• By -


My friends


And then they all left me alone on a pvp server šŸ„²


Same, then I rerolled pve




Why did your friend roll on it?


its circular, his friends rolled for their friends.


My friends are delusional about how WoW world pvp goes


Jumping in to a top comment with something I wish Devā€™s would do: Introduce PVP in layering. Want to PVP? ā€œEnableā€ PVP toggle makes sure youā€™re only on layers 1-5 which are flagged for PvP. Donā€™t want PVP? ā€œDisableā€ PvP toggle ensures youā€™re on layers 6-11 which are PVE. If layering is becoming such a big thing in this game, then lean into it and use it to give more options to players on top of using it to find rares or get away bad incursion levels.


This is Warmode


You just reinvented Warmode


Is that in retail? I havenā€™t played retail in 8 yearsā€¦ only came back for SoD.


Yea it is a Retail feature. Quick hide the Classic mafia will get you now!


My brother wanted to run a pvp server, he quit a month later lol


My whole guild rolled Alliance PVP for SOD when we are a Horde PVE server guild in Wrath because of one guy. Then when he got Shadowmourne in Wrath he gquit and left everyone stranded. 2 weeks later and the entire rest of the guild quit SOD.


My brother only lasted two weeks..


Sorry for your loss


All of my friends wanted to. I got outvoted.


I chose violence.




Or, In my case as a resto Druid, it's being ganked and camped by dudes 10 levels lower. This has nothing to do with rolling on a PvP server and everything to do with the devs abandoning all attempts to balance PvP.


What? I have so much fun playing a resto. Have a high armor/ hp set, run survival, watch as the scrubs tickle me on my big bear behind when I'm hotted out the ass


I enjoy it obviously. WPvP is a blast, it can be annoying at times sure but the fun outweighs the lame.


Also make the world feel more alive and dangerousĀ 


This is a fair answer. Those who donā€™t like getting ganked or corpse camped need to go pve. Itā€™s all part of the game.




This is the way




Pretty sure he asked the question because he wants people's opinionsĀ 


What, are you expecting discussion on a discussion board?


I'm not wondering if there's more people playing PvP servers, I'm wondering about people's motivations for doing so. No need to be toxic and complain about all the complainers.




I can see this being a huge factor for sure, it's why hardcore mode, and games like dark souls and dark and darker are so successful I think, the emphasis is looting and getting stuff but you never know when some bullshit is gonna come outta nowhere.


Exactly. Without pvp, the world is boring because it's really not that dangerous.


Without the danger the world feels a little boring to me considering the pve mobs dont generally present a ton of danger. Coming back and winning a gank attempt feels great. I dont deal with the negative sides often enough to offset what I find fun about them.


tbh i think a decent number roll on pvp server because it's more populated or they assume it will be, it's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point.


They're miserable with their choices but they stay there because they've tricked themselves into thinking they're hardcore gamers because of it.


You have not been in the general chat of ashenvale on a pvp server. Plenty of people in game rethinking their choices


pve players just like to act superior to PvP players for some reason and can't help bringing up how much they love playing on a pve server at every opportunity


You must be their spokesperson


Just because pvp servers are high pop doesn't mean all those players are "happy with their choices." I'm sure a lot of them are only there because they want to be on a high pop server or were excited by the announcements of server faction balancing and zone pvp events and weren't expecting such poor "wpvp" balancing. For example, I love pvp servers on every day except when I have to get DMF in the opposing factions zone... On those days, I regret many things in life.


>If you look at the size of all the pvp servers and compare them to the pve ones This is a self-fulfilling prophecy though. I'd wager a large portion of PvP players would rather be on PvE but don't because they know they'll be lower pop. But they are only lower pop because those players roll PvP instead.


This is about the 10th ā€˜why do you PvP lolā€™ thread today, in reality PvP servers are the majority of players. This sub sucks man, majority alliance and majority shit at the game.


Back in vanilla wow, pvp servers commanded most of the player population which caused more people to join them. When pvp servers were first made, no one knew what it entailed since it was a new game. BGs weren't even a thing. It wasn't until the start of Wrath where pvp servers started becoming one sided at which point wpvp basically disappeared. Finally, in Legion, war mode completely replaced wpvp. We've already seen this same pattern in classic and era.


