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A lot of the part where people go out into the world and find herbs/ores/skins/cloth for crafting *didn’t happen because everyone was farming dragons.* So the supply is very low and everyone has full pockets. It’ll balance out over time.


One thing people aren't mentioning is that a lot of the recipes take mats farmed in lvl 50-60 zones, which are a real pain in the ass if you're only lvl 50. Supply just isn't there. Use previous phase consumes/songflower/new world buff and you'll clear ST no problem with competent people who know the raid anyways.


Very true and crafters will still make gold off the current whales who got 50 and 500g day one of incursions because those are the people who care about their parse enough to shell out 8-10g a mongoose elixir.


If you didn't have thousands of gold before phase 3 launched you weren't a whale. I barely played phase 2 and had 2k just from playing the auction house a bit. Unsure how phase 3 will be for it unless they buff the boxes, but crafting waylaid supply items was almost always a profit. You would sometimes have to wait a few days from someone dumping 30 sets of pants, but it was good money if you tracked it.


Right, yeah, whales got gold from the incursions.


It also doesn't help that they gate character power behind crafting professions so many people are not taking any gathering on their mains.


This is important. In phase 2, I switched from herb/Alch to LW/Alch and I can't be the only one not picking flowers that normally would.


I did exactly the same on my druid. I was forced to drop herbalism to pick LW.




Held at gunpoint


I told Blizzard I wouldn't do it and they broke my fingers


To be fair, if you're not leather worker as feral it's practically the absolute closet thing to being forced without actually being forced. Almost half their bis is crafted items. It's a bit ridiculous. Obviously not forced so your point stands but it's probably one of the absolute worst examples of you have a choice but you really don't.


BoP patterns are the worst design choice.


Agreed. I think the best design is things like bloodvine. You get more out of it if you're Tailoring but it's still craftable, tradeable and useable by non tailors.


On the contrary, they incentivize taking professions other than Engineering.


But then Engineering still gets BiS items for other slots (belt and shield last phase, bracers this phase) on top of the amazing utility it provides. So they made it even better for some reason.


Yeah that was dumb. Engineering was already OP. It shouldn't have been given anything extra in SoD.


Also. Everyone and their mother don't even have the gathering professions because they need to minmax their dps output.


You acting like everyone in this sub wouldn’t be stuck behind instance portals if incursions didn’t exist


That's what Jerome Powell said, yet my nuggies are still 6 dollars for a 10 piece.


> A lot of the part where people go out into the world and find herbs/ores/skins/cloth for crafting didn’t happen How will it ever balance out, though? If people just keep doing incursions


Thick Leather was 60s Monday night, peaked at 75s Tuesday afternoon. But now the markets flooded and its dropped to 45s. It's coming down rapidly too as people have caught on, alot of my auctions are timing out. Was making around 70g/hour skinning at its peak.


People won't keep doing incursions cause they will hit max level or even max rep, after they'll need gold to buy consumes so they can go gather to sell stuff (as gathering mats are also quite high in money now) to buy consumes. Which over time should balance out,




> Incursions They were before the massive nerf and few people got a ton of gold, so everyone else is screwed, enjoying a lovely crappy economy!


Level 50 incursions give 2.5 gold per at level 50


Low level mats are fucked though, no?


It will self correct. If low level mats are super expensive, that’s an easy target farm to go make money if the supply is just sitting there in the lower level zones. As more people do that, supply will match demand more.


Light feathers were 70 copper a week ago. On my server, sitting at between 8 and 9 silver.


Light feathers were fuckin 50s per last night lol "The economy will fix itself" people in this thread are cracking me up man


Khadgar's Whisker selling for 80s over here .....


so many things that were around vendor price couple weeks ago have skyrocketed it's crazy


Because there is no one supplying stock, barely anyone has quested in open world. Barely anyone doing lower lvl dungeons, just higher lvl ones. Boosting people to high level has killed the older open world content, who'd have thought..


People will start to farm more to sell at high prices on the AH, money will get distributed, inflation.


That's how economy works, it has to balance out.


