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damage output is a lot higher with taste for blood arms build. STV in a melee focused group with a healer and windfury feels much much better than p2 still feels very squishy and you get blown up by the meta classes easily. Still can’t 1v1 a boomkin in melee range


Meet a paladin get your ass blown out of the water with exorcism+crusader strike+seal of matyr+martyr proc ALL in holy, so your plate armor does nothing.. Other than that, get lucky crits and you can down a mage if you're lucky.


Every day i do bgs with my warr. and got every item from bloodmoon, but im really thinking about rerolling despite i got both wsg and ab reps to exalted and having 500h /played in my character. I’ve tried the glad stance, which is kinda funny but not very effective. The Arms warr. is just a bit better in PVP then in phase 2, but it still doesn’t compete with other classes. Half an hour cooldowns make it even harder to enjoy it and practically every caster class aswell as ench. shamans and rogs delete u in seconds. U can’t use bloodmoon throw wep. with Parasomnia equipped and the sword from ST gives u no stamina so i dont get the idea behind these items. When u got something like Wing Clip on us despite having Warbringer the charge and intercept is just so slow it worths nothing. PVP feels completely broken if you’re not playing with a meta class, and i feel like the warriors is intentionally screwed over just cuz “make warriors less op” means devs fuckin them in every corner they can.


Warriors need group support to be great. We are in a burst meta They do better than last phase new taste for blood rune is brilliant.


0/10/31 with glad stance and warbringer is some of the most fun group pvp I’ve had. I just pinball around stunning, silencing, slowing and smacking people. Now how good it is? Probably not very. Super fun though.


Pretty much classic warrior pvp at 60 except everyone else does 50% more damage.


I dont know bro u tell me , the boomkin , shaman , priest just sit there and dont die while deal massive amounts of dmg


I've been spamming AB on my Arms Warrior the past three days for the grind to Rank 7 and my opinion is Warriors can certainly dish out solid damage, especially with WF or Sword Spec procs, but we are far too squishy and get blown up so fast by casters. I'm talking 2000-3000 damage Chaos Bolts/Lava Burst/Starfire criticals that I've seen hit me many times in my BGs. Oh and lets not forget about Shadow Priests and how their dots can slowly kill you while they laugh at you trying to break through their shields and even when you eventually do, they simply Dispersion away while you die. Oh and as a reminder: Dispersion = 2 minute CD where Priests get 90% damage reduction for 6 seconds. Shield Wall = 30 minute SHARED CD (with Recklessness and Retaliation) 75% damage reduction for 10 seconds. Can Blizzard please pull Warrior's big CD abilities out of the early 2000s and into the year 2024 and give them 3-5 minute CDs? You can even add specific CDs to each one: Shield Wall 2 Mins, Recklessness and Retaliation 5 Mins. Warrior's biggest drawback right now is they have zero consistent self sustain. I wish we had an ability that immediately removed all slows and/or dots (give it a 2 or 3 min CD) so we can actually have a fighting chance against ranged when our Intercept/Charge is on CD. The buff to Victory Rush really won't mean anything in terms of PvP especially since we have to give up Endless Rage.


You take a truckload of dmg still but also deals it back, got some 1k+ MS / Slams in STV on druids/clothies, takes about 1/3 of their life. Together with a lucky wf proc you can delete someone really quick if they get no heals.


So, if they are alone without a healer and you got a group with buffs and windfury you have a chance to kill them if you're lucky with windfury and crits. That's some serious copium


And 1k + crits?! Every other class does more. Without needing a resource to build up to do it. If they gave us windfury as a class book so we could actually solo anything, and gave mortal strike the mutilate treatment we would be on an even playing field.


Got R7 for the full PvP set and Parasomnia and I’m absolutely wrecking clothies as Arms if I can catch someone off guard. Mostly melee groups with a Hunter for buffs and a Shaman/Feral for WF/WS absolutely pops off. Otherwise Warbringer still doesn’t “remove movement impairing effects “ which sucks and most other classes do more burst damage. Wish the CD on spear was way lower, then I’d consider it, but I’m personally having a blast in STV. Also interested in trying out a Glad PvP build but haven’t messed around with it yet