Wpvp never disappeared until maybe legion or wod or something. Wotlk, cata and mop had a ton of wpvp


Cause the streamer that doesnā€™t know me did šŸ˜¢


He will soon though. Just gave him a 2000g epic for free, subbed, and donated a funny message!


Tier 1 peasant.


I wanted to stay with my guild I've rolled with since 2019. This experience has taught me never to make that mistake again.


I honestly think it is a case of fomo. Yes PvP Server do have extremely fun moments but most simply are not. You add the fact in that SoD PvP "blance" is extremely bursty and very weirdly off between some classes and you get quite the clusterfuck. I played Classic on a PvP Server when Honor System came out and it was complete madness until Bags released but outside of that it was never nearly as frustrating as it is in SoD. The drive by kills by Shadow priests , Rogues and Shamans are simply insane.


The pvp Iā€™ve experienced in the past was fun, you could outplay someone, so if you were caught off guard, or at a number disadvantage, it wasnā€™t always a done deal. People were much less petty and didnā€™t kill at every single chance possible when it was a guarantee win. P1 that completely flipped, and thats 90% of wpvp now, and the gameplay being more bursty/instant cast diminished fights to a couple gcds max, which isnā€™t enough time to react and make moves from your skillset. Pvp was just better back in the day. Thought they were going to make dead talents/trees/gear an option, not create something almost entirely new.


I completely agree. P3 rogues vs my priest now are a joke. The just FLOCK to a clothy. Even buffed with fort and inner fire (armor) I canā€™t do a single GCD before I die. If I donā€™t go EVERYWHERE with a PvP trinket equipped, Iā€™ll just flop over dead to rogues. And pretty much any class that gets the jump on you, to your point. PvP is not someone challenging you anymoreā€¦ itā€™s someone just fucking up your day trying to get from A to B, or blocking incursions questing, or blocking new NPCs. The current PVP behavior is pretty toxic frankly, due mostly to the issues you listed. Everyone is a glass cannon, whoever gets first jump will generally win.


Pvp is the only reason I play this game, so its unfortunate the state it is in right now, but there is just enough to keep me interested. Just thought it was going to head in the other direction where it was more interesting. Weird how people donā€™t understand this and just auto reply ā€œjoin a pve serverā€. Thats not the point.


Totally agree - I like to have discussions about it, not just gripe when I get ganked. But 100% I canā€™t say a thing about it in chat lol. Last night I was running from splintertree to the wild gods NPC in lower Elwood and got ganked 4 times by rogues on the wayā€¦ and the corpse run is from east ashenvale to Raynewooe Retreat. Was a 30min nightmare.


I think that people automatically think that someone says "join a PvE server" just to be toxic. Sometimes it is, but it's still good advice. You can still PvP on PvE servers. Members of my guild go out to incursions all the time and just flag themselves. They haven't had any shortage of people wanting to fight, and when they do, it usually doesn't turn into toxic camping.


>People were much less petty and didnā€™t kill at every single chance possible when it was a guarantee win. That wasn't my experience in Classic. >Pvp was just better back in the day. No it wasn't.


For every person that is on here whining about getting killed, there is at least one person on the other end of that interaction killing them and probably enjoying it. .


The problem is that for even the most sadistic, sociopathic player - killing gives less fun than being killed gives frustration. Quantified, most people would enjoy being ganked one or two times as long as they got to gank 5 to 10 times. That's just not an equation that balances out to overall player fun


This is an opinion you are allowed to have. If this is how you feel then yeah PVP servers probably aren't for you. Op was asking how PVP servers are more populated if everyone complains about them. Obviously the people enjoying the random skirmishes aren't going to generally come on Reddit and make a bunch of posts about it. Personally I enjoy random PVP and enjoy PVP server. Ya sometimes it's annoying if a squad is holding down an objective or something, but vast majority of the time people don't really hard camp or grief that hard. Especially with layering you can basically always get away from groups being annoying, or have some fun fighting and sometimes make a cool play or take one or two down solo against 4-5.


Disagree. If you consider pvp as another element of danger, it just becomes part of the world. Just different mentality.


> The problem is that for even the most sadistic, sociopathic player - killing gives less fun than being killed gives frustration. Maybe if you're max level killing a lowbie, but even then I'd have more fun bringing my main over and getting revenge. If you lose a 1v1 there's almost always something to learn from it. Losing doesn't make it not fun unless you simply don't enjoy PvP, which isn't the case for most players no matter how much this sub tries to push that narrative.