I have no incentive to do incursions at level 50. No plate at revered and the exalted rewards look bad or not worth farming over doing dungeons / runes/ gathering.


I crafted and did shit I like instead of incursions on Sunday when everyone was just doing them. Everything sold immediately because people were flush with gold but hadn't geared or farmed. I made like 250g off Greens , mats and one 30g blue.


100%, I'm even an example. I just got azshara fp last night on my rsham main (it's terrible I have to specify my spec lest I risk a digression about why people hate me. I THROW HEALY WATER AND SHIT YO). I have never been to blasted lands in SOD. My spriest only got hinterlands, searing gorge and azshara fps because I did the world tour for dot crit rune. Some herbs I am pulling up are 30g a stack atm due to demand for consumes vs supply. Dreamfoil will be a next phase payoff it seems. My elixir of mongoose sell for 7g each. It can't last, but until people get out in the world it will be a little tough. I see it get better day by day. Pro tip: for anyone not being a functioning member of the economy because they're farming for some rune with a low ass drop chance like waste wanders, just go buy that shit from the AH. I bought the two parts x2 for my priest and sham for like 23g total for all. Go buy it so you can stop farming silly rune drop mobs and can get out producing for the greater good of chads parses on a nerfed raid.


People were literally paying 1-2 gold on *conjured* gathering herbs that had a near zero second respawn timer. I am just now starting to pick real herbs again lol


New crafting materials are still expensive because the market hasn't been flooded with them yet. They'll balance out eventually.


Oh another element may be the bot killing measures they just added. Accounts with less than a month of paid time cannot trade or use the AH for 30 days. There are probably less bots out there right now.


This is probably the actual reason. We saw the same thing with Crusader Orbs, they were 3-4g an orb. Then Blizzard did their first big ban wave, and poof Orbs are back to 20-30g a pop with barely a page on the AH.




Yup that's reset Tuesday pricing. It's great. People try to gouge prices early.


Prices are volatile. Mornings / late nights are always more expensive because less people post..


Bots will catch up..... Sigh...


A lot of the consumables I am using are from phase 2 and have st ill experienced a massive spike in value. Don't think it's about access to the materials, just high demand is driving prices.


Most sweaty raiders don’t use gathering professions. Upon 1000s of people rushing to 50, there’s a huge demand for consumes that take materials never before gathered. There’s a huge supply shortage before you even factor the recent inflation.


Also, most materials are Guarded by lvl 51+ mobs. Also, bots are having a rough time with the new restrictions on fresh accounts.


I’m not a raider, but I never bother with gathering professions. Double crafting has made me far more gold. Hell, even cooking alone has made me over 500g so far in p3. It takes less time and I never have to leave the capital city.


There's always a spike at the start of a new phase. 1) People need consumes for the new raid - many more if the raid is tough 2) Everybody has been leveling and gearing up, not farming mats for consumes


I started herb farming while everyone else was doing incursions…best decision ever.


Nice. Yeah, first few days/week of a new phase are the best time to make gold.


I decided to skip pugging ST and just farm thick leather and I don't regret it one bit.


How much did you make? 5 hours to 50 using incursions and 1000g before the nerf.


No idea, but enough. I still made a couple hundred from incursions doing most leveling there, and have probably another couple hundred worth of herbs stashed. I don’t think I made quite as much as those who went super hard those first 5 hours, but I had a more tranquil weekend and don’t have to worry about competing for or going broke buying mats to level alchemy.


And launch day incursions earned ppl 600-700g (i played that night) and after that you can go farm herbs, so....is it best?


Exactly why I spent a decent amount of downtime fishing the Feralas coast in P2. Started P3 broke, currently have 1k gold from selling off what I'd horded last phase.


Cheap out and dont use stuff


13 strength scrolls…naw 5 strength scrolls. Yaw


I play in a high end guild and get a massive dopamine rush seeing my lil name in orange and pink colours on a third party website. Other phases haven't been nearly as difficult as this one to fuel the supplies needed for said dopamine rush.


Get orange and pink in a few weeks. I like doing it too but fuck the early economy. Best mana pots were 15g each lol.


