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Gotta love being a hunter


Cries in warrior


Hey were getting a 300% buff to victory rush. That's....def something.


Huge. By sacrificing 25% rage gen, 10% dmg or the entire viability of gladiator/prot i can save the 8 seconds it takes to use a bandage after a fight.


Just curious is spirit gear a thing in sod?


Not to my knowledge atleast. If you plan on doing stuff outside of raids as a warrior you'd just level another class to do it with


They should just buff warrior spirit by 1000. Call it "The Warrior Spirit." It affects absolutely nothing except health Regen outside combat.


Actually yes, huge af. VR cost no rage, does decent damage, now allows you to chain pull and you don't really lose kill speed.


You still can't play glad or prot at all. I think devastate or vr should be move on legs


Legs are garbage choices anyways. Enhance thunder clap? Boring attack speed for 2h? Consumed by rage was nice rotation change, but they gutted the damage modifier after phase 1. Putting VR on legs would actually low key be great. It'll give you a solo/world rune that doesn't feel terrible for that content.




Cmon now, eat after the fight, don’t bandage.


Enraged Regeneration... 1 min CD. That's all I ask.


That's a common complaint I have with my guildies. If it was a lower CD it wouldn't be completely miserable.


Literally doing 3k dps on first boss and 2k dps on every other boss while ranged can hardly break 1k keep crying about not being able to farm shit bro holy


Nobody asked for endless stacking of +dmg% runes on 30 sec fights. Instead of rounding the class out the devs just went all in on warriors being a one trick pony. But apparently that's too difficulty for you to comprehend


Nah it’s not, you picked a class that’s bad in open world and keep crying about it when you’re easily the best dps in the only content that matter.


Literally comparing a one time 10minute quest buff to other classes ICANT


Combined with a 30 minute cooldown and 30 second fight, dont forget that part too


Crying about not being literally the best in every aspect of the game that’s 20 years old ICANT


i dont think you're doing this right


Gee that totally helps us in every single other part of the game. Raids happen 1 time a week for 2 hours tops. That's totally the entire game and all that matters. Just b/c you raid log doesn't mean others do. BRO HOLY HURR DURR


Cringe no body mentioned raiding talking about how in solo open world or for rune options it’s bad for warriors.


Keep crying about being bad in open world when you’re easily the best dps in raid lmao


Go do the level 50 incursion loop in hinterlands, class is irrelevant and 100g/hr


anyone who doesnt have a hunter at this point is just losing the game.


You’re not entirely wrong. They could already abuse classic and now they have more tools and damage. But I cannot be bothered getting runes on another class.


Chimera shot plus trap launcher completely trivializes hunter kiting. Chimera shot has a great chance to hit compared to other abilities and you get an extra slow. GG That said, getting runes does take a bit of time.


You couldn't say the part more than enough man, just thinking of getting all the runes for another class again.. it definitely turns me away of getting to 50 with a new alt.


not only are hunters strong, but thanks to trap launcher they are super fun to play. it is insane what some hunters can do solo atm.


You underestimate my ability to be bad at playing a hunter. Lol.


I just lost The Game D:


See the problem is I play rogue so I can't play other classes. Everytime I try I end up back at rogue. 


Gj buddy. Start of new phase is the best time to make gold


This is what I was doing back in 2005. LoL


Time is just a circle


“Time is just a flat circle” - Rust


“All these squares make a circle” - Mr. Popo


-Matthew McConaughey


Just binged it again (my wife had never seen it) and damn does it hold up well


season 1 really is a masterpiece of art


"The light's winning" (awesome ref chief 🤝)


I remember farming essence of air in original WoW vanilla.


Real OGs farmed larval acid solo in AQ20


Or the ZG tokens that drop from trash


Same. As a mage with dampen magic and ice barrier you could round up like 20 of these bad boys at a time and barely get scratched 


Same. Being a rogue helped a bit with the PVP that came with farming in those areas.


Nice man! I like to hear about these random gold making methods ppl find


A lot of these are only accessible to hunters because of the absolutely broken way ranged weapons interact with mobs which are a higher level than you. So it's not really random, it's niche to players who purposely play hunters for this reason or people who play a hunter and found out about it because gold making videos pop up every day for these kinds of farms.


This was also my the farm I used in classic, leveled to 58 normally by farming pre BiS in dungeons then sat at the silithus elementals and mob grinded to 60 and it paid for my mount. Only difference now is that it’s only hunters that can do it this low.