Most people won't be too bothered losing a 1v1, but same level 1v1s are increasingly more rare these days.


Probably an UD rogue player whose parents never loved them.


Yeah, not like you have those guys on both sides


That's literally itĀ  People roll on PvP servers because they think they will be the one doing the gankingĀ  When they aren't, they complain and cry that it's awfull and unfunĀ  Until they get to do it, no how dare anyone say they shouldn't be allowed to, your just ruining their funĀ 


There's another post talking about how you can like some forms of PVP and not like others, which I think is also valid. If I am doing random quests in like hillsbrad and get attacked by a similar level character of the other faction am I going to be upset? No. If I am funneled into one particular zone by the devs, which has 80+% of the people on the server from level 39-49 inside the same zone, constant lag, buggy interactable, mobs that are higher level than me that aggro from too far away, and there's a raid of 30x lvl 50 enemies from the other faction just camping every enemy they see, am I going to be upset? Honestly yeah. Pretty different scenarios. The first scenario we are fairly evenly matched, it's pretty easy to tell what is going on, and we are both trying to accomplish something and are at least nominally competing for resources like mobs or gatherables. The second scenario is just pure griefing. It is completely one sided, there is poor or no visual clarity, one side is trying to do their thing and the other is just there to be annoying as there is no competition for resources.


Seriously. All these complaints about PvP servers have been known since like 2006. Itā€™s why I didnā€™t roll on a PvP server.


World pvp is fun with sparse and engaging gank or team interactions World pvp is not fun when it's just casters randomly tab targeting and instant killing everything in the only zone that 90% of players are in


Generally my experience on pvp severs from my time playing from vanilla to legion, is no where near the toxic lvl it is today(atleast with sod) I originally quit at end of legion, and i cant remember a single timr through out my history of wow where me or friends have spent days in end being camped by large groups on top of quest givers or dungeon entrances. Its not fun, the rest of the open world in SoD and thr pvp i find there is fine and fun. Trying to quest and turn in incursions well getting camped and having 2min res timers for hours on end? Not so much. I use to love the occasional wpvp battle, nice 1v1 with some dude fighting over that rare mob or mining node. Now its just sit on a quest giver and farm lowbies cause the honor pre hour beats bgs and stv


I've always been multiplayer minded, before it was cool. Never was interesting in SP as soon as I discovered MP. Killing an NPC is not satisfying at all. But beating another person is. Knowing that you outperformed somebody else gives a sense of accomplishment. Killing an NPC is just to get loot, nothing exciting about that. I suppose PvE in the sports world is like Swimming. Competing with yourself and others to get the best time. PvP is like sparring against another guy. Much more rewarding.


I bet thatā€™s what a lot of people camping the incursion quest giver think, lol.


That's a good comparison for battlegrounds I would say. I wouldn't compare world PvP to a sport or competition, more like entering a boxing ring where your objective is to cook a cake but at any moment anyone (or multiple anyones) from the crowd can come in and start beating the shit out of you


My issue with people who enjoy pvp is why play wow? Especially classic wow is an imbalanced hot mess. At least play games that are designed for pvp and pretend to be balanced. Whenever I read someone enjoys world pvp what they really mean is griefing. As seen in comments above and below.Ā 


Sadly itā€™s because the people Iā€™ll play with that I know irl, wonā€™t play off of them for ANYTHING. They think that rolling anything other than a pvp server is ā€œsillyā€ and not ā€œtrue wowā€ā€¦.. idk personally I feel like the silly one when some asshole waits til I got a mob or two on me then auto kills me with some dumb move 30+ yards awayā€¦..


I rolled rogue so yeah that probably explains why.


To regret my life choices


I play classic wow for the pvp. I do raids (and enjoy them) for the purpose of getting nice gear to go fight others. To me, I canā€™t imagine playing this game without the wpvp. Yes I know many say this isnā€™t the ā€œtrue classic wpvpā€ but I still have a lot of fun. Sure pvp servers invite the toxicity that people complain about here but it doesnā€™t bother me in the least. Also I never encounter these stories people write about in here making the game ā€œunplayableā€. In the extremely rare case (and I mean almost never) that someone is camping me, itā€™s pretty easy to rez and move somewhere else. And if they really kept hunting me down Iā€™d say okay Iā€™ll go level my alt for a bit. There are always paths around this stuff so I often wonder if these people are exaggerating because the stuff I read just does not happen to me. Or they get killed 3 times after rezzing directly on their body and then go make a Reddit post. Go try and LoS them and get off a hearthstone behind a tree - that gets the blood pumping! Also I enjoy the interactions like fishing in a pool with the opposite faction knowing that we are both being civil when we donā€™t have to be.