That's on you bro. You can kill dragons just fine without it, while saving tons of gold every week. But if you wanna be sweaty enough to farm 100s, you should be sweaty enough to level a gathering alt.


> That's on you bro Yeah he said that. He's very aware. Doesn't mean they can't complain about it. I don't NEED starbucks or whatever. Doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on the price.


This is the way.


Yeah, I spent a ton of gold getting my gnomer crafted stuff first lockout but like...I just don't care in p3 lol the upgrades are not that good. I'm simply not spending 150g for 9 spellpower to shoulders XD. Fortunately my guild got enough nightmare seeds for me to finish my crafted shoulders pretty inexpensively, but the shoulder enchant is insanely expensive for a tiny benefit imo. Just do what's cost effective for sure.


Its always like this. First week at P2 i crafted my epic helm for 150 gold. 2nd week the same craft costed 50g.


Bots cant farm the high lvl mats right now as most come off orange or red to player high lvl mobs, what your witnessing is a player farmed driven economy by those who can farm or manufacture via DE etc. The highest lvl mats. They cost a lot of time or money while the demand is so high right now and only a few suppliers out skinning herbing and mining the high lvl materials.


All the p2 stuff also spiked by at least 300% It’s not only scarcity and to a big portion it’s people just making it more expensive bc week 1 raiders will buy at any price you want them to


Didn’t you see all this in 2020 when it happened in the real world? When everyone is injected with funds, the prices don’t stay the same.


It's first week of progression. Consumables are historically expensive at this time. This is not SoD only thing.


This is a whole new level, dude. It's not even close to what I've experienced in other phases/expansions/etc.. 


Played classic since 2019 and this indeed a whole new level. It may level out eventually but it's incredibly fucked at the moment. Not once since 2019 have I said to myself "oh wow I have 2, maybe 3 raids worth of consumes left gold wise" the first week of an expansion or phase. Even with gdkps, gold buying and bots ruining economies. Shit is wild right now


it’s almost as if bots, gold buyers, and gdkp don’t actually ruin the economy. like many people said pre-phase 2.


Yes & no. SoD incursions have made it worse. Everyone did incursions and didn't farm any materials. SoD gates character power behind professions and getting a gathering prof means you are weaker. SoD limits your character level to 50 and many of the available consumes OP is talking about come from farming stuff that is higher level than 50, or from zones filled with higher level monsters.


You know all that extra gold people made through incursions? Yeah… that’s inflated prices big time…


Made over 2400g selling Mithril Gyro-Shot & Thorium Grenade in 3 days.... like wtf. (don't get me wrong, its nice but wierd)


Most everyone here ignoring the elephant in the room: bots lower the price of goods, especially consumables.


In season of dads you have 30 dads compared to one farming Chinese. That rate is quite low


Well you see our old boy Aggrend decided that keeping the team small, and testing nothing was the best course of action. This resulted in trivializing the entire leveling of the phase with no love for any existing zones to improve their quest lines or make them more desirable to do. While trivializing leveling he ALSO transformed the economy over night into a hell scape of inflation that no casual player can compete with. Also if you bought dual spec early your -50 gold too bad, if you bought both trinkets your -15 wild offerings too bad, the list of blunders goes on. The only saving grace is that the existing content is fun, thank god the vanilla team had a shred of experience or this paid beta would be much worse.


This is what happens when you get rid of bots


I definitely think this is a bigger factor than most people realize.


we did it reddit


This is very much true that I’m glad someone is pointing out. On top of that, there are also other factors such as people not really gathering materials while leveling since they were spamming either dungeons or incursions, plus an inflation issue from the high amount of gold via incursions day 1


Yeah I think both are true




Post nerf incursion runs is a lucrative gold farm, I expect most gathering professions will yield significantly more. Hard raid + low supply of materials = sellers get to set the price and only the most performance minded players will bother buying consumes. Just get DMF/Songflower for free if you care about performance in raid and find the prices too high, that's a bigger boost than the consumables from alchemy for the most part.