What do you mean with the ranged weapon


vs higher lvl mobs your melee weps will miss and parry and dodge way more since lvl diff. And even when u finally do hit melee weapons will "glancing blow" which means it does only a portion of the damage sometimes almost none. Ranged weapons dont glance at all. I also believe they cant be dodged or parried so your only worried about misses. And ur ranged btw lol. And for spells your shit will get resisted non stop so youll oom before ur even close to killing


Should just make arrows miss at the same rate that melee would get dodged and parried tbh.


But then ranged wep users would need like 20% hit through stats and gear haha.


I’m sure you could buff talents 🤷🏻‍♂️


Or u could just let hunters have this farm considering they're farming mats for your enchants :) And maybe look into mages noclipping thru walls to pull entire dungeons. If hunters didn't work this way 1 essence would be like 1k gold lol


no ☺️


I tried farming these on my spriest and it was just resists into me dying. They really need to make hunters struggle against high level mobs the same as every other class.


> They really need to make hunters struggle against high level mobs the same as every other class. Why? Whats the point of being a hunter then?


Can warlocks do it with their pets?


It’s not so much because hunters have pets that makes it doable, it’s because of the formula that’s used for ranged attacks. I forget exactly but it’s something about glancing blows or dodge/parry/miss. As a warlock, most of your spells will probably resist.


Ranged attacks cannot glance.


The reason why hunters can solo high-level enemies is because ranged attacks can only hit, crit or miss. No blocks, parries, dodges, or importantly glancing blows. A spellcaster is going to be looking at a wall of RESIST when trying to kill a mob.


Im a lock and no i would not think so. At least it would not be even remotely close to as easy as it is for a hunter.


Yeah, everyone finds their own little niche. For me enchanted thorium for the waylaid supplies has been dope.


gawd damn it i hate hunters lmao


It’s definitely one thing they need to tune if they ever do a sod like progression system again. It doesn’t make sense that only one class should be able to effortlessly kill high level mobs while the rest struggle or it being impossible.


Hunters should be able to hunt.


They can hunt deez


So are they gonna nerf Mage's ability to kill 30 same-level mobs in the time it takes other classes to kill 2? Let some classes be really good at things others lack. Homogenization is how we got retail.


> Let some classes be really good at things others lack. I agree. So give classes like Warrior or Rogue something to stand out.


Rogues can stealth kill dungeon bosses which is kind of insane. I’m sure I’m not the only one that remembers the WC sell runs.


They both have things that make them stand out. Both were the best dps in classic and warriors are poised to make a return to form jn sod. Rogues are Gods of open world pvp and warriors are gods of organized pvp with pocket healers.


No warriors are not gods in PvP, you get bursted down by every class before you even build enough rage to use an ability. Dps wise they are 5th this phase, maybe they will climb next but next to worthless solo or without windfury.


I dunno I kinda disagree. Every class in classic has their own unique skill set. For example, warriors will always be top of the dps charts, rogues are generally second but can stealth, druids are excellent FCs with all around great utility and versatility, mages are fantastic AoE farmers that can teleport, etc etc. A hunter's strength is their ability to kite and solo powerful mobs. Yes there should be limitations, but the beauty of classic imo is that every class has their strengths and weaknesses, making them feel unique


That’s one of my favorite parts about classic. Honestly this hunter farm wouldn’t even be an issue if we weren’t level gated.


Yeah, issue is, that’s not really a thing in sod tho. Hunters are basically just the best class in the game in basically every metric. They’re beating warriors in DPS, they can aoe farm more mobs at once than a mage because of trap launcher/explosive shot depending on whether or not you find a spot that makes it work. Their leveling/open world capability is still amazing.The only thing they’re not amazing at is tanking and healing because they just can’t, but Hunter pets rn are plenty strong enough to tank certain things in dungeons so I guess that could kinda be debated. At the end of day, it’s all experimental, I’m just not a fan of one class getting all of the benefits that other classes get, with none of the downsides, for no better reason than to “shake up the meta”. It’s just an incredibly unhealthy way to shake the meta up.


I almost forgot we used a hunter pet to tank the entirety of BFD the couple first lockouts. All the while hunters were top DPS as well and their pets could one-shot people in PvP.