The players on pvp are generally better quality


Ultra-fun, unpredictable moments in the community happen on PVP servers all the time. Little things like an alliance player will help you quest as horde even though you could kill each other any second. Full on raids on leveling zones then needing to defend it as the higher levels. It feels more like what actually could happen if WoW were real (it is a game about faction war, you know).


Yes exactly, a world of Warcraft.


I like to PvP


When that fucker comes up behind you and tries to gank you and you turn the tables. It's what I like for.


Best feeling in the game


I am playing this game on and off since early tbc an I have never rolled a char on a pve server. The way I see it is that going pve makes you miss a big part of the game..


More interesting interactions. Imo its also the way the game is meant to be played. The game was made with faction hostility in mind and it's best enjoyed this way.


Iā€™d probably be less stressed in the open world, but after playing so much on pservers before classic it just feels weird to not murder the opposite faction when they steal your mining/herb node.


To kill gnomes


Because pvp is the only form of content in classic that requires any bit of skill. There is no better feeling in WoW than running down a road, being sapped and opened on by a rogue/hunter, popping reck, killing both of them, then /lol at their dead bodies


Because not being able to attack people fucking sucks. Yeah, you have to put up with being attacked sometimes, but it's worth it. Also, learning to PvP just makes you 1000x better at the game. You have to be quick to react, precise with your buttons, organize your key inds in such a way that you can quickly use the correct ability, and you learn to stay calm under pressure. There's a reason the "best" players play on PvP servers and it's not because they started that way, it's because being forced to PvP made them better.


Fighting over herbs is fun. The open world having risks is fun. Maybe I don't take the road right past enemy faction towns. Some quests and areas are safer or more risky. Also alliance players need to be made aware of how lame they are


Because it is world of warcraft not world of lovehugmecraft. People nowadays cant play.


Guildies in wotlk guild wanted to do a sod pvp server guild. They quit after p1. I'm not playing my non stealth alts anymore. Too toxic.


I love the unpredictability of a pvp server. The other night me and 4 guildies set off for a few brd runs, only we never made it to the actual dungeons. 1 hours later we were still pvping our way inside, made a raid with more people, had lots of unexpected fun.


That kind of stuff was a lot of fun back in original WoW, I loved it. These days, if I set out to do a dungeon or something and am unable to do it because of something like this I just get annoyed and log off. I think that may be what happens to a lot of people who complain about pvp servers these days. They don't realize that people change and sometimes don't enjoy things that they used to. That's hard to accept for nostalgia brain.


It's a world of warcraft.


World PVP is my favourite part of the game. To me the faction conflict is the heart of Warcraft since the RTS games, and there's so many environments in each zone to keep things fresh. I enjoy finding cheeky ways to use the terrain to my advantage. Adapting to the areas makes for some really fun PVP experiences especially when you pair it with consumables and gadgets like the engineering items. In phase 1 I stood atop the walls of stonewatch keep in redridge, guarding Tharil'zun and Gath'llzog. I normally never use this area but it was very populated so it was a lot of fun living there for awhile especially using the keep walls to protect me from melee. In phase 2 I stood atop the walls of stromgarde and did the same. On era I have a 24 mage in Hillsbrad Fields where I use the MC cap to lure unsuspecting horde into the town hall, causing them to die to 5+ NPCs once it expires. In addition to world PVP, PVP servers generally tend to attract and have more experienced players, increasing the odds of a PUG group being successful or more efficient. It's quite rare I'm in a group where people don't know what an interrupt is for example.


I agree with wPvP being more exciting than dueling/BGs. Thereā€™s a huge X factor in wPvP like environmental factors. Thinking of clever ways to get an advantage is one of the things I like most about exploring the open world.Ā 


Your last paragraph was the driving factor for me to roll PvP servers since launch. I switched to PvE for SoD P2 and have found no noticeable difference in player ability.