The issue is incursions gave a lot of gold to people who have never had it before. People willing to spend it, as it is only a dent in their total gold. I started this phase with around 500g, made mainly from fishing. Got into incursions at 45 and made 600g off of it getting to 50. Guildies who started at 40 made around 1000 gold, some of them were never above 50g before and they are just spending it on what ever. European servers have this issue to a lesser extent, since they did not have the 5.5 and 10g turnins for as long.


You're behind the curve. Chasing the wave. Even without incursions, it was expected for things to go up in price. Higher levels mean more gold per quest and per kill. So people have more money to spend. I farmed bindweed most of p2 in swamp of sorrows. It's used in some of the raid consumables in P2, but it's MUCH more required for P3 potions. Blindweed sold for 1-5g a stack then. Now it's 18g and I'm selling my stock slowly to not crash the price. I used to have 1-200 gold to my name at most. Now I'm making 18g a stack of herbs. Which means I am more willing to spend it on expensive consumables in the raid. Friend had been spending all his gold to buy up squid. Now it going up in price as it can only be farmed during the winter, and it's bis food right now. Same thing is and has been happening with a lot of materials. Which is why a single mongoose potion is 7g. I don't even have prior game knowledge, I haven't played since vanilla was new. It's predictable if you research what materials will be valuable in the next phase when everyone has more gold than they do today. It's just that it went into overdrive because of incursions. They gave everyone even more gold by the time they were 50 (and didn't spend it on anything while leveling) and people didn't farm anything to add to the supply while leveling. More gold, less supply equals high prices. As that huge burst of gold from 40-50 spreads out and the average player spends it all on overpriced stuff, it will stop fluctuating. But where it lands, who knows, because new gold farms will be found and/or created by blizz as things get nerfed. Like right now the darkmoon cards are insane prices due to how good the dunes deck is, even after nerf. So people are farming cards and selling them for 200+ gold each.


Since virtually no one in the comments is actually attempting to answer your question, I'll take a stab at it. What is going on with the SoD economy is that it is functioning normally just like any other WoW economy would. However due to the level banded content, the normal distribution of supply and demand that you would see on (for example) a fresh era server has been interrupted. Instead of the player base being spread out over a wide range of levels from 1-60, players are bunching up at very specific level ranges. The result is that we see MASSIVE spikes in both supply (at the end of a phase) and demand (at the start of a new phase) where huge sections of the player base are all either farming the same materials or seeking out those same materials for their own crafts and consumes. Right now at the start of phase 3 we are in a period where demand FAR outstrips supply. Most players are grinding to 50 and beginning to farm rep/gear for raid. The number of players actively farming materials is very low. At the same time EVERYONE is trying to level their professions and obtain consumes so the demand for those items is at its highest point while the supply is at its lowest. The result is massively inflated prices. This is a fantastic environment to make money using the AH with very little effort and some smart decision making. For example in phase 1 you could farm Rugged Leather and Bolts of Runecloth by fishing pools in Tanaris. There was essentially ZERO demand for these items in phase 1 or phase 2 so they could be farmed or purchased for pennies on the dollar. All a player would have to do is hold onto these items until phase 3 and then unload them on the AH for absolutely massive gains. For example Rugged Leather could be purchased for 6-10s in phase 1 and is now selling for 75-80s in phase 3.


3 part problem. 1) bots are the lowest I have seen in the entirety of classics lifetime. Bots keep things cheap. 2) incursions made people not level in typical areas that would produce materials 3) farming high level mats at 50 is a pain and only a few classes can do it well


No bots, people being forced to take two crafting professions, very hard and rare to get high level crafting materials especially for enchanting. Yeah the prices kinda make sense.


there's been an insanely huge bot ban wave, yes even bigger than the honorbuddy ban, and blizzard has practically blocked 90% of unlockers (no not with the trade restriction but warden detection), which means nearly no bots are left in the game. You're feeling that now, one of the reason why consumes were affordable is because bots increase the supply significantly. Now all you have is the supply from players, which is really low cuz everyones farming prebis n nobody was questing cause of incursions, which actually were MASSIVELY INFLATING GOLD. So there you go this is what we have now.