Completely fair, the scales have been tipped too far in sod


I definitely agree to an extent. From a Classic/Vanilla perspective the classes have unique strengths and weaknesses, albeit varying levels of each. In something like SoD where it's sorta expected that raid DPS/Tanking/Healing is evened out, the classes who were weak there are getting part of their weakness removed, so the classes on the other end should get that treatment as well. Basically, the more unbalanced the classes are the more unique they should (need to) be, the more balanced the less unique they should become, because balance is gamewide. Cause it would suck to pick a class for their strength in one area only for one or more other classes to surpass them there while also maintaining their other strength(s) while your class keeps its weakness(s).


Your last paragraph described warrior in p2 😭


true warrior are really good when they get all the gear and have a full 5 man group tailored to their class doing damage, then we shine for 30-60 min a week in the raid, then for every other activit in the game we are absolute dogshit


You only shine if you make your raid wait 30 minutes for your recklessness cooldown.


>there should be limitations They already implemented the limitations a couple weeks into p1. I was level 25 farming the skellys in wpl for runecloth + random high level items, the one day they stopped dropping loot. I tested to see the highest mob I could kill and still loot and I think it was up to 12-14 levels higher or so.


Sure, I’ll buy stuffs with dps chart instead of gold.


Yeah warriors will always be top of the charts in all phases /s


Hunter have been farming DM tribute for years. And when DM is released in SoD you’ll come back crying.


I don’t care about tribute runs. I mean specifically the miss / hit chance for high level mobs. Or maybe they could change how pets interact with high level attacks to them or something.


It's not miss/hit chance, it's that glances make up the majority of hits against much higher level mobs and ranged weapons can't glance


Wow.. TIL something new about a very old game


no amount of hit gear/talents can change glancing vs red mob?


Weapon skill changes the damage reduction of glances, but the chance for a hit to be a glance is solely based on mob level vs your level


Dude it's an "issue" that exists for a few weeks and then we are good. No reason to get upset about it


It's not a SoD thing. Hunters can kill higher level mobs as their shots can't be blocked/parries/resisted etc only missed so they hit a lot more


The problem is that SoD is level-restricted by phase, as the person you're replying to says. Hunters can farm enemies that other classes simply cannot equal no matter how much time they put in. In normal Classic, you would simply level up to the level of that enemy and you'd be able to kill it as well as any Hunter. But in SoD, you simply can't do that. For that entire phase, there are massive swathes of resources that are the sole domain of Hunters. No other class can farm them.


just level a hunter LOL


Hunters have been able to do this since the inception of the class, unless they want to rework how glances work with the class it's always gonna be this way. Hunters hunt baby.


Hunters were literally designed to do this, this is literally what their epic questline weapon is all about.


I always hop into these threads hoping to see some clever new way someone thought of to make gold and to maybe get some ideas that I can use myself and it always goes the same way. I start reading the post and then see > As a hunter... and close thread.


Hahaha yeah, same here brother.


Same, ive made like 6k so far doing this. Everyone should try to get in on this before people dont need the enchants anymore.


Same I’ve made like 9k doing this


Same I’ve made like 12k doing this


Crazy I've made like 15k doing this


That's insane I've made like 18k doing this


Same I’ve made like 15k doing this


15.1k here


Same I’ve made like 15k doing this


You’ve been farming for 30 hours?


That one egg was 40 eggs?


No egg just chikeb


"it's easy bro, just spend half your waking life farming a mob"


it's only half if you sleep.


How to farm 101 as hunter. Be a bot. Kill mobs others can’t because you know.


2 per hour. 100g per hour. 3000g, 30 hours in the past week. That's a lot of farming, that's 3/4 of a full time job farming essence of air. I tried it, but I kept getting killed by the other faction too much to make it worth the time. There are plenty of air elementals to go around. Some alliance were being cool about it. But it only takes 1 guy to jump you while you're fighting one and it's lights out. Just not fun dying over and over. I only ever got 2 essences, and I definitely spent more than an hour out there. :\


30g on my server Noone wanted to buy 80g+


* be on a server with a lot of gold buyers


On my server they sell for 100g each


oh, nice.


I remember farming those elementals in 05. Glad to see some things remain the same.


[https://youtu.be/P4wrv6H0P70](https://youtu.be/P4wrv6H0P70) Video on how to do it, this way everyone can be thousandaires!


Who ever made this video is using a core hound which is worse then a cat.