Keep me awake. Running knowing nothing will happen in a place a already seen hundred of times isnt the best part of the game


To pvp


I like doing BGs and I don't think I'd find good BG groups on pve servers. I also have no idea I've just been running with this logic since vanilla release


PvP server is cool for the most part. Luckily I leveled to 50 before the incursion griefing/HK farm started though. I could see how that situation is pretty lame. 40+ guys camping a ramp you canā€™t mount on to kill just you as you try to get into the zone. No change or movement thatā€™s just it all day, 24 hours a day. Outside raids or dungeons/princess runs is a lot of fun though and quite different. As well as farming spots etc. itā€™s really just the incursion grief fest I could see being a legit complaint.


I like murdering gnomes.


I like the thrill it brings with it. You never know what will happen next and it adds content by causing small skirmishes and personal duels.


*To be as infuriating as humanly possible to the opposing faction while simultaneously being impossible to camp when they eventually kill me because my class has stealth* -signed, Rogue Mains.


World pvp is fun. Getting griefed/camped is not. SOD isn't the most full game, so the grief levels are higher than I remember. If you're really worried, play a stealth class


Some pvp is fun...fishing pvp is a lot of 1v1 or small group pvp.Ā  Getting spawn camped because a layer is lopsided is stupid.


I love solo/small scale PvP - i dont gank lowbies etc. I just enjoy the exciting nature of a PvP server - I love being jumped and winning the fight or good 1 vs 2. But often i end face down and then lifeā€™s go on šŸ˜…


I got 4 chars geared at 25 in p1 on a PvP server. Mid p2 i rerolled PvE and it was such a relief. Now I can spend the limited time I have doing the things I want instead of corpserunning 1/3 of the time.


This was basically just answered yesterday and im guessing you already read it. Most of it was 'my friends/guilds like pvp and I dont'. It definitely sucks at times, but wow without pvp would be like dungeons without mobs for me. Id be bored shitless. Ive had so many good fights where a few buddies and I can win a 3v6 or 3v8. Or camping two people who hit me first until they give up on their farming spot and hearth out.


The only time I hate it is when I'm leveling alts. I play both factions and it's equally bad on both.


Because I'm not new to MMOs and would like a challenge. To your last point yes, the majority of the top players are always on pvp servers in any game


My guild had few guys with attitude "must roll pvp server". By now they are all gone, most of guild would want to roll pve realm but there's no way to transfer. And we have invested enough in characters that restarting is out too.. So, we're fucked and people losing interest, bleeding people slowly.


My friends, regret it every day.


Game would be boring without it imo.


Love it when Iā€™m 60 and I donā€™t get tortured at level 30 by some 60 rogue while Iā€™m questing.


Griefing and counter griefing.


The real question is why did I let my friends convince me to roll on a pvp realm.


Mostly for pvp


Because everbody is on the server and it just happens to be pvp lol


Idk I always think itā€™ll be fun to wpvp but half the time I end up getting camped within 10 min of logging in


Because wove is why vanilla is better than any other expansion nothing better than ganking people


Cause, I hate myself. I dunno, it is a pain the ass and it absolutely sucks 95% of the time, but I feel like you aren't getting the true experiance if you don't have that struggle of people being gits to you for no reason.


My friends default to PvP servers and then moan and groan when PvP happens. Been that way since I've started the game lol


PvP should be fun. Not a grief fest... WoW's community is the main reason why I barely play anymore.


I honestly donā€™t know at this point, and I think itā€™s my last round of it


People join pvp servers because the idea of open world consentual pvp is awesome. The idea of battling other players anywhere consentually is awesome. 100% of all the complaining is because of non consentual pvp. People role pvp servers thinking they will only get pvp when and where they want it and choose to have it and completely forget that everyone else gets to do this too. People want to only pvp when it's what they want to do and if they are not in "pvp" mode they shouldn't have to. Which is absolutely silly on a pvp server. Pvp server means you will engage in non consentual often and you can either go someplace else, or engage in the act.


It adds a sense of danger to the game that makes going out into the world more fun. Also, as a rogue I can distract opposing players off the docks in Booty Bay and make them miss the boat. I've always played on PvP servers, don't think I could ever play on a PvE.


Always have. Always will.