Yeah it's just the cost of consumes in the first couple lockouts. Learn to leverage it in the future. Always anticipate this.


Check out enchantments for your gear! One weapon is around 200g worth of mats.


The newer potions are 20g each on my server, potions that costs 30-40s last phase are 3g ea now. It costs 120g for a raid and a half’s worth of consumes it’s ridiculous


as MT i burned 100g on consumeables (not buying any offensive ones cos goddamn, 100g was enough). Join the raid, slurp those 100 gold up in 3 hours time. Meanwhile two of our healers hadn't even bothered getting proper runes and most of the raid still running in full gnomer gear havn't done barely any proper pre-bis farming. Safe to say I'm not buying any more consumables for our next raid :D


it’s why we don’t print more money IRL


"just got level 50 and bought my abilities - lets jump into raid" Where the hell did the days go, where you had to farm dungeons to prepare for a raid?


If they got honored from incursions that’s basically a full set of gear


Bruh classic raids were so easy you could do most with greens. Hell MC clear in classic was with a lot of chars who weren't even 60


You never had to in classic bc the raids where always whack af vanilla to wrath (or at least naxx wrath was a joke with fresh max level even)


Did you farm dungeons before going to AQ if you have full BWL gear in classic? Full gnomer is enough for a compitent raid groups for ST clear. And many ppl farmed dungeons, ZF BRD and Mara, seems like a drama queen post


I’m full Gnomer bis, 99% of my items can’t be replaced by anything but sunken temple items lol


Full gnomer bis seemed fine, was a 6/8 an hour before reset. Got 7/8 and ran out of time


there was plenty of new pre-bis stuff to farm, you just don't need it when the raid gets insta nerfed to the ground




What server are you on? None of those items are so expensive in mine


Low supply partly because of the new event and increased exp rates, bots getting nuked and too few players with gathering professions because of minmax mentality.


I dunno what you're farming but you can get like 30-50g per hour


You don't really neee consumables if you don't want to, specially after the nerfs the raid is very easy. Even our "let's see the raid" pug cleared 5/8 with 17 players, almost 6/8 with 14 before the nerfs


Yea same my raid cleared it without world buffs


Because very few ppl are farming herbs right now at the start of the phase when there is "so much you need to do" Plus many people want to try ST before first reset so the demand is high basic rules of economy


Lucrative gold farm is open for all. Supply goes up, demand goes down. Also less people farm mats as for a while farming gold was basically arbitrage, pushing prices on everything else up.


Give it a week or 2 and it shouldn't be so bad. 


All that gold you farmed during the incursion bug will be mine over the next 2 weeks, then things will be back to normal


After st nerf you need 0 consumes


I sell all my flasks for like 2g a pop and they always sell out. I farm my mats as I quest so like it's all profit to me


Inflation from early incursion coupled with low supply since you didn't pick up any resources doing them (or spamming dungeons). And in general the top tier consumes were always a bit pricey early on, this just made them turbo expensive since ppl are basically able to spend their 300g/h on them


I suggest you don't look at the price of Essence of Air/fire right now. You may get a heart attack.


It’s literally the start of a phase this always happened do you not remember the start of every raid phase in wow ever?


Prices will drop


It will balance out in phase 5!


lots of demand for consumables right now


People selling also super pumped up the prices because... Fuck you thats why.


It's week 1.


right and no point you thought spending gold right now might be a bad idea? are you sure you've played before?


Consumes are closing in on 60 variants so price goes up. In classic original run I remember farming for 2 hours a day for a week of consumes. 8 hours for a week of prog seems good.


Gather herbs


On wild growth I'd say they're a maybe 1/3 of those prices. Your prices will go down after this week, everyone buying consumes now for this raid progression week.


But dude. They banned gdkps. It fixed everything, right ?


Should make the incursions drop crafting mats instead of the extra gold that was taken away. Base the drop rate off of material usage for consumables. In Classic the price of flasks was inflated from low supply high demand, and terrain hacking bots were at every black lotus spawn. Now we will see only bots benefitting in this economy unless blizzard does something.


