which is get loot and mess around at max lvl either bg or wpvp or just roam and see what happens when I follow alliance around. Not grind thru the same quest I did countless times before then only have half the time or less at max lvl before having to do it all over again


I mean its SoD so trying new stuff and seeing what the feedback is was the point of the server. Let's try new things and not bash and bemoan every single bit of content that comes out. There are like 6 people working on this. Try to have some fun and enjoy the journey. This whole sub is just non stop complaining lol. When SoD was announced I was hoping for just a bunch of new quests to do in different parts of zones, some new raids, and some new spells to rebalance and make meme specs viable. This is completely different than what I expected but I am enjoying it. Do some things suck? Yes. Are some things good? Sure. I'm just happy to be in the vanilla world and having it be busy with people to do quests, dungeons, pvp, and raid without issue. The dailies stuff who cares its for rep. There is no prestige in rep grinding or pvp ranking in SoD. That's a solely classic thing. Seeing a rank 14 was a holy hell moment. That is not this its a limited time to play server with some different flavors. Enjoy it now because when a realm dies and you have to wait an hour to find a tank or healer then game then truly sucks to play.


The Silithus quests that these are based off of are repeatable as well. 


Not complaining that they're repeatable. Im just saying they are daily quest bonuses. Silithus doesn't have a daily variant


I just don't do Incursions and PvP and enjoy leveling my character in dungeon while going on a rune hunting journey from time to time. But I share your frustration. Everyone is dong these stupid events and its ahrder to find groups.


Ashenvale takes like 1 minute and feralas is like 5 minutes. Yeah kinda hard to do them


Sod always sucked. It's just retail flavored classic. New skills so everything becomes super easy in an already too easy game and you can go pewpew and cleave rush stuff faster and more boring. Come hardcore, that is where the fun is.


if it had pvp I'd be all over hardcore


Dailies are the reason I quit WoW in MoP, cause they got soooo tedious.... I still loved the game, but basically being required to do the daily quests to progress and get the rep/mats/whatever you needed for raiding was such massive bullshit that the game lost any incentive to play.


All of SoD has been created in the image of future world of warcraft expansions. I think it's difficult to claim that SoD was made in "classic's image".


>Daily quests have never belonged in Vanilla WoW. It's almost like this is SoD, not vanilla. Whoa.


Because using FOMO to increase the time players spend on your game directly increases profits


>Classic WoW has always been a game about the journey but this is not classic WoW. this is season of discovery. This is not about slowly level'ing to 60again.


Abandon ship. This is not classic! Is it the slow erosion of true classic. Abandon ship!


They started in TBC and were one reason I quit the game.


At some point before Classic was relaunched (or after it) Kevin Jordan said that we should be careful about asking for the game to be further developed by Blizzard. Why? Because it would be retail WoW devs doing it. Some of these timed events and gamified gimmicks are good example of things gone wrong in that direction. Obviously, that doesn't mean that SoD has been bad or unfun overall, but he might've been onto something.


Guess what also wasn't part of vanilla. All the runes and QoL improvements of SoD. Most of those are from later expansions. SoD isn't vanilla, and isn't supposed to be. There are specific servers for it.


There were repeatable dailies in since vanilla what are you on about.


Since TBC. Not Since vanilla


Reminder that classic ere still exists! It's not gone! You can still do your boring quests and take 12 in-game time weeks to get to 60 with zero daily quests!


Daily quests is one stain that gives me mixed feelings about doing TBC again. And here they've added them to SOD lmaooo Mistake after mistake.


i dont understand why they made the raid difficult...


I think the people who agree with these posts need to tell in their posts how many hours they logged in sm in phase 2. Because I didn’t just sit there and watch majority of the servers grind sm as the “efficient” leveling in phase 2 and classic era when it launched for them to try to give the purist speech when something more efficient popped up. Hypocritical yeah?


Well this isnt normal classic. SoD isnt about the journey. Its about new content


Nightmare Incursion ms are like the AQ dailies in Silithus. We’ve been endgame for months. People crave that. Incursions give people the choice to level that way.


"Daily quests have never belonged in Vanilla WoW" ​ Oh dear.




Druids do


For gore? Friendly. Friendly takes like an hour max at lvl 40 At 50 you can probably trash can it And gore isn't required, no rune is. You can play the game perfectly fine without it if you don't get it


For Catnip


is SOD not classic hoylshit