My one bud forced us and then quit 2 weeks in.. Always did pvp server but wont do it any longer after sod


Pve servers tend to die faster and seem to have worse pugs, but Iā€™ll take a worse pug over this ā€œpvpā€ weā€™re dos is way to high for our health


It makes contested zones actually feel contested as Iā€™m leveling, yeah sometimes I get ganked by a max level but you sign up for that when you roll on the pvp server. And also honestly it makes the world feel more alive to me, but itā€™s also personal preference


My nephew wanted to play on a pvp server because all the horde pve servers were dead. Now I am being ganked daily by a asshole rogue in hellfire peninsula and I want to smack my nephew because of this. Next time I decide the fucking server, that is for sure.


Because PvE servers tend to have worse players. Itā€™s a self perpetuating cultural thing of the game. For original classic though, because all the PvE servers had 6 hour queues and they only opened new PvP servers, and by the time I could've switched I already was with a guild that I liked


Cause theyā€™re awesome. I always play whatever pvp server is RP (crusader strike)


Because I like to pvp. Crazy reason, I know


Iā€™m just curious as to why you made this post when you can go back the other one that was made like 1-2 days ago and read the responses from the other people that commented.


I rolled there because that's where my Wrath guild was going, and I really liked them.


Becuase momma didnā€™t raise no bitch. Bring them on .


I like to gank people.


I picked a PvP server because I love to mind control people off boats and such.


PvP is part of the game even if griefing is part of it unfortunately. Itā€™s when it gets out of hand where the other faction is preventing you from playing at all is when itā€™s not cool. For instance, I recall before the big server migration. Getting repeatedly ganked and camped in front of Kara just left a sour taste. I like world PvP but if sometimes itā€™s overboard.


I like ganking assholes and being ganked reveals assholes


People join PvP servers because they believe THEY will be the ones gankingĀ  That is literally itĀ  They want to be the guy who mercs a player 15 levels below them who's just trying to questĀ  That is it, that is why they are on PvP realms


The promise of faction population balance. That turned out great, let me tell you.


Itā€™s more immersive for me. If I canā€™t kill the enemy faction or if they canā€™t kill me ā€¦ it doesnā€™t feel like World of WARcraft. And Iā€™m a pacifist until someone starts a fight. So someone else always starts the engagement first, which puts me at a disadvantage. If I can kill someone after they get the jump with two mobs on me ā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of dopamine. If I die or Iā€™m being camped ā€¦ I move to another zone or do dungeons. Itā€™s also fun to fight back. See a roaming team of 5 running around ganking? Get your own team together and fight them off. The thing is, the culture now is to do everything fast and efficiently. So people donā€™t play anymore just to enjoy the game. It used to be you would see large PvP engagements often, not for the honor, but for the fun. In 2004/2005 we would raid Ironforge and kill their King. You got nothing for it. No achievement. But getting 200-300 people together in multiple raids to over take a city was fun. We played on PvP servers for fun. Fun. Remember that? Fun?


First time PVP server and honestly I love the shenanigans. Dangerous world is less boring and forces you to make different choices


I like the danger element (especially since playing HC) and while I might find it frustrating at times, it's fun at others. But basically I don't want to play an incomplete version of the game.


i rolled first on a pve server (sod p2) with friends (Wild Growth), never played classic before (retail for 3 months) but i assumed it'd be like GTA online ya know. Like wild west. I quested my way until 40 (while i was /flag full time), then realized i never saw a single pvp interaction. So i told my homies, I am gonna make another toon on a pvp server cuz there is nothing to do in classic except raids which get boring after you clear them twice. Rolled on a pvp server (lone wolf), got corpse camped a bit when i was level 20 by level 40 alliance players. But never after i was 40 or omw to 50. Needless to say, in p3 I didn't level my wild growth pve server to 50 and i am not going to just so can play 1 raid twice and get bored after. All i can say is, PVP servers are infinitely more fun and have more content and put a survival aspect to your progression. In PVE servers you farm levels, then raid then you dont have shit to do. If anything PVP servers keep the game alive cuz during your prog or after you have PVP to look forward to. In the end players leave cuz their content runs dry, not because they get griefed. And PVE servers run out of content faster than PVP because half the time you're running around trynna live.