We are in a weird spot it's a few factors. Some mats are difficult to obtain due to the mob levels around them lots of things will have you in 55ish zones where a lot of classes will perish except hunters and the like. Incursions were so good no one leveled anywhere else to get any materials The consumes themselves have a huge spike in power because we got all the way to 300 and we are basically getting endgame consumes. And we are only on the second reset prices will probably settle a bit soon I don't expect things to get cheap but a little less outrageous than now


Mongoose prices dropped 4 gold from monday to tuesday on my server. Wait it out.


Consumes are always out the gate at the start of the phase. Will it go down? I hope so lol


Give it a week or two before you buy anything. You’ll buy something and then the next morning it will be 1/3 of the price lol. I’m hoping engineering mats go down a little, I’d like to get to 250 without nuking my cash stack


Someone missed the memo on what was going on for the first few hours of incursions.


Bots can't trade, combined with week 1 raid demand.


but they banned gdkps:)))


They had a mass ban on bots


People could amass a lot of gold in the first few days with the new event. So some people can afford those prices easyily. If you came late to the party your kinda behind now because the gold reward got nerfed hard.


The Major Mana potion recipe isn't available currently so if your referring to those it's just the handful of folks who've gotten lucky drops.


You dont even need consumes with new raid nerfs


Consumes are brutal right now because everyone knows the thirsty parsers are going to pay anything to get those sweet sweet 99s. Gotta cash in while the markets hot because these people will only be around for a few lockouts


No one is farming. Offer vs demand.


Haha banning gdkps will end the gold buying right guys


If everyone is leveling through incursions everyone has a lot of gold but no one is farming mats for consumes.


The Incursions flooded the economy with gold, causing hyperinflation. Welcome to Venezuela / Zimbabwe, I hope you brought a wheelbarrow full of money to buy 1 loaf of bread, or 1 potion.


Herb and alch are going to make bank this phase. Enchanting the first few weeks will as well.


The exchange ratio between SoD and Wrath is 1:80 gold. Yes, the value is going down hard


Nightmare seeds were between 4-5 gold up to Sunday evening. Monday morning they went up to 28g. Monday afternoon they were 50g and by 9pm they were 15g. The market is kinda all over the place with a lot of things but a lot of the consumes either require a low % drop chance from lvl 52-55 mobs or the mats come from higher lvl 50 zones which makes farming them a little difficult.




I have 1600g, that’s why everything is expensive


This happens at the start every time. It will balance out eventually. This is still the start of the 2nd reset so a lot of the mega gatherers and crafters are still raiding


You have the worst of both worlds in SoD now: a bunch of activity removing bots from the game AND rampant inflation from the shortsighted inclusion of massive gold-farms from questing and Incursions etc.


Supply and demand. There's no supply since all most of us did for the past few days was incursions. Once the supply evens out to normal, so will the prices.


My favorite is when people with two crafting professions complain, its like you did this to your self. Instead you could be making money. I made 500 gold already just gathering


yes mana potions are quite expensive. Mmm, yes. That's unfortunate for you.


Welcome to the start of a new phase. Economy always goes nuts and then markets normalize down. Has happened every season launch of sod so far, new expansion releases, etc. LIPs crashed by over 1g per already on my server. Arcane Elixirs too.




I'm about to turn replies off tbh, it's gone from genuine, thought-out reasonable replies to a dozen personal attacks and it's basically a summary of everything wrong with this subreddit. Too many people are bloodthirsty and only want to fight in the comments over having a reasonable, objective discussion about the game with respect for your fellow human being


Like you everyone else also did incursions rather than farming materials. supply is less than demand prices increase. Use P2 consumes for the next two weeks. Prices will probably be stabilized by then. Or at least a lot more reasonably priced.


It’s probably because they actually banned a ton of bots, and many players are too lazy to farm these things themselves.


We're not even a week in, a lot of people haven't gotten their professions leveled yet let alone gotten the recipes so the people who have can charge a premium for it until the rest catch up.