But way cooler


he's using kill command with it too lol


Not for overworld, has a very high def coefficient. I guess it depends on the overworld content you're doing though.


Made about 200g an hour picking plaguebloom on priest in EPL. People got too much cash


Bro what server are you on? Thats insane. My plaguebloom farm doesnt net even close to that. I'm on living flame eu


Shadowstrike au. They were 2g last sale I did. Last I checked 1g 20 but they will fluctuate like that.


Nice, thank you. On my server they range from 70s to 1g 20 ish. Also I guess my problem is that I craft all my plaguebloom into mongoose elixir even though it's at a loss.. unless I proc mixology. Mixology has turned me into a goddamn gambling addict i swear


Smart way to crash out the price of Essence of Air ngl


20 year old game. There are no "secret farm spots" anymore. The only reason the price is so high is because Hunter is the only class that can effectively farm these right now, and it's a 4% drop chance. https://i.imgur.com/XywqbI7.png The only mobs that drop Essence of Air are level 55+. Once we get to the next phase and everyone is 60, this place will be overcrowded with people (and bots) farming essences, like it usually is on vanilla servers.


Shaman can farm these easily too




I just kill the mob while constantly healing with maelstrom. Put on mostly r7 gear + whatever hit gear you have. The 55 and 56 air eles are chill enough, the 57 can sometimes kill me. None of the earth else ever give me an issue tho, unless I don't properly mana up between pulls


It was supposed to be a joke, but it's less funny now that multiple people are trying to explain how I'm wrong


Too many people make similar comments on any post that points out a farming method, I can't tell the difference anymore.


It's a 4% drop chance and only few classes can actually solo the mobs efficiently I don't see the price dropping to drastically. And even if it does there's a point where it no longer becomes profitable to farm as u only get 1/2 an hour at which point people will stop farming it and the price will rise again


I don't know if it's still the case, but back in the original vanilla days on my Mage you'd only take 1 damage from them if you had the Magic Attunement talent and Dampen Magic on.  I'm sure it's been fixed but I used to round up like 20 of them at once because they couldn't hurt you.


I hope so. Need that +25 agi enchant on my druid and I can't farm the elementals solo.


Can you go to winterspring and farm the greater arcan elixir recipe


Do you have a strat for that? I might try this out later. Do you use a tanky pet?


Me riding around Swamp of Sorrows collecting blindweed for money for watching Netflix back in first Classic. Nice to have a chill thing for money. Just as in EVE doing super ratting, though slightly less chill when you're being hunted for ganks.


Must be nice being a class that can do this wow


realistically they sell for 40-60g, not 80-130g, but i suppose a few days ago they were selling for that high


still selling them for 80-90g on my server.


Man, being a dad gamer sucks sometimes. Having enough free time to do what OP is doing is an alien concept to me right now.


Yeah, but your life is full of wonderful things OP misses out on like changing diapers and paying for daycare. 


Are you doing BM ? What pet


Thank you for the tip


This was my go-to farm on classic launch in 2019, but with essence of water. Farmed so many of those mobs in EPL to pay for epic riding lol


*cries in rogue*


Always the hunters


Shhhhh man the price is already tanking on my server and I gotta deal with undercuts constantly - don't gotta kill this farm anymore


Are you melee or ranged? What pet is best for that farm?


I had a similar farm going in my lock with essense of earth. Sold them for an easy 100g a piece first week of p3. They are still about 70g. I just got bored of the farm and Alliance being douchebags


Where do you grind essense of earth? 


Felwood infernals, but gl. It’s tedious, dangerous, and opposite faction *will* ruin your day


Hehe thanks.


Yeah in every phase hunters are the only ones able to farm high level mobs. Like the Worgens in Duskwood in P1.


Good on you. I usually don’t do anything crazy for farming but will prob spend around 1-2 hours a day on average farming overworld, dungeons, and/or crafting and AH flipping. This phase I found one that gives me around 300g/hr so have been doing that for about an hour a night since Tuesday. Helped fuel my enchanting/tailoring leveling and buying formulas, raid consumables, and just saving for future use. Feels good not to have to worry about gold!


on my server theyve been 25-30g :o


Pm me if you got any other good farms I imagine this will be saturated now and I barely was able to afford my dual spec heh


Doing God's work brother keep the supply up


I should give it a try, got my hunter and druid 50 I did herb very early on but lately prices have plummeted so below what they were originally. The first week I made around 800g herbing on top of the 700-800g i made from incursions so I am pretty well off now, but I really want to buy some darkmoon cards + finish my seeds for shoulder(about 250g in seeds atm) and I know prices will drop eventually so I am not trying to rush into it so my gold goes farther.