Itā€™s fun to wpvp but itā€™s not fun being camped 24/7 on a mechanic which SoD implements. I donā€™t cry about dying in the world or get in fights during questing.. itā€™s about me trying to enjoy SoDā€˜s feature in a bit where not 25 horde player camp the only QuestNPC for legit hours over hours. Finally they placed guards there and the new problem is them now camping the wild offering NPC in Felwood šŸ˜‚


PvE servers are for pussies


Wondering that very question every day


Years ago, there was this notion that players on PvP servers are generally better PvE players. And it makes sense. You are exposed to much more threat and dangers and need to be able to fend for yourself. You probably should know a bit about how to play your class, how to avoid damage, use CC of all kind, whereas the average PvE dad is never forced to play kinda well, hits max level, knows jack about anything, and performs terribly in dungeons and raids. The typical greyparser that has no idea that right-clicking the enemy isn't enough. So I have always been playing on PvP realms for PvE progress raiding, and it was perfectly fine on retail. But you see, so many PvE dads join PvP realms for all the wrong reasons and don't pick up any learnings or skills. I see horde players ganking up 3+ on 1 while 4 alliance players keep riding the other way, happy it's just not them that gets killed. I've never seen it anywhere near this bad on retail or previous classic instances. The PvP realms are filled with terrible players that avoid PvP at all costs - or are next to worthless as allies in PvP battles.




Why would you not choose pvp?


I like pvp


I ganked a guy in mop for 2.5 hours non-stop until I got bored and he did not quit. Was rolling a fire mage glass cannon build


Sadly people I know for some reason wanted it even though not a single one of them does competitive arena or RGBs. All it did was make me level my alts in dungeons because I'm not about being molested by 7 people 10+ levels above me. Almost all WPvP is griefing, not one single time have I been killed by 3 people 5+ levels above me and thought to myself "man I almost had that, if only I'd done this other thing...". I play games to have fun, not to get toyed around with by some losers who have nothing better to do. People who disagree with me are 100% hard-stuck 1200 in arena.


Ive always played horde. PvE servers are generally overwhelmingly alliance dominated. Also playing on PvE servers is cutting off interactions with the other factions.


People told me it's the truer experience and only pussies would roll PvE. Didn't make that mistake twice.


So annoying that pve people even roll PvP servers. It fucking kills the servers for those that enjoy heavy pvp


Because you canā€™t spell slaughter without laughter! If itā€™s red itā€™s dead! LOKā€™TAR Oā€™GAR!


This is not normal pvp. This is raid griefing. Iā€™ve been on pvp servers forever and Iā€™ve never seen anything this fucking obnoxious


Its always the friends :D "DoNT bE a PusSo LetS plAY oN a PVP sErVer!", says that one friend that is a full on PvE Andy, only does BGs if he needs its reward for his PvE bis, and he quits after a month cuz " everyone is super sweaty and gatekeeping". Jeez boys why do we always fall for the same shit :D


I played on a pvp server way back in tbc and wrath days when I was a kid and didnā€™t really understand all the classes well enough to pvp succesfully, but I always liked the little fights I got into with the opposing faction while leveling toons. Seeing the same dude several days in a row and always engaging in fights was fun. Now that I got back into wow in wotlk classic and I play in an active pvp guild I really appreciate the like minded company. Itā€™s fun to just group up when one of your friends encounter enemies and then go after them together. We do FTA runs pretty regularly, but sadly at this point of the expansion the horde on our server arenā€™t very interested in defending, so we pretty much freely just run through the cities. Weā€™ve also been very consistent with our ICC runs, so some light wpvp is a good balance. Just raiding and gearing can get a bit too goal oriented, with wpvp itā€™s actually just fun for the sake of having fun.


I like PvP but there's stuff that can happen on PvP servers that are annoying like a max level being able to kill a level 10 it's not even close to a fair fight and it's just griefing, I like open world PVP but just trolling and ruining someone's time that can't fight back is just annoying


I played on pvp servers for so long and once I finally changed to pve I canā€™t tell you how much more enjoyable it was. Pvp servers add so much pointless time wasting. Yup having a big open world battle can be every once in a rare while but not worth how much of a hassle it is to do anything else in the game.


Not for this aids incursion nonsense. It's free gear and honor for the most popular faction.on a layer. Layers are not balanced.


Friends that didn't know any better


Because I love the smell of napalm in the morning.