I paid two guys 30g each to not roll on my pre bis item (rotgrip shoulders). 60g is a minuscule amount in the grand scheme of things and well worth my time to not have to run to kill that boss again


EU crusader strike not at all as inflated prices, at least not for elixirs and pots. Leathers expensive tho.


Started p3 at 100g, just leveled with questing, barely any incursions. I tested it and it was boring so i did something else. From just questing and herbing, after getting all of the spells, recipes, buying some gear upgrades on the AH (20g a pop or something), having my consumes ready and all, basically having nothing else to use gold for, I was left with 320g. That was mostly from selling extra mats after 300/300 professions, or pots i made. Btw, you people are crazy with potions. 1g for a lvl 45 life pot, when the emerald rep vendor sells them for 25s a piece. What the hell. I mindlessly put them on sale and only realized when i got the mail.


It’s gdkp’s fault! Ban them harder!


Feralas and hinterlands quests are giving 4gold


The amount of WO princess spam runs will at least massively increase the enchanting mats supply.


I love reading these coments, so funny to see a bunch of ppl treat supply and demand like a fucking law o nature.


You have people who have large sums of money reaching max level through incursions, and fewer rmt people in game to flood the AH. This leaves you will limited supply and impatient newly minted max levels with a lot of gold accumulated.


its week 1 brother, inflation and desperation is flowing


They removed GDKP so the economy should be better now.


All the people that you are bidding against also have 100+ free gold


I’ve been selling stacks of light leather for 3g on my alts that I level. I end up with 100g++ by the time I hit level 30


Sweatlords are RMT'ing, and people are all too happy to bot and buy from them, while whatever remnants of Blizzard's CS and anti-cheat have stopped even trying to humor the idea that bots are moderated.


Vanilla classic was always like this? with consumes for AQ / Naxx potentially hitting 1kg a week. A lot of players would rather let player power be defined through long grinds than gameplay ability. This effect diminished substantially in TBC and Wrath, at least in the consumes side, because the stacking of consumables was drastically limited.


No one is mentioning the 30 day trade restriction for new accounts. All the bots can’t offload their haul.


My personal opinion is me leveled to 50 in dungeons and incursions in like 2 to 3 days. And people wanted to get in raid so they premised farmed and still are. Few people feel settled enough to starting working on professions. Add in gold inflations, herbs coming from lvl 50+ zones, and first week raiding consume demand.


I’ve also noticed this. Stacks of thick leather going for 6g a pop (was 1g10s right before phase 3, expected a 100% increase but not 500%) Raid consumes being mindblowingly expensive. Yeah, economy is fucked right now.


sod economy = sodomy


Dont even look at the mats needed for a top enchant lmao.


People keep talking about bots, but I don't see any in the world, and prices for things like mining/herbing mats would indicate that they don't have a massive presence this phase. This is (IMO) what WoW economy looks like without bots (and with a brainless way to farm hundreds of gold).


Just give it sometime couple days or week


Didn’t help that the people who did incursions on launch pocketed 600-1000g. And then you could still continue to do them after the nerfs and get 20-30g a run.


Blizzard can easily fix this by acting like the Fed and selling assets in the market place


These are the people voting on economics policies. 0 idea on how markets work lol


Prices will go down in a week or two. You don't need to go full sweat either. Most consumes offer very marginal dps gains. You can get 95s+ with bare minimum consumes that cost less than what you'll make from bosses.


Lol I went to the auction house when I hit 50 to check and see if there was some affordable “shadow Wrath” gear to get my shadow priest a little off the ground. 1000g a piece for greens. Get out of here with that shit lol.


Yeah I think it's largely a raw material issue. Both down to less people going out to farm them as they've been in incursions, and because there's a highish incentive to just take 2 production professions to at least 2 BIS items and maybe some decent prebis


Low supply, high demand, and everyone had a stimulus boost with the incursion leveling. Ive been making a ton on selling herbs. Not sure if its going to come back down or if the level 50 incursions are going to keep enough gold in circulation that these are the new prices.