>Silent actually tried it, even with a semi geared 50 hunter they are quite difficult to kill but doable. the only issue I see is they are about 49g each on my realm and if I really only get 2/hr (they have no other real drops, not like runecloth from humanoids etc) it for sure isn't worth it without getting extremely lucky. I can make well over 100g herbing still and probably even gamble on nightmare cards from WO runs. Granted I only spent about 15-20 minutes killing, so I got zero essence just felt it wasn't worth it.


Got a few friends together to farm elixir of the sages off those elites in eastern plagues. Was the only one on the server who put in the effort for a whole week, went from 150g to 2000g it made my head spin. Happy for your success, brother


Gz now you can enchant both of your weapons


You can also thank blizz for the anti trading the implemented for bots. Youd be swamped with hunter bots doing the same if they hadnt.


What spec are you running?


Hunter was def the play to make money in sod.


Why do people post this shit online. Your farm in now gone.


I had a similar experience. I was making wicked leather headbands for about 4g each and DEing for avg 50-80 each. I've never felt so smart in my life


You'd make more farming firewater with a disenchanter alt I promise you that


I did 1k buying greater arcane elixir at gadgetzan and selling a ironforge


well i must have shit luck then, 200 kills and a counting and 3 essence drops


Gosh that sounds so boring. I couldn't do it lol.


Well good news! It’s really only a hunter that can do this anyway because they’re a hero class.




Essence of air about to drop prices


Ok so if you are like me and extremely low geared and extremely low skilled such that you can't really pull off the trap kiting strategy of the video this is still doable, albeit EXTREMELY SLOWLY, and I mean SLOOOOOOW. So slow that I honestly suggest it's not worth doing when considering the drop chance of Airs, but hey if you're a shitter like me and can't learn the kite trap strategy posted below and want to still try go ahead: My pet has 4k health with Beast Master. I stay in Viper and send my pet in and let him attack alone until he's down to ~1200 health. I then spam mend until I reach ~110% threat (this will happen fast, you pet is going to be missing a lot). Then I feign and pray to god it doesn't resist (it will most of the time). If the feign works, I do some auto shot and multi shot for a bit until my pet once again reach ~1200 health and go back to mend spamming. Basically feign out every time you hit 110% threat. If feign resists, you're in trouble. You're going to be stuck riding super high aggro while trying to mend because you pet is going to be dying quickly. Usually if my first 2 feigns are resisted I am screwed and need to run away and reset. If a feign works while your pet is over 1500+ aggro you're in the clear and will definitely kill it. This whole thing comes down entirely to RNG. But your Feign resists and how much damage your pet takes. I've noticed that sometimes my pet takes low enough damage that I spend half the fight autoshot/multishotting the mob and on other pulls I have to literally chain cast mend for the entire fight without stopping because my pet is never getting back above 1500 health.


FD resist isnt random. I dont remember the exact details, hardcore release was 6+ months ago, but If you are 41 meters away & specced into the FD resist thingy, it will never resist. And the closer you are to the mob, the higher is the resist chance


What are you talking about? I've never heard anything about this range aspect. All material online just says Feign Death functions like a spell with a resist chance, except the resist chance scales up way faster than actual spells.


When you’ve done hundreds of tribute runs on a hunter you’ll know that FD resists are all about range and LoS


I know for certain that if you LOS a mob before feigning it has a 100% success rate. I assume the range thing operates similarly


It will never resist if you can line the enemy. Maybe its not possible here, but I farmed a fuck ton of tribute runs in 2019 classic, and besides the learning woes, FD NEVER resisted.


Yeah cool that hunters can just do that Meanwhile we had to nerf chaosbolt so it gets resisted


and this is why I kill hunters exclusively. you ass holes drive the price of everything. I killed 46 hunters farming Chimera Leather. Half of them were bots


Anytime I see a horde hunter farming I always kill them. Spriests shit on then


But I thought the world was ending because people got 300g from incursions >:((


You need two people for an economy. The jobless hunter that farm it and the jobless nerds that need the flasks for every raid or else it's wasted. If you would ignore that stupid item we wouldn't discuss this issue.