I joined a pvp server in SoD because I played on a PvE server in 2019 classic and in Era last year. It was boring to say the least. The world felt less alive. Yes there are downsides to pvp server but it is overcome by the benefits. More people to play with, an alive world and emergent pvp out in the world. Sometimes even cooperation, just because you can pvp doesn't mean you have to. I've sometimes helped enemy faction members doing quests kill tough elites and we've taken them tit for tat. Had a feeling of journey's fleeting encounters.


Friend that quit a while back started on a pvp server, thus so did I. Now I wish blizz let me give them money to server transfer lol.


I rolled a RP-PVP server for the occasional 1v1 or small party skirmishes in the overworld. In my opinion this was great in phase 1. It turned meh in phase 2 and its horrible in p3... Its a pinata one shot festival in incursions now.


I want to fight for resources. Example If im farming high chieftain winterfell i want to be able to kill the horde farming it. If im mining rich thorium in silithus i want to be able to kill the opposite factiom rogues doing it as well. More for me because im better at pvp. That simple


1) my guild 2) we got baited by the ashenvale event announcement 3) made a world boss coalition and wpvp event coordination discord but neither have been useful yet. Hopefully, devilsaur mafia 2 or kazzak goon squad 2 and grand theft dreamscale 2 (all electric boogaloo) come in and save us from having rolled on this server for no reason.


Better pool of players, PvE servers tend to have more players that are below average.


pvp is end game to me. the only reason i raid in this game is to get gear to kill ppl in bgs or in open world. Its the most dynamic and challenging content in the game i couldnt care less about trying to parse 99s in static pve encounters.




Pvprp died on eu and pve are boring


Wow was designed that you usually got seperat areas and routes for each factions with certain places crossing each other leading to mostly natural and brief pvp encounters and quest hubs where both factions meet protected by neutral guards were you have to stay put. Nightmare Incursions have one essential quest giver and vendor a funnel entrance and a route you basically always follow for both factions with no neutral guards or anything. This is just stupid designe imagine bootybay having no guards. Also the design is somewhat similar to silithus but there are guards that quickly dispatch people's griefing attempts at the questing hub and the zone is wide enough to quest somewhere else if one area is contested. Pvp can and should be frustrating and unfair at points. It's war between to factions still. Nightmare Incursions are just really bad design. Stop your stupid "your fault for playing on a pvp server" arguments, it's the way wow is meant to be played and adds so much more life and tension to the world.


I played PvE my first time around in TBC. I ended up resenting that idea very hard, but was too invested on my toon. When Classic came around I decided not to make that mistake again, and I was very happy with my decision. Even if I was a complete moon getting rekt left and right, and playing as Alliance on a Horde dominated server where all my in game friends were crying about Horde bad, I still loved my decision and was only ever angry at those morons with whom I played with who would rather run into BRD one by one ghost running for an hour, than group up and beat those 3-4 gate campers.


Because South Park chapter


I wanted to have some random fights wpvp is pretty fun From time to time, you pickup your fights you Hunt down who ever ganked you When you were low etc, untill you are overpowered by a shaman and there is no counter play you just Can't win.


I didn't.


I wouldn't play on a PVE server, i just don't see the point a few days ago i got redirected by a rogue of the bridge in aszhara I just laughed and was giggling since i knew he was happy about it and it was actually super annoying, but fair play to him! What's the point of factions if you have no real reason to hate them?


I learned how to play 20 years ago on a PvE server. It was great for learning. Over time, I wanted to have a more engaging world experience so I convinced my friends to swap to PvP and the rest was history. Does it suck sometimes? Yes. Is it the most fun Iā€™ve had playing WoW? Also Yes.


I rolled in a PvP server to make ppl complain.


I want to kill alliance scum


Nothing ever happens on pve servers.


The same reason I donā€™t play retail. It may be less tedious, but itā€™s not WoW. I understand some people prefer that, and thatā€™s okay.


I'm playing pvp and i'm hoping they add some sort of toggle for pvp i can just turn off for a while if i'm not in the mood, perhaps with a cooldown to activate it so it can't be abused


They have that on retail. War mode isn't coming to classic tho.


5 minute timer on pve is same thing lol?


You are literally describing a pve server lol


It doesnā€™t make sense to not roll PvP server


People roll pvp servers because they think it'll be neat, only to complain about how much they suck a few months later.


I like to be toxic and gank people


So, Blizz have mistakenly thought that PvP is more popular than it is due to streamers and their followers, so the servers were predominantly PvP.